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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3505496 No.3505496 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most parasitical way to make money?

>> No.3505502

affiliate marketing

>> No.3505540
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NEET bux

>> No.3505542
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being a NEET and asking your parents for money

>> No.3505595

getting a divorce from your rich husband

>> No.3505604

I'd say HFT and issuing loans to governments are two activities which just leech value without creating anything.

>> No.3505614

Buying foodstamps. See, you go to the projects and exchange foodstamps for dollars. There are people who have foodstamps but dont want to be seen using them. So you give them real dollars for foodstamps but make the exchange in your favor.

>> No.3505656

Selling drugs, mlm, welfare

Depending on your belief system

>> No.3505667

Create a bank and then get government approval to print money with zero oversight.

Give people loans using money you printed for zero cost and use whatever real property or items they have as collateral. Give the loans out to people you know won't be able to pay you back and then when they fail to pay you back take their house, car or whatever tangible goods they have.

Now keep doing that forever.

>> No.3505678

Sell coke and invest proceeds in Raytheon

>> No.3505716
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>Take money from investors
>Assure them the money is safe and every dollar is accounted for
>Secretly lose tons of it in money making schemes
>When investors come asking for money pay them with funds from other investors
>Screwed if all investors come to withdraw funds at once
>forced to take out loans from other fraudulent funds to pay back investors
>Be a bank

Pic unrelated

>> No.3505721

Cash for gift cards. Buy gift cards, people with drug addictions steal shit and return it to get the gift cards. Thereby perpetuating their addiction and raises retail costs. Problem is you don't know when a gift card stolen. Sell the gift cards on raise.com

>> No.3505747

>they don't want to be seen using them.

Lel more like trading food stamps for cash to buy crack

>> No.3505753


Loan money and collect interest.

>> No.3505757

But true.
Fucking kikes

>> No.3505758


robert de niro was the perfect madoff

>> No.3505764

Having a vagina.

>> No.3505778

Kek tfw this is 100% accurate