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File: 557 KB, 2729x1904, cryptoprice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3399152 No.3399152 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

I was wondering, how exactly is Crypto price determined? Like what is the formula that determines a bitcoin is worth 4200 or ETH is worth 300? Can someone explain it to me? Thanks

>> No.3399165

the people decide

>> No.3399169

Someone is willing to buy it or sell it at that price.

That's it.

>> No.3399173

uh? If someone buys it for 4200 then its worth 4200? like i could buy your shoes for 4200 then they would be worth 4200.

>> No.3399182

present value of future cash flows durr

>> No.3399183

How is the price on any asset determined?

>> No.3399186

more interesting is how the price was originally set for bitcoin, think it was something to do with the electricity cost required to mine the first bitcoin?

>> No.3399187

this is a lie

whales decide the price
whales manipulate a crash when ETH reach $200
whales manipulate a crash when ETH reach $400

crypto is already 100% controlled by whales, only morons still think people decide the price of coins

>> No.3399193

whales are androids?

>> No.3399196

B-but whales are people too r-right?

>> No.3399197

>implying whales can alter price with 28 billion dollar market cap.

>> No.3399214

But how. That's what im asking.

Explain it to me. How is it determined.

>> No.3399231


They can maniuplate it by wasting $1000s of dollars in order to put up buy/sell walls in order to keep prices at certain levels.

If I have 10,000,000$ and I buy ETH when it was $10, I could have made the market stay at $8-$12 until my positions run out or the market overwhelms my walls

>> No.3399239


If you have an apple and I want it, what would you sell it to me for?

That determines the price.

Cryptomarket even shows what all the orderbooks from all exchanges are and what they buy/sell at

>> No.3399263

I don't know if you mean it like this but let me give you an example. For instance Stratis has a market cap of approx. 560mil and it has a circulating supply of 98mil coins. 560mil/98mil is about 5.70$. That's why you look for low market cap coins with a lot of room for growth like apx

>> No.3399268


The 560 million marketcap is based on the 5.70$ price.

What makes it 5.70$?

>> No.3399271

Wait what? Wasting $1000's of dollars? I'm a bit confused. Can you give me a more specific example?

>> No.3399278

The fact that people are paying 5.70 for it. Fucking brainlets honestly.

>> No.3399279

Yeah not what I meant haha.


>> No.3399287

not understanding the question

>> No.3399300

No, youre just fucking stupid. This is basic supply and demand you fucking retard.

>> No.3399320


Have you ever looked at an orderbook on an exchange?

It shows you all the orders people have put in.

If the price of SHITcoin is $3.00 and at 4:20PM today there are more people that are BUYING the SHITcoin than selling it, this will bring the price up.

But oh look, some douchebag WHALE has put a MASSIVE sell wall at $3.05 that will sell 1000s of SHITcoins the second the price hits $3.05.

So thereforce SHITcoin will never go above $3.05 or any other wall that douchebag puts up unless there is enough people to buy ALL of that douchebags coins and keep rising.

That's how you can manipulate cryptocurrencies. Also it can be psycholgical, as people can see the walls, it makes people not want to buy. Also they can remove those walls(orders) at any time and the price can literally moonshot up

>> No.3399324

I'm an ETH fan, they're definitely trying to keep it down. Established crypto is afraid of it.

>> No.3399325

agreed op is huge nigger we can't explain it any simpler. goy 1 buys from guy 2. goy 3 decides if the price is right for him when initiating the next exchange.

>> No.3399331


>This is basic supply and demand you fucking retard.

Yeah but >>3399263
didn't understand what OP was talking about.

>> No.3399338
File: 130 KB, 590x737, supply_and_demand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3399340

I'm asking what equation/function/algorithm determines EXACT price of a coin.

Not "oh yeah man someone is paying $5.70 so that's what its worth". Because if I put in a single order for 1 fucking coin for $1000, the price doesn't just automatically change to $1000. Not how it works.

And I'm the fucking retard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.3399350

That makes sense

Whale's do pump and dumps pretty often huh

>> No.3399370


Anything that isn't regulated intensively will get manipulated.

Also Whales just get bigger when they eat all the little fish so if you don't have a good reason to be investing in the way you are investing, chances are you won't see that whale swallow you up

>> No.3399379


Mind you, you can still make money off whales by following the wave.

It's all about knowing how to play your cards and how confident you can play them.

>> No.3399392


Yeah of course. I want to learn exactly how they are manipulating the markets so that I don't get caught with my pants down. I understand the concept (in a sense) but not specifically

>> No.3399397

That is how it works you fucking idiot. If you sell a coin for 1000 and someone buys it for 1000. The EXACT price of the coin at that moment was 1000.
What do you not understand about This? There is no EXACT price. The price at any time is the price people are buying it for

>> No.3399402

if you are rich you don't have to follow the rules

if you are rich, you can buy several mining nodes, you can buy exchanges, so you are the first to get out when there is a crash, and first to get in when there is a moon mission, all stupid plebs follow the rules of crypto by waiting for confirmations, but if you are rich, you can just control mining nodes and exchanges to give yourself priority and always buy at the price level that you like

>> No.3399410

Available supply / Market cap = unit price

>> No.3399416

Someone pays $4200 for a bitcoin. Bitcoin is now worth that much. That's all.

>> No.3399420

I have 500k DGB to sell you. Only 500k satoshi each. Deal?

>> No.3399434


Sounds nice in theory

>> No.3399441

The get rich..

>> No.3399471

they are priced on pure speculation.

its not like stocks where we have p=E(mx) to price them.

>> No.3399485
File: 179 KB, 960x642, image-1465348_960_720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once upon a time, there was a club. They called themselves the "big boy club." The big boy club liked to make a lot of money. Anyone not in the big boy club was called a Loser.

One day, the big boy club found a new way to make money. Losers put their money into a Magic box. If the club added extra money, so would the Loser. The Loser didn't know why, but they thought they were making money.

The big boy club did this for awhile, attracting more Losers. Then, one day, they decided they made enough money. So the big boy club took all the money from all the Magic boxes. The Losers, confused, no longer had any money.

The end (not today though).

>> No.3399497

yeah you are the fucking retard you stupid fucking faggot
if you have enough liquidity to eat up ALL the sell orders up to 1000$, then that coin WILL be worth 1000$.
Just because you're a fucking retard and buy an apple for 10000$ doesn't mean all apples are 10k$ you fucking dumbass. However if EVERYONE buys for 10k$, that would be the equivalent of the sell order book being eaten all the way up to 10k$.
Fuck you're an absolute fucking moron holy shit. I hope you actually die, you are too stupid to pass your genes on you disgusting downs idiots.

>> No.3399957
File: 366 KB, 451x339, 1090206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IOW, be the barnacle.


>> No.3400251

fuckin china

>> No.3400262
File: 778 KB, 400x225, dogbiz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The high elders get together and pick the prices.

>> No.3401112

This thread is filled with butthurt brainlets sperging out at OP because they can't comprehensively answer the question and it's hurting their egos to realize they can't offer much to such a simple sounding question. It's really a fantastic question and there is no easy answer OP. The inputs to, say, Bitcoin's price in USD are thousands and thousands of variables. It has to do with scarcity and the value of USD which is dependent on a tremendous amount of other things. It has to do with people's expectations for the future of USD and Bitcoin and the associated probabilities of different outcomes. These are just some of the components that lead to the instantaneous value of 'what someone is willing to pay for it', which is, ultimately, the final word on the price of crypto or anything for that matter.

t. Econ major

>> No.3401121

t. smallcoiner

Thats nothing