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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3452539 No.3452539 [Reply] [Original]

What's /biz/ opinion on wage slave jobs?

I currently work full time, pay is alright, 9 to 5 pretty usual. I'm in the machining biz. What jobs does everyone else have? Or is investing and stock trading worth it over a wage slave job? Any advice would be good for me, as if I leave my current job i'd go straight into learning any work at home opportunities.

>> No.3452574
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It's just how life is for some of us, man

>> No.3452597

Wage slave -> invest all money into crypto

>> No.3452628

don't quit your job, most /biz/ "investing" is literally gambling and scams

>> No.3452645

They suck unless you enjoy it somehow, it's at least easy to maintain a healthy body weight with a 40 hr work week.

I love dogs so I walk a few dogs around my neighborhood and just sit my fat ass on my enormous Bitcoin holdings.

>> No.3452659

Productive and fulfilling with low risk/returns

>> No.3452684
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I don't mind mine. It's a lot of learning and stressful, and I learn a lot every day. It's just not something I want to do for 20+ years like most of the guys I know have done. I know there's a lot of jobs out there, I just haven't found one I actually enjoy. Currently I'd take sanity over long hours at this point.

>> No.3452695

I make over 100k a year (before taxes)

I'm trying to learn how to use crypto so I can at least have some type of passive income

If I lose my job, I will jump all in to crypto full time and live as a cheap neet playing in the coin business....

>> No.3452701

Your job security alright? Seems like a good living.

>> No.3452721

Yea, job security is set for now, unless I start getting lazy and not working..

Also, I would really like to just make 30-50k on crypto and move on with my life... (while saving a bunch of BTC)

>> No.3452750

That's good. Do you enjoy your job or is just a "job" to you? That's currently my issue. I'd rather work at a career I truly enjoy and learn, then make a decent living. I'm partially in the manufacturing biz, very repeatable.

>> No.3452753

>software engineer
>30-35 hour work weeks
>spend most of my time looking at shit coins anyway

>> No.3452770


I have a lot of time to setup a monitor and look at my wallet/ and buy coins on bittrex...

>> No.3452776

>>30-35 hour work weeks

You have a lot of downtime at work?

What do you do in your free time?

Can you get fired for that type of downtime?

>> No.3452785
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I work 12 hours a week earning $8.90 an hour, I got a paycheck earlier today that was higher than normal, I guess I worked an extra day or two. I bought $200 worth of ARK.

It could be worse I guess

Then again it could always be worse

>> No.3452802

It could be worse, you could be selling yourself off on craigslist to make ends meet.

You got a job, that's what counts.

>> No.3452826

I used to do Chaturbate but I stopped because I found archived videos of myself and it scared me, I made $150 in one night once, those were better days

>> No.3452828

A good option for passive income is Etheroll. It's an Ethereum dice website (gambling). They payout the profits every 12 weeks based proportional to ownership of their DICE token. First rewards period worked smoothly, flawlessly, and on time. Look into it.

>> No.3452838

I used to make $7hr and eventually found other career goals and made it

Stay smart and look at the bright side, you're making $8.90 and probably live at home, keep going and you'll do fine in life...

The journey isn't yours alone, many have been there you're one of the smart ones because you are on /biz/

I wasted so much time not getting involved...

>> No.3452861

depends on the company. if you find a good position its low stress. Do your assignments in 2 hours, then feel free to fuck around on the internet the rest of the day.
there's no pay commission, and management can't tell the difference between good coders and bad coders, so there's not a lot of incentive to fire them (and we're scarce given the constantly increasing technical knowledge requirements).
you don't realize if your programming team was incompetent until a year after they started working on the project.

>> No.3452865


Don't listen to this guy

>> No.3452878

If the company asks you to show your work all of the sudden, should it be a concern?

>> No.3452890
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Thank u, anon. I am doing my best, I should get a full-time job through an employment agency but I've done that a few times and they tend to really suck..

It would be more money to invest though

>> No.3452904

Post your dick you little queer.

>> No.3452925

Please provide your argument against Etheroll. It's only downside is it's performance is limited by the ability of the Ethereum blockchain. And even so, it's still got millions of dollars wagered and consistent daily bets.

>> No.3452927

I don't wanna get banned, I don't think it's allowed on biz, otherwise I would.

I'd do pretty much anything for a couple ARK, I have no shame left

>> No.3452930

coding isn't like retail work where you have to be available for the customer at all times.
You can do an amazing job in a very short time if you're skilled.
The work is so deep and abstract it the technical lead would have to snitch on you. There's no easy way for management to measure how good your work is without understanding the tech themselves.
But the technical lead has interviewed people and knows that if you're not complete shit he'll have a hard time replacing you.

source: I spend all day managing a codebase written by idiots.

>> No.3452931
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I've also done contracting and temp jobs, I didn't care and was proud to have a job at least, I was also using those experiences and jobs to eventually find a better job

Its called progress and hard work, you'll do well as long as you keep going and dont give up

I've given up a long time ago, but eventually came back and made it

Nobody ever told me to not give up, but im fucking telling you to keep going

victory is up ahead

>> No.3452964

Post a link to it. Whip that pecker out.

>> No.3452967
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I will press on

>> No.3452972

it made money one time and never again....

>> No.3453109

It's currently 472 Eth above the starting bankroll, that was increased 2,500 Eth from last period. Try again Fudder.

>> No.3453141

How many would you say is a good buy?

Theyre at 3 bucks a pop or so and will they ever go above 50?

>> No.3453142

This. It takes sometime to get good as investments. Do it as a hobby first, until you get good at it.

>> No.3453219

If you're looking to trade DICE, anything under $5 is *probably* a good buy. During the rewards period all DICE in certain wallets are frozen, and during the 1st one, the price rose to $9. If you're looking to hold DICE for consistent dividends, I'd say now isn't a bad time. You have to accumulate them though if you want any dividends worth a shit.

>> No.3453500

I work as a cleaner for little bit over 10 euros an hour. At first the job was chill as fuck, got an assigment where I had around six weeks to vacuum a local theater, did it in 2 weeks and just sat around for the 4 weeks and pulked the pay for it. Then got another 5 week job where I was supposed to clean windows from an empty school, I just slept for like an hour or two at the start of the day, then did around 4 hours of wirk snd then just shitposted for the rest of the day. But now it's all catching up to me, I now have long and hard days cleaning some of the shittiest houses you could imagine. Thankfully I'll be quitting this job around 1 month now. Fuck being a cleaner.

>> No.3453563

I work 9-5, accounting job. 35 hour work weeks, and I have my own office and I spend 3-4 hours a day with my door closed fucking around with crypto. Pay is meh but it's a god tier company with an amazing campus and amazing benefits