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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3472991 No.3472991 [Reply] [Original]

Report in if you are bagholding and bought in over $5000

>> No.3473004

everyone on /biz/ shorted at the exact high and will buy at the exact low

>> No.3473006

I don't think anyone was that stupid op

>> No.3473011

Bought some at $4400, didn't expect the tripple whammy of china FUD.

Bought the rest at around the current price so i'm just chilling atm with my popcorn. Might buy some more if this looks like a good floor.

>> No.3473020

Bitcoin actually got as high 5k? I thought it just reached high 4ks

>> No.3473023
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Reporting in

>> No.3473034


Bought at 4400 and sold at 4200. People said i was stupid to sell at a loss. Guess who is laughing now mother fuckers? HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHh

>> No.3473048

Near the top reporting in

Its too late to sell and rebuy, im waiting and accumulating fiat before buying again

>> No.3473071

750 in ETH at 380 pls kill me. a rock would be fine thanks.

>> No.3473109

>getting yourself wacked over $750

>> No.3473156
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>> No.3473159

With this attitude, you are never going to make a penny though, atleast in crypto.

>> No.3473200

Fucking idiots, just buy it and lock it away for at least 5years, better 10.

>> No.3473213

There's no saying that the floor is anywhere near 3000 or even 2000. It could be as low as 500 if we go by past Bitcoin bubble's history.

>> No.3473240

Do you believe that Silver will be sold at 50 dollar an ounce in the foreseeable future? If not why are you expecting Bitcoin to be trading anywhere near 5000 within 5-10 years?

The past bubbles engaged a smaller amount of capital and people han this bubble, this bubble is bigger than any past Bitcoin bubble. It might take Bitcoin many, many years to recover, perhaps it never will.

>> No.3473262

Bitcoin can be used to transfer value over the Internet. You can't send your stupid fucking silver through the Internet so your silly comparison doesn't make sense.

>> No.3473327

yes you can, if you start a crypto and name it "silver"

>> No.3473373

Still sitting comfy with my $300 Bitcoin average cost and $10k in profit taken.

>> No.3473422
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35% pullbacks are regular in bitcoin

>> No.3473529

Had 22k two fridays ago

Down to 14k lol

>> No.3473570
File: 139 KB, 394x360, 1501035690610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought at 4900
>sold at 4300

>bought at 4500
>sold at 4200

>bought at 4300
>sold at 3900

>bought at 4000
>sold at 3600

>> No.3473583

bought when it first hit 4500 down from 4900

bought again when it hit 4100

about to buy again

>> No.3473609

guyz guyz guyz it will be bounce back. go do some altcoin gambling and eye on BTC not USD

>> No.3473673

>eye on BTC not USD
This is the one neat trick that will keep you from killing yourself in times like these.

>> No.3473679

haha, really?

>> No.3473684

hahahahahahaaa. you are the mayor of biz

>> No.3473746

>buy high sell low

>> No.3473793


mother of god

>> No.3473797

I have 17 bitcoin packages. They say bitcoin will be going to the moon! I am happy to support the space program and our brave men at NASA

>> No.3474090
File: 194 KB, 456x608, milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why wouldn't you just fucking wait you absolute retard. BTC will be worth 10 mil each in the future and you're here losing money left and right. I hope you're joking you absolute faggot. Natural selection will kill retards like you soon when most jobs will be replaced with robots.

>> No.3474186

nice shorting vro

>> No.3474226

Killer instincts if you shorted instead of bought ahaha

>> No.3474240
File: 612 KB, 808x805, 1505045485309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reporting in
I will sell it at 400$ to buy a bottle of scotch and visit the brothel down the street.

>> No.3474273

are you a masochist?

>> No.3474415

Shit I sold my coins but I am still extremely anxious and nervous.

>> No.3475120
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Nice larping

>> No.3475139

The good news is that we will soon be sending 1000s of buttcoins to people for drawing stupid memes again.

>> No.3475648

Do u short here or go balls deep ?

>> No.3475701

bought also at 4400 and still holding, it was money I was prepared to lose so I dont give a fuck.

>> No.3475707


You BEST be trolling son

You will not make it with such girly hands. Learn to Hold.

>> No.3475710

No, you didn't.

>> No.3475728


>> No.3475749

/biz/ school of trading Ph.D