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File: 172 KB, 1200x900, 32131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3487395 No.3487395 [Reply] [Original]

Im a millonaire investor in some conference right now watching the market closely and the reversal has just happened. The 200 day moving average has been reached and the price is going up. Buy it all. We are going to back to the moon.

>> No.3487417

bump hehe

>> No.3487427

Post your apparel

>> No.3487429

fuck off tone vays

>> No.3487434

give us more info

>> No.3487447

>millonaire investor
>uses shitty wangblows laptop
yeah sure lol, if you would have money you whould use a macbook

>> No.3487458

Told you so.

>> No.3487459


>> No.3487470

200 sma does tend to be the big "fuck off" point to price trends. Depends on whether or not this market cares about it though.

>> No.3487485

China banning bitcoin has been price in. China can no longer have any impact on the market, they have ruled themselves out of the game theory, they are irrelevant. This is actually bullish once the market realizes this fact.

The technicals are also showing a clear reversal has begun.

>> No.3487494

Here comes the tumble! His brains will be all over the wall soon.

>> No.3487528

>millonaire investor
>The technicals are also showing a clear reversal has begun
lol, even though i want to believe

>> No.3487539

You are right dude. Logical bottom at 2900.

>> No.3487559
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>> No.3487568

Pivot Points and Moving Averages dominate how markets, from the Indices to Forex, moves. News causes temporary spasms.

>> No.3487579
File: 501 KB, 1152x2048, received_1533326053369518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah ggwp

>> No.3487584

I would use Windows even if I had 10 billion dollary doos

>> No.3487589

It's literally nothing to do with anything this guy said. By the time he said anything the numbers were already trending up. It doesn't say anything about what will happen tomorrow. But right now there's a rebound because North America is waking up. That's all.

>> No.3487594

He's right. I saw a 30 second video a few months back when BTC touched 3k and had a crash. The gist of it was 'this one time, bitcoin was 70 cents, then it crashed to 30 cents, then this one time, bitcoin was 7$ and it crashed to 2$, etc, etc' This is another one of those, bitcoin was 5000$, then it crashed to 3000$.

Along with the video it was shown on charts that every single time it crashed it went to the previous high from the last crash. In this case, that's 3000$.

>> No.3487603

Go down again, you piece of shit. I'm not done yet.

Tulips, bro. Bitcoin is a scam, remember?

>> No.3487612

>still would use windows
that why you are poor lmao

>> No.3487616


That's just psychological memes. It crashed by $100 the instant it hit $4 000 because $4 000 is an autistic psychological milestone for people to latch onto and react to.

>> No.3487618

tulip my shit up pham

>> No.3487633


>> No.3487650

This bounce will be insaaane

>> No.3487654


>> No.3487656

I know the number it made it to is a psychological level. I'm not talking about that at all. It happens that 5k was the top. It also happens that 3k was the previous top. So it will crash from the top to the previous one, which both happen to be meme levels. Before that was what, 1300$ or something? I don't remember because it was so long ago.

>> No.3487657


>> No.3487660

I would use bill gates personal BS crash free version of Windows while he blows me for a billion. I'd mine 200 btc an hour on 10,000 burning GPUs. By the time my nut is in his throat I'm already half way back to a billion with my solid crypto investment team trading buttcoins for only top tier shitcoins, back to us, to Japanese yen, to the peso, then to usd. Solid gains of 300% are fine, but I can do better.

>> No.3487664
File: 167 KB, 1678x664, bitcoin log.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin would NOT have crashes if it wasn't due the coordinated Chinese+Jamie Dimon FUD. We would still be on a clear path to $6000.

Now let's just recover from this nonsense. Log chart is still clearly bullish.

>> No.3487671

What site is that?

>> No.3487680

hahahahaha what a fucking cuck. You are not a millionaire. Windows is like the nigger of operating systems. Just gets in your way with popups and ads and having to waste like 20 minutes booting up because of updates. By the way your laptop looks like cheap chink plastic shit.

>> No.3487683
File: 91 KB, 960x960, 1500309006614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sooooo buy doge now?

>> No.3487687

The 200 day MA is at 2361.1 USD. We're more than 600 dollars away from the 200 day MA

>> No.3487695

>buying bitcoin
>not buying ethereum

>> No.3487698

All IN 100k

>> No.3487708


the billion day MA is 0 USD, we are still 3400 dollars away from 0 dollars

>> No.3487716


>> No.3487719

>buying money skeletons scam coin even though ICOs are banned and it has no use case anymore

>> No.3487749
File: 2.81 MB, 600x337, 1504293983870.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moving averages are not trading signals while yet many amateurs like to talk about them they have no value

>> No.3487760

But the logo is cool anon!

>> No.3487765

Charlie will save us, not charts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tglOnNR_bXg

>> No.3487775

There's a thing called ranges. Goldman Sachs gave you an entry point of $2200, was anyone really expecting it to hit exactly $2200? They have started buying up already.

>> No.3487790

jesus why are mac owners so toxic? as a user writing from a macbook, i apologize to you windows users. we're not all faggots.

>> No.3487796

no idiot its called a downtrend there will be small ups fallowed by big drops

>> No.3487804
File: 881 KB, 500x281, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that indicated goldman is using "elliot wave" or "fibonacci" that's just ridicuouls as moving averages

btw i have not seen the original goldman post about this "prediction", care to share a link, prefferably to their website, not some zerohedge rumor?

>> No.3487813

Do you scalp? Because that's how a lot people make money off of things like Forex. A long term MA is used to determine overall bias in direction, while shorter term MA's are used to position in and out of trends, depending on how price action interacts with it. It is the reality. Pivot Points are the "barriers" to movement.

>> No.3487816

Already dropping kek

It's clearer than day that we're going sub 3k

>> No.3487831

no you absolutely cannot "scalp" forex markets profitable 2017 that would require insanely slow markets

>> No.3487835

Going up look again

>> No.3487841

Do the opposite of what biz says, holding my 20x short from 3.8k

>> No.3487849

Because some retard thinks it's a status symbol when it's literally THE normie laptop.

Also written from a macbook.

>> No.3487859

I wish I wasn't in burgerland, shorting obvious crashes seems like such an easy way to make money.

>> No.3487862

mac laptops cost pretty much the same as windows laptops, altought they have better batteries and slightly better security system

>> No.3487868


>> No.3487890
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>operating system x laptops have better batteries than operating system y laptops

>> No.3487893

Agreed, anyone who attacks/defends brands so vehemently are pretty sad.

>> No.3487914
File: 52 KB, 1002x644, US dollar index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US dollar index is literally being scalped right now. But keep believing what you want. I've stop giving a fuck about trying to convince deniers of TA its importance.

>> No.3487930

On the same conference as well !!!! I see the bald guy and the girl next to you. Coming to you after the break since we gotta talk about this ITS HUGE !!

>> No.3487972

>for the low price of 2.5x as much as a windows laptop, you can have lower specs but with a more user friendly layout!
Anyone who buys a Mac by virtue of it being a mac is fucking retarded and losing money.

>> No.3487979
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Next stop: back to the moon.

>> No.3488014

You are going to be very sorry very soon my man.

>> No.3488017

yeah you sound like true knower. hell even software/graph deisgn companies buy only macs cause they literally cannot do the job with pc's

>> No.3488056

>they literally cannot do the job with pc's
except that you can? cite a specific example of a software COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with windows that REQUIRES you to use a mac. good luck!

>> No.3488094

Wait a minute, I just realized something: OP can spell, this can't be tone vays.

>> No.3488108


>> No.3488112

your original comment
>for the low price of 2.5x as much as a windows laptop, you can have lower specs but with a more user friendly layout!

next comment
>COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE with windows that REQUIRES you to use a mac. good luck!

i think you have some bias against mac, they are superior for most professionals

>> No.3488133

OP is right.
I am a billionaire investor and i can tell you there will never be a red candle again. Next stop 25k

>> No.3488140
File: 71 KB, 1365x731, Screenshot_2017-09-15_14-54-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use linux you fucking retards

>> No.3488142

ok how far have you backtested your little scalping "strategy"? forex is the most competitive enviroment on the planet intraday even big banks cannot trade it profitably long term and hft companies are shutting down

>> No.3488156
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>> No.3488173

OP is right, I'm a trillionare and can tell you with absolute certainy that you will never lose again.

Next stop 1 M

>> No.3488176

This thread is a bunch of fucking edgy instagram fags shillings fucking macs because " muh parents got me one cause all my friends say they are cool". Good job showing us all your fucking age who cares what OS you tun while buying high and sellong low. Also buy at sub 3k. Also biz is dead.

>> No.3488194

Notice how you couldn't cite an example. It's likely because Windows can do everything Mac can (and better), for cheaper.
If you're capable of using linux it is the superior OS

>> No.3488319


Don't even respond to linux fags. Ask any linux fag for a picture of him with a female. They can't produce it!

>> No.3488374

I'm not going to backtest this for you. I have no desire to convince you. I will, however, use whatever knowledge I have to make the most informed decisions I can, based on what I have seen happen in my past experience.

>> No.3488408

>none of his open windows are on /biz/ or dailystormer.is
what are you a cuck, anon?

>> No.3488446

okay whatever... jesus god. at least your broker will do well

>> No.3488471
File: 617 KB, 1224x1077, 5758103c8d87552727f6594d4b775a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im a millonaire investor
No sane millionaire would put throw their money into a fog. You're a fool, say goodbye to your money.

>> No.3488551
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>implying he ever drew a dime

>> No.3488554

Tom Demark Indicators masterrace.

It's predicting $1800 for this weekend.

>> No.3488558


>> No.3488866

gas yourself macuck

>> No.3489742
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I feel like we can turn this into some sort of boomer meme

>> No.3489762

Posting now from my Windows 7 desktop kek.

>> No.3489769

>loans: 300k
>mortgage: 500k
>savings: 2k
>chequings: -200k

>time to refinance my home again

>> No.3490618

>I didn't short my BTC at 4000

>> No.3490662

>What is SSD and a semi-decent CPU

>> No.3490731

Im a John Deer tractor in some field right now watching the crops closely and the growth has just happened. The 200 day moving average has been reached and the yield is going up. Harvest it all. We are going to back to the storehouse.

>> No.3490737

this! Congrats by the way man. At what price did you get in?

>> No.3490752

Good luck with that, retard.

>> No.3491261

Inshallah brother we will survive


>> No.3491285
File: 18 KB, 1524x395, 454 million USD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone just bought $452 million worth of BTC. Lol at thinking you can stop the rich from buying BTC.

>> No.3491330

Isn't that the BitFinex wallet?

>> No.3491463

>pop-ups and ads
stop downloading weird porn off indian servers
>20 minutes booting with updates
get some hardware that isn't shit
>caring what others think about your computing device
fuck you are the plebbest fuck. You use twitter and follow celebs too? Read magazine about 6 ways to tone ur abs? Making memes about relating pop culture elements to your everyday mundane shit life/job? "HAHAHA IM SO INTERESTING AND COOL BECUASE IM WITH THE TRENDS!! - posted from my rosegold iphone"

>> No.3491610

>stop downloading weird porn
>get some hardware that isn't shit
HAHAHAHA look at the fucking wincucks making excuses for their shitty bloated operating system. It's garbage, kid. The ads are from Microsoft themselves, moron.
>file explorer: BUY A ONEDRIVE DATA PLAN!
>Start Menu: BUY OFFICE 365!!!
>Notification menu: TRY THE TWITTER APP!

>having to buy the latest hardware every year just to keep running Windows at a usable speed
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA what a jewish scam. No wonder winfucks are always poor. They fall for the dumbest scams and just make poor decisions in general.

>> No.3491629

Looks to me like you're reading that wrong -- the 128,258 BTC is the total balance, whereas they've added 12,366 BTC over the past week (with 102 trades in and 37 trades out). Still utterly massive, obviously, but an order of magnitude lower.

>> No.3491652
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>> No.3491664

Hello Tone Vays

>> No.3491699

you know he is right