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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 231 KB, 3069x2781, Tierion_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3465617 No.3465617 [Reply] [Original]

next pump coming soon, check the chart for yourself.

>> No.3465633

which chart nigga

>> No.3465639


>> No.3465649
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 25-66-thickbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whales are supressing it, holding the bulls in the pen for the big day (the 15th)

then we will let the bulls loose and pump this baby to the mOOOOOOON!

See me ride out of the sunset
On your colour TV screen
Out for all that I can get
If you know what I mean
Women to the left of me
And women to the right
Ain't got no gun
Ain't got no knife
Don't you start no fight

'Cause I'm T.N.T., I'm dynamite
(T.N.T.) and I'll win the fight
(T.N.T.) I'm a power load
(T.N.T.) watch me explode

I'm dirty, mean, and mighty unclean
I'm a wanted man
Public enemy number one
So lock up your daughter
Lock up your wife
Lock up your back door
And run for your life
The man is back in town
So don't you mess me 'round

>> No.3465660

Nice! Just purchased the company.

>> No.3465665

good job

>> No.3465717

what happens on the 15th?

>> No.3465719

what is obvious, is when this shitt hits Bittrex it is garunteed pump.

>> No.3465745

they release the node softwhere which means huge volume which means pololined and bittrex.

>> No.3465774

Partnerships with Microsoft and Phillips, low market cap, and money skeletons company invested in it. New software release on the 15. You'd be stupid not to.

>> No.3465849

How do I buy this shit?

>> No.3465874

I wouldn't have my hopes up for bittrex, but definitely polo.

>> No.3466134

have they said how much tnt for a node yet?
sitting on 1700 currently

>> No.3466158
File: 427 KB, 820x300, cybtierion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We are the Cybtierion

>> No.3466172

they said it will be around the price of a mid range graphics card.

>> No.3466199

>price of tnt constantly fluctuating
>price of btc constantly fluctuating
what a vague statement

>> No.3466211
File: 2.21 MB, 200x197, 1501646841773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I but this shit?

>> No.3466216

just assume $300-$600 worth of tokens until further notice, we should know by or before the release of the software

>> No.3466226

liqui.io is the easiest exchange to get it on right now.

>> No.3466304

wtf is up with Liqui. Every time I click sign up it just freezes and does nothing. Is hitbtc better?

>> No.3466332

it's fucking up right now, i'm sure it will be fixed soon, you can try HitBTC

>> No.3466346


Can't sign up, either. Tried using both Chrome and IE.

>> No.3466409

Ah all right all right. You guys think this update on the 15th is already priced in? I was hoping for it to dip more before i buy.

>> No.3466425

i doubt it since we do not have confirmation on how much TNT needed to run a node.

>> No.3466441

you think running a node is worth the invest/potential work required? debating on liquidating some of my other holds since tnt wasnt originally a significant part of my portfolio

>> No.3466449

kek. Have you seen this? The CEO shills himself on Quora. Has pretty good answers.

>> No.3466459

Hard to say, but I will be running one. I bought 36k TNT to increase chance at getting rewarded for running node. The "mid range gfx card price" is the MINIMUM amount needed for rewards, the more you have the better odds you will be rewarded, capped at 1% chance. Rewards are paid out every 3 hr.

>> No.3466542

i marked the 15th in my calendar for TNT, what will happen there? Nodes?

>> No.3466551

yea we will be able to run nodes for it.

>> No.3466553


Shill me, nigga.

Can't sign up for liqu.io now, but hopefully tomorrow when I wake up I can buy some just in case it does go to the moon.

>> No.3466579

>sign up

Can't either. Tried on mobile as well and it didnt do shit :(

>> No.3466588

>next pump coming soon
last time i heard this i bought TNT and it dipped a bunch you fucking 3rd world shitcoin-shilling downy-syndrome motherfucking ape from HELL

>> No.3466600

stop anti shilling my shill post you digimarine scum

>> No.3466650
File: 12 KB, 512x512, yPkOptzU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wayne fucking Vaughn
Solid as fuck team


Basically the chain point protocol allows you to anchor data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum Blockchain and a timestamped receipt is given back for the companies records. This will revolutionize data storage and data integrity.

Partners - Microsoft and Philips.

Full disclosure, the Microsoft Partnership is basically them running a big node and being involved via the azure branch of microsoft. But they ARE DIRECTLY involved none the less. Philips is researching MRI audit trails with Tierion I believe.

Anyways that's not even shilling, this token is solid as fuck.

Buy in now

>> No.3466677


>> No.3466701


Thanks. Will buy some once this fucking site works.

>> No.3466775
File: 159 KB, 467x750, 22612d2f-ed31-4bfa-af57-f10dec6d3f06..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much will I need to take a year off from life and travel the world? I have 3500 right now.

>> No.3466839


not even memeing

>> No.3467026

I bought 35k, am I gonna make it?