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3494088 No.3494088 [Reply] [Original]

Ark ACES is now 100% complete. A community member made a video showing a successful transaction between ARK and ETH. Check the video below.


And roadmap complete

Ark getting shit done faggots

>> No.3494095


Down with the non-believers. We tried to warn you.

>> No.3494187

ACES is live! "ARK is vaporware" fags blown out. Last chance to get in for under double digits.

>> No.3494195
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>> No.3494203

trying to buy more in time. fuck. why do i always lose

>> No.3494213

shouldn't we be getting a yuge green candle right about now

>> No.3494214
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It is here. No hype; simply pure power.

>> No.3494216

stop spamming

Some of you guys are walking straight into a pump and dump

>> No.3494229

>tfw 100 arklet

>> No.3494230
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ground control to major Tom

>> No.3494234

price picking up a bit now

>> No.3494237


7000 BTC P&D you say?

Ethereum is a P&D, too, friend.

FYI ON ACES: Building a blockchain app(encoded listener) and connecting it to ARK’s mainchain via SmartBridge for initial testing. This now focuses on ACES(ARK Contract Execution Services) sponsored by ARK and built by community developers. ACES is an Encoded listener node, with a user interface connecting ARK and ETH.

>> No.3494238


Give it time, most people stop trading Friday, steady growth now. Massive gains Monday

>> No.3494250

not until people understand wtf it does

>> No.3494259

In English please

>> No.3494261

Look at the 5min or 1min it's fucking vertical. Enjoy being left behind.

>> No.3494263

Strap in boys!!

>> No.3494267

Remember when they had their live talk and the price didn't move for a few days? I 'member... You are all going to regret not buying in now before the next price bump

>> No.3494280

Ark is one step closer to replacing Eth now

>> No.3494296


Nigga, I've been all in since July, 15k sats..We got some serious sell walls to get past.

Monday has always been ARK's best day of the week.

>> No.3494299

They actually did it the absolute madmen

>> No.3494354

Anyone staking their Arks and earning good money?

Will the Ark you get for staking be reduced in the future like mining difficulty.

>> No.3494376


0.75 ARK per day, nothing too exciting at the moment.

>> No.3494378

why does coinmarketcap show a limit of 128,830,372 ARK

isnt ark unlimited ?

>> No.3494400

>gay voice video

>> No.3494411


Direct ETH : ARK Blockchain connection has been tested and is working.

>> No.3494450

which means...? Does this mean eth and erc20 tokens are interchangeable with ark?

>> No.3494456

How much do you own? Is this shows the correct amount?


>> No.3494463


>> No.3494517


Its close enough. its in the region of 10% of you staked ARK per year.

>> No.3494533

for anyone that thinks that is some miracle news:

Ark smartbridge is literally just a 64 bit string. ACES is simply a centralized server that takes your ethereum contract code and returns a token + wallet address + how much ark you need to send. You send the token and the amount of ark to the address, the listener looks at the blockchain, sees your token and verifies the ark is enough, then deploys the ethereum contract. This is nothing special, and quite frankly easy to code.

The big question is where the switch from ark<->eth happens, since that is something the listener must take care of. If all it does is use the ark you sent to buy eth/gas on exchange then there are several issues with it:
- the price fluctuates, meaning you could end up paying less ark or need to pay more ark (in case of more you will get a your ark sent back to you minus transaction fee, resulting in a loss)
- the cost to deploy the ethereum contract could have changed after the ark<->eth exchange. What does the listener do then? Deploy the contract at a loss for itself? sell the eth again for ark to send it back to its owner, possibly ending up with less ark than what was sent?
-ACES seems just proof of concept, and not something you'd actually use

>> No.3494543
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gheh... thats actually some really cool shit.

>> No.3494553

no. Stop hyping this up, it will be ark's doom, because retarrds like you have no idea what they are talking about, resulting in too high expectations.

>> No.3494559

>Ark smartbridge is literally just a 64 bit string.
lol no, you're talking about the memo line on transactions that ARK renamed to smart bridge for some silly reason.

>> No.3494563


>> No.3494566

UX is tight though. Have you seen the interface? This is what's going to sell the coin

As for the potential technical shortcomings, I'm very certain that the team accounted for them. I haven't done my holistic research on it yet, but this team delivers

>> No.3494567

>roadmap complete
this is the first time I've seen a coin do this and it's pretty impressive

>> No.3494568

Then I retire

>> No.3494586

Bro, sorry but this is literally all that "smartbridge" is right now. A 64bit string that other programs can check and act upon.

Look at the github

>The SmartBridge data field is very small, so we need to store the message payload externally and pass only the message token in Ark transactions.

>Added 64 bytes vendorField as first iteration of smart bridge

>> No.3494615

This guy is developing a convenient calculator http://calculator.reconnico.com/

>> No.3494718


>>commencing countdown, engines on
>>Check ignition and may God's love be with you

Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two, One,


This is Ground Control
to Major Tom
You've really made the grade
And the whitepapers want to know whose shirts you wear

Now it's time to leave the capsule
if you dare.



WE MOONIN BOYOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3494809

Surprised Ark hasn't skyrocketed yet. Soon, I suppose.

>> No.3494833

whales suppressing price

>> No.3494834

$5 when?

>> No.3494849


its called sell the news.

>> No.3494865

Can I buy ACES on coinexchange?

>> No.3494869


>> No.3494870

Lol look at it. Not even happening. Like 90% of ARK is already being held and forging.

>> No.3494877

45 BTC sell wall.

>> No.3494908

Just realized the reason ark rose these last few days was for this anticipation and I like an idiot actually fell it and bought the ath

>> No.3494915

It was hardly showing any volume

>> No.3494918
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>> No.3494948

don't worry, some other suckers are gonna buy in, and you'll get your chance to offload your bags.

>> No.3494956

Oops the sell wall is gone... MAGIC!

>> No.3494966

mind explaining?
t. potential deluded arkie

>> No.3494979
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>> No.3495002

>simple automatic coin to coin exchange at average market price.

Guys, this is really basic and everyone buying in because of it is retarded.

>> No.3495018

yeah but make sure you buy a bitcoin package first

>> No.3495046

I've been saying this for a few months now, but even though we're right, it doesn't matter, because ARK is supposed to be normie tier. The hype is going to dictate the price. Welcome to crypto.

>> No.3495059

is ark a security moonman? I don't have any so I'm too lazy to check myself

>> No.3495073
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Please dont bite the hand that fed you

>> No.3495084
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said this in the past the last times you posted this:
no one else is doing it
because it's simple it'll be used
kodak invented the mouse
jobs branded it
smartbridge sounds cool
people buy eth although it's just fuel
omg doesn't do anything and is worth 10$
digibyte was 2500 sats once
xrp has value even though there are 9billion million tokens that arent even needed for the tech

what do you want from us

>> No.3495118

I've been dispelling stupid ARK myths for ages even though I hold.

I don't want to hype up some magic bullet delusions. I want ARK adoption and expectations to be realistic, because it's a lot easier to discuss innovations and implement things when it's clear what the underlying technology is. Smartbridge is just some metadata, the same way Ripple has had ""SmartBridge"" in the form of a tag field in their protocol since day 1. What's magic here is more the ETH smart contract that takes care of this and the ACES middleware code itself.

ACES is essentially a self-hosted ShapeShift service, that is currently only trading ARK<>ETH pairs. It's a good thing, simply, and good for adoption, but ultimately not an innovation in the crypto field itself. ARK is meant to be a normie coin, so this is fine and good for ARK overall.

It should be treated in the same class as BTC.

>> No.3495145

Please!! I lost my 200 Ark in a terrible accident!! Help me recover!! Anything please!


>> No.3495166

Sent :)

>> No.3495187

This is some cringey shit, senpai.

>> No.3495296

So can anyone just make their own encoded listener to switch out Ark with any other coin? I need to look in to this shit.

>> No.3495542

if you can code, sure.

All it basically is that it takes orders for a coin you have in stock, then tells anyone that wants it how much ark to send you + an identifier in the smartbridge field.

It's just:
A: I have 50 ETH
B: I want 5
A: Send me X Ark with this token so I know it's you
B: Done
A: I see your transtaction, I'll send your eth now

It's nothing that couldn't be done manually and it isn't decentralized. You need to trust A (the aces provider) to not fuck you over

>> No.3495849

Ah.. ok. Couldn't it it issue a smart contract though so that there'd be no way party A could reneg on the deal?

>> No.3495906

something like that is planned, but isn't implemented yet

>> No.3496050
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>if ARK goes up to $100 I could be getting almost 10 bucks for free daily with my 314 ARK wallet
cool I guess

>> No.3496089

You'd have made about $96 per ARK, and at 314 ARK, that's basically $31,400 made.

>> No.3496150

He means if he stakes it you tard.

>> No.3496171

Daytrader detected

>> No.3496192
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Although I've been in ARK since 61k I still don't have a great understanding of the system. What I've been curious about is, where do the 0.10 ARK the transaction fees go?

>> No.3496224

Thats a good question

>> No.3496289


Yeah sort of screwed that sentence up.

But also, do delegates forge an unlimited ARK supply? Or is there a finite point in which there is no more ARK? It seems that at some point almost all of the ARK would be in wallets aside from what the daytraders keep on exchanges. I also have a question about a component of ARK that I sort of understand but don't even know how to frame.

>> No.3496323

Important question, how is the conversion ratio calculated?

>> No.3496339


Same as BTC. Decreasing inflation to 0.

>> No.3496359

Did you find the retard who gave you 6000 dollars

>> No.3496410


Cool, thanks my man. Saw the other thread. That first biz delegate was a blessing in disguise for us to be setup with you and Chang.

>> No.3496483

We returned it >>3494286

>> No.3496503

Seriously considering taking out a 5k personal loan and throwing it all into Ark. Even if it drops to 0, I can die in peace not wondering what could have been.

>> No.3496524

Cool sorry i saw his gay post begging and i said just contact them

>> No.3496538

Better hurry up... it's not like $5000 is life changing... but the gains from ark and those juicy staking returns could be

>> No.3496550

Hey sorry again, you guys check the vote before the account is created right. So vote then create account?

>> No.3496556

Yup, vote then create your account.

>> No.3496569

I enjoyed getting a lot more ark from dafty as his pook size fell but he was the last delegate so i have to revote

>> No.3496581

any guide on how to starting voting?

>> No.3496604
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>tfw arklet

>> No.3496670
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>> No.3496683
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>> No.3496694
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>> No.3496735

But anon, you shouldn't cryptogamble what you can't afford to lose

>> No.3497555

Worthless technology... No one is going to use ark to execute a smart contract when they can just use eth or shapeshift. Fucking embarrassing that people think this is useful or will catch on.

>> No.3497592


If ACES becomes decentralized or forms a marketplace and breeds fee competition, it will be poised to overtake shapeshift.

unfortunately this is not possible on coins without proper smart contracts.

>> No.3497620

It isn't possible for this to become decentralized. At that point, it would simply become a decentralized marketplace.

>> No.3497626

Correct. it would overtake shapeshift for coin transfers. Shapeshift's market is huge.

>> No.3497631

And why would people use ACES instead of shapeshift?

>> No.3497636


>> No.3497639

And what is stopping shapeshift from simply lowering their fees to compete?

>> No.3497640

In reality it's like a bonus feature.
Blockchain cloning is ARK's primary feature imo.
Combined with the IPFS integration it's going to be used for a lot of projects. And ARK will be the central currency used between all of those projects.

>> No.3497642

Nothing. I don't see how that is a bad thing either way.

>> No.3497652

get out of Ark you idiots, its just another shitcoin

>> No.3497657

Well you said it would overtake shapeshift for coin transfers... and I contested your argument. ACES is nothing but a glorified shapeshift.
I can see how blockchain cloning would be useful. But for the most part, I think ark is vaporware. It sounds good to idiots but it doesn't actually do anything new or revolutionary.

>> No.3497683

>ACES is nothing but a glorified shapeshift.

When did I say it wasn't lol. I was literally the one that first said that >>3495118

ARK isn't "vaporware", it's just not too different from ERC20 tokens in that you're not paying for blockchain tech, you're paying for stock in a company and its product. There are less than 10 coins total that actually innovate on the underlying blockchain technology. Every other coin out there is just buying stock in a product. ARK isn't any different, and it doesn't really have to be to compete with the massive amounts of garbage out there.

>> No.3497684

Yeah but it still has $100 potential once everything is finished. But I'm not terribly butthurt about missing out on this pump anymore. I'm looking more at chainlink and BOScoin, and maybe Blocknet as my primary holds in the future. I'll definitely buy ARK again as the market for it dies down (like has the past two pumps).

>> No.3497744

Understandable... as long as you aren't another delusional arkie (sorry, the word just fits) who thinks ark is going to take over the world.

>> No.3498697

Wooot nice!!

>> No.3499175

ACES /=/ Shapeshift

Since when can you trigger smart contracts with Shapeshift. So many Forest Gumps on /biz/


>> No.3499186

You might be retarded, sorry.

>> No.3499290

Deluded Arkie- not delusional lel

>> No.3499431

This whole thread is a joke.

Here we have the leader of the ark community on /biz/ admitting that ark "ACES" which was spammed non stop on here for weeks is literally nothing and ark is actually a shitcoin with a nice wallet

Why do you even make these threads are you fucking retarded?

Who in their right mind would put their money in this shit just neck yourselves seriously and leave /biz/ forever you are the new digimarines

>> No.3499931

Burgerlanders are all still in work, chinkies are in the ricefields, Europeans are accumulating.

>> No.3499938

A lot of us appreciate honesty, you fucking prick.

>> No.3500219

Your fud makes me buy more Ark. In all the years I have traded cryoto, I have learned to buy fud hate and vitreol. It means other Devs/ Investors/ bagholders of comoetung coins are afraid of the coin being fudded. In this case, I would say there are a LOT of oeoole ansolutely terrified of Ark. So, I havr seriously upped my massive bags of Ark before Monday. I am already up 3x on my og buyin.

>> No.3500282
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>> No.3500387
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oh my fucking god i am laughing so hard


>> No.3500476
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$10 when?

>> No.3500505

Ummm... how about this. I am a roughneck working on the North slope in The Arctic. It is veru cold, and I am typing on a ver small phone with exyrrmely larve muscula hands that could CRUSH YOUR SCRAWNY NECK WITH A CARELSS TWITCH. Faggot.

>> No.3500602

>Facebook is nothing but a glorified MySpace

>> No.3500676

faceberg has zombified itself into an insufferable neverending stream of shit you don't want to see

>> No.3500708
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Santa has massive bags of ARK and he's had it with your shit

>> No.3500777

Fuck off. I dont give a shit, I dont take any shit Im not in the shit business, and if I wanted any shit from you, I would saueeze your head. Dump away with tour shitty puny larping bags, and it will absorb it and go right nack up, just like you never existed, and just like the last asshat flappinf his trap. Once again Fuck. OFF.

>> No.3500795

im tired of losing money whenever i trade i just want to make mom happy

>> No.3500810

You're ansolutely right.

>> No.3500851
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You sound low IQ...did you test in the bottom 50%? Serious question, I'm curious.

>> No.3500930

I was student council president, and graduating valedictorian of my school. In a test at Thunderbird Research Institute, the only person to ever test higher than myself in abstract reasoning was a Colonel from Luke Air Force Base. Once again. FUCK. OFF. Further more, I make 250k a year, and couldnt give a rats assbif some skeleton crashes my ark holdings 5 grand. Its less than a weeks pay. Once again. Fuck off. Oh yeah. Fuck off. If you forgot already, fuck off.

>> No.3500985

Hello guys newfag here

What do you use to buy ARC and other altcoins, from what I can see Kraken doesn't have many altcoins.

Can you trade with Blockfolio app or is it only to monitor prices?

>> No.3500998



>> No.3500999

You sound a little upset.

>> No.3501013


And the blockfolio app is only to monitor your coins.

>> No.3501021

Ty, do I need to upload a lot of personal info on Bittrex to be able to deposit, trade and withdraw BTC?

>> No.3501037


I dont remember but I think I only put my address and name, maybe a phone number as well. Do it and find out. It's quite easy.

>> No.3501038
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This is a strange LARP. A super smart, wealthy, super angry, obese man. You sound bald. No ones buying it.

>> No.3501051

is that thicc puppers yours?

>> No.3501064

Thanks for help!

Time to buy some ARC

>> No.3501077


I'd buy some BAT as well, it should go up this month, as they're releasing mercury. Good luck anon.

>> No.3501103

Your impression and opinion of me.means less than nothing. You have me confused with someone who valies your opinion, and needs your approval. I have need of niether. Fuck .Off. Next.

>> No.3501107

> tfw just 160 Bat
Ah well, i hope it reaches 1 dollar at least, might gamble a bit on Bittrex, day trade a bit. I'm glad i've got my Ark stash safe and sound out of a exchanges reach now, i'm just not fond of it being on a account which can be shut down or some shit.

>> No.3501121


>tfw sold all my 890ARK right before it mooned

I hope BAT fixes that mistake, got like 4000 BAT

>> No.3501122

Will research BAT

Good luck to you too!

>> No.3501123
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This is not how an intelligent person would respond. Even and angry one. You are fake news.

>Thunderbird Research Institute

>> No.3501154

Nice, i've stil got 2058 Ark in me wallet right now. Accumulating bits of Ark, bit by bit. Very comfy. Not sure what to expect from Bat but it might kick off when the project becomes functional soon. Might hit 1 USD each.

>> No.3501168

An unpublished branch of another Organization. Stop. It would be very unfortunate for you to find me.

>> No.3501196
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Dude stop shitting up the Ark thread with your lies. You ain't gots lie to kick it.

>> No.3501235

I learned early on to not let anyone bully me irl, and that goes forBonline as well. Fuck off. Im not going to roll over and eat your shit. Fuck off. Once again, fuck off. Oh yeah, fuck off. And if you already forgot ( which it seems you are prone to do) , Fuck. OFF.

>> No.3501257
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Ok you're clearly autistic or have a mental condition so I'm going to stop conversing with you. That's not how healthy brains communicate. Good luck to you.

>> No.3501275

Hey guys newfag here with another question, although a bit more of a hypothetical one

If lets say in a few years ARC is suddenly worth 3-400 USD and you're now rich, how would you got about getting that amount back into USD?

Surely bittrex and other exchange sites can't let your withdraw a gorillion USD

Do you just exchane it back to BTC and hold until BTC is widely accepted as payment option?

>> No.3501300

You don't have to get everything out at once. I would just get like 10k USD out, play vidya and watch anime on that for a month and when it runs out withdraw another 10k.
You don't have to be retarded with your money by buying overpriced cars and wasting it on prostitues and other degenerate shit.

>> No.3501316

Is there an ETA for mercury? I've considered getting in on BAT but I don't get paid for another week and a half, and don't want to pay with ARK, but I also don't want to be too late.

>> No.3501321

Good thinking thanks

>> No.3501332

K as in KKK

>> No.3501366

so why is this not 5$ yet?

>> No.3501559

btc is being suppressed and fudded so every alt is suffering

>> No.3501806
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Clock in your powerlevels.

2K guppy here.

>> No.3501816

$8-10 next rally

>> No.3501819

Almost sold last night so I could buy the dip today but I pussied out.

>> No.3501843

Why am I not 5 dollars, you might ask

>> No.3501908
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How do you import an account with 2 passphrases?

>> No.3501953

you input whatever the wallet asks you to put in

>> No.3501966

>so why is this not 5$ yet?
What difference, at this point, does it make?

>> No.3502039

Best wallet to hold altcoins?

>> No.3502147
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31 Ark peasantry here, I fail some daytrading so I'm down from my original 35.

>> No.3502493


>> No.3502966

I know that feel.