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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3427396 No.3427396 [Reply] [Original]

how likely am i to get into the crowdsale? i applied pretty early

>> No.3427433

not happening

>> No.3427448

Pretty easy once they refund all the presale pools due to biztards fucking it up.

>> No.3427453

what specifically? the crowdsale or my participation in it

>> No.3427461

There's a good chance people will be running bots to snatch up what they can. The faith in this project is immense.

>> No.3427561

is should be its going to make a lot of people rich.

ill be pissed if im only allowed to put a small amount in i wanted to buy $5k's worth

>> No.3427585

Pre ICO Token sale here, sent 5 eth , moon mission to Andromeda?, hopefully I actually make it this time...

>> No.3427596

see you in the outer rim brother

>> No.3427599


For those unaware of what a whitelist implies let me elaborate. Each individual applies and their respective email adress is added on record. On the day of the crowdsale the total cap of 32 million will be equally split among participants that signed up, similar to Kyber and ZRX, CVC ect.

Don't bother with the bots, won't do much.

>> No.3427607

God I hope so, after all this china fud shit, entire portfolio in the toilet... Chainlink hopefully the saving grace.

>> No.3427618
File: 41 KB, 728x401, when-you-hear-59aea5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SWIFT will be releasing their Phase two PoC with Chain Link at the upcoming SIBOS conference.

(A conference you want to be paying attention to.)

That and Director of Engineering for Facebook is an active advisor.

>Pic very related

>> No.3427627

Oh nice logic. Nearly flawless. Just be sure you subcried vor the Whitelist with at least 20mails otherwise the 1000mails Boys will lower your individual Cap drastically

>> No.3427647
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I have made 10 emails just in case, you know, imagine only having a limit of 2 ETH

>> No.3427666

Good call. Got 30. Just to be sure this will go smooth.

>> No.3427716
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i applied with 20 lmao... they dont record IP addreses right goys...?

also can i send ETH to them all from the same MEW wallet?

>> No.3427740

You forgot two 0s on the picture.

>> No.3427745

Hope you 20-30 account hoarding fucks get banned from the ICO.

>> No.3427761
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stay mad my bitter friend!

>> No.3427774


Nope better use different adresses just to be safe, don't wanna risk losing the last ticket to the moon.

>> No.3427776

VPN? Good Luck to you.
Hope you will get Happy with your 1ETH Cap. Stay poor fag

>> No.3427788

did you use a VPN for all 30?

>> No.3427798

Every 3rd a different vpn. Just to be sure. Dont wanna miss Out in this Safe gains.

>> No.3427801


I used one for all 10 of mine, and I already got my 10 MEW addresses all good to go.

I need at least 50 ETH worth of LINK,

>> No.3427813

so you have to send from a different address for each one? thanks for letting me know

sheit would i still have time to get in if i create a few different ones with VPN's? will be so butthurt if i cant get ateast $5k of this shit

>> No.3427844


Well they have not closed whitelist so I can only guess they are still accepting applicants, which seems to me the list is going to be HUGE.

But still give it a go, it's worth the effort when you think about the upside for LINK.

>> No.3427863

You faggots registrating with 20 emails will be the actual reason for lower caps...

>> No.3427887
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Sorry bro but I think it's still better than just one email. Enjoy your 2 ETH limit.

>> No.3427888

i personally dont suspect they are inspecting the ip addresses of each applicant they are overstretched as it is

implying /biz/ fags are the problem and not rich fags who will employ thousands of bots

they should have done a proper whitelist with passports. only fair way to do it imo

>> No.3428054

32 million? dont you mean 16 million after the pre sale lmao?

>> No.3428192

The cap per mail will be like 0,5 ETH, with that mail spaming, but whatever, FOMO

>> No.3428230


Yes sorry I stand corrected.


Indeed, make as many accounts as you can anons.

>> No.3428271

>mfw i miss this record breaking feat in hot air ballon aviation

>> No.3428274


Embrace the hot air brother, we will tell our kids how we went from rags to riches while posting green frogs on an anime forum.

>> No.3428281

got 300 ETH in pre-sale + 50 more planned. Will i do it?

>> No.3428297

absolute mad man. you'll never work again(assuming not larping)

>> No.3428311


Unironically multiple lambos senpai, I am envious.

>> No.3428329

bancor 2

>> No.3428344


Not even close new friend.

>> No.3428358

Will 12,000USD worth of this make me a million?

>> No.3428403


No because the individual cap will be smaller than your weekly salary.

Create 10 - 20 emails, fuck the system anon.

>> No.3428483

Too late anon, white list is closed.

>> No.3428489


RIP. We did it boys, good luck to who ever got in.

>> No.3428492
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>> No.3428495

Yeah I would say it's enough, you just need 83x which is realistic within a 1-2 year time frame

>> No.3428503


Anon it still seems to work, or did you hear news from the slack? Cheers.

>> No.3428512

where do i access the slack cant find it on the site

>> No.3428551



>> No.3428563
File: 239 KB, 1083x738, sunrise_over_clouds_by_caring201-d5r47m9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rory in Slack has confirmed whitelist is still open, continue making many emails everyone!!!

>> No.3428614

can i still get in, and where?

>> No.3428688

Apologies, Rory says whitelist still open

>> No.3428700

I will hustle 50 more Mails out, just to be sure.

>> No.3428701



Is a white list, you sign up and you will be emailed come time of the crowdsale.

Each applicant is given a allocation proportionate to the amount of registrants. No official source can confirm if KYC is required, so it leads us to the general sentiment that the individual allocation will be very small.

>> No.3428712

KYC is no option anymore. Takes way too long to go through the whole varify process.

>> No.3428714

Will you get a higher cap if you check this box:
>"Are you interested in, and able to run a ChainLink Node in 2018?"

>> No.3428740


No it is just to gauge interest. Your cap is all predetermined based of the number of registrants.

>> No.3428948

Do you have to be in the US or can us britfags get in on this as well?

>> No.3429127

So I submitted my email for Links ico but haven't received anything what should I expect?

>> No.3429140

Then you have failed the 3 question test. It's kinda hard. You have answered the first question with a yes? Otherwise your IP will be blocked and you wont recieve an email.

>> No.3429253


Am I correct in answering "no" to whether you're a US citizen?

>> No.3429264

Only if you actually want to drive lambo's in this lifetime, anon.

>> No.3429326

>tfw wouldnt have to deal with this bullshit if some fuckhead didnt dump 150 eth into anime anons presale chainlink link just after it was posted here and on the discord

>> No.3429387

Same here f@m, I answered no to the US citizenship. Did I fuck up?

>> No.3429458

Im the man that put in 0.5 eth to push it over 10 percent, ask me anything

>> No.3429472

i dont need to ask you anything, just to thank you for your service. you are doing gods work

last time i saw it the link was at 306 eth. didnt realise it went that high

>> No.3429492

Sry guys. The 2nd question was one of the trickey ones. Neither Yes nor No were right. You had to reload the Page with F5 and then you would have passed the test. IP blocked now. Sry.

>> No.3429520
File: 23 KB, 242x285, 1495960021560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously $5k in this and than wait a few years. its fucking happening


>> No.3429536


If these guys solve the oracle problem then yeah, we'll be in immense riches, if not, still a good flip.

>> No.3429569

Nigga I don't know if this will be the oracle solution but SWIFT thinks it might be a real candidate for use in 11000 banks. Working prototype nigga.

>> No.3429591

its worth the risk. would rather loose every cent than look back in 10 years and think

>i should have listened

>> No.3429600

Haven't seen this autism in a long time.

>> No.3429626

Sry, My supply of pills run out today. Now my autism lvl is unstoppable.

>> No.3429638

Why I threw 35k on Trump winning the election.

>> No.3429650

35k? Jesus. And i thought i went balls deep with 5k.

>> No.3429774
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Estimated cap per person?

>> No.3429793

Fucking dipshits regurgitating what some random dude says on every ChainLink thread.

Hey dipshit there is no fucking flawless algorithm or program. You think your fucking computer or smart phone is flawless? Are you a fucking dipshit?

To expect a perfect piece of software without any flaw is on some other level of retarded shit.

>> No.3429829
File: 59 KB, 770x698, h9redjt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Settle down mate not here to FUD.