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3498913 No.3498913 [Reply] [Original]


What would happen to the cryptocurrency market if a site like Amazon started accepting payments in Bitcoin? OR some type of PayPal integration? Is this the final sign before the final spike to 10k digital gold?



>> No.3498927

So uh. Why would anyone pay $20 in fees to move funds to an exchange, Buy BTC, Move it to a wallet, then buy shit on amazon. Buying BTC for the exclusive purpose of spending it is not going to happen.

>> No.3498945

>its the future anon
accept it and dont ask questions fag

>> No.3498949
File: 20 KB, 306x306, judgment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck, wow. You're right. Damn, can't believe no one realized this before, I guess Bitcoin is worthless. Everyone sell!

>> No.3498954

Did I say or did I imply that bitcoin was worthless? I'm simply saying that bitcoin as a currency is an idiotic aspiration.

>> No.3498957

only new fag to bitcoin cares about this.

>> No.3498980
File: 21 KB, 307x291, trump laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the first and most used/valued digital currency being used as a currency is an idiotic aspiration

I guarantee you're a DGB hodler.

There are solutions to all of Bitcoins current problems. Some are in the works, others haven't been thought of yet.

Bitcoin will be used for a majority of online purchases in the future, guaranteed.

>> No.3498992

I don't do alt coins. Sure, once lightning is wide spread things can change. That's little more than an appendage coded onto bitcoin. Bitcoin as it has been, and is right now, is useless as a currency. The devs will make it into something it's not right now.

>> No.3499014


> be year 2025
> you're being paid in BTC by McDonalds to oil your AI manager

> be year 2017
> get paid 0.20481 BTC ($800) weekly developing software

I know, it must be hard to stretch your imagination with your assburgers.

You 99%ers are really something special - I sware.

>> No.3499068

> be year 2017
> get paid 0.20481 BTC ($800) weekly developing software
> lose .002 BTC in fees when you need real money to pay rent
> buy $2 mcfood $5 transaction fee

>get paid in $
>lose 0 in fees when I need real money to pay rent
>lose 0 money when I use my bank to send a check to someone

We're not there yet. I know we could get there but we're not. No one is going to buy something for $5 in BTC and pay $5 in fees. Bitcoin is a value instrument and it will stay that way until that problem and others can be fixed.

>> No.3499086

they would make their own coin ya idiot

>> No.3499088

it would fucking suck because the price would stabilize significantly and then bitcoin and crypto would fucking suck ass balls faggot just stfu, also amazon fucking sucks

>> No.3499092


> lose .002 BTC in fees when you need real money to pay rent

Actually I whip out this Bitcoin debit card (https://www.shiftpayments.com) and pay my rent through my landlord's payment portal.

> buy $2 mcfood $5 transaction fee

I mean same thing, I insert the shift card into the card reader on the little pin pad.

>get paid in $
>lose 0 in fees when I need real money to pay rent

You've probably face a lot of overdraft fees in your life anon.

>lose 0 money when I use my bank to send a check to someone

Checks are still a thing?

I have my BTC debit card hooked up to Venmo and just pay people using that.

Wow. I never realized how far behind everyone else was.

>> No.3499093

>year 2047
>traveling home from work (Security at the Moon base) in your Tesla space vehicle
>see Taco Bell on a nearby asteroid
>grab a quesarito for 2 satoshis, charged straight from your bitcoin credit chip

The future is going to be so comfy.

>> No.3499101

>buy something with BTC
>btc moons
>kill self

>> No.3499107

BTC fees are way too high to just use it for purchases like that. They'd have to create an Amazon wallet or something so you can transfer thousands of dollars at a time and then subtract from that balance when you make purchases.

>> No.3499122

that sounds comfy

>> No.3499123

there are bitcoin transactions happening right now for $0.05

amazon eats 2.5% credit card fees

lets say i buy $2000 computer on amazon. credit card fees are $25. bitcoin fees are $0.05

amazon gives me $20 discount for paying in BTC, takes $4.95 extra profit on the item, eats the $0.05 fee for me.

even at $2-3 / tx this sort of thing still makes sense for large ticket items

>> No.3499135


Overstock has been doing this for quite sometime now.

The company even admitted to keeping half the BTC they receive in reserve.

I don't understand why people like >>3499068 are just so stuck in the past.

>> No.3499160
File: 314 KB, 1000x1271, brainlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get paid $3 fiat
>stick it in the bank
>government prints more
>interest rate doesn't beat inflation

>> No.3499190

You're right that it is an idiotic aspiration. It can either be a store of value or a currency but not both. Why would you ever want to pay $100 for something today when that same amount of Bitcoin could be worth $1000 next month?

>in b4 it magically becomes stable when it gets that big

>> No.3499350
File: 34 KB, 640x480, fullmetal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of you dumbasses knows

about purse?

>> No.3500283

oh men, bitcoin woudlnt be that big, if nobody used it in the past . that 10.000BTC pizza has to happen.

I dont now if you heardabout Lightning - you would pay your order through a amazon LN channel with zero fees.

>> No.3500359

>$3 in bank now becomes the equivalent of $1.5 when you retire
>the only time that doesn't happen is when your country went through a rabbit eating phase

>1 coin worth $3 now will become somewhere between $6431 and $0 when you retire

anyway, only housewives and illiterates put their $ in a savings account indefinitely

>> No.3500366
File: 65 KB, 1267x509, syscoin_amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon? I have!

>> No.3500941
File: 76 KB, 320x480, harold-suprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this retarded