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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3448059 No.3448059 [Reply] [Original]

I work on capital hill im hearing chatter that there is going to be "heavy pressure" coming down on crypto in the coming weeks.
I dunno who is leading the call, some ppl in Jeff Sessions department.
Talk is some exchanges will be raided by the feds or shut down till lawsuits are finished.
Guys i am not joking. repeat no larp no sarcasm no joke.
Apparently this is why Jamey dimon, said what he said, cause he knows shit is about to hit the fan.
If you have to keep bitcoin keep it on your personal harddrive or cold wallet or wake up the following morning with your exchange showing a FBI seal.

serious, no larping DEAD SERIOUS

>> No.3448092

Nice tits

>> No.3448100
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>serious, no larping DEAD SERIOUS

>> No.3448101


If bittrex and/or poloniex gets shut down this market is going to die anyway, so why worry

>> No.3448107

Nice tits.

>> No.3448118

>lmao it wont matter if exchanges get shut down, lol

>> No.3448120
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>> No.3448124


>> No.3448130

>Over half of europe and america on these exchanges
>Not killing crypto if they are taken down

>> No.3448139

I guess I'll just move to binance

>> No.3448167

Goldman Sachs banker covering Bitcoin here.
This rumor is semi-true.
Our MD is talking about a few private persons BEHIND those exchanges being raided, not the exchanges themselves. Result (shutdown) will be the same as their crimes are relevant to the activities of the Exchange, however it will be indirect.

We get this information ahead because we are active on every exchange as part of our coverage on alt coins. This has been done after extensive consultation with our regulators, finally approving minor investments in these exchanges.
In return we gave them more inside information on these exchanges.

The allegations regarding the 'to be' prosecuted seem a bit too unrealistic to me, but the damage will be there nonetheless.

Recommend paper wallet as well.

>> No.3448179

nice. just bought 100k

>> No.3448188

weak fud, try harder

>> No.3448201

what were the crimes?

>> No.3448207

Tell us what exchanges faggot

>> No.3448215

hmmmmmm...which exchanges?

>> No.3448221

BIG if yuuuge

>> No.3448225


what do you think, there are rumors about bittrex already

>> No.3448228
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Buy 0x

>> No.3448244

Btw, raided is not the right word. These individuals are aware of it and have been collaborating (poorly).
Some arrests could be temporarily and not for all the individuals involved.

>> No.3448254

Time to move to a decentralized exchange I guess.

>> No.3448255

But can they do that ? theres alot of money that flowing on bittrex that doesnt belong to them how can feds legally close it and fucj with innocent people's money

>> No.3448274

Ask btce victims

>> No.3448279

The initial crimes were actually a joke.
It started with a lot of money being in limbo (deposits gone wrong) and exchanges not dealing with this properly. Adult housewives filing reports about losing their money and trying to sue the exchanges.
It led to investigators finding out a lot of this money is eventually being laundered towards private accounts by the owners and purposefully neglecting to respond to 'small' reports.

>> No.3448286

shit dude how the fuck i am supposed to know that, i just see some pretty smug dudes talking about taking action on crypto and crypto exchanges.
Remember the weak point of crypto are the exchanges, which go through a registrar. Any "crimes" committed with USD through an us bank no matter how small are subject to US law. This is how the Feds got to FIFA an international body because some guy routed
money through a us bank for half a second.

all my money is off exchanges, personally dont care if you heed my advice,just dont come crying when you cant access your funds.

>> No.3448350

The reason I do not think most of the allegations will result to actual arrests, be it directly or indirectly, is because in the current way these UBO's make money off their exchanges, it's pretty hard to track how much of these funds are actually generated through this Limbo money.
Then again it is not unlikely that they provide us with 30% of the information and that there's more involved.
Exchanges are theoretically - 'legally' protected against these kind of transactions gone wrong. In reality they could be working on legislation that just makes any exchange illegal and then anyone behind it would simply be a criminal.

>> No.3448354

Well time to take my ether and omg out i wanna move to bitfinex but they have a record of being hacked also theres the china btc ban coming i know hong kong isnt china but I'm pretty hk will be affected too jesus nothing is fucking safe anymore

>> No.3448367


K dude

>> No.3448413

What a fucking surprise, normie women gets into crypto and subsequently destroys it.

>> No.3448450

I think we all knew it would happen eventually so if this is all true then look at Blocknet, mothership, etherdelta, or the new bitshares decentralized exchange coming out in a couple days.

>> No.3448453

Should I go into USDT? or cash out all together?

>> No.3448458

Just cause there is this lovely normie woman I love:
Don't forget that it's really the exchanges growing beyond their own reach, not being able to cope with the demand and mainly the consequences this demand brings.
Complaints from users are inevitable, it's how you deal with it.

>> No.3448473

Remember all the FUD about sketchy shit happening with polo and coinbase? Well, Polo is in trouble.

>> No.3448478

What a surprise someone believing everything they see on the internet

>> No.3448503

What about coinbase though?

>> No.3448522

coinbase is one of (((them)))

>> No.3448526

It really does not bring the end of cryptos in what sort of way, so there is no reason to cash out imo.
Sure it will create some weird movements, but the technology is still there to stay.

I am seeing a few co-developers and such working on 'private' exchanges. Me trying to explain how that would work liquidity wise would give no justice to the genius behind these plans, but it basically means that they will be very selective with who can trade on those exchanges. Basically creating different private hubs and connecting those altogether.
It will include a stricter KYC/compliance process and will unfortunately cost more.

>> No.3448552

It will keep the regulators further from home, no sneaking around sneakyville.
But will also exclude a lot of 'dumb money', - no offense.

>> No.3448579

No dumb money no volatility and no huge gains

>> No.3448583

Don't forget that a lot of the reasoning from investigators / prosecutors is as follows:
'we don't want another 9/11 financed by terrorism money through these weird exchanges, right?'
It literally makes no sense and they know it, but it's an debate you cannot win because they will just keep bringing that shit up like it's a fact that any increasing source of wealth in the hands of a select group of people is used to crash planes into buildings.

>> No.3448587

If you're saying this as a warning, it means you are a good person and will give a small proof of it

If you're just fuding, well, nice b8 m8

>> No.3448613


ok but isnt there supposed to be decentralised exchanges soon?
or are all the ICOs lying?
Kyber is saying that it's decentralized right?
well if that is the case then you couldnt really shut it down effectively at all

>> No.3448637

I know this is just a big FUD but you guys are honestly scaring me. what if this is the end for crypto? do I cash out?

>> No.3448649

Yes goy, sell your coins to me I will keep them safe

>> No.3448691



>> No.3448704

Sure, and that's nice.
But please don't forget what a ICO is. It's raising funds to realize said projects. It's not there yet.

>> No.3448724

so its polo

>> No.3448743

Polo has been up to shit for fucking ages, got all my shit off of there months ago, would explain the twitter meme about certain crypto celebs being in control of the support as a joke, because it never gets resolved...this anon might be onto something...It wont be Bittrex because SEC is all over that shit...

>> No.3448758

>capital hill

>> No.3448769

I've been waiting for verification for over 4 months now...wtf?

>> No.3448778


Do you ever go on /r9k/

>> No.3448779

5 months here...BTC-E 2.0 going on here...

>> No.3448817

Man you have fucked my day into oblivion, china fud 3 times this month into possible Burger fud in the coming weeks...

>> No.3448841

>liking generic roastie whores
end your shit taste immediately

>> No.3449001

I have shit on Bittrex should I move to MEW?

>> No.3449045

>I work on capital hill

Capitol Hill?

>> No.3449089

I am a bartender in the bay area. I have a few banking lawyers who come in and they say Kraken is going to be one of the first to be shut down. They say coinbase is probably one of the safer options.

I give no fucks btw, im on bitfinex...they called the ICO crackdown...theyre also saying in november China bans cryptos because of money moving offshore and china is a bunch of currency manipulating niggers. They said that 3 weeks ago and voila, chatter is picking up...

best case scenario, china heavily regulates their cryptos...BTC gonna get rekt regardless. Issue is how much.

>> No.3449130

bought another 100k cheers brother

>> No.3449205
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If bitfinex goes belly up I will literally be mfw so fucking hard I'll probably do something dangerous

>> No.3449221

That girl isn't asian.

>> No.3449283

how much crypto do i need for a girl like this?

>> No.3449320

You need to lift 5 days a week. 8% bodyfat. Facial aesthetics. Be over 6ft. and cryptowhale.

>> No.3449354

ITT: morons that unironically believe someone who can't spell "capital hill' works on capitol hill

>> No.3449368

So would moving OMG from Bittrex to Bitfinex or Binance be a smart idea?

>> No.3449384


>> No.3449408

>be over 6ft

>> No.3449414

hes super cereal guys

>> No.3449424


>> No.3449450

>this thread
>no proof whatsoever

ok bois bough another 100000000000000000000000k

>> No.3449475
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Nice, bought 100k

>> No.3449482

>Capital Hill

It's Capitol hill you fucking moron. If you actually worked there you would have probably spelled it right

>> No.3449508

Top fucking kek, you faggots can't spot a bait thread to save your fucking life.
Get fucked OP, you worthless piece of shit.

>> No.3449512


everyone i know is into crypto. Shutting it down would be the same as a large scale confiscation.

How to antagonize the entire population in one day, 101.

Washington would literally be digging its own grave.

>> No.3449661

I fell for you larping faggots too often on pol. Not going to again

>> No.3449868

lol op get fucking busted. nice larp

>> No.3449945
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Hai Hai~

I have heard the same message relaying down from my contacts as well. More regulations are soon to come. We will need to be alert and stay nimble. I've converted to fiat since.

>> No.3449962


Are you the same anon that spread their chainlink presale?

>> No.3449975
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>Telling this to 4chan
Top kek, disregarded. If it's true then fuck me but "leaking" this information to an anonymous image board is not any way to make this seem legitimate.

>> No.3450051

dude i dont give a fuck,as if ppl dont make spelling errors all the fucking time, no wheer did i say sell your crypto i said take it off the exchanges. Think it about fucktards, if im wrong youll still have your coins,if im right, spend the rest your life looking into a mirror cursing yourself

>> No.3450123
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Fuck off imposter faggot

>> No.3450175

Luckily I only put 30 bucks in to test the waters in bittrex. So what? Convert into btc and send the shit back to coinbase I guess?

>> No.3450230



>> No.3450232
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Hai Hai~

I am indeed Dunois in the /biz/ cord server. Feel free to message me on there and I will respond accordingly.

>> No.3450248
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fuck off with this yellowpress

>> No.3450250

anime chan...converted to fiat? good god....

>> No.3450282

meh, maybe...maybe not

>> No.3450416

then why "To be sure, Dimon later noted that his daughter purchased some bitcoin." ?

>> No.3450456

what is bittrex?

>> No.3450491


>> No.3450600

Thats great news!
Gibbs me dat sale price yo.

>> No.3450662

Remember guys, don't go out killing politicians if this happens.

We can't have people mudering politicians, no sir, I would very much dislike that prospect.

>> No.3450929

who is the semen demon?

>> No.3451037


sydney maler

>> No.3451201


>> No.3451214

Guys, if they kill myetherwallet.com, how the fuck could i recover my shitcoins?

>> No.3451271

How do you know the Feds won't seize the USDT bank accounts?

>> No.3451290

it worked for george washington and crew. maybe some greedy lawyer/politicians getting wacked is good for a nation?

>> No.3451324

please don't blow up the federal reserve

>> No.3451344

shopped, her tits are way smaller than that, like b cup

>> No.3451382
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Don't worry anon we will make sure we make your blockchains super tight. You'll all be so comfy.

>> No.3451408

Thanks for the heads up just bought 100k

>> No.3451578


FUuuken sage basement boy detected

>> No.3452236

So to put your text in a nutshell
MTGox 2.0.
It was clear some exchanges will get greedy. That was my big fear. No control and no supervision can have advantages and big disadvantages. This is one of the biggest. Rip in piec money. But good for new investors. The old will be afraid and sell their money and new come to market. Big Decrease make the future Increases sustainable.

>> No.3452778

...a centralized exchange?

>> No.3452833

This is my fetish