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File: 204 KB, 1200x1176, 1200px-Steve_Jobs_Headshot_2010-CROP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3398977 No.3398977 [Reply] [Original]

I just found out Steve Jobs was a college dropout who needed to find a job, unlike Bill Gates who already had his company planned out.

So why cant every college dropout be like Jobs? What makes steve jobs so great, /biz/?

>> No.3398987

he was smart. school is not a place for smart people

>> No.3399002
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a college diploma from a pleb-tier (ie not ivy league) school is the modern day Dunce Cap.

>> No.3399009

Every college dropout isn't willing to take on as big of risk as Jobs did. Many would settle for the first halfway decent paying job that came their way and stay there for the rest of their life.

>> No.3399015

He had a nerd for friend. Saw this nerd build something people might may money for, went with it.

>> No.3399033

Isn't Steve Wosniak the only reason Jobs went anywhere?

Isn't Jobs just a leech?

>> No.3399040

What Steve Jobs had that got him to the point he got was the following:
>Overinflated ego
>Poor self assessment skills
>Good network
>Major sociopath
>Quite frankly a dick

And funnily enough if you look at CEO's, a lot of them share these properties.

>> No.3399041

I'm guessing most dropouts don't know why they're dropping out. It's also harder when society brainwashes you into thinking highschool and college are this end all be all thing that your life depends on. I wanted to drop sooner than I did, and I would have made much more money if I did.

>> No.3399060

He is, just look up how Jobs stiffed Wozniak for 5000 dollars while working at Atari.
He's a piece of shit in human form and people who worship him don't realize this.

>> No.3399081

What do you do to get rich? Thinking about dropping out as well.

>> No.3399105

Should I also drop out?
I'm a poor college student with severe social anxiety. How do I get my LAMBO? Tell me

>> No.3399117

I dropped out to pursue being a navy seal and it's the best decision I ever made.

>> No.3399137

Can you imagine Steve Jobs asking these pussy questions? If you don't have a plan for life then you will most likely end up being a deadbeat if you drop out. At least with a degree it's easier to convince employers that you aren't an idiot.

>> No.3399150


Woz was able to make the early Apple tech (a truly terrific accomplishment) through sheer ingenuity, curiosity, and love of his hobby.

But Jobs was the savvy /biz/ cutthroat who made sure those pieces of engineering received the attention to detail and mass-market appeal.

I mean, Jobs as "le amazing iphone inventor genius" is overrated but at the same time it was Jobs who made all the interpersonal successes which led to Apple's dominance. Every time people tried to move the company forward without him, they failed.

Jobs was primo /biz/ and he knew how to motivate his employees (and defeat his competition) in order to get his rocketship company to the moon

>> No.3399153

Buy IOC. DIONS, bro. Not only will you be able to buy a lambo, there will be a mansion too.

>> No.3399157

Not really. Stupid shit like English degrees are obviously useless. Skills based accreditation is a good way to put your foot in the door. That is, if you can get an internship.

>> No.3399168

I can't imagine what Steve Jobs would say because I feel like he hasn't been himself in front of me. His speech at some big college made him look like some random guy studied whatever he wanted for a while and slept at hindu temples.

>> No.3399225

If you're not planning on getting a scholarship then you should drop out, get a GED and then start college classes for a trade like welding. I found a niche on the internet when I was younger than 15 so I can't expect you to stumble across something like i did. It didn't work out as much as it could have because my parents resisted and said "you need to get a life and get off the internet". Worst mistake of my life was listening to them.

Point is, I saw something for myself outside of the mainstream before I even considered dropping out. If I had stayed with it I would be a couple hundred thousand dollars richer right now.

You have to find it for yourself.

>> No.3399253

Stop being lazy and read his biography. Is all there.

>> No.3399272

where can i learn about this in an unbiased way

>> No.3399283

read his biography. learned a ton from it.

>> No.3399314

anyone in college today is a dumbass

colleges know robots will take over all jopbs, so are trying to scrap up as much profit as possible before the collapse. Its jewry at its finest.

>> No.3399322

I read a book on him, he grew up in a rich neighborhood and his neighbors that worked for IBM would tutor him in computer science. He was genuinely smart but also a victor of circumstance and also took advantage of his partner who got very little credit for the creation of apple. Right time, right place mostly.

>> No.3399361

Smart asshole at the right place at the right time equals success. People often forget that luck is the biggest success factor, not skill.

>> No.3399367
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Because Steve jobs found a guy with actual talent but no social skills and became the face of a multibajillion dollar company without having any skills beyond manipulation and being an unfeeling husk of a human being.

>> No.3399452

He was at the right time at the right place. Unfortunately atm there is a lack of space in tech, the possibilities are narrowed. Nearly impossible to build a succesful business these days, iphone 8, windows 10, call of duty 14. Bitcoin cash and eth clones. They suck eachoter dry for a few customer. End times m8 deal with it.

>> No.3399466

everything was easy for boomers. Ronald Reagan asked him if he wanted to be a billionaire he said I guess and the government printed money for him. They won't do that for you anon. Get a job and pay your student loans lol

>> No.3399478

I think that your world view the college education is a prerequisite to success explains why you have to ask this question. Some people have what it takes to /make it/ on their own. Those that don't go to college so they can help someone else /make it/.

>> No.3399488

>without having any skills beyond manipulation and being an unfeeling husk of a human being

Oh so he had perfect leadership skills.

>> No.3399500

>the government printed money for him. They won't do that for you anon.

Jihan did it for us :^)

>> No.3399510

Pirates of Silicon Valley is great movie, shows it well.

>> No.3399560

College is useless if you plan on doing things with your life besides working for others.

>> No.3399591

its legitimately this, his friend was a genius

thats not to say woz would still be what he is now without jobs, but jobs would definitely not be what he is without woz, or bill gates bailing him out really too

>> No.3399595

>So why cant every college dropout be like Jobs?
Jobs dropped out to build something. Other people drop out to be lazy.

>What makes steve jobs so great, /biz/?
He's one of the best CEOs, because he knew what the customer wanted and how to get a team to build it.
That's extremely rare in a CEO, because leaders are 1) usually not creative so can't innovate, 2) can't motivate people to work their ass off to build it, and 3) can't build trust with the customer that the next product is going to blow them away.

>> No.3399668

same Vitalik - low tech, high public relations

>> No.3399984

hurr durr, mr. idea guy

>> No.3400013

These kinds of guys drop out because they're brilliant and literal feel like they're being held back in their version of adult kindergarten

not because they're lazy potheads

>> No.3400015
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Do you guys think maybe he's really alive in Brazil?

>> No.3400028

fuck, it all makes sense now

>> No.3400039

Vitalik is clearly brilliant. You can tell be his kermit the frog voice. No comparison to Jobs.

>> No.3400104
File: 44 KB, 467x447, 1521515151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone in college today is a dumbass

Mr. high school drop out here is much smarter. He's laughing at robots that will take over the jobs of doctors, physicists, engineers, etc in several decades while his retard jobs have already been taken over by robots.

Here's a message for all of you /biz/. You are all retarded and and not special. What you learn in college will never make you a millionaire, but it will give you the most important thing in life, security. The 40 year old high-school diploma retard? Nobody wants him. The 40 year old college diploma guy who has proven he has a rigid work ethic? Many people will want him.

Choose wisely, if you drop out of college without a plan then you'll stay poor all your life. If you know your skills and know that you have a plan, then maybe it's in your best interest to leave college despite the risk.

>> No.3400142

You're saying you just found out Steve Jobs was a dropout and Bill Gates bought Windows OS from one of his students for a couple bucks?

>> No.3400940


>> No.3400989

Well, to be fair Jobs is now just worm food.

>> No.3401018


You only get lucky once

building a behemoth company takes thousands of "lucky" strikes, which is statistically impossible

Just like there are guys who can run a .40 twice as fast as you (naturally), there are guys who are born with an innate and superior talent in business acumen

>> No.3401279

survivorship bias

>> No.3401310

some people fucking win the lottery multiple times, or get struck by lightning multiple times
statistically someone HAS to be lucky all the time

>> No.3402369

Trump will bring back Jobs...

>> No.3402389

These days if you don't have the money to pay cash for your college education AND aren't majoring in tech or like accounting you should not go period.

>> No.3402454


this is why normies should leave the board.

>> No.3402773


>> No.3402780

It was a generation where all you needed to do was give a little effort and you'd be a millionaire.

Liberals ruined that.

>> No.3402786

Stupid NEET

>> No.3402900

to be completely honest? A large portion of every successful stories recipe is one thing- Motivation.

Long story short I was born into a lower middle class family but into a household with very unhealthy surroundings to be brought up in. The end result was various forms of mental/emotional damage to me, my brother, and my mom. We all developed significant depression each with (mostly) drastically different symptoms, and I developed anger issues as well. I'm 30 now, didn't realize the issues until mid 20's, after noticing everyone who finds out about my childhood/upbringing would react with the same shock/concern/pitty over and over again. Until then I thought my upbringing was completely normal and there was nothing really bad about it

Point of sharing that- the depression I wasn't even aware of having essentially kept me shut down. Although I have always seen clear paths to success and always displayed high levels of intelligence in school etc, I was never able to utilize it because the depression would keep me down and unable to focus or drive forward with any goals. The few things I *did* manage to stick to I always excelled at, but actually sticking to something has always been near impossible for any decent amount of time. I also became very introverted and uncomfortable bringing attention to myself (which became very weird, because my natural personality is very social/outgoing/leading and the two of them constantly clash with each other)

Once I actually found out I have depression/emotional issues and started being aware of and trying to take control of them, the biggest change for me has been the following-

Since these discoveries and copings I canfocus motivation and keep persuit of *insert thing im donig* better, and as a result everything I keep motivated in sees a significant and steady rate of growth.

tl;dr Motivation is the key, if you believe in something you're doing then don't fucking stop. You will inevitably start seeing success.

>> No.3402927
File: 17 KB, 480x360, pepe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you me?

>> No.3402930

jobs was just a hippie faggot who became the face of the wozniaks company

>> No.3402931

Both is degradated AIDS-infected PR-sluts