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File: 33 KB, 800x566, 800px-Tulip_price_index1.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3454195 No.3454195 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, any retard on here that doesn't know about the tulip bubble is getting a quick rundown.

Some fuckin idiot brought tulips to Europe back in the 16th century. They didn't have flowers that look like that shit, and after a while everyone got a raging hard-on for them. They became a status item, and everyone in the Netherlands FOMO'd hard. At one point, a single bulb sold for 2500 florins, enough to buy:

Two lasts of wheat 448ƒ
Four lasts of rye 558ƒ
Four fat oxen 480ƒ
Eight fat swine 240ƒ
Twelve fat sheep 120ƒ
Two hogsheads of wine 70ƒ
Four tuns of beer 32ƒ
Two tons of butter 192ƒ
1,000 lb. of cheese 120ƒ
A complete bed 100ƒ
A suit of clothes 80ƒ
A silver drinking cup 60ƒ
Total 2500ƒ

Shit lasted like a year before people realized they were buying fucking flowers for what amounted to a years worth of wagecuck salary, and the bubble popped.

So now lets look at btc
1) btc is not as big of a bubble, if it was we would all be lambo rn.
2) unlike btc, tulips literally had 0 use cases other than speculation. It was a temporary ornament.
3) the btc "bubble" has already lasted exponentially longer than the tulip bubble
4) it was a fucking flower

tl;dr Dimon isn't retarded, he's a crook. It's manipulation. This is nothing remotely like the tulip bubble.

>> No.3454224

Everyone with a single 1 (ONE) braincell knows this.

>> No.3454231

they weren't buying tulips, they were buying tulip futures, tulips aren't in bloom during the winter

there was regional instability because of a war which was supposed to upset this

>> No.3454241

Then post your fucking shorts bitch

>> No.3454242


You're right. Tulips are a physical good that I can hold. They provide real, if transient, enjoyment. Tulips come in many colors and shapes. Every color and shape can be physically tangible and I can hold them in my hands.


Bubble confirmed. SELL SELL SELL!!!

>> No.3454260

They were trading bulbs, not contracts.

>> No.3454280

Tulips are just a meme used by good dad bad dad reading baby boomer faggots

>> No.3454297

I'm sorry your parents circumcised you.

>> No.3454332


>> No.3454341

I already know about flourins from Assassin's Creed. And the tulip thing was in Wallstreet 2. Duh

>> No.3454344

They were trading futures of the bulbs as well, then the ppl buying the futures would sell them to someone else for profit and so on.
Selling a flower bulb contract for three years down the road

>> No.3454353

lol nobody read your entire post

>> No.3454362

I like when they say it's a tulip bubble all over again, it gives me more time to buy to accumulate.

>> No.3454369
File: 42 KB, 183x200, 183px-124Jynx_OS_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if bitcoin isn't real
how can bubble be real
there is no bubble

>> No.3454380

False equivalence.
Learn what Bitcoin actually is and try to compare it to a physical good again.

>> No.3454386

the tulip blockchain was shit though, no surprise it failed.

>> No.3454392

oh wow I'm retarded and didn't read your entire post OP you literally agreed with me

this is what I get for FOMOing on a post before reading the full whitepaper

>> No.3454405


Took spooky for me man. You're right. I'm just psychotic.

>> No.3454412
File: 13 KB, 339x302, 1359788616816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if bitcoin isn't real how can our bubbles be real
this is going to be my auto response to any anti-crypto shills from now on

>> No.3454414

a decentralized digital public ledger is far more useful than a tulip kek
>muh real goods
I'm a silverfaggot too. More faith in crypto by far, my physical silver is far too manipulated by paper contracts

>> No.3454436

read my other post
I'm stupid and replied before reading the bottom of your post and realizing you were refuting the tulip meme, not agreeing.
I agree with you 100%

>> No.3454437
File: 26 KB, 713x611, 1504897933799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't short on feb 3 despite all the obvious indicators that the crash was just around the corner
heh......... learn 2 trade retards.. I knew it was buble froom day1

>> No.3454443

haha all good man
love ya

>> No.3454464
File: 221 KB, 568x479, 1505047875933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3454470

Blockchain is a human innovation like the invention of the corporation or double entry accounting. It exists now. And its almost certain to be worth a LOT of money in the future.

That is all.

>> No.3454472

Someone should make tulipCoin with the explicit purpose that it is going to become irrationally expensive

>> No.3454529

We already have Bitcoin.

>> No.3454585


Thats what the normies dont get, we are betting on the technology not the coins themselves. and thats why crypto is valuable. gold is backed by gold, crypto is backed by blockchain. the wealth transfer is happening.

>> No.3454595

Normies are here for the quick buck. Who can blame them with this 10000% in a short time frame? You dont really think anyone of them cares about the technology behind it, do you? They cannot even explain a shit about blockchain.

>> No.3454596

But blockchain tech isn't scalable. This is why Bitcoin forked and why there's Segwit and other shit.

>> No.3454638

just listen to some interviews from vitalik, the guy is not of this earth, the potential of blockchain is greater than just paying one another and he see's that

IOTA is, i forgot what its based upon but its pretty ingenious. is there no way that blockchain could become scaleable for a giant amount of transactions?

>> No.3454665

IOTA has a handwritten hash function (HUGE fucking rookie mistake) and an "intentional" backdoor written in by the devs.
I like the idea but the behavior of the developers is making me want to not touch it with a 10 foot pole.

>> No.3454669

pic related
