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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 117 KB, 1318x1039, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3392628 No.3392628 [Reply] [Original]


>tl;dr: China to completely ban all cryptos

>> No.3392635

How many times have they done this now .. and yet it still works

>> No.3392640

>for the 10th time

>> No.3392660
File: 470 KB, 1440x2476, Screenshot_20170908-234954~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trading at $3700 on Chinese exchanges already. Sugar we're going down!

>> No.3392675

Of course they're gonna sell at any price they can while they still can.

>> No.3392710

I hope this time it's for real.

>> No.3392726

You're really gonna fall for the Chinese meme again?

>> No.3392728

>expecting the chinamen to observe the law

>> No.3392777

> CNY -> BTC
> BTC -> BTC/fiat


>> No.3392785

top keks

i like your keks OP but youre larping faggot

>> No.3392789

can't wait to see the neotard coping that btc ban is gonna help neo

>> No.3392797

Have fun trying to withdraw from a chinese exchange.

>> No.3392798

neo is still a thing?

>> No.3392813

neotards are, and they are obnoxious

>> No.3392830
File: 410 KB, 728x3096, GTzggvU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3392845

is this 2013?

>> No.3392865



>> No.3392870

lmao, can the chinks take a fucking break already

what the fuck are they doing man

>> No.3392872

>filthy chinks forced out of Bitcoin
>no more mining monopoly

>> No.3392876


>> No.3392882
File: 461 KB, 565x486, 1489981354615.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds... Wonderful!

>> No.3392884

who else is a comfy bagholder here?

>> No.3392896

It would probably cause 25% drop and then 200% increase next year

>> No.3392901


>> No.3392902

kek this fits perfectly and looks like it's actually from south park

>> No.3392919

you need chink ID or resident permit to join chink exchanges

>> No.3392940

> inb4 neo will be the only crypto allowed in China

>> No.3392949



>> No.3392962

fcken chinks

>> No.3392974

Fuck China man, what the fuck is there problem?

>> No.3392976

I don't wanna seem like a shill but Alts like NEO, ETH, platforms that utilise blockchain technology and are NOT just replacement currencies are likely to gain if this is true.

>> No.3392980


lmao here it is


Did not expect to see one so fast

>> No.3392992

This is very clearly fake news but I hope they ban it anyway. All they do is crash the market anyway

>> No.3392993

hahahaha who the fuck made this OC, this is brilliant

>> No.3392994

Better buy up that BCH now since it will be the official Chinese approved cryptocurrency

>> No.3393001

It didn't have to be this way.

If only you had bought their gook btc knock-off.

>> No.3393013

Really Fuck China... But also Damnit America.. get in this game so it's not so easily swayed by those damn soy fags. We eat meat and have longer dicks. We need a CONUS marketing machine for Crypto the likes of the grate meme war that elected orangegoy

>> No.3393015

Fuck that and fuck them.

>> No.3393028

Fuck off NEOgook.

>> No.3393083


1. China ban bitcoin #9001, rumour started from Caixin ("chinese cnbc"): http://m.finance.caixin.com/m/2017-09-08/101142797.html

2. JRJ (Chinese fin news) echo'd this also https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Ffinance.jrj.com.cn%2Ftech%2F2017%2F09%2F08211823086220.shtml&edit-text=

3. Markets dumped (especially Chinese spot and okex futures)

4. OKCoin and Huobi both say they got no such notice to shutdown as indicated above, and are still operating: https://twitter.com/luluyilun/status/906163511658557440


>> No.3393097

I'm wondering if the Caixin article was more just an opinion piece people misinterpreted.

>> No.3393142

Even if it was just an opinion piece, will anything be enough to save the price from falling further after this huge ass red candle on the 4h? Regardless, the timing is uncanny.

>> No.3393150


The article is just an outlook of what 7 departments have said so far, and it's something everyone knows:

Bitcoin is uncontrollable.

And this is where the unstoppable Bitcoin meets the unmovable Chinese Securities.

>Inb4 they come up with a way to backtrack every transaction and wallet to the person and destroy the Bitcoin concept

>> No.3393198
File: 837 KB, 910x3737, chinaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There, I fixed that glitch from the second to the third frame.

>> No.3393200

fake news
buy the dip

>> No.3393219
File: 209 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.3393233

if its not against crypto what the fuck is it against

>inb4 chinks gonna chink

>> No.3393238
File: 3.45 MB, 819x3363, chinaman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

.png for better quality

>> No.3393242


>> No.3393264

Those exchanges would have been offline yesterday if that's true.
Some whale must have paid for this article to be written because it doesn't add up.

>> No.3393705

fucking cunts china, I was 73 sats off triggering my sell-limit order then this shit happens and now I have to wait 5 odd days for it to happen.

>> No.3393913

Thanks Chinese reporter for your fakenews. Now, excuse me while I BTFD.

>> No.3394023

>.png for better quality
>converting jpg compression into png resulting in no quality difference at all only 3MB increase in file size
don't do this

>> No.3394238

this has been around for years you newfags

>> No.3394371


its to make sure the govt gets control of the markets, china doesnt want to invest in bitcoin only to see it crash because muh free market

>> No.3394399

Nah, it's because they are going to fuck the dollar and need to rein in the yuan flowing out of the country.


>> No.3394408
File: 21 KB, 412x351, 1491593424477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



The Chinese want to kill the Petrodollar to make the Yuan the major currency for business in the world. They don't like parallel currencies in their country and they surely don't want Bitcoin to become stronger. That's why they kill crypto.

Game over.

>> No.3394426


Oh, also buy gold. The Chinese back the Yuan by gold, so they have to buy gold to have inflation. Without inflation their economy is kill. Gold will only go up in the next ten years.

>> No.3394462

this. China doesn't see a need for crypto currencies like btc and ltc, etc. for obvious reasons, since that would weaken their own currency. BUT they don't have a problem with platform coins like NEO, which just create more investment opportunities.

>> No.3394575
File: 854 KB, 493x387, 1503898099251.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys you have to admit it's pretty fucking hilarious that 1 fake news article written in chinese crashed the whole fucking crypto market

>> No.3394588
File: 818 KB, 2557x1438, Neo official.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo is supported by china now!

>> No.3394600


Here's some chinese dude explaining what's happening in China relating to cryptos:

>> No.3394633
File: 331 KB, 907x661, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/: muh SEC >Americans will destroy bitcoin
>china destroys bitcoin

>> No.3394717

China will also cause the next financial crisis:

>> No.3395077

Medium sized if true