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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3497358 No.3497358 [Reply] [Original]

Hi biz. I'm 27 y/o, started a degree in comp sci but dropped out when I was 19, have been back to University sporadically; but never really felt that I belonged. I work now as a cook and make the above amount. I average about 30k each year after taxes and about 5k in tips; so 35,000 per year since 2012. I don't really care much for my job though and it's very hard having to deal with some of the people in the industry and I would like to quit sooner than later. But where do I go? I was thinking of starting a small energy drink bottling company locally next year, but after research; I found that permits and other paperwork would cost me thousands that I do not have. Please offer any suggestions or share your stories of growth. Thank you.

>> No.3497396

You're not supposed to start a business with your own money, that's what loans are for.

>> No.3497418

Thank you, I understand that. But that was a throw away idea(one that I though of seriously for months though) when I realized the costs of starting a beverage company were more than my income could allow. I'm asking what I can do with a $30k income to go beyond that.

>> No.3497442

It's not fun investment advice, but the best way to make more money is to move some place with a low cost of living.

>> No.3497507

I've already done just that. My rent is now $600 and I only pay for electricity/internet/cell. My one problem is a car I purchased and owe $15k on still with monthly payments of $300. But I usually still end up with $1300+ a month. I'm just trying to figure out how I can use that extra money to step up in life. I really wanted to start a business and throw myself into it, but physical items cost a lot to store/move and my coding skills are non-existant at this point to try something digital. I just don't see a way out of this menial life apart from going back to University and finishing comp sci. But that's more debt and I really didn't find anything in University that I could see myself doing for the rest of my life. At least with cooking, I enjoy it, presentation, ingredients, etc. But there's no way I can live a comfortable life or have a family with the hours I work now.

>> No.3497534

>My one problem is a car I purchased and owe $15k on still with monthly payments of $300

nig, gas that money pit right now. loans now or freedom later? i have no advice for you careerwise as that is on you, but do NOT get into debt or fuck up your credit in anyway

financial independence my man, look up on it

>> No.3497546
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Become a NEET, I'm a NEET and pic related is my savings. I've also never had debt in my life and spend only around 13k a year. I also have around 400k worth of stocks and BTC, I don't even have a HS degree either. It's a fun stress free life. Rich NEETdom is god tier.

>> No.3497681

Well I'd have to sell it off, and that would require paying down a goof chunk of it(Probably 4k worth) in order to sell it to someone for 11k. My credit is in recovery and has jumped to 641 from 504 in the past 4 months. I'd like to close the year off at 700 and I think I can do it. And yes, a big part of that has been paying off my debts and avoiding more.

What is a NEET exactly? I think I get the gist of it, but a better explanation would be nice. And how much do you make to save up that much? Are you at a low income job like me?

>> No.3497733

>What is a NEET exactly
Not in Education, Employment or Training.
Basically basement dwellers/shutins in the most practical form. Lotsa NEETs on /biz/. I wouldn't recommend it since it gets depressing extremely fast.

Personal advice (coming from an uneducated standpoint, but still), if you like cooking, and you want to run your own business, try and get a business degree and open a restaraunt. Even a cheap degree from a CC will teach you the basics you know. Just don't go into debt EVER, try and pay out of pocket or get financial aid.

>> No.3498514

How do you expect him to become a NEET and live off of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of savings if he doesn't have any savings?