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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 78 KB, 360x480, 24260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3403501 No.3403501 [Reply] [Original]

biz i dont fucking understand.
As a kid I was bullied mercilessly throughout elementary to highschool, which allowed me to focus on academics, I got into harvard business school and now i work in wallstreet in finance.
Despite my career she is not into me?
Women love money which I have, however she doesn't want me....
I am rich, I have luxury cars, multiple apartments, tons of investments and etc....

I don't fucking understand, I work up to 100 hours a week, secured myself financially yet I cannot get women. I don't fucking understand.

I've asked reddit and gone on no fap, i've been on no fap for 6 months, still no results.
I don't fucking understand. I got a haircut (shaved my head cause balding), wear luxury clothes and act confident.

/biz/ what am i doing wrong?

>> No.3403503

this girl isn't asian so I won't respond

>> No.3403506

another thing to try is to stop trying so hard

>> No.3403522

how about being an approachable normal person?

>> No.3403524

You might just be ugly as fuck.

>> No.3403533

can't be, i asked on amiugly and out of all the ratings i averaged at 5.
mathematically 5/10 is on the middle of the spectrum putting me at average.
Being average means that If I apply myself i shouldn't have a problem.

>> No.3403547

what do you mean?
I am a very approachable and normal person, I am an extremely hard working person, I see degenerates everywhere getting women, I spend lots of time and money on suits, cars and etc.
I have everything a women could possibly want, why do they go for drug dealers and gangbanger degenerates.... who don't have a future?

With my net worth I could literally stop working and i could secure a family.

>> No.3403554

bald, probably short, neurotic, have no life outside of work, cant let go of the past, superficial... outlook is grim.

>> No.3403565


post a picture of yourself, you are probably highly delusional in your appearance and vibe so that's your only chance to get any real help from us

>> No.3403579

mathematically you have autism my nigga
a 5 is a "nice" bad rating, it's what you get when people think you look unfortunate and they feel bad about what they are doing by rating you low so you get a few sympathy points. 7 and up is average, giving 4 "real" grades. 1-5 is various shades of monster.

>> No.3403581
File: 66 KB, 791x380, bandicam 2017-07-23 19-01-26-475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is when i was younger, i look different now, sorry i can't post a picture now as i do not want to be discovered here. as this is a financial board i suspect many professionals in finance lurk here.

>> No.3403582


5/10 isnt the average dude, you dont understand how this works.
No woman wants an average man, plus.. reddit is very kind to ugly people. Your real rating is probably closer to 3

get jacked, work out bodybuilder style and you're gonna be fine. alpha body beats just about any appearance issues

>> No.3403584


>> No.3403587


ok, same issue as before. get your teeth fixed if you havent already, work out and you should be fine

>> No.3403591

what? anyways that was the only picture I could find of when i was younger, i don't have many photos/videos like today's superficial generation does.

>> No.3403595


>> No.3403598

women only want the top 15% of men now. What's your height?

>> No.3403599

is that some kind of meme?

>> No.3403606
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>> No.3403607

i'm 6 with lifts, 5'7 without.

>> No.3403611

Maybe you should try taking cock because you sound like a massive pussy.

This isn't r9k fuck off.

Kill yourself.

>> No.3403622


you have got to be trolling dude, why would you even mention lifts.
You do realize that every woman instantly sees those shoes and thinks ur a pathetic pussy who cares about what other people think... right?
They are women for God's sake, they look at shoes. You think they dont know what that is?

stop immediately what the heck seriously
i almost dont want to give you this advice because people who use lifts must have some kind of genetic defect in their brain

>> No.3403626

what are you talking about? i'm a 5/10, not a 3/10.

Also my personality is fine.
I've read many books on personality, I've done extensive research on confidence, body language. I even went to pick up artist seminars.
I've read many self help books and constantly follow the top trends.

personality and facial wise i am fine, i think because of my race women discriminate at me.

I am rich, good looking and smart. just because of my race....

>> No.3403627

Troll thread confirmed

>> No.3403631


hey pajeet, shilling shitcoins != working at wallstreet

>> No.3403638

everyone wears lifts today, what are you talking about, moron.
Get out of my thread, if women can wear high heels, men can wear lifts.

>> No.3403647

>what are you talking about? i'm a 5/10, not a 3/10.
>Also my personality is fine.
>I've read many books on personality, I've done extensive research on confidence, body language. I even went to pick up artist seminars.
>I've read many self help books and constantly follow the top trends.
>personality and facial wise i am fine, i think because of my race women discriminate at me.
>I am rich, good looking and smart. just because of my race....

go to india and buy yourself a wife.. problem solved

>> No.3403649

You are short, balding, a pajeet and ugly. No woman is going to find you attractive, money doesn't matter: they have better options.
Only advice: >>3403611

>> No.3403661

damn you spastics are extremely racist. Just because someone is indian doesn't mean they are inferior.
Fucking racists.
Also I am not ugly, your white supremacy brain only finds white beautiful

>> No.3403663

what do you think we do withour money?

hookers and blow buddy, good luck simulating the feel of cocaine from love AHAHAHAHA

>> No.3403666

What the fuck?
haha you degenerate you probably dropped out of college, life was over for you before it began.

having low IQ is a death sentence.

>> No.3403673

LMAO NO 5'8 manlet here,

if you wear lifts you basically scream "I AM INSECURE"

>> No.3403681

Start lifting, fix your teeth. This will boost you by at least 2 points.

>> No.3403690

this level of delusion of beyond me. Have fun being the same size as teenagers, statistically teenagers are the 5'8 by first phase of puberty.

>> No.3403691

Women like power.
You sound like a weak faggot.

>> No.3403693
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dont you have an episode of rick and morty to marathon

>> No.3403694
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>> No.3403699

i am the manifestation of power, people want to be like me.

I am rich, good looking and smart. I have it all except for that one key ingredient.

>> No.3403713
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>> No.3403715

what's with all these patrick bateman memes?
you guys are truly far gone. should of stayed in school

>> No.3403720

Op, your probably a cunt. Good luck

>> No.3403728

Scrap that didn't know you were Indian, that's probably why

>> No.3403729

you are far from being an approachable and normal person. All you are is a set of memes. Either 4chan retarded memes or capitalistic retarded memes.

Have you ever questioned a single thing about your life? Are you sure that you are not completely indoctrinated into a useful slave for a few but totally useless for another human being?

>> No.3403732

If you can't physically beat down a man, you have no courage. Women want a protector not a pussy.

>> No.3403745
File: 2 KB, 125x70, 1486489695903s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judging by your answers and massive lack of understanding about social dynamics I can safely assume that you aren't approachable at all and that you are a massive faggot
>no fap 6 months
> pick up artist seminars
>"personality and facial wise i am fine, i think because of my race women discriminate at me" .. pretty sure that's what self pretentious asshole would say
>i'm 6 with lifts, 5'7 without - no need to comment

you are a douchebag and no amount of money or material possessions can fix that you think you are awesome and down to earth, but you are not. Lifting won't help you either - it will boost you already high ego and it will make you even lamer.

Instead of reading books how to pick up chicks and make them squirt - better start working and reading on how to become a good person cause right now you are not.

>> No.3403747

All I have to do is hire a bunch of uneducated low IQ goons... Yes, i am that rich.

>> No.3403754

You are not bad looking
But you are wasting your time in the west. Head to Asia ASAP. Girls there appreciate a guy who can put bread on the table.

>> No.3403760
File: 926 KB, 500x281, Joffrey-gets-slapped-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.3403765

Are you a low testosterone asian? Hit the gym and get some courage. You whine more than a bitch.

>> No.3403774

If you're wealthy you have a 0% chance of ending up alone if you dont want to. Some woman will want you and she will learn to love you for the security you offer her.
its somethin

>> No.3403780

He's a 5'7 pajeet.

>> No.3403789

>I see degenerates everywhere getting women, I spend lots of time and money on suits, cars and etc.

and concentrating so much on fucking expensive toys is not degenerate bahavious?

>> No.3403816

Wait for the hot girls to finish riding the cock carousel and then they'll settle for you.

>> No.3403817

Why don't do it the Indian way? Get your parents to set you up with an Indian girl.

>> No.3403824

He grew up in America so he doesn't agree with Indian culture. He wants girls the white way.

>> No.3403826

bullshit, ive been to many pua seminars, ibe learnt personality.
i mass approach at clubs after hitting the gym and getting that pump, along with my lifts which add inches to my height. i waste thousands of dollars on drinks and manage to get phone numbers but they never respond or the number is fake...

>> No.3403839

Aproach pajeet girls instead of white

>> No.3403870

You should HAVE, too. Moron! This isn`t even my first language and i cannot stands dumbfucks like you.

>> No.3403918

i'm going to try tinder, despite it being for degenrates. I really have no choice.

I should probably do well in tinder as i have a good personality.

>> No.3403938



>> No.3403943

> says the faggot even shorter than me lul

>> No.3403952

this level of autism just has to be bait

>> No.3403963

you have a laundry list of things you've done to try and get a gf...are you actually meeting and talking to new girls?

>> No.3403972

Yes, after work I begin my mass approaching spree. By now I've probably mass approached 100,000 of women. Not joking.
I have gotten a date a few times but I've never heard from them again, I payed their expensive dinners but never received any touching or sexual reward, fucking sluts they were.

>> No.3403973
File: 46 KB, 1024x768, hitch-will-smith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this thread for real or are you trolling? If it's real and you're really rich i can be your Hitch and get you laid.

>> No.3403977

You really don't see where the problem is?

>> No.3403982

anon dont, this guy is school shooter tier

>> No.3403986

If you are genuine, give me your email and I can pay you to be my wingman. Yes, I am that rich lol.

>> No.3403992

i don't live in the US though. How do i give an email here?

>> No.3403994

anon let me give you some serious advice.
Start boxing / muay thai. Ego check

>> No.3403997

Your living in the us. Come to Canada fool. Lots of hot willing broads over here.
Aussie land also has a good reputation for being floozy like us Canadians.

>> No.3403998

YOU ARE TRYING TOO HARD. Women smell desperation from a mile away and it is the most disgusting thing to them. You are disgusting them because you are desperate. I could say it in six or seven other ways but that's pretty much all there is to it.

At this point, you have made getting girls some sort of achievement that you desperately need.

You should start doing things that YOU love, and enjoying life. You need to figure out what you personally on your own (forget about what women like!) are into and happiest doing. Just forget about women and enjoy what you're doing. When they see you enjoying yourself and genuinely being happy and relaxed, women will come.

>> No.3404002

Your materialistic and boring. No one cares about your expensive suits and cars, they can't make up for a serious lack of personality.

>> No.3404007

that is bullshit, it is not mathematically feasile (based on many studies conducted on dating). Trust me, I've even calculated the chances that would occur, it is next to zero.

>> No.3404009


You sound like one of these guys who interrupt (or approach) her and just endlessly talk about yourself and brag, won't even remember what she said.

>> No.3404014

Either severe autist or this guy is trolling,there is no way someone could be this dumb

>> No.3404025

Can you tell us what formula you used to get to that result.

>> No.3404026

bullshit, i've watched many videos of 'douchebags' pick up women, all of the are overly confident.
I actually have a reason to be confident.

Based on many studies on psychology and evolutionary biology, it is evident that women like power. I am the manifestation of power.

There is nothing more prestigious than a career in Wallstreet. That is where the big boys are, the heavy hitters, the wise guys.

>> No.3404029

And yet you are so bothered by the problem that you make a post about it here.

I'm trying to tell you what I myself have learned after several years. It's okay if you don't understand now, but please be open to other ways of thinking if you want to grow as a person. If you ultimately want a connection with beautiful woman and to enjoy that, you need to be willing to learn that you are wrong. It's not that being wrong sometimes as bad, it just means that you need to let go of how important and right You Think You Are.

If you're not a troll, good luck if you are a troll thank you anyway for reminding me about how much I've grown in the last 10 years.

I actually think he's legit, and that he's just somehow bought into the materialistic side of things being enough.

>> No.3404032

and the BIG BUCKS of course.

>> No.3404033

Hit the nail on the head m8.
anyways with your attitude you should dip over to Montreal in Canada. You'll be beating them off with your attitude and swag. I don't doubt you own several pairs of aviator glasses but never flown a plane.

>> No.3404045

You should get out of New York, guys like you who are all money and no personality are a dime a dozen there.

Underneath that front of strength, there is a scared little boy who does not want to admit that he's unattractive to himself. You don't see it, but the women in New York do.

>> No.3404047
File: 546 KB, 629x454, b0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP; All chick have a mental disorder where they will NEVER SLEEP with a dude who does shit logically or is nice; you have to make them horny with words and don't give them what they want then the chase you just keep ignoring them till it's convenient for you to bang

By being PAJEET you're at a HUGE disadvantage, you can't just copy the "White Dudes" you have to own the fact that you're a PAJEET to get laid.

>> No.3404061


google corey wayne. Watch learn and apply.

It helped me a great deal to get women I want.

No tricks pick up lines etc

>> No.3404062
File: 32 KB, 480x480, 1504833913009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAAHAHAHAHAH you are so desperate
You bet no women would want you ever.
You are a massive cunt, so misserable.
5'7 ? i don't know retard metric.
1.7 meter ahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahhahhahahahahah
No balls Only fear for you
Ahhahahahahahah the lamiest dude
Girl don't care if your a negro a pajeet or anything
You are just ugly and stupid.
With the way you think you can kill yourself now or try fucking mens ahahahaha

>> No.3404068
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>> No.3404076

You are the definition of LAME not power
The dude is asking for dating advice on the /biz

>> No.3404079

You don't have any of the things in the first half

>> No.3404097
File: 364 KB, 499x395, 1500784600529.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The kids that have been bullied ofen think that the world own them something.
The world don't owe you anything pajeet the girls wont come to you because you are you.
Stop being a degenerate fuck for a starter.

>> No.3404124

Is this you OP?

>> No.3404224
File: 10 KB, 340x221, 78460309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not Op, but I know where this guys coming from.

Op, you have need to learn how to be relaxed (DO NOT GIVE A FUCK) when you're socializing with anybody not just with women.

The best advice I can give you is:

>Go to a dentist and get your teeth fixed.

>Start taking dance classes, you're there to learn and have fun.

>Don't be self concious.

>Sign up and start going to a gym by yourself.

>Keep doing it, don't fucking stop.

>Become passionate about exercise and weightlifting.

Remember, you're doing all of this for yourself not for pussy !

Becoming confident and macho will help.

And don't give a fuck about what these douchebags are telling you.

>> No.3404239

>work 100 hours per week
Calling bullshit. 100 hours per week in s fice day work week is 20 hours a day. Do you sleep at an office? If you work 6 days a week that's still 17 hour work days, possible but only if you don't sleep.
Nice LARP you kissless faggit.

>> No.3404265

You're too needy.
And you probably need to buy Creed Aventus, it's even affordable for you!

Just don't give a fuck and take a gym membership.

Watch Based Zeus' videos on YT.

t. not a womanizer myself

>> No.3404268

i technically work everyday, a lot of my time is consumed by dinners with clients and etc.

Sometimes i do sleep in the office, when the economy hits the fan.

>> No.3404273

also most days i sleep 6 hours. idiot.

>> No.3404331

post timestamp

>> No.3404342


>> No.3404352


>Sometimes i do sleep in the office, when the economy hits the fan.

-Vincent Adultman

>> No.3404503


>> No.3404655
File: 84 KB, 666x528, MB,_MC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if youre in finance you should get this

>> No.3404672


What this guy said.

OP is living the meme life (college ,money, job, car, suits, trends, etc....) and he wonders why no girl is interested in him.

If all those things are the "right thing" to do OP, then why do you wake up alone every morning?

I'm sorry that you got bullied OP (I got bullied too), but until you admit to yourself that you fell for the meme life, you will never have a girl.

None of that material shit you have cares about you. Until you stop caring about the material shit, no woman is going to care about you.

>> No.3404713


>> No.3404714

you probably drive people away
hope this isn't real for your sake

>> No.3404741

You probably wont read this but here is your problem.
Youre a fucking sissy. you need to man the fuck up. I bet you just let kid bully you and didnt punch them in the fucking mouth and teach them a lesson. You need to be a man assertive strong dominate thats what ladies want a man not a pussy with a bunch of money one you man up take a stand take control of the women they will respect you until then your just a spinless beta male with a bunch of money so women will use you and be fuckinging the alpha male on the side

>> No.3404746

i can see the problem in this response right here. You need to be more humanlike

>> No.3404757
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>> No.3405044

you have everything, but you don't have a heart, you're like Pablo Escobar

>> No.3405165

Obvious troll thread but many of you faggots are truly clueless coping retards yourselves (or maybe just women in denial) if you honestly believe women don't care about money.

>> No.3405717

Why were you bullied as a kid?

>> No.3405734

OP, judging by your attitude in these comments, you are fucked bro.

>> No.3405850


if you're rich, just sign up for a PUA bootcamp

>> No.3405919

If you stop caring about getting women, they'll want you more. Don't let them know you're a pent house player when you meet them, that just attracts sloots and proxy-jews.

>> No.3406845



>> No.3406863

Top quality posts like this make living slightly less painful.

>> No.3406890

lol got some real patrick bateman vibes coming from you.
personality is not "top trends" in books nor the suits you wear.

>> No.3406897

Lifts are unacceptable. Stop deluding yourself you fucking moron. Target shorter woman

>> No.3406905

Obvious larper

Where did you go for undergrad? You know Harvard Business School is only a grad school right? Fucking dumbass

>> No.3406919

Start dominating other men in a humorous fashion and they'll like you.

Of course, you'll need muscles, wayfarers, and tank tops.

You got those, right OP?

>> No.3407235

The only women that LOVE money are gold diggers. A good personality and confidence beats having tons of money just to get girls. A lot of girls like funny guys; how do you think ugly guys get hot girls? Watch some yt videos on how to approach women and stuff and put yourself out there. Don't have that Elliot Rodger mentality and remember, there's plenty of fish in the sea.

>> No.3407390


>implying women like betabux in 2017

OP, your money might get you some used up 30+ year old roastie single mom, but if you want prime pussy you have to be hot. Young hot women don't really care about money that much anymore. Feminism has allowed them to have their own careers and a lot of 22 year old female college grads are making close to 100k right out of college. They don't need a hardworking guy to provide for them like in the 1950's, instead they just want a swole 6'2 Alpha male to blow their mind in bed and look good with them in their Instagram photos.

>> No.3407403


you sound like a supreme gentleman

>> No.3407527

Look, guy... I hate to say this, I really do, but...

You see, in life, sometimes we have things that others don't. And in turn, they have things that we don't.

For instance, some men have brains like yours. Great for focused tasks, logical thinking, mathematics. And great things can be accomplished by these minds.

But friend, in this life, you'll have to be content with the mind you were given. And you should be, if you're as bright and wealthy as you say. There's nothing to say that men who can't get women are *ANY WORSE* than men who can.

Let me repeat that: you are NOT A WORSE PERSON for your inability to get women.

But the reality is, you don't now (it's obvious) and probably never will have the social skill to find anything in common with the women you want.

But you know why that's okay? Because that doesn't define you. Because you should choose to define yourself by your strengths, and not what women think. Because women are idiots.

I hope you find this easy, to swallow, man. Because even if you don't now, you will someday, 20 sexless years later.

Some things are for you, and some are not. And that's okay.

>> No.3407576
File: 405 KB, 800x800, IMG_4636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I been in your shoes, OP. If you're actually serious about this, I live in the NYC area, and could help wing you. There a way to contact you?

>> No.3407607

how about you talk to women for once, beta monkey. also -> /fit/ you feminine pseudo-faggot

>> No.3407613

So here's the deal, there's lots of successful, rich men who look somewhat decent. Most girls won't be willing to settle for you unless they're pretty sure they can't get anything better.

Also you have a bitch boy attitude. The fact that you care that she's not into you makes you so fucking unattractive to her. Stop being a baby back bitch and fucking be proud of yourself for being a badass. If she's not into you then fuck her and fuck everyone who looks like her, you're better of without em.

>> No.3407658

>7 and up is average
Are you retarded? On /soc/ people rarely give others anything more than 8, rates seem to oscillate in the 4-8 area, 7 is definitely pretty good looking for most people.
Though I agree 5 is often below average and given out of pity.

>> No.3407672
File: 108 KB, 301x301, jared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great larp OP

>> No.3407800

Dude did you know that there is still something else than working in life? U don´t seem to be a handsome men if you probably only care about your work.

>> No.3407818

maybe she's just not into you

>> No.3407882

>/biz/ what am i doing wrong?

you are nor being proudly yourself.

4get women for once, concentrate on getting a truely happy and exciting life, fullfiling your wishes.

women typically will follow naturally. they sorta can small unhappiness like dogs can smell fear. women dont have brains bit they are animals with fine senses anyhow. If u can be happe WITHOUT a woman, thats what they like. I know its very odd, but thats how it is.

>> No.3407907

Dude, please don't go Elliott Rogers on us.

You seem to derive a lot of your self worth from things (high paying salary, investments, etc.)

You are very ego focused. This closes you off from other people. You likely lack empathy for others. Girls are emotional and can sense this.

If troll, good bait.

>> No.3407958
File: 850 KB, 720x887, 1486350028593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Massive bait thread, not reading OP's 24 bait posts.

If any guy out there is reading this and honestly needs help, there are a lot of great video series out there for free on Youtube that are not just about how to get women to sleep with you but also about how to just be a better version of yourself and be at peace with yourself. I like James Marshall a lot but there are quite a few others.

This is defeatist faggotry. Don't listen to people like this.

>> No.3407998
File: 651 KB, 500x373, 1504044481054.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP are you a very social guy? Can you make it in finance and make lots of money if you're not a social butterfly and mainly keep it to yourself?

Im ib first year studying finance and wondering, since im not the typical party guy nor am i the popular chad. I have friends, connections, good work ethic and experience, get very good grades, have a girlfriend i proposed to and live a generally very happy life, im just not sure i can make it in finance, tho i like it alot.
Just asking thanks

>> No.3408010
File: 135 KB, 496x650, harry clarke 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


stop lusting over our white wimmenz and hook up with an indian girl

there are literally hundreds of millions of them

>> No.3409039

My sides.



>> No.3409876

Rewatch fightclub

>> No.3409992

Dude, ditch the lifts. Seriously.

>> No.3410063 [DELETED] 

Yo get me a job in finance in wall street. Here's my YouTube channel as a resume. Hit me up via YouTube and well figure something out.


>> No.3410199

>everyone wears lifts today
Sure, if they're called Robert Downey Jr.

I'm 190cm and would never wear high heels.

>> No.3410222

Hello, Rainman-sama.

>> No.3410605

Stop going for white women.

>> No.3410674

u r probably real weird in person, and bald

>> No.3410748

If you look better with hair, get a procedure to get your hair back. Lift, fix posture, eat clean, meditate. Looks matter a ton. Especially when you don't have a great personality. Also, join paid dating websites that ask you to detail your salary and lifestyle. It's shameless and it'll attract the wrong kind of women pretty often, but you've got to start somewhere.