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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 21 KB, 1819x610, iota_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3441661 No.3441661 [Reply] [Original]

>no more refugee threads
>it was all fud
Who fell for it and who was clever enough to enjoy some nice little gains.

>> No.3441673

I sold but not over the ridiculous islam shit.
I have real concerns about the way the dev team handled that 'patch' to the code

>> No.3441677
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>> No.3441680

I'm from europe. Why would I support a team who support the invasion and destruction of europe? It's not gonna happen!

>> No.3441683
File: 31 KB, 852x480, nice bought 100k miota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah, brother. An excellent ploy to accumulate more IOTA. These profits will allow me to buy many blue-eyed slaves in a year's time.
>MFW the kafir fall for our ruse once again.

>> No.3441689

Fuck that guy, I'm not going to make him rich.

>> No.3441691
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>> No.3441703

made some gains going long, hoping for a repeat with this dip. it was being propped up artificially.

>> No.3441714
File: 34 KB, 1082x632, 1505208863929.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look guys IOTA went up 25% in 10 minutes
>i guess islamification of the western world is the right path after all!

>> No.3441727

Memes aside, these guys don't seem to be very professional.

>> No.3441735

They must hate themselves that they made a couple of white nationalist very rich last night.

>> No.3441737

Fuck muzziecoin.

>> No.3441741
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>> No.3441750

hitler says hi

>> No.3441757

If you didnt see this coming you were trully retarded. Managed 5 btc in the dip, gains are comfy.

Rule number 2 of /biz/: Buy the coin that is getting fudded the hardest.

>> No.3441758
File: 683 KB, 770x498, 1505172910599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are the IOTAmarines and we are not selling

Allah Akbar

>> No.3441763

I think more information is having an effect. They're now being forced to spend their own money to pump up the price. Hopefully it will be more expensive as time goes on.

>> No.3441775
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>> No.3441778

Read their slack. They call people retards and use crude language constantly. They are verbally abusive to others.

>> No.3441782

Ah, Mr. Hitler! Yes, a great friend to the Muslim people. We praise his name and are proud of his efforts to eradicate the Jew.

>> No.3441784

it was definitely having an effect. If you watched the log you could see a massive increase in bots and million+$ sell walls go up to try and stabilize the price.
One autist was in discord showing proof that one of the devs is a pedophile, says he's going to release it on Friday. Looked legit, but anything can look legit with photoshop if your good with it.

>> No.3441801

3 billion coins buddy. Good luck ever getting to that 100 dollar coin mark.

As a matter of fact it's at such a ridiculous amount of coins because the network architecture would never work with a lower amount of coins (which would be necessary to reach an expensive coin based on organic market activity). The only way to get this shitcoin up is to pump money into it and hope the sheep go along with it. The graphs outside of the pumps are real IOTA market activity, which is basically nothing.

>> No.3441882


do you have a link so I can join the discord? thanks

>> No.3441892


just you wait until they start fucking using the tech in Porsche's and self driving tech etc

>> No.3441894

>They're now being forced to spend their own money to pump up the price
Yeah.. Okay. Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.3441903

>If you watched the log you could see a massive increase in bots and million+$ sell walls go up to try and stabilize the price
babbys first time trying to watch order book and trade history daww..
you realize nonpoorfags trade with bots, right? and you realize iota and every other coin on bitfinex is 24/7 whale terriroty, right?

>> No.3441913

Jesus, I thought that was a pile of shrimp next to the boat.

>> No.3441934

Your missing the point. Theirs always bots, but once the price started going down and the fud started, the bot activity increased 100 fold. It was very obviously not natural bot activity.

>> No.3441958

>pls believe me, crying on 4chan did so much damage that the devs were forced to pump millions of their own cash into iota to keep it from dying!

>> No.3441985

If you aren't able to distinguish natural bot activity form increased bot activity, All i can say is stay poor newfriend.

>> No.3441996

hahaha, pollards are so retarted man. ahahahah

When will these fags learn to keep their emotions out of business

>> No.3442044
File: 141 KB, 1080x1350, 1505015766411-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Devs are having to shill in these threads. Better start shorting Iota.

>> No.3442120

once iota hits more exchanges its going to dump hard. has nothing to do with retard /pol/ shit. it's because there is literally a billion dollars of tokens waiting to be dumped by the devs once there is more liquidity.

stay far away from iota. there are plenty of other coins with just as much hype trading at 1/10th the market cap.

>> No.3442222
File: 1.25 MB, 700x1050, weekend at iotas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3442248

because you can make money?

>> No.3442276

iota has over 50m usd daily volume on bitfinex
they wouldnt have much trouble cashing out. not like they would anyway considering how long theyve been around.

>> No.3442278

2 million dollars was injected into the market in 20 minutes, after which it went completely flat. If you think that's natural activity, you're fucking retarded. If you're pretending it's normal and healthy because you're invested in it, fine.

>> No.3442298


>> No.3442320

significantly more than that was taken out in 20 minutes exactly 7 days and 12 hours ago

>natural, normal and healthy activity
>pick one of the above
sorry not sorry you dont understand how crypto market works :^)

>> No.3442404

Of course they wouldn't, because they want to keep this going for longer, reach billions and exit as winners, not cash out with a few million and have their reputations ruined to live a frugal life in a shitty apartment afterwards.

They have already been exposed by cryptography experts for their incompetence in tech and by the community for their incompetence in PR, with an absolute reluctance to face criticism or learn. The concept/vision of the coin so far is just a bunch of empty promises. There is fucking 3 billion coins. Point me to a coin that is capped at 3 billion that's worth anything, let alone 60 cents. It's a sham, which they are trying to keep up to lure in real money. That's all before politics.

Enjoy your flat market. I'm sure there are billions of people all over the world rushing in right now to invest in your refugeecoin.

>> No.3442506

>if only I could buy 10000 MIOTA out of 3000000000 for $6000
>if it rises to 1000$ per coin and 170b marketcap I would have $120000 wow

>> No.3442517

I lost 1000 miota in a wallet, can't remember the pass/seed ...

>> No.3442604

>muh 3 billion coins!!
>marketcaps can never increase! crypto is stuck at $150b for ever!!
Its clear youve done zero research into the project. The purpose is not digitial meme gold you dip. Or not even purely as a currency.
Its valued so high for a reason... Id tell you why big money is in iota, but because of your cognitive biases youd just keep up with the bs.

>ill destroy this coin with pol meme magic, its dead, youll see!
>no no the devs pumped the price, its flat, its still dead, im right! its a scam! pls believe me!
Keep fudding.

>> No.3442633

>ad hominem intensifies

Hi David

>> No.3442667

>if only I could buy 100 btc out of 11,300,000 for $10000
>if it rises to 4300$ per coin and 70b marketcap I would have $430000 wow

>> No.3442731

Literally no other coin chart looks like the IOTA chart, which is flat as fuck, then gets a massive surge out of nowhere and then goes flat again and then gets dumped. Of course the devs would be interested in surging up the price and keeping it stable because if the price tanks 50% in light of the publicity it has received, it could collapse under its own weight. But keep throwing money at it, it will be fun to watch your cash burn. Now if BTC takes a dip, prepare your anuses for tabasco-lubed ramming from a giant African refugee cock.

But at least program your bots to inject the money into your coin gradually. Or is that not good enough because people would dump on you before it reaches your projected price? IOTA already has bagholders who bought in at double the price we are at right now. If you really think the information that is being released on your coin coupled with your venture into politics has no effect on the coin and that no one is pumping hot air into the coin then you're lying. And you've been caught lying before.

>> No.3442732

I think 10k coins at 1000 each is 10mil buddy
It prolly won't go that High though

>> No.3442756
File: 304 KB, 1242x1490, IMG_8025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iota refugee ducks eternally and unequivocally btfo

>> No.3442783

Their r3ddit page is cringy as fuck. Can't handle the slightest criticism, constantly making excuses for dev incompetence.

Iota's ico was pennies on the dollar too. Id have to look it up but I remember people selling their 5 Giota on bitcointalk for a couple hundred or so. Then they listed it on the exchange for ten thousand percent higher and idiots like me bought in.

With that being said, I'll probably hold onto my coins. A couple recent icos accepted iota so i will likely drop these bags into an ico in the future.

I still believe the concept of freedom from miners is revolutionary. Maybe a more competent dev team can make a competing project...

>> No.3442816

With IOTA being centralized and partially closed source literally the only way they could make it any shittier is to make it inflationary. I couldn't find any information on this, but the already slow speed would benefit a lot from it. Wouldn't be surprised if they managed to pull it off.

>> No.3443128

what kind of fucking faggot sits there and screenshots all the /pol/ tier shit they say?

>> No.3443167

Bosch and VW already, 5 more 'MAJOR' global companies contacting them last week.
So much fud from btc and eth camps.
What a bunch of sissy faggots lol

>> No.3443340
File: 97 KB, 692x960, 1505005863091-pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake news

>> No.3443390
File: 647 KB, 995x1080, 1505189129434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/pol/ tier shit

Tell me again how literally funding refugees is /pol/ tier.