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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 350x268, 20120129021639!Man_yelling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3414122 No.3414122 [Reply] [Original]

I've cracked the code lads. There's the rumor that they're working with apple. There's direct evidence that they're working with google as well. What do those two have in common? Phone operating systems!

>So the fuck what anon stop being a faggot!

Here's why that matters. OMG has facepay software, made for cell phones to pay with facial recognition software. The Iphone 8 is confirmed to integrate facial recognition technology, and google could probably quite easily integrate said functionality too, given the versatility of android. The Iphone 8 keynote is on Tuesday. They will formally announce facial recognition and apple facepay, POWERED BY OMISE at this conference. Google will announce Facepay adoption shortly afterward. OMG will skyrocket by the end of this month. Screen cap this. Buy in now or get blown the fuck out. We're going to lamboland!

>> No.3414158

If you really think either of these massive companies with trillion dollar budgets is working with some stupid fucking aspies wasting their lives on useless blockchain garbage in the basement then you deserve to be homeless

>> No.3414159

It's time to stop

>> No.3414175

Hes right. OMG is crashing today HARD. its already started, fuck this shitcoin

>> No.3414189
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>> No.3414210
File: 29 KB, 600x494, reece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Omise is an established company that handles hundreds of millions in transactions.
Oh no, we're just getting started.
>Still up 3% during this massive bitcoin sell off and has the highest volume on bittrex right now. Insiders pumped a few hours ago, because they know what's about to happen!

>> No.3414214

its not gonna be apple and only poorfag autists with stacks of 50 omg think it is because they want to get rich off their poorfag investment case closed :)

>> No.3414237
File: 79 KB, 480x854, Screenshot_2017-09-10-02-09-51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case open. I only wish I had more.

>> No.3414238


They don't even have a fucking .com

>> No.3414354
File: 33 KB, 1280x720, cZ2NnPN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry friend! I thought you knew how to use google, IE MY FUTURE BUSINESS PARTNER, as a MAJOR holder of OMG myself, hehe! Here you go! put it all together in your head!



OH LOOK A SUBTLE HINT TO SMART MONEY THAT IT'S COMING: https://twitter.com/omise_go/status/897089480128999424


As he said, they all ways deliver product, not just talk!

Oh look! There they are hashing out with google https://twitter.com/ruxperience/status/905745137145331713

Make sure you save this date! It's the date I become rich and you don't, unless you wise up and buy in now! There's even a comfy, cushiony dip to jump in on https://www.theverge.com/2017/8/31/16233998/apple-iphone-8-event-september-12th-invitation

>> No.3414380


>> No.3414396


>but they're big in Thailand
>can't even afford a fucking .com

>> No.3414421

I see my fellow entrepreneur here knows what's up! What's going to be your first lambo? I'm thinking a nice white classic countach myself. How I enjoy the sharp lined aesthetics! Still debating on weather to get one with a spoiler or not, but my license plate will read "Crypto$"

>> No.3414441
File: 69 KB, 580x387, remote.jpg.ashx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DOT COM HE SAYS! THOSE HAVEN'T BEEN RELEVANT SINCE THE 90'S BUBBLE! I'll let you wax this for .1 OMG in a few months!

>> No.3414467

They better have something bigger than a picture with someone/something in the background.

Still not regreting investing in fucking Thailand, only known as the Eldorado for pedos, but they better move on something big.

>> No.3414499

>They better have something bigger than a picture with someone/something in the background

Yet, so far, every time, those pictures that people doubt come back with results. They've partnered with the Finance ministry and Mcdonalds Thailand so far. Both times they hinted at it and they naysayers said "NAY! PICTURES ARE MEANINGLESS!" How many more times will history prove you wrong until you wake up to the facts?

>> No.3414505
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>> No.3414538

Thanks I forgot to save that one! I knew he posted that one to his twitter prior! Must have taken it down because he didn't want to give away too much!

>> No.3414580

more like omise is just one of several payment gateways using the facial recognition api

>> No.3414585
File: 139 KB, 500x473, implying meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>billion dollar companies founded by aspie autists
>not wanting to partner up with other people with genius autism
Pick one (1) and only one (1)

>> No.3414586

Who is ching chong noodle man in pic?

>> No.3414610

Apple bought out a facial recognition company in 2013 for 300 million...

>> No.3414623


Yeah I'm sure Google will hire you and Christian Weston Chandler to turn Sonichu into the blockchain app of the future

>> No.3414631

big companies have shareholders. shareholders don't want their money wasted on meme coins that get pumped and dumped by chinks

>> No.3414641

It probably sucks, while Omise is already working fine and $300 milion for Apple is like buying a pack of gums for us.

>> No.3414690

Yeah there is honestly way way more logic for them being partnered with apple than not. The only real reason not is people refuse to believe it's a possibility. Another anon pointed out that apple has insane trademark laws with there logo, and Omg could potentially risk being taken to court at the very least

>> No.3414702

Shareholders want to make money, that is the bottom line, especially long term. They are not dumb, they realise the future is smart contracts, the blockchain and digital currencies like OMG.

>> No.3414705

Apple is a very insular company. Omise won't be incorporated unless it is bought out

>> No.3414725

If omise got bought out by apple I would seriously consider selling and never returning

>> No.3414728

What happens to OmiseGO in this scenario?

>> No.3414746 [DELETED] 

It becomes OmiseGONE

>> No.3414757

Ya right. impyling the price would not shoot up to over $500 in a few days.

>> No.3414768

It's just facts. Apple buys out smaller companies it doesn't collab

>> No.3414781

Apple was founded by Jobs. Jobs was not an aspie autist

>> No.3414797

The OmiseGO team promised some very big news in September, correct?

They are now expected to deliver.

Their track record so far has been excellent.

>> No.3414826

They haven't delivered anything as of yet.... What track record?

>> No.3414846

I was under the impression that they have with all the muh mcdonalds and muh Thailand bank stuff.

If they haven't, then it becomes all the more so important for them to deliver before the end of this month.

They said they had big news, so the ball is in their court.

>> No.3414848


>> No.3414910
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>> No.3414965

holly fuck are you guys crazy...

nobody cares sbout omise neither apple or google. if they want to they build its own blockchain that wouldbe thousand fould batter than we have seen so far.

Just look at microaoft they build a Blockchain lab and developed a Ethereum updated what puts its tx capability up to 1000tx/s (on chain) out of nowhere.

These heads are genius and wouldnt evee work together withsome low bobs that didnt even have a workin blockchain. and in terms of facepay. Google developed a open source project back in 2012 . omise just used that open source project and build a little bit on top.

Nothing magic happen there.

i dont want to call it a pure fake, and hype promise shit but as long as those guys didnt developedand launched there blockchain I stay out of this. I learned my lessons back in 1998, bx investing in garage multi billion dollar companys that just do the same as omise (talkin the whole day about something in the future).

If the whole CC market continues to crash there could be the best news it will fall whatever happens.

>> No.3414971

Neither have been confirmed AFAIK

>> No.3414982

Anyone have any updates on that 7/11 rumor that was going around last week?

7/11's are quite popular in Thailand. If OmiseGO were to sign some sort of deal with them, that would be pretty big.

>> No.3414993


Stay poor

>> No.3415001

Total bollocks started on biz

>> No.3415018

Do you know who the actual brains was behind that operation? Oh right, it was Woz.

>> No.3415033

Why is Barry Bonds yelling at me

>> No.3415042

7/11s also serve as like a tourist hotspot. whiteys come in to get their real money converted to monkey cash etc

>> No.3415048

Except that Omise is already firmly rooted in Asian markets. Sometimes it does make sense to partner with foreign companies to make profit in foreign markets. Imagine if Alibaba tried to take on Amazon here, and vice versa, both would get BTFO respectively. If the partnered up though and shared profits, they'd reach retarded heights. I'm not saying that Alibaba and Omise are equivelent necessarily, but Omise, from what I understand, has a pretty good lock on the financial market. They want to grow. Apple wants to grow. It's a win win to partner.

>> No.3415060

I mean this is exciting and all, but it doesn't mean anything if BTC dips to 3K. We're all gonna die.

>> No.3415069

Except that if they lied about either, they'd already be fucked up the ass by now. If I publicly disclosed that I had a financial partnership with Mcdonalds and the government here, especially for financial gains, I'd be sued and, more than likely, arrested. You don't think that, if they were lying, Mcdonalds and the finance ministry wouldn't have immediately condemned and sued them?

>> No.3415080

I think you probably meant to reply to someone else but yeah, I agree with you.

>> No.3415082

Omise currently only runs in Japan and Thailand and serves <5000 merchants, fucking lol at your ignorance

>> No.3415098

I saw some guy on Reddit claiming that saying he spoke Thai and it was all over bx thai exchange. I looked and didn't see anything. However he posted some pretty good reasons. The ones I remember were CEO of cp and McDonald's are friends and 7/11 already accepts we pay and alipay bit only Chinese use them so it wouldn't be much of a stretch for them to accept a new electronic payment. As someone who has lived in Thailand for some months I could see this being a goal for omise for sure.

>> No.3415111
File: 147 KB, 2705x1266, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, sorry.

Stay poor! They've been in business for five years already in a highly competitive market! I think they know a little bit about what they're doing! Vitalik didn't back them and Isn't developing plasma around them for shits and giggles!

>> No.3415136

Also as far as the ? On the 3rd layer goes as a place to cash in/out 7/11 is pretty much ideal. As a tourist you pretty much 100% go to 7/11 to break big bills all the time. I'd say the average Thai person easily goes to 7/11 3x a day, you do everything there like add to your cell phone plan or pay electric bills. It would really make sense as a perfect partner to add currency to an omise card. The reddit user had a few good other reasons but can't recall, I could see it being a possibility in the future makes so much sense

>> No.3415141

I think the people who aren't just jealous/FUDing are more worried that they haven't really stated the nature of their partnership, rather than thinking there's no partnership at all. It could be a partnership on something really small, or be solely with the parent company and have nothing to do with OMG at all. It could also be huge, but the fact that they're keeping us in the dark lends more to the prior predictions than the latter.

>> No.3415193

Literally small fish when compared to the hundreds of ways to pay. Have you ever been to Asia? There's a million of these. I'll be interested if they break into china

>> No.3415229

>I've cracked the code lads

>> No.3415289

It's just terrible buisiness practice and reeks of desperation. Literally shilling your own company

>> No.3415529

Screencap this.

OMG will introduce and app for facepay on iPhone that's all. Android will follow later.

Price will go 30%++

>> No.3415593

That would be a 1000% move if OMG+Apple was real. That's why it will never happen

>> No.3415650

What is your "end game" with this coin?
Are you hodling forever?
Is there a certain pricepoint you will cash some of it out?
What is it you are waiting for?
Where do you see this coin at the end of this month? End of this year? By 2020?

>> No.3415971

700 dollars or bust nigga

>> No.3416003


Shut the fuck UP. You sound like those conservatard droolers who said the internet was a fad back in the 90s. Blockchain is here to stay in one form or another. It may not be bitcoin, eth or omg but get the fuck over it you rigid brained faggot. It's here to stay.

>> No.3416012

I will ONLY sell when 1 omg is worth more than btc

>> No.3416141


Do you think that is possible? Would that imply BTC crashes or that OMG reaches the thousands in valuation?

>> No.3416166

Omg tech is way more advanced than btc if the pull out the 1 million transactions per second then we'll all use omg ewallets no reason to use fiat or visa prepaid cards anymore

>> No.3416181

OMG *is* the mainstream adoption people have been waiting for, happening through omise. This is the first domino that starts it all. It isn't a stretch to assume it will reach ethereum and Bitcoin levels and beyond.

>> No.3416291
File: 332 KB, 1500x1314, color emotion guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it mean

>> No.3416992
File: 958 KB, 250x269, wut.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait a minute this is photoshopped guise i can tell by the pixels

>> No.3417237

Lol at the fudders. This is the most obvious moon mission ive ever seen.