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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 550x550, Ian_14_fn-550x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3402022 No.3402022 [Reply] [Original]

>Uses phrases like "Paradigm shift" and "Revolutionary".
>Gives every ICO a 70%+ rating
>Promises guaranteed lambos
>No concept of blocksize or how a blockchain works
>Highly regarded on /biz/ as one of crypto's finest

How the fuck did we get here /Biz/?

>> No.3402038

>Highly regarded on /biz/ as one of crypto's finest

I thought people were being ironic when they shilled this guy's "spread sheets". They're literally shit.

>> No.3402047

I could believe if the dude was articulate, but he is literally autistic as fuck and repeats himself over and over again

>> No.3402050
File: 126 KB, 640x827, treedoge the wise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sounds like you're proposing a real paradigm shift for the board.

>> No.3402051

he's the next Warren Buffet

>> No.3402053

Only good ico so far is cl, he got enigma wrong but still shills them

>> No.3402059
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>only capable of repeating phrases
>not capable of doing any real work
What part of this doesn't sound like /biz/ to you?

>> No.3402073

A good reminder for all to DYOR

Remember Ian's "research" is taken from ICOalert.com and tokenmarket.net and then ranked on his own spreadsheet with ZERO CRITERIA and assigned magical weighting. (There is no consistency)

Eg idea 3 pts team 1 pts.

Ideas are easy and be copied. Execution is everything.

He is a brainlet.

>> No.3402085

Lets not forget his criteria or how he judges all star teams.

I agree, I think he just trolls the various ICO aggregate sites and pulls out random shit that just pertains to data/finance and shills the fuck out of it.

>> No.3402086
File: 76 KB, 1024x1022, DI5lOoJVoAAlJfJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is smart. He is able to herd normies and brainlets. Now he has a whole army underneath his command and can obliterate any target in his path.

>> No.3402135

He is smart enough to fool idiots dreaming of lambos. I feel it's our responsibility as outstanding members of /biz/ to make the scam known

>> No.3402144

"all star"
"oversubscribed ico"
"cheap cap"

he's dumb as fuck and doesn't understand any of the technical aspects behind a project

typical nigerian scammer

>> No.3402145
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enigma-nigger is going to pull a fast one on you broke faggots, dont fall for his nigerian ways.

>> No.3402159

He didn't like the Obsidian ICO which made me more confident about it.

>> No.3402220

>looks up developer on linked in, misspells name
>finds wrong guy
>looks like chad worked at wendys for 2 weeks guys we're looking at an all star player guaranteed 10x returns guys

>> No.3402244

>This guy worked at mcdonalds for 2 years while at college
>Thats an "A STAR Team baby"
>Lambos for all

>> No.3402247



>> No.3402249

he ranked aventus' team as allstars when the two founders are recent college grads

he said blackmoon had a weak team when the two founders are successful businessmen

he's either a shill or he's really dumb or both

>> No.3402286

Shill first and foremost. The more he shills, the more he can shill. Its a self fulfilling prophecy.

Look at his ICO return calculations, they dont even factor in the rise in price of ETH this year. But this is the basis for ALL of his ratings on upcoming ICOs.. Jesus Fking Christ.

Blackmoon doesnt have a 50% pre-PRE-sale-Pre-ICO sale so cryptonegro isnt interested

>> No.3402323

You can call him a fool but don't call him deceptive. He has no influence in the market to gain anything from tricking you, and most his opinions are given free to use as you see fit. Can't complain really, use all the tools you can when doing your own research, one of which is other investors insight.

>> No.3402466

Exact opposite, he isnt a fool but hes deceptive.

Are you saying his claims of buying lambos for your grandchildren and being made for life are the REAL actual reality of crypto? Watch any of his videos, the first 5 minutes are hyperbole about how rich you will get from buying this ICO and signing up to his mastermind.

Thats the deception, he shills normies on this pretense of being millionaires with little to NO work (just use my 'research' goys) that is the definition of misleading.

Anyone with half a brain knows THIS IS NOT the reality of crypto/ICOs and if anything this image is damaging cryptos as a whole.

As others have said, if Crypto_shill_negro_69 JUST presented his research in PLAIN english with a spreadsheet and didnt interlace 99% of the research with claims of buying lambos, NO ONE would have a problem.

the fact his research is tier and dip fed into different categories (depending who pays the most) is the most salient takeaway of how little credibility this guy has

>> No.3402483

this is an all star

it will be 2x 3x 5x

maybe even buy lambo after this

this is it guys definitely all star

it has all the check marks low cap good idea and all star team

>> No.3402559

he's a nigger

>> No.3402935

This guy is worse than /biz/

>> No.3403749


>> No.3404359

> Spreadsheet "leaked"
> Claims he made it public to help "all of you"
> Gets spread out online
> Removes it because "too many got it"
> wat.jpg

Also on one of his videos, he showed every ICO he ever went to. It was couple hundred. This nigger is just a fomo-idiot. I know he still spends money on atleast 70% of all ICOs because he dont wanna miss out. You can see the greed on his face when he hears the word "ICO". He have one of these greedy laugh and look on his face.

Out of 10, his credibility if 3 to me. Because his calculations on ICO price and market cap is accurate. His research literally sucks

>> No.3404380

ignoring the shilling shit the guys done pretty well for himself as far as wagies go.

i wouldnt take any advice from someone who just got into crypto in the past year like he did though.

>> No.3404408

the funniest thing is

> Promotes his "Earn a million dollars in your early 20s
> He have not made himself a million dollars

>> No.3404433
File: 62 KB, 1024x576, DJIEoqaXcAEG4X-[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these bitches jelly of dat made man

>> No.3404438

yeah, when he was going on about his making six figures in your twenties he was actually drawing from experience.

but i dont see the point in listening to someone who knows less about this market than i do, especially the second they try and extract any value from their following. if theyre good at what they do they can get value without even needing to be explicit about it.

>> No.3404442
File: 120 KB, 634x815, 1503467040450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3404487

the guy strikes me as a total dumb cunt. if you watch any of his videos / live streams you can see that he knows almost nothing about the terminology he is using and is surprised at almost everything that is commented.

He is also so obviously bought by a lot of the people that he deals with. Bagged out enigma in a full 1hr + video and then the next day he tweets out a positive review video of them.

>> No.3404505

fucking kek

>> No.3404524

the point when he lost the final bit of credibility to me was when he said he would go "all in" on aventus and put in 30k but the next day he posted his blockfolio and there was 12k invested in aventus - also aventus is shit and I'm loling at the fact that it keeps falling in value

>> No.3404534

Is he the wise magical negro?

>> No.3404568

hes like the black crypto-buddha

>> No.3404571


>> No.3405486

>hes like the black crypto-buddha
so a piece of shit?

You guys should learn about complex systems. It is not possible to predict price. These people know nothing and can't help you trade.

>> No.3405729

anyone who wears a pocket square day to day is a fraud, unless you are over 50 and have obviously made it. this guy is a pretender.
if his moms hadn't moved to england he'd be 419ing the day away.

>> No.3405750

>downgraded because "it doesn't have an all star team"
>their guys have literally been working on smart contracts before ETH
>just added Facebook's lead engineer to their advisors

>used to be in the 60-ish percent range
>upgraded it to 84% in the last version of his spreadsheet
>After the ICO took place

Arbitrary as hell. Worse, his entire business model seems to be predicated on flipping ICOs. That ride is ending real fast.

>> No.3405804
File: 27 KB, 200x200, IMG_1534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That fish doesn't look funny at all

>> No.3406347

>Pays 6k a month for advertising and PR
>biz does it for free