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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3402662 No.3402662 [Reply] [Original]

Those of us between 16-22 in cryptos will become the next millionares and we are all here on biz. Boomers are dead without pensions, normie millennials are in debt, playing video games and chasing sluts that already had nigger dicks. I will become.rich, get myself a loli girlfriend, and have the time of my life while everyone wageslaves. It feels good to be me.

>> No.3402675

I wonder if there is a word for day dreaming, but outwardly. I guess this just anxiety and mixture of self reassurance and searching for confirmation?

>> No.3402684

i'm 32 - bought btc at less than a dolla

suck my cok

>> No.3402688

You're making it just in time, once all the jobs get replaced by robots the only way to survive will be on investment income.

>> No.3402713

software development will never be replaced by robots

>> No.3402722

There is already AI available that codes website and programs.

>> No.3402742

Your not a programmer aren't you? Only something close to GI can make such things in the real world

>> No.3402743
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not gonna lie, my little neet brain lit up and I felt happy for the first time in my life

cant wait to live on my mansion boat

>> No.3402743,1 [INTERNAL] 

I only have 250. Any chance I'll make it to the millionaire club too?

>> No.3403012

5 years from now OP will be living under a bridge.

>> No.3403016

you are 6 years late to the game kid

>> No.3403031

>coins still regularly doubling, tripling up, crypto marketcap as a whole still seeing grwoth with no reason to slow down

>> No.3403230

Anon what? I'm playing videogames right now, that doesn't make me a normie.

>> No.3403302
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A year from now you'll have forgotten what crypto is, having withdrawn enough money to be barely profitable.

I hope I\m wrong, anon, I'm going yolo on this, too, but don't be too optimistic.

>> No.3403307

>What is Godel's incompleteness theorem

>> No.3403387

>we are all here on biz
t. retard
very few people in the crypto market actually browse /biz/

>> No.3403679

for bitcoin maybe true (depends of how much you put in)
for all the stuff around 1 billion market cap and under ? there is a huge chance

>> No.3403742


No, basic income for everyone.

>> No.3403759

people already thought this. 9 years ago, when you were 12.

>> No.3403797

>he thinks he's "just in time"

>> No.3403860

well he kinda is ,if he invests in the upcoming stuff

>> No.3403875

Yes i will become a milionaire with less than 100$ invested

>> No.3404312

Joke's on you I'm a software developer, I'm making the bots that make the bots that make the bots

>> No.3404428

>basic income for everyone
This sounds barely distinguishable from life as a zoo animal.

>> No.3405188


if you guys believe biggest players/elites let thousands of average people who currently have btcs become new millionaires in next 10 years or so, then you're fools.

>> No.3405204

Maybe I'm paranoid but it seems everything that's happening, BCH, Segwit2x, China, everything is designed to shake us out of our BTC, it will go on for a decade, and it's only just begun.

>> No.3405213

it will be beautiful anon

>> No.3405253

crypto can't be stopped by these people, retard

>> No.3405280

For real. I'm a cryptomarine and I'm not fucking selling.

>> No.3405295


crypto is the most speculative market. you can find a chart that shows each year more btcs are accumulated at the hands of richest. also this >>3405204

they won't stop you or the crypto tech. they will just simply make you believe it's time to sell, sooner or later.

>> No.3405305

I only got $50 into crypto though. $0.20 in SYScoin, $0.40 in Bitcoin and $49.40 in Monero.

halp me

>> No.3405312

lol fucking loser posted this on a friday night.

OP, youre really fat and ugly, arent you?

>> No.3405333
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They can't stop us. We will win.

>> No.3405354

This is exactly how nocoiner cope looks like to feel comfortable while holding no coins.

>> No.3405360
File: 42 KB, 1555x311, YourFuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linear-brain-shapped nocoiners have been in suicide watch since day 1

>> No.3405366

Bit coin and all other cryptos are the latest greatest get rich quick scheme.

The only way to control your own destiny is to acquire a skill, master it and leverage it. Preferably in a high paying specialist job or starting a business.

>> No.3405375



>> No.3405384
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That's right, don't forget to buy your bonds and index funds for that nice 5% gains, to guarantee you never actually get rich by taking profit of the biggest allocation of capital ever.

>> No.3405391
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>expecting /biz/nessmen to understand theorems from mathematical logic

>> No.3405606

Learn something new everyday, thanks bizbro

>> No.3406257

so, same place he already lives?

>> No.3406356

1 bitcoin will be worth 100,000 by 2030 screencap this

>> No.3406392

Elites already have way way more than a few million dollars. To them we're still insignificant, though I still feel they'll try and point to our gains as another example of privilege and use to to further rile the nigs up

>> No.3406426
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>tfw 23

>> No.3406435

i don't care about the coin from butts. there's plenty of coins that will 10x in the next 2 years.

>> No.3406438

should I also screencap the other 2 million posts that ask this every day? or just yours?

>> No.3406441
File: 367 KB, 3000x1683, new_elite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are the new elite

>> No.3406448

This is the greed phase its over

>> No.3406454

>though I still feel they'll try and point to our gains as another example of privilege and use to to further rile the nigs up
>get told some bullshit like this
Shutup nigger, don't tell me you didn't have a smartphone with internet access in 2017 or were incapable of working a minimum wage job, I only put in $1k starting capital.

>> No.3406467

Actually the elite are millennials in their late 20s which good jobs that can actually invest in crypto not just bet their lunch money on it. I'm mean you ppl 18-22 will be "retired rich" but nothing like those with 100k-1m in crypto already.

>> No.3406485

There might be a shitty ai programming in 10 years. Definitely not in the next 5 years. Enterprise programming hell wont die for at least 20 years

t. Programmer

>> No.3406490

How many of those have jobs making 100k that don't have student loans, alimony payments, or a variety of mental illnessss?

>> No.3406491


You're the minority here.

>> No.3406497

I have no idea what your point is, but it's almost a guarantee that in the future there'll still be green haired harpies pointing their fingers at another profitable activity dominated by white males and use it to stir up class warfare.

>> No.3406507


Some, not all have those problems.

>> No.3406538

let me see the study you're referencing, rebecca.

>> No.3406550

Most of my normie friends don't have those problems, 25.

More 16-22 than millenials are going into college on loans. Millenials biggest issue is whether they buy into the housing bubble, chemicals in the water, and continue eating crap food.

>> No.3406560

16-18 is probably the majority

>> No.3406561

man i wish this becomes true

>> No.3406589

Below 18 can't even legally have a bank card in most countries. Get out.

>> No.3406601

>jobs get replaced by robots

This is never happening.
Human interaction will always be needed for business to operate smoothly.

>> No.3406636

if you say so lol

>> No.3406642
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>> No.3406649


>tfw got into cryptocurrency in 2013 when I was 24

Feels good lads

My myself a nice home, car, six figure income, 401k, brokerage account, gold stack and of course, my diversified Blockfolio of BTC, BCC, ETH, IOTA, XRP, XMR, DASH, OMG AND LTC

>> No.3406664

there are some who claim IOTA is the final solution to the blockchain problem. do you share this view?

>> No.3406719


so the perfect audience for OMG?

>> No.3406752

Any man with a working set of balls should be completely against basic universal income. Income inequality is good for men. It gives most of us a chance.

>> No.3406753


I'm prepared for it, IOTA offers tech that no other coin can match, but just as blockchain found competitors after Bitcoin, tangle likely will too

It's at a good price currently as wel

>> No.3406766

>if I say this they'll think I'm smart

Godel's theorem has absolutely nothing to do with that and you are dumb.

>> No.3406784

Lmao you can be 11 and have a bank card in the UK

>> No.3406810

this desu

>> No.3406879
File: 329 KB, 1338x1333, bitcoin investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But chances are you will be bagholding a shitcoin lossing your guaranteed moon tickets (BTC) in the process.

10 years is nothing to get rich as fuck. Do you want to gamble it on the small chance of getting rich with the small chance of finding the next ETH/STRAT/NEOS? and you must buy right at the beginning. Its too much luck involved.

>> No.3406887

There's no guarantee that bitcoin will succeed dumbass.

It has absolutely no practical use anymore.

>> No.3406965

This anon gets it. If you guys truly want to make it, HODL BTC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gamble with a small portion of your portfolio if you really have to, but the bulk of it should always be BTC, and you should be trading with the sole purpose of increasing your BTC stash.

stay poor pajeet

>> No.3406988


>> No.3407083

US here. I got a debit card when I was 15, when I got my first real job

>> No.3407086

conclusively proving whether a program will halt is not the same thing as building an algorithm that can consistently out perform humans on average.

>> No.3407093

>Godel's incompleteness theorem

It's practical use is the basis of all crypto, you fucking moron.

Keep giving away your BTC for shitcoins shilled on /biz/ that will be worth nothing in 18months

>> No.3407108

congratz, but you missed the point OP was making...you're gonna end up getting cucked by some 35-year-old-ex-slut who has been banged out by 1000 men, and she'll be your nagging wife if you end up jumping through all the hoops to get a family and kids, and your kids will be faggots just like you.

the cycle continues.

>> No.3407180
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So it's okay for men to be sluts but women aren't allowed to have sex until they're 35?

>> No.3407197

Yeah fuck off I'm a hardware designer. I make the fucking bots ffs

>> No.3407264

Good on you lot for working smart rather than hard. I've at least been putting away what I can compared to the rest of my age, but have to wagie myself out to do so.

>> No.3407291

Women should find a guy while they're young and stick by him, roastie.

>> No.3407342

The practical use is the same as gold but better you dumb autist. Putting money on BTC and being able to store it away from the world as it goes up is the killer app, not buying coffee with it. That's what LN is for.

I can already see you are a Roger Ver drone. Kill yourself and remain poor you cancer.

>> No.3407343
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>Men are allowed to be sluts but women aren't allowed to discover themselves

>> No.3407354


That's not how it works. It is what it is, if you aren't Chad you are fucked unless you have money, so start buying BTC.

>> No.3407368

t. 16 yo who invested his allowance.

>> No.3407370

>This anon gets it. If you guys truly want to make it, HODL BTC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gamble with a small portion of your portfolio if you really have to, but the bulk of it should always be BTC, and you should be trading with the sole purpose of increasing your BTC stash.

The idiots here think they can find "the next bitcoin" and they will end up lossing all of their bitcoin and therefore not be rich in 5 to 10 years (shitcoins include bitcoin hardforks btw)

>> No.3407385

yeah ok ASP.NET code monkey

>> No.3407386

>self-discovery involves hopping on the cocks of any Chad that makes me wet
Read a book slut

>> No.3407414

>Implying getting drunk three nights a week and taking 26 dicks by 24 is discovering one's self

Thot begone

>> No.3407426

always knew dumb frogposters were women