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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3435124 No.3435124 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.3435135

>he thinks we're finished

>> No.3435143

pol got banned

>> No.3435176

>bunch of neckbeard nocoiners
>think they are destroying future protocols by posting on japanese image board

>> No.3435186

It wasn't funny enough

>> No.3435197
File: 38 KB, 749x667, 1505074522765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3435212


you see everything mooning? well not iota thats for sure.

investors will switch for greener pastures

>> No.3435221

Not gonna lie, former IOTA holder here. This is fucking hilarious watching IOTA crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let them destroy this coin.

>> No.3435226

Top kek

>> No.3435228

Clinton wasn't destroyed in a day.

>> No.3435241
File: 236 KB, 800x1906, 1484245325204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iota doesn't know what they've done!

>> No.3435251

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

Go back from whence you came /pol/tard

>> No.3435258

He brought bad optics to the IOTA foundation with his globalist larper type shit. I'm glad he's gone, just a huge distraction like Dave.

>> No.3435276

Get this /pol/lution off my board.

>> No.3435289

/pol/ is a board of peace, I'm sure that an accepting development team such as Iota will welcome our presence with open arms. We only have a few radicals, surely you wouldn't judge us all by the actions of a small minority.

>> No.3435304

Fuck off Right Wing SJW

You are not a tradional conservative, you're a POMO fauxservative idiot.

Now go crawl back to your hell hole.

I would rather a ponybro than a poltard nowadays.

>> No.3435329

Don't you get it, pol (the majority of which aren't of legal voting age) got middle aged America to vote for trump by posting memes on 4chan
They can totally destruction a billion dollar market and future partnerships with global mega corporations by shitting on biz

Dont underestimate the power of memes magic
These basement dwellers are world changers dude totally believe me

>> No.3435341

absolutely revolting, horse fucking faggot.

>> No.3435348

Post your blockfolio or your opinion means nothing poorfag

>> No.3435361

>letting the kikes directly track your crypto holdings on a device tied to your identity
Lmao, fucking child

>> No.3435370

>report IOTA threads
>hide IOTA threads
sorry, IOTAmarines. It's the only way. Nuke it from orbit.

>> No.3435386

Put down the weed David, I'm not joking. You're destroying your brand.

>> No.3435389

Trying to get the polfags banned? Good work Anon

>> No.3435398
File: 115 KB, 786x630, 1505008337846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally this lmao

Daily reminder faggots scared of a white genocide are pussies who never could get laid anyway so they blame it on people of color and (((jews)))

>> No.3435404

>schizophrenic to point of thinking that shit posting on 4chan impacts iota market
>schizophrenic to point of seriously believing anyone sick of your shit is the lead dev of a billion dollar coin posting on 4chan
I don't have a reaction image for this

>> No.3435414

>too scared to show portfolio
Opinion discarded enjoy being poor, pajeet

>> No.3435424


>> No.3435427
File: 721 KB, 1976x1256, 91016b2806f33f0228e70d4ef36e808bb9dd6b6273cdf31c09aec7947e2a45ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behead those who insult Iota!

>> No.3435445

>muh billion muh billion

You're not the first to make an altcoin, David. Coins come and go all the time faggot. I dare you to go against /pol/ with your rapefugee agenda if you're so confident about your manipulated market cap. I wonder how that will play out.

>> No.3435448

This pic is good but needs adjustments. Pollards aren't really weebs or into mlp . The rest is spot on

>> No.3435462

>If you don't support your displacement you're just a virgin
Perhaps I'm just well aware that having several children is not enough to counter the mass immigration and that 3rd worlders overwhelmingly vote for gibs. Anyone supporting mass immigration with their voting practices is a cuck or a poorfag, this is why nearly everyone that's in the top income quintile voted Trump.

>> No.3435481

Iota actually looked like it found bottom and was consolidating. But then the ama happened.

But I do wish the fuding would stop because my iota bags are getting heavy and I'd like to see iota move upwards so I can dump.

Also, the iota faggots on r3edit are some of the cringiest fucks.

>> No.3435485
File: 989 KB, 1040x826, 1477267861594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support the war against IOTA today and donate what ever you can. We need article writers, blogs, press releases, shills, and most importantly of all, Background checks on everyone involved with IOTA. I bet theirs a few pedophiles in the mix. None of these things are cheap so ill start taking donations, but ill also start going out of pocket as well. I started off just haveing fun but now im putting my serious autism face on. If you're interested to send anything you can, It's not necessary though, you can help support but doing some of the above-mentioned things. We don't need to spread fake news, We just need to spread the truth because the truth speaks for itself.

Lets meet IOTA's bluff with war, Post your war faces!


>> No.3435500

Back to r3edit for you.

>> No.3435508

Godspeed you autismo

>> No.3435515


>> No.3435530

Really wish I had a reaction image for this

>> No.3435546

>pls gibs me dats to shit post
Nice one nigger

>> No.3435554

Keep posting iota fag, We're coming for you.

>> No.3435566

Cut your losses dude. I cant think of a single startup tech biz that improved its profitability after being saturated in extreme left wing politics

>> No.3435575

200,000 IOTA
300,000 XRP
150,000 XVG
100 ETH

Come at me bro

>> No.3435576

Is that a threat? I'll have you know my wife's friend works for Cia Internet police tyvm

>> No.3435584

Post folio or larp
Also nice iota bags

>> No.3435591

>my wife's son
fixed that for you

>> No.3435604

Fuck off I have other holdings I don't want shills to see

>> No.3435606
File: 24 KB, 992x527, LEVELS_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The true reason is pic related

>> No.3435614

>we'll come for the hacker known as 4chan
>full force mind you!!

>> No.3435644

Isn't their cuck network crippled?
If you add di to iota you get IDIOTA

>> No.3435654

How many of you have actually put money where your mouth is and shorted iota
Show me those short positions
I'll show u mine if u show me urs

>> No.3435659

Larp. Poor damage control. Opinion discarded.

>> No.3435782

New bread

>> No.3435791

chikun no one cares lmao

>> No.3435826

fucking cuck

>> No.3435974

remember the time you sold your guitar to buy IOTA? i do.

>> No.3436969

IOTA will destroy itself. Davido is only going to get worse and worse. Now that he's started shooting his mouth off, it won't stop. He will become the Brianna Wu of crypto. If you actually want to make money on this coin, pray to Allah that the team puts a muzzle on that overly emotional child.