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File: 78 KB, 204x204, Darkcoin_sml.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
340614 No.340614[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Here's why Darkcoin is the winner for now:

I've been looking at the Bytecoin code for a day now, it's pretty shitty IMO. It works but it's not very easy to work with, they had a team of like 10 people as well.

But the worst part is the "reference implementation" which is Bytecoin, it isn't documented at all so I'm trying to figure out how it works before I can improve it.

Bytecoin probably won't be usable for a while, DRK and Anoncoin and Zerocash are really the only contenders. Anoncoin has a slow dev team of like a single person, and Zerocash creators (some Israeli researchers I believe) aren't quite committed to creating a coin--and they intend for it to be closed-source.

If Bytecoin devs get off their ass and fix their shitty console programs, it could be a real winner because it has the best privacy that doesn't require a master-key like the Israeli Zerocash, and it doesn't require peer to peer transactions like Darkcoin. Bytecoin has the best, and Darkcoin devs plan to implement it into Darkcoin after they finish this version of Darksend.

For these reasons I must stand firm that Darkcoin is the best, even if the rumors of a 5% pre-mine are true.

DRK sits at $6.35/coin right now.

Free analysis courtesy of the Jew of operating.

>> No.340617

I will also add that it stands to reason any coin that approaches Doge without being featured on mainstream television has either some legitimate merit or wealthy backers.

>> No.340630

>5% pre-mine
50% insta-mine. And yes its true. The dev admitted to it.

>> No.340635


5% newfag

>> No.340643

Darksend is vaporware.

>> No.340646

Are you going to reiterate the same broken arguments over again?

>1,600,000 coins mined in 8 hours
>2,000,000 coins mined in 24 hours
>4,293,995 total coins mined as of right now

Yes. It looks like almost 50% of the coins were mined in 24 hours to me. I don't know what retarded math you are using.

>> No.340647

darkcoin isn't completely anonymous

>> No.340654


bytecoin or monero function anonymously every transaction.

>> No.340656

I think now that it's being looked at by more people we'll have a new wallet sooner.

>> No.340680
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Made my profits during the pump and put a good chunk of them into bytecoin. The technology is promising and I can wait as long as it takes to get an updated wallet.

Not sure why more people seem to be on about monero every time I mention bytecoin. Should I have both?

>> No.340684

Newfag to cryptos here

i thought that one of the main points of this Bitcoin thing is that it is anonymous

how is bytecoin more private? Bitcoin is not really anonymous then?

>> No.340691

Every bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public ledger which is the blockchain. It takes some time, but someone could track a bitcoin transaction from one address to another.

Bytecoin and monero transactions cannot be tracked. I have no clue about the technical details but if you want a coin that's actually anonymous with some promising new technology behind it then read the bitcointalk forum or the bytecoin wiki.

>> No.340700

Also darkshill is another pump and dump. 50% insta-mined. Darksend is vaporware. The masternode system is designed to keep people's darkcoins out of reach while the devs cash out their massive stash.

And bytecoin was supposedly 80% mined over 2 years, but the tech is interesting enough that I can look past it. Cryptonote-based coins are the future.

>> No.340716
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Bytecoin's code is a reference implementation, and it isn't documented.

It looks almost as if they stripped all the comments from the code before releasing it.

Basically, if the Bytecoin devs don't do it, it will take a 3rd party a good while.

I'm still trying to figure out which part is the RPC client.

As I've said before, I spoke to the Bitmonero guy (who claims to be Ukrainian) and he sounded like an Indian or Brazilian fuckwit, and I told him as much when he wouldn't wait for a GUI wallet before releasing the coin.

Fuck that dude, Bitmonero is the equivalent of a clonecoin with a few variables changed. You are far more likely to see a GUI wallet from Bytecoin first.

The paki/indian/brazilian lead on Bitmonero won't be able to pull many skilled developers to his project, it's practically worthless. I suppose after Bytecoin releases a GUI wallet he may want to copy that too, so it might be interesting to see how it plays out.

Anyway, right now I'm in the middle of trying to figure out what these pieces of code do before I can make a GUI wallet for Bytecoin, I think the team (10 people on Bytecoin or so) stripped the comments so there is a disadvantage for 3rd parties trying to modify or improve it.

Oh! And the Darkcoin team has already said they're going to implement ring signatures (cryptonote, bytecoin basically) in Version 2 of Darksend.

So after Darksend is up and running (V1) it will improve beyond peer-to-peer pooling. Since the Darkcoin dev team is competent and actually still working on the project, it's not a bad horse to bet on.

>> No.340720

You can already use it in the beta wallet...

>> No.340735

Some rather deluded people still think monero is the better choice between the two cryptonote coins right now. Good luck on the GUI wallet. And hopefully by the end of the decade we'll find out which coin gets to be the official digital cash of the world.

>> No.340742
File: 36 KB, 679x302, zerocoin update.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have rather high hopes about by the end of the year., but yes, hopefully.

LOL what luck! Just saw this on Twitter.

Also, I think there is a master key that keeps all the Zerocoin transactions secure.... Let me find what the Bytecoin devs said about it..


"Another important note is about trusted setup in Zerocoin. In easy words the whole system is based on some secret values nobody should know (for example, this secret allows to make a double spend). How to acquire these values? ZC devs says: we can generate them and then "forget" OR we can implement the special algorithm to do in a distributed way at the system start (everybody know only his own part of the secret). The second option, of course, is preferable, but the problem of trust still remains: there is no way for new users to be sure they are not fooled by the early adopters, who has generated the secret values. As you guess, our system has no such trapdoors: every parameter is public, as in original Bitcoin. We consider this as a major advantage over ZC."

Essentially this means Israel may control Zerocash completely. I'm tempted to say "fuck Zerocash".

>> No.340744



Doge fags must be so mad right now.

>> No.340756
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>Israel controlling a global currency
>"It's better and safer than bitcoin. What have you got to lose?"

>> No.340764
File: 74 KB, 679x302, zerocoin update.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.340978

>Written by some neckbeard in his mother's basement

>Written by NWO jews that have a ton of money and power

Gee.. I wonder which one will win

>> No.340986


Bougt some darkcoins I think this is the next big thing simply because of the anonymous factor.
That was the main reason bitcoin was so high priced in combination to silkroad.
Eventually silkroad was taken down and people found out that bitcoin was not that anonymous and authoritis were able to track them down.
Now we have numerous of silk road typ of sites but they won't work because bit or any other altcoin is anonymous.
Darkcoin is going to be the next big thing!

>> No.343171

Wrong. Here's why Monero is #1

Evan (the DRK programmer) has promised ring signatures in v2 when he has not even finished V1 or even released Darksend. Ring signatures are the pilar of transaction's anonimity. This technology is already working with MRO.
If you believe implementing ring signatures in a Bitcoin fork is a walk in the park you are set for a harsh awakening. If he is ever able to implement them, it will be a cheap workaround.
If you go to the DRK thread, let's analyse the very first failure.

>"The clients automatically discover all masternodes and will use those"

Great. So getting a list of nodes to DDoS is EASY, we can automatically discover them and DDoS the shit out them. How do client nodes discover them?Any auto-discovery protocol exposes those discovered end-points to attack. Let me give you an example with Bitcoin. I can run a Bitcoin node and ramp up my max connections to 1000. As 1000 full nodes connect to me, I have their IP addresses and can DDoS them. Thankfully, there are so many, many Bitcoin nodes that it would be ineffectual, but with DRK, their "masternodes" system makes traversing the tree easy and discovering all masternodes is trivial. In addition, disrupting a significant number of masternodes and only leaving a few under a malicious attacker's control is trivial only those masternodes will be used and the "mixing" will be false. The NSA can pull off an attack like that with VERY few resources.
Given DRK's nature (a BTC fork) hey will implement too little, too late, and all it takes is one concerted attack against the masternodes for everyone to lose faith in them.

Bytecoin will always have the stigma of a 80% fast mine, one of the dumbest distributions ever since Quark. The dev team took 2 fucking years to have a shitty functioning wallet with a crippled miner. Coin is doomed, they just were lucky to find Cnote first.

Monero's dev team is competent, already fixed all of this and has a GUI coming + fair launch. Do the math.

>> No.343200


>My pump and dump is better than those other pump and dumps

>> No.343623

>mad at facts

>> No.343745

how are people retarded enough to think the devs purposely mined 80% of all BCN to dump it? they obviously want to distribute it through the GUI wallet.

>> No.343788

Monero is shit, get decent software and then you can participate in non-shitcoin threads.

>> No.344105


nice try DRK shill, how about you go back to the btctalk thread so I can spank your username infront of 10k people

>> No.344486
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>> No.344831


What a waste of time. That is going nowhere but down. 80% pre-mined losercoin.

>> No.344909

Whatever happened to MtGox ?

>> No.344915

They claim they got hacked like these guys right here , hackers must have made a fortune from all the bitcoins they stole
pastebin.com F3c8p6JM

>> No.344921

well shit

>> No.344934


I never understand why so many "online wallets" exist; they are taking on the liability of holding the coins, with no clear path to gain (unless they run with the entire holdings).

Exchanges make a little sense, since they want to be sure they have the coins on hand before they are traded, but there should be a way to do "just in time" funding of the trades, removing the need for the exchange to hold much of anything.

>> No.345748

Anyone notice the current Darkcoin price?

Through the roof, etc. $8, DOGE-fags committed suicide en-masse as Darkcoin market cap overtakes it, etc.

>> No.345764

>implying it's not a shitty pump and dump

>> No.345768

>this "shitty pump and dump" is still better than DOGE

>and Darksend actually works y'know...

>> No.345777

Why do people keep bumping this scamcoin thread? Let other people get duped but please keep this out of /biz/

>> No.345781

I realize you missed the early train before the mass of speculation, but you don't need to tell lies.

>> No.345835

Unless you mined it in the first 24 hours you "missed the early train" considering 2 million were mined in the first day.

>> No.346087


If you've read the Protocols of Zion, you'd know Zerocoin is going to be the winner.

>> No.346240
File: 27 KB, 1854x218, darkcoin-btfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Darkcoin will not use ring signatures. It will use something apparently better and just as secure according to Duffield. This while monero prepares to steamroll ahead. 400+ bitcoin volume on poloniex. If mintpal picks up monero then who the fuck knows what could happen. Cryptonote is the new, and it's going to be big. Darkshills eat shit.

>> No.346273
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>50% premine

>> No.346314

And now drk is frozen on poloniex, but nowhere else.

If you have any darkcoins then cash the fuck out before the bubble bursts. The devs have realized they are in too deep, and will say anything to their followers while they sell off the insta-mine. Fucking dump this shitcoin already.

>> No.346426


Seconded. Cash out of DRK asap.

I'm already jumping on Boolberry. It's better than Bytecoin and it doesn't have some fuckwad 80% pre-mine scammery.

>> No.346651

Darksend is crap and doesn't deliver 100% anonimity, masternodes are easily detectable and DDoS'able, ring signatures will never fully work on a Bitcoin fork for a number of reasons and this exposes Evan as a scammer. This, plus all the instamine.

As of to date, Monero is the only coin with a good launch, good team and good technology as a sound long term investment in a anon coin.

>> No.346653

Zerocoin generates a master key file that delivers access to ALL the coins ever and you can infinite-spend without no one ever having any records. Only jews could come up with such shit and only retards could thrust that said third party is going to simply destroy the key and forget about it. You guys seem clueless.

>> No.346682
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>> No.346724

my bot dumped for me yesterday, it's gonna buy again when it hits a shit price agtain

>> No.346821

explain the bot thing, how do i get one

>> No.346829

How do I make my own shitcoin and get rich? Or are we finally done with all the altcoin bs now that monero is out?

>> No.346849

is someone unloading rxp to darkcoin?

>> No.346860

you code it?

>> No.346877

Read earlier that XRP is getting majorly dumped. Big holder is selling 2 billion.

>> No.348734

more info on this please. i'm trying to figure out what basket to put me eggs in and everyone knows the Israelis will always come out on top.

>> No.348906

>missed train
The only missed train was bitcoin. First mover, infrastructure, etc...world doesn't need another clonecoin with one insignificant advantage, nobody really gives a shit about. If you are into CP and drugs, I guess 100% anonymity is good, but people will first buy BTC to buy DRK anyway.

>> No.348911

One thing I noticed that the only altcoin that really hasn't gone anywhere is Litecoin.

It's still there on coinmarketcap.com as second in market cap and has been for months. Nothing has surpassed it. It was one of the first clone coins and nobody in the world really uses it. Mostly, because they don't need to. If you need a crypto, you use BTC.

Most people won't need such a coin as DRK. Most people don't care about anonymity, BTC is good enough for them. If they cared, they wouldn't be on Facebook.

Only hardcore nerds and pedos care about 100% anonymity, which is why DRK serves a niche, but don't expect it to go "big".

Even name is retarded, and the logo. Why "Dark"? You think such style would appeal to anything other than angry basement dweller nerds who watched too many hacker animes and Matrix?

Let's be real. Unless there is a TOTALLY different cryptocurrency with SIGNIFICANT advantages moved by illuminati, all cryptos except Bitcoin and maybe Litecoin will eventually perish.

>> No.348930

litecoin's price will probably not dip significantly due to the barrier for entry to mine scrypt now with all the asics
the next coin to take off will be something that's easy to mine at the entry level, another gpu algorithm that hasn't been compromised yet

>> No.348996

>Only hardcore nerds and pedos care about 100% anonymity, which is why DRK serves a niche, but don't expect it to go "big".

Consider fungibility as well.

Adam Back is happy with Cryptonote. Adam Back is a fucking boss, and people listen to him.

>> No.349046

And mexican cartels, terrorists, psychos, millionaires that don't want to be tracked. They all rely on being anonymous and they have plenty of cash.

>> No.349048

>Most people won't need such a coin as DRK.

Privacy isn't useful? It is.
You don't "need" bitcoin at all either.

>> No.349051

>If they cared, they wouldn't be on Facebook.

I'm not on fagbook, and your claim that most people are seems faulty considering once an account is made it can't be deleted.

There is nothing wrong with "Dark" either, are you even American?

>> No.349065

You can totally delete accounts, and most people really are on Facebook. If you're not you're either 40, extremely autistic, or both.

>> No.349078

Financial privacy is entirely unrelated to saying stupid shit on Facebook.

A lot of Bitcoin's early momentum came from libertarian types who like their privacy. CoinJoin has had a lot of support from key members of Bitcoin's community. DarkWallet implementing it... And now Amir Taki (Dark Wallet dev) just tweeted some DarkCoin praise...

Privacy is important to a LOT of the Bitcoin crowd, and to a lot of the big players there. Bitcoin does not have much privacy. DarkCoin and others do... Think about it.

Nah, it's not gonna topple Bitcoin. Bitcoin's the gold standard. But these anonymous coins could still be big. Increased anonymity is about the only real innovation in altcoin space.

>> No.349102

Does boolberry (BBR) have a GUI wallet yet?

It says their RPC interface is better, I hope it is!

>> No.349130

No GUI wallet and if the RPC API is improved it isn't documented.

Back to obscurity with you.

>> No.349134

can't wait until I cash all in zerocoin

with jews, you....win!

>> No.349149

Be real, most people don't understand how bitcoin works and how it can be private or not. What's going to happen? Think about it. If people need privacy that much there will be companies that figure a way to implement this in Bitcoin. There is tumbling for the nerds. It's all solved already.

>> No.349166

No it isn't, the issue of trust with a tumbler is unnecessary, aside from being inferior.

>> No.349174
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Tumblers are also probably slower and more expensive.

>there will be people that figure a way to implement this in Bitcoin

Yes, other people will magically solve all the problems for you and put them into Bitcoin for the benefit of all mankind, right?

Fuck no they won't, unless it has an NSA/GCHQ/Israeli backdoor in it (Zerocoin/Zerocash).

Darkwallet seems promising for Bitcoin, altcoins are coming up with good stuff too.

Darksend, CryptoNote, CoinJoin, etc.