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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3449196 No.3449196 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme

>> No.3449225

i still have 8. what am I missing with 16?

>> No.3449256
File: 3.35 MB, 2560x1440, dragonsnshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have 16 and I'm pushing its limit when I play ARK. I need more.

>> No.3449275

Literally nothing. RAM is a meme.

>> No.3449305

16gb of ram is disgustingly inadequate for serious computer use

>> No.3449447


>> No.3449677

wait what board is this?

>> No.3449696

how much do you get per day with 16 on biz_delegate?

>> No.3449725


hue hue

>tfw actually an arklet, though.... feelsbadman.jpg

>> No.3449729

What matters in RAM is speed, your better off with 8 gb at 3200mhz than 16 at 1600.

>> No.3449740

>mfw 128gb
but 3d rendering

>> No.3449752

at 16 im constantly running into ram issue. Between 3 monitors each having 15-30 active internet tabs (yes i use them all), Photoshop, Dreamweaver, torrents, what ever game i happen to be playing, Unity and unreal engine running. Perhaps im just a very busy autist but definitely need more ram.

>> No.3449795

got 16 in both my desktop and thinkpad. they were both cheap so idk

>> No.3449817

I already run into problems with 30 tabs open for a day + a couple minor programs like discord, Telegram, slack etc. + 1 high end game

If I just browse with several 20-30+ tab windows for a few days (on sleep overnight), I almost max out my RAM just through Chrome memory leaking (I know).

>> No.3449828

Yeah but chrome scales back once other programs demand memory so it will never bottleneck you.

>> No.3449837

Chromes good for tab junkies like us. Firefox is just cancer

>> No.3449845


Also, windows 10 really helps because it freezes things in the background. Not good for game engines though, sometimes it crashes them.

>> No.3449994

>2010 chinkpad x201
>recently installed SSD
>4GB ram
>old i5 processor
>usually 10-15 tabs open
>plays 1080 streams fine
>can browse /biz/ on a second monitor

works like a dream -

cost £150 three years ago
SSD cost me £60 last week

ill get another 2 years plus out of this

>buying a laptop for more than £/$ 300

works like a dream

>> No.3450016

>tfw youre on the wrong board
Come back to >>>/g/, we miss u

>> No.3450092
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I have 16 GB and I wish my motherboard would support 32GB. My use case is opening lots of chromium instances. Don't ask why.

>> No.3450102

mfw fell for the 16gb ram meme and ended up getting 32gb cuz muh 350 Firefox pricechart tabs

>> No.3450108
File: 21 KB, 398x456, 6gb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 chrome tabs
couple file explorers
6 notepads
ARK wallet
MS Word

6 GB before even launching a game. ugh.

>> No.3450127
File: 65 KB, 1331x688, whatdo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3450588

I've got 32gb highest speed. This is useful for rendering normie.

>> No.3450630

i have 20 tabs open, 50% ram use. seems fine to me

>> No.3450657

>20 tabs
Did you know one 23-24 inch 1080p monitor holds exactly 52 tabs before the icons disappear and it becomes unusable? And most people have 2-3 monitors full? Filthy casual.

>> No.3450673

I have 16 and love it. Thing just cruises, never slows down, never pauses, freezes etc. Just goes

I have triple monitor and will regularly have 30 tabs, music, YouTube videos all running together on 2 screens whilst I have crysis 3 open on one screen and a 4k video encoding in the background. Then on my last screen I have software compiling while I mine bitbean on the last screen.

>> No.3450764
File: 551 KB, 569x802, 1505008986113.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw fell for the 8gb meme
Feels good that I'm not a Chromecuck. Also bought it cheap before NAND prices went up.