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3413251 No.3413251 [Reply] [Original]

Sup guys, should I buy IOTA? I dont give a fuck if theyre leftists as long as it made me rich.

>> No.3413259

no tangles
not even once

>> No.3413264

if i had a street to shit on for every time i was asked this question.

>> No.3413267
File: 169 KB, 2048x1536, IOTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you bend the new and learn the five pillars of Islam. Iota Akbar!

>> No.3413271


It will make you moderately wealthy if you buy 20000 now and wait 5 years.

>> No.3413279

you will be rich af

>> No.3413376


You don't see it? You're exactly the person they want giving money to these Islamic terrorists. The majority of crypto is white males and they are spitting in everybody's faces. Expose this cunt "company" for what it is.

>> No.3413405

I would say it's probably worth an investment at it's current market price. Should be an easy recovery to it's previous market price if you hold for a little while. My assets are tied up right now or I'd probably pick some up at this price.

>> No.3413964

Iota is the official cuck currency

>> No.3414137

Huge RESPECT to the IOTA team for standing up to the bigotry of these white supremacists and fascists.

>> No.3414145

IOTA is the future
long term hodl

>> No.3414157

Anyone that is still shilling iota ackbar isnt even white so you can discard their opinions.

>> No.3414173

>buying plebbit niggercoin when there are many other equally profitable coins to invest in

>> No.3414193

>ITT: Bigotry from 12 yo boys with a 5 dollar portfolio.

Iota is a good investment at its current price. Fuck politics im only here to make money and so should you, OP

>> No.3414209

It's not their misguided political opinions you should be selling on. Who gives a fuck what they believe if it's somewhat reasonable, as long as it makes money, right? It's the way they handled their responses to being questioned on those opinions that should be setting off alarm bells. They didn't even answer many of the highest voted questions related to their project, preferring to focus on lashing out at those who didn't share their narrative on refugees. They got sucked into burying themselves in a political discussion when they could have focused on answering serious investors questions.

These guys are in control of a very large business and they were acting like tumblrinas, becoming emotional and outright belittling people who shared a different view. They showed everyone that they are childish idiots, not worth investing in. I sold my IOTA stack while reading the AMA because I know that more often than not, people that unprofessional and emotional are not successful in business.

>> No.3414211
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>> No.3414229


>> No.3414266
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>> No.3414288

In Allahs name buy Iota or face BOOM

>> No.3414402

You should base your investment off political ideology and not innovative technology

>> No.3414481

Some edgy punk le redditor asks in an ama if iota supports white genocide
What response do you think is appropriate? Cutting the retards down is hilarious
Not a bad move in anyway

>> No.3414503

And belittling someone that shared a different view? What kind of cuck mentality is that
Talk shit get hit faggot.

>> No.3414510
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Buy me faggot

>> No.3414547

This! So powerful and brave! #RESIST

>> No.3414708
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>> No.3414729
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Realistically, how big can it get? I am in it for the money

>> No.3414849

It's a grower, not a shower. Only time will tell,, faggot.

>> No.3415043


Buy it and Hodl. All these /pol/tards fucking use YouTube owned by Google every single day. They use Google itself everyday. Despite Google being an overtly leftist Organisation that helps refugees and has multiple partnerships with human rights organizations. So in essence these retards polacks are nothing but hypocritical pieces of shits. They have never produced anything of value ever and never will.

>> No.3415058

Shut up, Rebecca!

>> No.3415248

yes fucking load up with this shit before the IAA conference, VW, Bosch and Nissan are all part of the announcement of self driving as well as OTA updates for cars as well as auto lane assessment, expect a huge pump in price after this FUD campaign, at least 80 cents again.

>> No.3415256

>create your own hash function
>mit calls you out
>"fix" it
Why do stormtards need to bring politics into this? I didn't buy into IOTA, nor will I do so now and politics has nothing to do with it.

>> No.3415281

>iota asks the team to look for any problems
>they find problems
>dev team fixes the problems

>> No.3415306

/pol/ and /r9k/ freaks need to leave...

>> No.3415314

>mit showed how trivial it was to hack iota
>entire world hears this and the race is on
Don't count on the next one to find problems to be a white hat.

>> No.3415396


lol it wasn't even hackable, no vulnerability was even shown how to do after it was patched, she's a dumb whore with conflict of interest with zcash, paragon and lightning network team members, all competitors to iota. remember zcash went after monero when they felt threatened and look where they are now lol

>> No.3415461

No one should buy IOTA. The mathematicians behind it are not credible.

E.g., the term 'tangle' as it relates to a graph is already taken by a completely different object. Not only that, the term was coined originally (in 1988!) by a pair of the most famous graph theorists alive, in one of their most important papers. Any mathematician who didn't know that is neither well-read nor educated on the branch of mathematics dealt with in the whitepaper for IOTA. The team isn't credible, repeat NOT CREDIBLE.


>> No.3415688

Fuck this coin. Anybody bagholding this shit deserves to be punched in the face.

>> No.3415698

waah waah im a special little snowflake and i cant deal when people have different political opinions
cry me a river tumblrina

>> No.3415882

IOTA hired a bunch of tranny SJWs who can't code for shit. It's full of vulnerabilities and completely unstable. Sell out now.

>> No.3415897

This man gets it. Anyone in business long enough knows what happens when the captain is a raving madman. Compare and contrast with Vitalik, who has made comments saying he sponsored a hundred African kids with his profits and encouraging others to do the same. A misguided humanist remains accepted by his political opposites, but a vitriolic crusader turns people off and ruins deals.

>> No.3415994

>Create your own hash function
>People find out how an attacker could possibly forge signatures
>Fix it without telling anyone
>News comes out
>''The faulty hash function was done on purpose!''
>Give money to refugees

This is a big leftist company probably sponsored by a bunch of jews. IOTA will cease to exist.

>> No.3416457

This is the best meme I have seen on this board in a while. You are literal human trash.

>> No.3416577

Isn't it funny the only people flipping out are the people who point at people calling them snowflakes and SJW, yet here they are whining about their investment having a use case?
If this is too much for your weak hands to hold IOTA over then by all means sell and let more people buy in. Bitcoin and Etherium have similar initiatives too and people loved complaining there. Nobody politicized shit but people love to whine about things nowadays for the attention I guess.
If the technology behind IOTA is seeing use then I am all for it because I believe in the technology as a whole and if it can help people then even better. Glad to see real world use cases that will help speed up the network and security instead of being some weird speculative coin that adds nothing to the world.

>> No.3416597
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Ich will fucken

>> No.3416609

Vitalik sounds like a total cuck. Especially being Russian. Russian is the country with the most kids in orphanages, and he donates his money to African kids. It's just depraved.