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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1005 KB, 1439x1767, IMG_20170915_192848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3495574 No.3495574 [Reply] [Original]

Lmao what did JP Morgan mean by this?

Buy and hold. Don't let them win.

>> No.3495585

wtf am I looking at

>> No.3495592

English is the language of business, I can't read your fucking meatball runes.

>> No.3495594

tf is this?

>> No.3495601

Buyers | sellers | number | paid | time

>> No.3495602

well fucking duh

>> No.3495606

Those brainlets can't trade in this market

>> No.3495609

are you telling me that they are buying up bitcoin as we speak?

>> No.3495617


>> No.3495618

JP Morgan is buying a shittonne of bitcoin

>> No.3495621

so they are trying to crash the price even if they are losing money?

>> No.3495626 [DELETED] 

give more context maybe? JP morgan selling BTC or what?

>> No.3495633

they buy a shitton of bitcoins then dump at a lower price immediately

>> No.3495635

JP morgan is buying btc

>> No.3495638

Meanwhile BBC are airing a stinkpiece on BTC quoting Dimon and holding interviews with 'experts' who are certain BTC is a fraud and a bubble.

The world is fake and gay

>> No.3495645

Fucking Jews, why do they try and ruin everything?

>> No.3495656

What market is this OP? Provide some context so we can get the message out. Thanks in advance.

>> No.3495659

Provide some context so we can get the message out. Thanks in advance. What is the source and why does this source exist?

>> No.3495685


>> No.3495708

Jamie, you are being a naughty boy.

>> No.3495725

What the fuck is NordNet?

>> No.3495746

As far as I am aware it's a nordic stock exchange.

Honestly don't know. It's not my post.

>> No.3495760

JP Morgan and Goldman were behind yesterday's crash. They are buying back in so they can try to crash the market again.

>> No.3495775

Not sure what it is - some sort of 401K for Nordic citizens.

>> No.3495779

basically jp morgan buying enough btc so that they can be right about it whenever they make a prediction. this is also how btc dies.

>> No.3495785

media attention phase

>> No.3495788

I guess they were also behind the pump
at least for that outstanding hourly candle

>> No.3495789

yep, set your longs

>> No.3495795

Arbitrage maybe? For a bank with branches worldwide, they could actually set up arbitrage with almost no fees compared to anyone stuck in 1 country. If there are other exchanges trading relatively higher than that one, I wonder if they're dumping there.

>> No.3495797

fake and gay

>> No.3495801

the world needs to know about this bullshit

>> No.3495803

media attention doesn't matter
bitcoin market is not regulated
jews can do whatever they want

>> No.3495820
File: 307 KB, 1500x1464, doorofperception.com-lennart_nilsson-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"JP Morgan and Goldman tried to crash the market and cause a run. They failed. They were expecting a much larger reaction. The bought back in BTC this morning and will likely stage another attack. Be cautious. Both have short positions, large reserves, and are heavily invested in looking like they are the only ones who understand the market. Crash market, cash out shorts, buy back in, look like Gods to the idiot fuds who give them money."

>> No.3495827

anyone can do whatever they want since it's unregulated
are you going to let a bunch of old farts win /biz/?

>> No.3495830
File: 1.39 MB, 2880x1722, 2017-09-15 at 7.53.34 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


use chrome and translate to english>>3495797

>> No.3495844

They have no chance. Its not a market they can control.
They can only have a small influence on trading.
They are learning this, and if they are as smart as they think.. they will be running the price up, not down.

>> No.3495845

if the market eventually become regulated after all this manipulation
jews wins

if the market keeps unregulated then they can keep doing the manipulation
jews also wins

>> No.3495864

>if you can't beat em, join em
- /biz/pill

>> No.3495868

Fuck that. Hodl for a few years. Put that money in your pocket not theirs.

>> No.3495870

this is awesome. they will lose everything. /biz/ knows they will. the only winning move in crypto is not to play.

>> No.3495881

delete this NOW we are coming

>> No.3495890

So that's what caused that pump today

>> No.3495899

They are inherently evil

>> No.3495912

Guys is this legit? They're trying to crash the market for what reason?

>> No.3495927

Pretty sure more millennials rather invest in cryptos than stocks and that scares them

>> No.3495934

To make money. They also legitimize themselves. If you start making bold predictions and those predictions fail people stop paying attention to you.

>> No.3495940

The sellers are banks, wait I thought only people used bitcoins. Why are banks getting involved with bitcoins?

>> No.3495942
File: 74 KB, 600x960, LetsDoThis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will defeat them, Friends. We will push our boots against their throats one day soon.

>> No.3495943

Can someone send this to forbes or something?

>> No.3495944

When do you think the next attack will be?

>> No.3495951


>> No.3495952

It is a Nordic marketplace/exchange for stocks and funds. The most popular one at least in Finland if you want to buy stocks

>> No.3495959

To make money. They have actually been involved since like 2012 if not earlier. This year they all drastically increased their holdings, which is one reason for the moon. Many CENTRAL BANKS have some bitcoin now. Let that sink in.

>> No.3495972

I have no idea. They might back down because they probably lost money yesterday. They wanted it to crash. Right now they want to make the market seem unstable (more than it is).

>> No.3495973
File: 1.19 MB, 3328x1614, jp morgan makes me an ice cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell JPM?

>> No.3495977

If china can barely put a temporary dent in all time highs, JPM will get taken to the slaughterhouse

>> No.3495998

Not sure what the column headers mean - but that's the translation. They still have a net of 9186. It will be pertinent to keep this page and check it. Don't worry. I will bookmark. Keep this thread alive /biz/ anon.

>> No.3496007


Someone should message the guy who wrote this article. We need someone to get the word out.

>> No.3496013

The adoption of crypto will be the biggest transfer of wealth in human history.

They understand this and seek control. Something this big must have been meticulously planned.

What's their next play?

The only way they can win is to scare weak hands into selling

>> No.3496014

Jp Lorgan knows how to
>Buy high sell low

>> No.3496016
File: 68 KB, 492x202, panos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

panos is /ourboy/

>> No.3496018

holy shit they have 1 million bitcoin???????

>> No.3496021


>> No.3496022
File: 134 KB, 1193x1280, DJxhnmRUEAATyId.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3496032

this is some Mr. Robot type shit

>> No.3496039

Thats like $5 billion worth...if true wut

>> No.3496051

so JP morgan are acting as big whales
but IMO you could fuck their game but telling everyone about it... and tracking their operations

>> No.3496054

It does feel like that.

Ultimately, it's a battle between big banks and common people. If blockchain tech is able to be implemented without interference, many modern financial institutions will be rendered obsolete.

>> No.3496056


>> No.3496065

Someone's dying from this indeed and it won't be the cryptotards
Old fuck needs to watch his back. Tables are turning and when the right people are in position to avoid the law, he and his kind are gone.

>> No.3496071


Hey James Bond, nice digits - I actually just emailed him.

>> No.3496090

lol nice id

>> No.3496098


>> No.3496099

Are you ready for war my wojaks? Let's not hand over crypto to the jews.

>> No.3496104

This (in the long run) is even more massive and telling buy signal. 100%.

>> No.3496121

This the hottest and most legitimate thread on /biz/ right now. Wake up guys.

>> No.3496123

What would Mr Robot do?

Hack the bankers wallets.... redistribute

I want to see that episode and the look on the banks faces when they see their btc evaporate

>> No.3496124

I really hate to say it, but I think /pol/ needs to hear about this.

>> No.3496131
File: 66 KB, 364x815, 21751699_10213809298285030_6781608284964551418_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next will be money lost to us in the cryptowar. JP Morgan and other similar financial institutions will be rendered obsolete.

>> No.3496132


>> No.3496133

Get this shit to /pol/.

They'll spread it.

This is exactly what I was thinking.

Someone go to /pol/ and make a thread with the header "J.P. Morgan Fucking Lied" or something like it

>> No.3496139

Is reddit down for anyone else?

Wanted to post on r/bitcoin

>> No.3496140

>Average price
> 133.47
in what unit ?

>> No.3496146

This is a good idea - /pol moves too fast, need to grow this organically and then let it pick up traction to make its way over there.

>> No.3496147

>Dumb fucking normie millennial thinks pol only stays there

>> No.3496151

My thoughts exactly

>> No.3496154


btc is a huge threat to fractional reserve banking because you can dodge mandatory inflation. zog and china are conspiring to kill it off

>> No.3496157
File: 72 KB, 839x656, DJxsYtKWsAEM_Ne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3496168
File: 580 KB, 2560x1098, 2017-09-15 at 8.35.27 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 posts incoming with translations on the column headers.

>> No.3496172
File: 394 KB, 1272x1174, 2017-09-15 at 8.36.19 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3496178

Shut up, faggot.

>> No.3496181


Thread anthem

>> No.3496186

Somebody get it over to reddit - they will uptake it faster than /pol at this point. Esp. in their coin threads.

>> No.3496188

Correction, friend.

They lost dollars, not money. They have probably increased their BTC/Altcoin positions now.

>> No.3496200

I'll support this. Use this song if you make a reddit post about it, they eat this kind of shit up.

>> No.3496205


>> No.3496210
File: 136 KB, 1003x878, DJzRprIUMAAzMhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant literaly even literally

>> No.3496213
File: 116 KB, 1024x577, 1504427820301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quick fucking reminder to the new fags to go and research quantitative easing if they're unsure as to why or how jp is able to do this and then more in the future.

If you've said "but you can't buy a cat food with a buttcoin lolll" in the past 18 months you need to look into how the old world financial system works.

Good work @ all of the wise traders here who know how this ruse works and will continue to make bank in the coming years!

>> No.3496219
File: 1.09 MB, 2776x1470, 2017-09-15 at 8.42.05 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"From my cold, dead hands"

>> No.3496220

>they buy a shitton of bitcoins then dump at a lower price
They'd have to be a /biz/tard to do that.

>> No.3496238

Oldfag Poltard. One of you bored Autists make a graphic with Anonymous standing on a building in Gotham. Gotham illustrated as the Crypto Community. He is looking to the horizon at searchlight shining an image of Anonamous in the clouds. Post how evil the banks are and what they did. Keep it short. Post it on Pol. You will have your Army. That is all.

>> No.3496247

Guys assuming that BTC will crash again because of gayP Morgan, how do I take advantage over this? Do I sell all my altcoins and buy into teather?

>> No.3496256

Thanks for the screenshots

It seems the price values are in SEK.
1SEK == 17$, so I guess each share is in fact only 5mBTC.

That's still a total of over 45BTC.

>> No.3496267

What JP Morgan did is clear manipulation. "BTC is a fraud" -> BTC Drops -> They buy discounted BTC.

We need crypto regulation NOW.

>> No.3496273

1 Dollar = 7.85 SEK bro

Not sure where this Swefag is using but i seriously can't dissect it.

>> No.3496276


>> No.3496280

This info should go public and Dimon should go to prison. Market manipulation is illegal.

>> No.3496285

We actually need a number of consistent posters from here for it to gain relevance over there. Does /g/ like crypto? Needs to grow organically from different angles. Tailored Access Operations into /pol. Your data is our data, your equipment is our equipment - anytime, any place, by any means.

>> No.3496286

Sarc ( I hope)

>> No.3496290

We need people to stop being so fucking retarded and panicking whenever a banker opens their mouth or China farts. You fuckers are the problem for bowing down to the whales.

>> No.3496295

Any other facets of ideas, I will explore if this thread keeps going. Already emailed that guy mentioned earlier.

>> No.3496306

/g/ used to have loads of crypto threads before /biz/ was created.

>> No.3496316

I am currently on Deploymemt irl, but will be available all day Sunday to assist in PsycSpecOps.

>> No.3496327

>We need crypto regulation NOW
This would actually cause a crash. No joke. Who do you think will write the regulations?

>> No.3496328

Just posted over there.

>> No.3496330

Can confirm flow traders is a huge dutch trading house.

>> No.3496345

If any of you redditfags post this on /r/bitcoin you're going to get enough upboats to buy a small island.

>> No.3496348

jamie dimon should immediately lose any licensing he has for securities. he went to the media and directly lied to influence capital markets. this guy is a 2 bit jew crook just like all jews. he should be executed yes death penaly( along with goldman and all th federal reserve jews who were in on it) for treason for purposley crashing the american economy in 2008. jamie dimon is the sleaziest of sleaze. seriously lets get this motherfucker killed officially

>> No.3496357

Interesting. (((Dutch))) East Indies Company were the ones who founded the U.S.A.

>> No.3496361

yeah, my bad

Still this page: https://www.nordnet.fi/mux/web/marknaden/aktiehemsidan/index.html?identifier=109538&
makes me thinks prices are exprimed in SEK ("Valuutta": "SEK")

The current price of a share is 145 SEK (on the same page)

145 / 7.85 = 18.471$
18.471 * 200 == 3700$, the current BTC price.

So I think 1 share is 5mBTC.

>> No.3496367

Nice try Mr. Alphabet.

>> No.3496368

JP Morgan probably trying to whack the bitcoin market like they whack precious metals.

>> No.3496386

well he did say someone would die before this is over

>> No.3496392

Ok, looking into this.

We have the hottest thread on /biz right now.

>> No.3496408

Respond to that poster at your peril. Ohhhh, wait, I get it alphabet soup.

>> No.3496424

thats not my name and im a poor nobody. Ive been robbed by jew scams so many times Im thirtsty to see them die. all legal and clean ff course unless theres a civil war then its open fffing season on jews

>> No.3496425

Between 4chan's historic influence over viral OC making its way into mainstream entertainment, and /pol/'s influence over Murica's election, I am 100% convinced that if /biz/ does not give up crypto then we will win this fight in the end.

>> No.3496431


what the fuck...???

>> No.3496435

Should I just sell my BTC now then buy when it crashes then?

>> No.3496436

So some people are saying it's not JP Morgan themselves buying but they're trading for their clients.

Either way Dimon said he'd fire any of his employees trading it lol

>> No.3496443

This is a substantially better situation. Hopefully they're stupid to actually buy it for themselves.

>> No.3496446
File: 45 KB, 374x503, atfniggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3496448

If any of you has photoshop skills make some pro-crypto/anti-jew pictures. People often post just pictures with no text or a witty remark (or with just an emoticon on social media). It would be an easy way to spread our message.

>> No.3496470
File: 453 KB, 1632x918, 14368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme wars are extreme effective. Me behind enemy lines 4/20/16

>> No.3496471
File: 616 KB, 1160x3292, housing prices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking christ killing kikes.

These JP morgan fuckers recieved over $25billionn in government bailout money in 2008 yet he has the balls to say 'bitcoins a scam'

the only scam is this entire western financial system.

>> No.3496481

Pol had no influence over the election. At all.
So drop the edgy antisocial justice meme warrior shit and act civilized so people will take you seriously. Gotta play by the big boys rules when you try mess with them.

>> No.3496482

He and JP Morgan both have a history of lying:

"In the case of the 2012 JPMorgan Chase trading loss, according to a US Senate report published in March 2013 after 9 months of investigation, Dimon misled investors and regulators in April as losses rose dangerously to $6.2 billion on a “monstrous” derivatives bet made by the so-called "London Whale" Bruno Iksil. According to Carl Levin, Chairman of this panel, JP Morgan had “a trading operation that piled on risk, ignored limits on risk taking, hid losses, dodged oversight and misinformed the public”. Dimon dismissed press accounts of possible losses in Iksil’s book as a “tempest in a teapot” on April 13, 2012 when he knew that Iksil had already lost $1 billion, which led Levin to say “None of those statements made on April 13 to the public, to investors, to analysts were true,” and “The bank also neglected to disclose on that day that the portfolio had massive positions that were hard to exit, that they were violating in massive numbers key risk limits."

>> No.3496522


>> No.3496530

I'm liking this quote

>His utter faith in the US dollar sounds rather like the boss of a major record label talking up CDs a year before the iPod was brought to market.

>> No.3496531

they also shorted BTC hard. if they can cash in on that prediction it will probably more than cover whatever they lose in short selling.

this is some real insidious shit. i'm impressed.

>> No.3496576

>my ANCAP memes might still become reality
>I will become ANCAP destroyer of worlds
We're gonna make it, bruhs.

>> No.3496588

Because (((bankers))) wabt to keep their power

>> No.3496600


Personally, I think we've got a full picture of this from the thread. If you're tuned into this thread - I think you've got a good head on your shoulders and understand what is going on with this. This is another confirmation to the belief of what we are buying right now. Hold it. Hold it all.

>> No.3496607

Why not just turn your BTC to teather, then buy back when it dips?

>> No.3496633

You people never cease to amaze me. Keep digging, you are almost there. Peace out.

>> No.3496642

wtf, why was OP banned? hes not a fag


>> No.3496681


dont let this thread die

bump for the memory of OP

dont let them win

>> No.3496688

Big, if true.

>> No.3496701

Fucking hell, the Jew did this.

>> No.3496713

screencap is 15mb right now

>> No.3496722

Archive.is dummy

>> No.3496723

That happened to me with Bancor.

>> No.3496732
File: 1.82 MB, 250x209, 1505349507932.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is not jp morgan buying, that is people who have account in jp morgan buying, jesus christ biz

>> No.3496733

i like it in my screencap folder.

>> No.3496739

this is retarded. what jp morgan account is allows for buying bitcoin? jesus christ tom cruise poster.

>> No.3496744

Good. Pressure him to make good on his promise and fire them then.

>> No.3496745

>people who have account in jp morgan

thats what they want you believe

>> No.3496749

fucking kikes

>> No.3496753
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1505485639119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is bitcoin etf they are buying. it's in nordnet both euros and sek

jpmorgan often show up as people buy same instruments in europe and usa who have jp account, both equites, crude, gold etc. its very common

>> No.3496758

Good work, whichever anon did this.


>> No.3496759

nice try jamie, show me a jp morgan service available that takes into account all of its clients trades. protip: you can't. bye bye adios

>> No.3496762

Regulators have been bought out by the manipulators. Stop 'pretending' to be retarded.

>> No.3496767

redpill me on this.

will bitcoin crash in one week from now?

I'm just a newfag and may only join the ride by spending 100 bucks next week.

>> No.3496775

yo, this is our guy. nice!

>> No.3496781


there is no way to know that

just grab your balls or dont buy now

>> No.3496789

this is very not true. Nordnet AB in Sweden made BTC trades for JP Morgan Securities Ltd. JPMorgan Chase & Co is the parent firm of this invest arm out of the UK.

>> No.3496791

that sum is so low it's their retail clients clearly. holy fuck people are clueless. you have even nordnet showing higher on the list than jp

>> No.3496793

100 won't make much of a difference unless there are 50% - 75% swings. just buy and forget about it. if i were you, i would buy now.

>> No.3496801

hey cunt, "The source of the trade, the image below, shows JPMorgan Securities Ltd making a profit of 9,186. Now, I am not sure what the number really represents. Is this in thousands totaling 9.1 million, in millions totaling 9.1 billion, or 9,186 BTC totaling $33 million? If someone knows I will update this article."

>> No.3496808

1 share is listes for 146 sek

>> No.3496827

*An accredited investor, in the context of a natural person, includes anyone who either earned income that exceeded $200,000 (or $300,000 together with a spouse) in each of the prior two years, and reasonably expects the same for the current year, OR, has a net worth over $1 million, either alone or together with a spouse (excluding the value of the person’s primary residence).
**Publicly quoted on OTCQX® under the Alternative Reporting Standards

For your bitcoin ETF bullshit. you do nothing but post stupid opinion.

>> No.3496828

We shouldn't take things at face value. I'm sure there's something hidden to make it look more legit. It's obvious these big players won't pass on a chance that could make a lot of money.

Anyways there still needs to be some firings lol

>> No.3496847

those sums are so low it's retail as always

>> No.3496854

"as always" you sound like penny stock FUD guy from yahoo! finance in 2010. you are nothing.

>> No.3496859

ofcourse they are invested, everybody are. hedge funds are poaring in all the time. but the article is complete bullshit by clueless people

>> No.3496887

your parents do not like you. point out "complete bullshit" - you can't.

>> No.3496889


Just a side note that JP Morgan did own the United States of America at one point.

JP Morgan isn't going anywhere.

You're delusional to think JP Morgan is your enemy.

>> No.3496896

>Get this shit to /pol/.
no coin /pol/ tard here.

I sucked in here because of a cross post. We at /pol/ pretty much hate the banks, and most everything actually. I am not a daytrader or even wealthy, but my current understanding

>JP Morgan Buying massive amounts of BTC

This should hypothetically increase the value right? Is their plan to tank the market by having a massive sell off?

Is there a way to stop this through BTC? Is there some sort of mechanism that would stop a massive sell off that is designed to crash a market?

Has there been any public plan posted that involves anything other than the fact that JPM is buying BTC?

Also, I came here briefly to look up crypto and become rich like you. I am too autistic to even work a basic exchange. If btc becomes worthless, plan on me buying a shitton....after I figure out the exchange.

>> No.3496904

i get you, 100% for sure. but if you look at the traffic on /pol/ it's just too hard. it would need to come from multiple guys on this thread.

>> No.3496913


i see you jamie

>> No.3496924

im am the anti-thesis of jamie, u9aV2mmw is Jamie.

>> No.3496927

Can't we just fork it again and drop BTC and jump to a new coin. Maybe one that they can't use because it's "too alt-right". We dump on them and then we win.

>> No.3496940

>but if you look at the traffic on /pol/ it's just too hard.
Oh I am aware. Aside from the regular bullshit, we are basically under constant raid from no less than the JIDF, ACLU, ShareBlue, Antifa and god knows if the alphabets are still fucking with us.

They slide any and all real threads and we end up seeing nothing but pictures of blacked.com screenshots asking if that dude is white.

It is always entertaining to find a real life action thread like this. This is real. IF people knowing what JPM is doing will foil them, than they should know.

Is it possible that they are buying BTC to diversify?

>> No.3496952

I honestly do not see why *they would not want to take a position* on BTC whether short/long. they want skin in the game, it's easy.

>> No.3496968


If you see me. Why aren't you playing?

You complain about not having lambos.
You complain about the 1%.

What's your problem? Oh no. You lost 15% on your 130% gain in a year? I'm so sorry.

You bitch about the big boys causing shit shows in the stock market. Now you're apart of the game. Take advantage of your position. Stop bitching and let the big banks do YOUR LEG WORK by spreading top tier FUD. This is the ultimate FUD that you and no neet on this board could pay for or even dream of.

This FUD isn't targeted towards any coiner, it's targeted to the 99% of the world's population that isn't in BTC.

Yes. You now are the 1%. Take advantage of this. Join in on the FUD. When people talk about BTC. Talk shit about it, as the banks have a 10 year plan on this.

JP Morgan has their own blockchain technology. You're stupid to think they don't have a plan.

And this FUD they've released is completely legal and they're taking advantage of that. You should too.

>> No.3496972

Hey biz do we have a legitimate source for those images? Anyone can inspect element and go to town.

If we get a source we are golden

>> No.3496992

>I honestly do not see why *they would not want to take a position* on BTC whether short/long. they want skin in the game, it's easy.
I see their perspective. It is a currency that is totally out of their hands. There is no old white dude setting interest rates. They cannot simply make more BTC to loan out. BTC is as real as the people buying/selling it want it to be. The big banks can hate it all they want, but it still is a real asset irrelevant of its lack of physical presence.

>This is the ultimate FUD that you and no neet on this board could pay for or even dream of.

From my /nocoin/ perspective, JPM buying crypto tells me that they are taking its gains serious.

>> No.3496998
File: 265 KB, 600x600, fidgetpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clever girl

>> No.3497031



im IT too.

>> No.3497039

Sooo, Mr Bank, what do we buy to comeout at the top of the Ten Year Plan? Ripple? Or does it exist yet? I can wear a funny cap for ten years if I get to burn it at the end and it makes me rich.

>> No.3497057

hey bros, lambos back on the menu!


For me, it's Grigio Barra

>> No.3497058
File: 35 KB, 700x362, original_94694686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Fiat 1% want to join us crypto 1%.

>> No.3497077

What this ultimately means is that crypto is long term bullish. Everyone is going to want in eventually. This is just the beginning.

>> No.3497093



they will try to kill btc

>> No.3497102


Anon here gets it.

>> No.3497105

I said crypto not btc dipshit

>> No.3497106

Imagine a day when JP Morgan along with a few other big banks, or central banks, holds most of bitcoin.

>> No.3497108


>> No.3497109

If the Jews demand that they sell me cheap Bitcoin, well, I supposed I am obliged to buy.

>> No.3497126 [DELETED] 

i will have sold by then. and then, jamie will be holding my bags while i sniff his daughters butthole on hammock across the street from the dole pineapple farm in hawaii.

>> No.3497136

Can't we just create a new weirder crypto currency that's even harder to use and understand. Like NEETBUX™

Currency can be anything we put faith into: seashells, gold, paper with men wearing wigs, etc.

>> No.3497149

>There is no old white dude setting interest rates

Jews aren't white.

>> No.3497154


> jamie will be holding my bags while i sniff his daughters butthole on hammock across the street from the dole pineapple farm in hawaii.
>i sniff his daughters butthole


>> No.3497175

I laughed

>> No.3497178

it's chan. lighten up sometimes.

>> No.3497209

nothing to see here, only about 5million in btc in 25 minutes

>> No.3497218

Im mostly holding in ETH. Am I doing it wrong?

>> No.3497224

no but when possible, accumulate the big 3.

>> No.3497225

is this the right time to buy ETH for dat ICO fuel?

>> No.3497240



>> No.3497249

depending on when your window for the ICO is, then make that determination.

>> No.3497257

whats number 3? Ltc? has the third highest volume on polo

>> No.3497261

probably not, this bounce was too fast. we still have more shit to deal with for a full reversal

>> No.3497267

btc,eth,ltc. use your meme sense for picking up other coins that have a moonshot.

>> No.3497274

cheers anon.

>> No.3497295

take it to /b/ also, they know how to get things done

>> No.3497299

i own 19.2% of all the posts in this thread. thanks to the OP for this.

>> No.3497350

>have a passion for truth and being logical, which eventually lead me to anarchism

Says the guy which makes an article about a screenshot he doesn't understand. Damn those type of people are so retarded it's painful to read

>> No.3497362

Enlighten us, Jamie.

>> No.3497369

1 post by this id

>> No.3497371

Annual reminder that JPM was the only big bank that didn't need a bailout. They are way ahead of the pack.

>> No.3497377

I have nothing to say except that this guy is a retard, a hard fact which he proved himself.

>> No.3497379



>> No.3497392


im not jamie but, literally, he said that

"Now, I am not sure what the number really represents."

>> No.3497402

he's one of the few people on the internet writing about this, give it a break. i dont care either but its better to have eyes on it than not.

>> No.3497403
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>> No.3497412

dear jamie

>> No.3497486

is it anyway to tell when they pump and when they dump?

>> No.3497494

follow this man, he is live-tweeting:


>> No.3497501
File: 318 KB, 1294x876, 2017-09-15 at 11.12.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in here! wake up !>>3497486

>> No.3497516

So seriously, should I sell now? Are they going to drive the price further down?

>> No.3497525

The Jews are just too powerful

>> No.3497526

Uhhhhh so if this goes live then there's no way we're getting below 2.8k then.... sigh..... I guess I'll invest in ICOs instead or something.

>> No.3497545

>They also legitimize themselves.

>talk utter shit about bitcoin one day
>buy a shit ton of bitcoin the next

>> No.3497554

people have short memories

cnbc was saying buy buy buy when btc hit 5k

after it fell to 4300 they were saying sell sell sell

kind in mind these media outlets are run by people too stupid to get past calculus

>> No.3497573

They do it knowingly
They're just mouth pieces of some private interest after all

>> No.3497646

do the math, it looks like they have (or bought at some point) 338 btc in this chart, 338 x $4000 = around 1,355,933

the shares may be what portion of the funds this 338 btc is from a larger pool of btc that makes up an investment people can buy part of the profit from.

>> No.3497667
File: 47 KB, 640x671, uLEtMJU_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha yeah lets show those JEEEWSSSS

wait hold on these names dont so very jewish...
Could it be that jews are actually not relevant to the discussion here and you all are just being retarded /pol/acks???

>> No.3497692

>retarded /pol/acks
I certainly don't trust the financial judgement of the 3 people in the top row on the left side. Steve is cool, but the other 3.....Not so much.

>> No.3497699

>still trusting the news to be impartial
I remember when I was this naive.

>> No.3497704

not about jews, let's keep that crap out.

>> No.3497713

>235 replies
>only 12 mentions of jews
Fuck off.

>> No.3497723

You dumb negros. They are buying in to DESTROY bitcoin.

>> No.3497731

Someone explain to me like a 5 year old what I'm looking at exactly. Why is this in Sweden?

Are there any other banks or services that can verify this?

>> No.3497740

>not about jews
I was not even going there. Mine was more of an overall minority joke. I actually apoligize and really mean it. I will continue to read and comprehend and post if I have any more questions.

Thanks again great coverage of a possible happening. I am learning more about crypto here than any other 3 easy step site.

>> No.3497748
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Point taken

>> No.3497750

What a great turn out to the series!!!!

>> No.3497751

hey wow, excellent - thanks for clarifying. we just want the truth and the only color we care about is GREEN (when/if we want to drop our bags off for FIAT)

>> No.3497757

thank you, this is a great discussion on /biz.

>> No.3497761

doesn't matter. pandora's box is already open. we'll just move onto another coin as our base pair for trading.

plus if bitcoin legit fails they'll have an asset that they can't sell, rendering it worthless.

no one entity is going to take the fall since EVERYONE government and central entity knows that blockchain (and bitcoin) is the key to becoming the next leader in tech revolution. 1st world countries will get usurped if they fight it. kodak lasted 150 years and bled to death in 10.

>> No.3497798

>plus if bitcoin legit fails they'll have an asset that they can't sell, rendering it worthless.
What if everyone who had BTC just dropped it for another crypto. Would that render the bank's portion worthless/meme tier? Is that something that would be a hilarious reverse happening? If they are attempting to crash an economy, would they mass sell when a dip happens? Is this like Heisenberg's uncertainty? Does knowing that they have quietly purchased create instability because their intent is nefarious? Are they trying to lose just to kill it, or how long will they hold on it before they dump? Is the point of crashing it to prove that it is unstable so that they can then get legislation on their own system?

>> No.3497805
File: 38 KB, 600x575, menswear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pandora's box is already open.

>> No.3497808

They claim BTC is overvalued. They cause the crash. They tell everyone "see! I told you it was overvalued".

>> No.3497818

i live in one of the best zip codes in the most powerful city in the world, should i go get a $1 of piece from across the street or what? yes or no question is all. s i p b o y s

>> No.3497831

>They cause the crash.
Would they cause the crash IF the media asked them questions of their intent? Is it legal to ask these questions at this time. I know a real deal journalist would would probably enjoy digging into this and publicizing. Is this stuff that gets people suicided?

>> No.3497842
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>> No.3497864

You play by their rules and you'll lose every damned time because they wrote those rules and can change them whenever they want. Also /pol/ put Trump over the top and you're a fool if you can't see it. Trump won by about 40k votes total in key swing states. For the first time the majority of white 18-25 year olds voted Republican in decades, put two and two together and you'd get a narrow Hillary victory without /pol/.

>> No.3497896

Suicide prob, but not likely, as for current time it always double its value each crack

>> No.3497914


>> No.3497918

As a 23yo wguy i can relate myself.

Its all about pol.

>> No.3497969

listen bros, look at my id, i own this thread. it's not complicated. buy this shit, set a goal for profits. exit. reassess - do same thing, if you want. that's it. you can win and you will win, we will help you if you come here and see through the fog.

>> No.3497970
File: 410 KB, 1566x997, jpmc-bitcoin-nasdaq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3498004

I can't believe someone on /biz/ knows that song.

>> No.3498011

hello, everyone, now - now - is an appropriate time to finally drop some new classic /biz terms b/c of this thread:

sweet just bought 100k

big, if true

>> No.3498021

>I can't believe someone on /biz/ knows that song.
Best version

>> No.3498047

Come discuss crypto on telegram group : bizybeez

Join channel and we will add you to group

>> No.3498053

1post by OP.

you need to invite me dawg

>> No.3498060
File: 125 KB, 1571x938, yahoo-finance-xbte-sept-15-2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3498076

I guess you all are just going to cop it on the chin and do nothing

>> No.3498079

I'm so old I was thinking the johnny Horton version

>> No.3498153

good stuff. thank you. we need to get rid of (((them)))

>> No.3498177

alright everybody, great thread.

>> No.3498181

I think it would be really funny if this JP Morgan CEO retard came out of this with tons of egg on his face, but keep in mind that if this becomes an actual controversy, it will be the catalyst or at least accelerant for extensive regulation in crypto across the developed world. So the wild west or gold rush aspect of this that you all love will be killed and only people who are deemed "worthy" by a regulatory agency will be allowed to do any of the trading you're doing.

>> No.3498193

because thether is a scam. Follow a guy called Bitfinexed on twitter and see for yourself.

>> No.3498197

if they kill it their coins are worthless. if they suppress it it turns into digital gold. we can always just use it as a currency instead (the irony) for transferring large payments and transfer to other crypto or fiat if hodling doesn't work out

>> No.3498199

Added to my book
When I can do more than spam social media I'll open it back up

>> No.3498203

Have you seen any recent news about JPM's relationship with Ethereum through the EEA? Or about their in-house Ethereum-based project called Quorum?
Have you ever seen news about JPM buying something in random exchanges?
This jewry never shows it's real face, you have to look out for it, though lately they don't even try to hide it since normies are this retarded nowadays

>> No.3498212

>Lehman Brothers isn't going anywhere.

>> No.3498216

we'll get grandfathered in. we're too big to fail, it'll just be like stocks were we can buy on regulated exchanges. it won't be too hard to get the 20k needed for day trading, but it's not necessary if you just buy and hodl

>> No.3498225

Bump ltc to the moon

>> No.3498240

>if they kill it their coins are worthless. if they suppress it it turns into digital gold. we can always just use it as a currency instead (the irony) for transferring large payments and transfer to other crypto or fiat if hodling doesn't work out
If they trigger a massive sell off when the value goes up, they could stand to break even or even profit however? Is this a safe assumption?

I would think that they would want to work it a bit to make sure. I would be really careful if the value continues to skyrocket especially if they are buying and sitting. IF they are holding to create a drop, why wait for them?....OR are they doing this to trigger a sell off? What do you do with a worthless crypto? Do they eventually just turn it off, or will it continue to exist in the block chain?

Large scale economics thrills me. BTC is so different. It is not regulated, and can be manipulated....I would think that if the banking industry wanted to tank an unregulated "asset" all they would have to do is try to monetize it, and it should crash quickly. They have been efficient at it over the years.

>> No.3498243

>56 posts by this ID

>> No.3498248

since this is a stock this is insider trading and what they did is illegal. somebody should get the stock aspect to a big media outlet

>> No.3498259

yes, im the tom brady of this thread. what's your point?

>> No.3498283

btc repeatedly goes through pump and dump cycles. the worst iirc was $30 to 50 cents.

if they orchestrate a massive pump it dump it doesn't matter, at that point they're a legitimate player in the game and not a threat. they'd just be a bigger whale and we'll continue on like normal. we're getting to the initial stages of web 3.0 anyway so there's much more to crypto than btc.

>> No.3498416

I feel like this should be a sticky or something until we get some meaningful mileage out of it.

>> No.3498493

where do you think that show got its ideas from...do you think they just pulled it all out of their ass? Truth is stranger than fiction my friend.

>> No.3498529

So the goal may not to be crashing it with no survivors, but causing volitility to force some sort of legal issue (removal of btc/replace with their own better version).

They cannot produce something under regulation that has the same value as btc. Sure it can have value, but some of the worthwhile merits are impossible under US regulations and laws.

Something about this smells so funky. The most obvious reason is simply because it has value, implied or real. Could this be a long term high risk invest or is this obviously not that?

>> No.3498592

it's all fine with the right-mindset. set profit target with fiat you can afford to lose.

now, penny stocks OTCBB, this are risky and should not exist.

>> No.3498601


I work for a big bank (not JPM). This cunt, like the cunt who is the CEO of my company, doesn't know shit about what I do day to day. This is his opinion, supercharged by his ultra-wealthy status ego spouting what is popping into his mind regarding BTC in that moment. His best employees began thinking about how to steer their funds into BTC when he said that.

>> No.3498654

neo and binance going off right now

>> No.3498919


I'm 100% ARK but the other plays seem to be NEO and OMG, with BTC leading the way, idk about ETH, same with LTC

>> No.3498960

You retarded? Bitcoin. Bitcoin is what you buy. Everything else is just a meme

>> No.3498989


You're really comparing that garbage to Chase?

You need to do your research son.

>> No.3499031

Why does this Jew hate bitcoin so much?

>> No.3499040

Gook arbitration caused the crash you fucking spastic. As soon as they stopped exchanges from accepting yuan deposits the crash magically stopped.

>> No.3499053

Dimon is greek, the management at JP is suprisingly goyish

>> No.3499061

Let me explain: they are buying it because there is a finite amount if bitcoin, and by buying it up and limiting the supply they are going to cause the BTC to go up.

If you're a trader trade up, do not cash out.

This is the new world currency.

>> No.3499064

Jesus Christ. He's a kike. It is irrelevant where he was spawned.

>> No.3499154

the real problem is pricing btc in usd

they got so much cash they could dump on anything

they coulda been accumulating this whole time; gaining huge reserves of btc and will dump all of it

imagine: billion dollar sell walls

>> No.3499183


Ding ding ding

>> No.3499244


>> No.3499420

how many banker shenanigans happening at this very moment will be (((redacted))) when uncle sam has his way with crypto?

>> No.3499458

P-people will stop considering us as turbo autists r-right?

>> No.3499466

this thread proves there are time-travelers coming to visit here

>> No.3499495

Somebody? OK, you do it then

>> No.3499574

i did earlier and mentioned it here. I'm on a different id b/c I'm on another computer.

>> No.3499583

>in a span of 1 week I have seen directly manipulation of chinks and jews
>tfw /pol/ is right
>tfw not even white
I hate this world.

>> No.3499593

I got banned on here one time because I asked how to outsmart the jews and chinks when they have higher iq. I'm hate /pol/ but I still acknowledge the people controlling the markets.

Still seems like a valid question huh.

>> No.3499599

Buy 10-15 days from now

Or just wait for it to crash, patience is key.

>> No.3499622

If only 0.1% of the armed white men in the country got in their banks and various media platforms and hanged them it would be over in 2 hours.

>> No.3499631

They created the FUD and bought low. Now they are pumping it and they will eventually take short positions. They will come up with another FUD and sell what they bought slicing the price in half. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.3499693

Chinks don't have higher iq
They cheat all their testsb

>> No.3499806

>>they will try to kill btc

and how are they going to do that? even this ultimate china drama fud combo barely drives the price below $4000. if they want to significantly manipulate it they'll need to buy in at a premium, which'll only boost the price...

>> No.3499807

this anon gets it.

>> No.3499826

i guess that answers my question

>> No.3500353

posting in epic thread

>> No.3500427

should i buy bitcoin naow?

>> No.3500568
File: 88 KB, 750x829, cT_cs_3211592_Bitcoin_2017-09-15_16-34-38.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Forbes OURGUY for allowing posts like these?


>> No.3500584

what exactly do you suggest then?