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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3402250 No.3402250 [Reply] [Original]

>found out girl i like fucked someone i know

what do i do brehs

>> No.3402255


>> No.3402256

Wait a few months
Buy Lambo
Show her your lambo
Run the dude over w/ lambo

>> No.3402264

Cut your losses and find someone else

Seriously one you figure out how to get women naked and in your bed you realize there are very few that are actually unique and worth chasing after

>> No.3402265

Give up on love. Focus on crypto.

>> No.3402269

Kill him

>> No.3402271

Are you a fitizen? I miss /fit/, /biz/ has taken over all of my 4chan time

I am going to check /fit/ out now

>> No.3402274

fuck the guy in front of the girl to establish dominance

>> No.3402276


>> No.3402280

Why post this on /biz/? Get over it and move on.

>> No.3402282

give her the hemlock cocktail

>> No.3402285

switch to scalie porn, 3D waifus are too much work and will always betray u

>> No.3402289

Fuck the guy. You'll be fucking her through the transitive property.

>> No.3402290

Learn game.

>> No.3402301

Lol pleb i gave up on girls on life on the gym and health i am fully focused on cryptos before the bubble pops theres is still time to get rich before we are all doomed to a life of wagecuckery

>> No.3402305

I remember those feelings, OP. I have no advice, that shit sucked. Give it time.

>> No.3402319

You cant do anything anon, other than move on :(

It sucks and its happened to me. But theres literally nothing good that can come of it. Even if hypothetically you get a chance to stick your weiner in her hole it will never feel right. What long term relationship can come from it when you know you werent her first choice.

I dont want to FUD but try move on.

>> No.3402324

forget about her, used goods always have bad genes.

>> No.3402325

fuck her yourself and then go high five the guy you know

>> No.3402326
File: 94 KB, 736x822, aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop being a faggot and get over it
>Go to gym and start lifting
>Eat healthy: protein and vegetables
>Put yourself first: exercise mind, read philosophy, learn about markets
>Stop idealizing women and see yourself as the assertive one in all encounters with them
You'll get laid or find a nice, steady gf at this point. You'll also feel way better about yourself and laugh at where you're at this moment.

>> No.3402329

short the western roasties long the eastern prime pussy

>> No.3402332
File: 125 KB, 500x547, fancy pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other guy had more crypto than you, didn't he?

>> No.3402515

remember girls are like dogs

>> No.3402544

its just a girl you like? not gf/wife/etc?

the fuck are you feeling down for, you had no connection to her...

go get laid or something ffs

>> No.3402894

Lol just watched this yesterday