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File: 105 KB, 580x385, 1397687728587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
337878 No.337878[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>336596

>> No.337879

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 100 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

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Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

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Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.337880

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode.net
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pndcoin
Chinese QQ group: 255237866

Want to help Pandacoin (PND)?
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.org

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.


Charity: http://pnd4pnd.com


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #PandacoinPND@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.337882

wew lad

>> No.337883


>> No.337884


>> No.337886

lel wad

>> No.337887


>> No.337888

I express amazement via the word wew, a misspelling of the word "wow", my comrade which I shall refer to as "lad

>> No.337890
File: 641 KB, 324x324, gethype.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 days to PoS

>> No.337891


>> No.337895


>> No.337897

So, I like Pandacoin and all, but it seems to me that if everyone hoards it for PoS and nobody's trading, then it won't increase in value at all. It just seems as though there are too few people who care about PND to actually make it work at the moment.

>> No.337899

Not everyone hoards it, there are a few sellers.

>> No.337903
File: 86 KB, 877x310, happening.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm working on getting a few gambling websites to offer PND, that should help with the price if they're willing to market they're taking PND.

>> No.337906
File: 52 KB, 620x474, Cute-Panda-Bears-animals-34916401-1455-1114-620x474[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This can't be done overnight.
1# took 2months+ of sleepless nights to get where it is now, and it's still not nearly enough.
The chineese comunity is growing (they probably have more people in QQ than we in these threads), and cryptopayments being added is a huge step forward.
Anyway a slow steady rise is much better than a bublle, imo. I think PND rose to 100 way too fast, that's why we don't see much action right now.
Don't expect this to happen overnight. Generally if you don't see much activity from the dev team it's because they're ery busy actually doing things.

Anyway, have a panda.

>> No.337907

Honestly, I would prefer a slow and steady rise to a bubble, definitely, but I get the impression that a lot of people have been hyping up PoS as if it's going to be their time to cash out big, and I don't really see that happening.

>> No.337909

I know I'm hodling

>> No.337911

>tfw only 50 million PND

>> No.337913

waiting for my btc to clear through the bank on coinbase then buying me .1 btc pnd

to reiterate from last thread though, we should pool our money and sponsor an esport team

I say cs:go but whatevs

>> No.337916
File: 23 KB, 446x362, fregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw only 100,000,000 PND

>> No.337917

>halp I have too little!
bitch, please

Sounds like a good idea to me. Right now PoS and marketing efforts are sucking the devs' resources. So we have the option to ask the devs to do it when they have more time, or make it a community project. Yes, this is a call to action.

Btw, I'm making an infographic to help publicize PND. I might post the draft version here if you promise not to post it around untill it's finished.

>> No.337918

it would be more profitable to turn your BTC into LTC and then LTC into PND.

>> No.337919

well, ill run it through arbitrage calculators first yeh.

>> No.337920

If you don't want people posting an unfinished version around, you probably should just wait until it's finished, then. It only takes one...

I also like the idea of sponsoring an esports team. With the summer split coming up in League of Legends, it might be good to look at one of their teams, especially with the game's popularity.

>> No.337921

thats 0.32% of all coins... shut up

>> No.337922
File: 136 KB, 687x859, wants pnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.337924

I like that image, but make some more!

In other news, 1# is having problems and will need a complete rewrite. This will take some time. in the meantime the faucet has been disabled. Sorry for this incovenient.

>> No.337930

I've got 0.88 BTC, what should I buy?
I was thinking about buying some DOGE to sell on ebay and using the leftover BTC to buy some more PND.

>> No.337932


>> No.337933

Sounds good to me. Make sure you convert the BTC to LTC to get PND.

>> No.337934

what about selling pnd on ebay?
also isnt it risky? i mean buyers can cash back their money... and i think there are rules that you cant sell crypto directly only as an addition to something

>> No.337936

Threadly reminder to email poloniex and tell them to add PND


Friendly reminder to bump bitcointalk thread so we can get more exposure.

>> No.337937

You forgot the link ;)


>> No.337938

wew lad

>> No.337943

Someone fill my 91 sat buy order :^)

>> No.337945


>> No.337949

here, have 56523.22054665 :^)

>> No.337950
File: 184 KB, 385x478, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, I knew it was someone from here :3

>> No.337953

friendly reminder to buy CINNI to make a quick buck, it's rising like DRK did a few days ago

>> No.337954
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>> No.337955

>not the 6 hour chart

egod pls

>> No.337956

dat down trend :c
i got some at 9k tho

>> No.337957

Bought 5k at 11k satoshi, hope to make a few BTC.

>> No.337958

It's a bull trap.

>> No.337960

They released Coincontrol will at least go to 40k today.

>> No.337972
File: 137 KB, 638x440, ProFamily 146 Aussenansicht.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey amDoge, what do you think of the house i am planning to build with my 1 million DOGE and 2 million PND?

>> No.337973

I've seen a similar post before.

>> No.337974

Answer my question amDoge

>> No.337975

>not building your own house from scratch

>> No.337976

I feel like having a dejavu

>> No.337977


>> No.337978

>paying 80,000€ more for a similar house
>dealing with lazy, dumb craftsman

>> No.337979

It can't be helped.

>> No.337980

it can. by building a fertighaus.

and the day will come when i can afford a house for my family with my 1 million DOGE and 2 million PND.

>implying i will ever have a family
;_; fuck you amDoge

>> No.337983

buy more pnd

>> No.337985

The multipool is 11hours late.
Is it cryptsy again?

>> No.337987
File: 85 KB, 640x425, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's always cryptsy.

>> No.337988

does anyone know if swaphole's support works weekends?

>> No.337989

>tfw no reminder to backup my wallet.dat

>> No.337994
File: 1.33 MB, 400x240, 1390853811092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to backup wallet.dat

>> No.338000


>> No.338002


>> No.338004
File: 16 KB, 400x294, hannibal_a-team-jpeg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being right

>> No.338032
File: 10 KB, 200x240, 131301222722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that feel when DOGE is still at 100 satoshi
>that feel when no gf

>> No.338034

What does that mean?
Will it crash now?

>> No.338036

see >>337960

>> No.338037

learn your traps bro

>> No.338042

is bitstamp the fastest way to cash out my btc for a germanbro? How long will it take? (I need money ;_;)

>> No.338043

>tfw only 50 million PND

>> No.338044

>complaining about having millions
people, please..

>> No.338046
File: 98 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you bumped https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529 today?

>> No.338050

I just did.

>> No.338052


>> No.338054
File: 10 KB, 32x225, cheeky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheeky post :3

>> No.338058

I never made an image, ill try to learn to shoop though just because of this.

>> No.338059

Snt ;)

>> No.338061
File: 98 KB, 273x333, ruL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338064

Good idea, you'll learn to do it pretty fast.

>> No.338067


>> No.338070

received ;)

>> No.338082


what are you talking about?

>> No.338083

Its when you feel like youve already experienced this moment in time.

I think its a form of latency between the conscious and unconscious

>> No.338097

People were being tricked to buy so that shilld could sell higher, so I called them out. CINNI isn't going moon today.
Or at least IHMO. But looking at the charts I was right, for now.

>> No.338103


>> No.338115

Someone has pointed out the lack of builds for Linux.

They are now available at http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-latest-linux.tar.gz..

>> No.338119

>Posting in the bitcointalk thread before posting it here
So you're abandoing your real community, wow

>> No.338120

I'm so sorry.

>> No.338121

I forgive you.

>> No.338138
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>> No.338160 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 168x177, bytelogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone holding onto any bytecoins?

>> No.338161

have you traded on your favorite exchange today?

>> No.338162

Yes. I can't express how much I love mintpal.

>> No.338163

i traded on swaphole today. now i want to kill myself.

>> No.338168
File: 24 KB, 269x220, 1399252341174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338169


>> No.338170

>complaining about no builds for Linux
>not just compiling it from source
It's not even difficult

>> No.338174

What's the matter cate?

I don't know.

>> No.338177

swaphole has to be the least unintuitive and unusable exchange I've ever been sorry to deposit to
tab system that isn't saved if you log out? who greenlights these ideas?

>> No.338180
File: 62 KB, 343x333, 1351384781719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


am i missing out on an inside joke?
i've been just hodling for this year.

>> No.338182

i'm not even gonna greentext the shit i've just been through trying to use that monstrosity. i've lost like .04, and i simply don't give a fuck. i just want to forget.

>> No.338186
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>> No.338187

So what will happen once it has enough volume? Will continue shilling it?

>> No.338188
File: 377 KB, 555x560, 1352139958751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to deposit 500k BCN and it didn't go through for a day. I was just ready to accept the loss. Support answered within 12 hours though.

>> No.338191
File: 414 KB, 1600x1064, 1225156624369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


retirement to rural japan 50km from tokyo?
it still very early, exchanges require constant attention, even more in this ever-changing crypto-world.

>> No.338194

I've updated the wallet today and it's been "importing blockchain from pow wallet" for the past hour. Is this something to be expected?

>> No.338197

Got the same.
Deleted everything except wallet.dat and started installing it again.
Works now.

>> No.338200

oh, i didn't sign up for icurrex. didn't what to give them all that information.

>> No.338204

>darkcoin is pulling a blackcoin

>> No.338205


hint: you can use a fake name/number

>> No.338206

Alright, thanks. Amdoge, you should probably mention this issue in the thread.

>> No.338209

i made the fucking almighty mistake of trying to get into monero. i think i downloaded the wallet, i think it synced, i think i bought ~34 monero from shithole, massively overpriced because i couldn't for the life of me set a fucking buy order, then i think i transferred monero to my wallet... then all hell broke loose. the wallet stopped updating, shithole says my outgoing transfer has "Failed, check logs" and support isn't responding. the cryptonote wallet won't download the last two blocks, the 'simplewallet' sucks incalculable numbers of dicks, the miner gets like 0.0000001kh/s, my 1.4ghz CPU is fucking overheating to the point of burning my dick, while it tries to process 14 crypto wallets at once after my hdd died 2 days ago and i have to download them all again, oh and i lost my ripple account when it died, and all my porn. and my girlfriend left me last night. and i'm drunk. and rambling to a bunch of anon strangers who are giving me odd looks right now. oh, and i sold £90,000 worth of btc for £1,400. and i've got boxxyfags begging me for pnd. and i haven't done the dishes. and fuck.

>> No.338212

relax, shibe, you're onboard the fucking Cryptonote train this early in the making, it can only get better. I had fun reading that though and now I feelbad, can I send you some BCN?

>> No.338214


>bashing btc killer monero

this is the only decent monero exchange cryptonote.exchange.to

>> No.338216

not without me getting banned for posting my receiving add. thanks anyway kind anon.

>> No.338218

it's not an autoban is it? if not, mods are supposed to look at context. you could just pastebin it anyway.

>> No.338225

wellll maybe i will just leave this here. if you insist. thanks man :^)

>> No.338227
File: 190 KB, 1289x780, mfwbtcmarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so calm

>> No.338228

Reminder to get on to this with PND

>> No.338229



>> No.338233


it only caused us a hassle but we'll see where it goes after pos release

>> No.338237
File: 2 KB, 50x50, dreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that would ruin us
everyone would get their dildoes and forgot about pnd

>> No.338238

thats what everyone thinks thats why it will get lower right after turning to pos

>> No.338241

I want an onahole though.

>> No.338244
File: 4 KB, 57x51, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no need to lie anon, we're all friends here

>> No.338248


They think it's going to go higher when it goes to PoS.

wew lel

>> No.338249
File: 46 KB, 200x300, 1355887459359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, i would also get a dildo for maximum pleasure, no homo but i do like it a bit in the ass.

>> No.338254
File: 35 KB, 300x250, CFrcbhKhhQ-4[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What time is the race, and if so, why does China not care enough about NASCAR to raise the doge price overnight?

>> No.338257
File: 319 KB, 2000x2000, pnd2nd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338262

looks good bro. decapitated panda on asparagus stilts bouncing half a boiled egg on it's head -coin. would trade.

>> No.338265
File: 25 KB, 400x400, 1391990407179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338267


now that you said, it looks like he is cooking all that to make a soup

>> No.338271
File: 218 KB, 1000x1000, pndkawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kawaii for amDOGE

>> No.338273
File: 184 KB, 580x385, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338275


>> No.338276


holy shit look at these faggots

>> No.338277
File: 4 KB, 53x56, pull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338282

In other news, why are cats so much better than dogs?

>> No.338286


>> No.338312
File: 357 KB, 2000x2000, pndchinese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.338317
File: 367 KB, 2000x2000, pndchinese2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w/ added P N D

>> No.338321

>buy libertycoin at literal peak
>look at price today and contemplate suicide
>libertycoin hits mintpal

Thank you based god.

>> No.338324


no chinese symbols please

actually we should westernize PND logo

it would actually appeal to the chinese market

>> No.338327
File: 56 KB, 800x600, 43smithfield-rear[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What EMOTIONS are you trying to CONVEY with this piece?

the RACEGOD narwhals at 8:30 PM EST, methinks


pic unrelated

>> No.338328
File: 66 KB, 1353x656, doxahoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> SIMPLEwallet

>> No.338329

That sounds silly.

I would never reject something because it had my own language on it. The art needs to look more modern and not like something out of 1980.

I like the Chinese symbols for panda

>> No.338331

Im not sure. Im trying to get a happy attractive vibe.

Something friendly for kids

I dont know what colors would be best. Just light ones

>> No.338334

what emothions do you feel when looking at it?

>> No.338336

>I would never reject something because it had my own language on it

Are you chinese ?

Because chinese pople have clearly mentioned they dislike the chinese symbole saying Pandacoin again

I would also be wary of a logo that has symbols in my language if it was out of place and looks dated in context

>> No.338337
File: 109 KB, 320x240, 92857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.338339

Is this real?

>> No.338340

Yes, it's the bytecoin wallet

>> No.338341


Ok then what does and Americanized Panda look like? The fact that pandas are from the Chinese region makes it hard to and American stamp on it imo

>> No.338342

The red circle makes it look more japanese than chinese

>> No.338343

i didnt say americanise it

i daid westernize it

by removing chinese symbols and making the art more of western art

>> No.338350

good point

>> No.338353
File: 15 KB, 285x298, cosmic-panda-waving-md.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want something that is western. Pandacoin's logo should look primarily western but friendly to Chinese users. Going too yellowface is only a bad thing.

I'd go for something way, way simpler on the logo. A panda done in very broad strokes (not pic, but pic related), and the font should be something very unsquiggly, unchineseey, and entirely western.

>> No.338355


a more WWF-ish Panda logo is what we need

>> No.338357

>to reiterate from last thread though, we should pool our money and sponsor an esport team


I have an esports site ready to go which allows betting with crypto on live streaming Twitch events.

I did a beta test with friends and it worked. We did DOTA and LoL match bets. I've tested BTC, Dogecoin, and PND with this so far.

Anyway, I need to pick a coin to focus on and PND is promising especially since it will have an Asian market and it's on coinpayments.net which is what I use to process the betslip payments and payouts.

What I need is mods or volunteers, I can give them a cut of the house take. If PND demands that all gambling sites be managed by them this is a no-go obviously. Just putting this out there.

>> No.338359


>tfw no proper mining rig but time to PoS is running out

If it weren't for tips I would have zero PND pretty much. I'm at 5K now.

My only hope with cryptos in general is to hustle. The most I've done with PND so far is start a wallet and join the multipool a few days ago. I know it's not the same as getting in a month ago but oh well. PND can go places.

>> No.338364


This is bitcoin 2009, get onboard while you can
it works almost perfectly now, theres a beta gui in works but i like the cli.

>> No.338366


>669 days
but this is wrong
btw you want download the updated blockchain or you'll become a skeleton before it syncs

>> No.338367


... lel


Did I just get tipped? Thanks! Couldn't possibly have been a payout from the pool could it?

>> No.338369

thankyou so much. the blockchain link on bitcoin talk was dead.
i don't trust yours for a second, anon, but it has at least confirmed that i'm in for the download hell i'd anticipated.

>> No.338370



>> No.338373


I would never do harm to a fellow anon
and this is from the official topic.

>> No.338381

Like the idea, I'd help out but it's not in the area of my expertise :p

>> No.338384

>... lel
everyone who hears about these Cryptonote coins for the first time become dumbfounded

>> No.338388

Why are they called Cryptonote?

>> No.338391
File: 159 KB, 734x720, 1330704751759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


devs are anon
we'll never fully understand their message
monero devs are cracking their heads to de-obfuscate bytecoin code

>> No.338393

What is google https://cryptonote.org/

>> No.338394

How come my DOGE wallet isn't syncing?

>> No.338396

blackcoin to explode monday

prepare your buttcoins

>> No.338399

PND to explode in 4 days, prepare your buttholes.

>> No.338402

Thanks, I'm already there.
I confused the name and thought it was something different from cryptocoins.

>> No.338404

Bytecoin has it implemented and darkcoin is doing it soon i believe.

>> No.338405

That's arguably why they picked the 'note' name. It's a new protocol, in no way built from BTC like Scrypt is for example.

>> No.338408

But the most important is question is:
Is it worth mining Bytecoin.

>> No.338411

Nevermind. It was just out of storage.

>> No.338412

sell on the reddit dogemarket

>> No.338414
File: 5 KB, 250x187, 1400138096090s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cinni is a total bs scam coin

>> No.338415
File: 476 KB, 1500x1800, leSketch176152911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a quick sketch.

>> No.338420

Difficulty's only going to keep climbing, it might be better to wait until someone comes up with a GPU miner. I used the Minergate pool for the past month or so which is really convenient, but had to switch to solo so I could merge mine Fantomcoin

>> No.338423

Well if someone comes up with a GPU miner wich is only 30 times better than the CPU mining the coin will probably collapse.
Atleast thats my guess.

>> No.338429

Dat cinni happening

>> No.338432


You wish.

>> No.338433

>everyone who hears about these Cryptonote coins for the first time become dumbfounded

When someone literally says "This is the next Bitcoin" they should only expect to be laughed at, friend.

I really don't care about bytecoin. At all. Just like I don't care about Darkcoin right now.

This is a PND/Doge thread anyway.

>> No.338436

Ignorance is bliss for only so long

>> No.338438
File: 18 KB, 378x120, Screen Shot 2014-05-17 at 22.22.54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)

>> No.338447
File: 362 KB, 1269x1170, COINdez3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cleaned up slightly.

>> No.338450


and we are talking about monero, not even bytecoin.

>> No.338451


Bytecoin is fucked I admit that much.

But if you knew anything about bitmonero aka monero you would lose all that hubris real quick.

>> No.338464

yeah, we'll see.

i bought in at 75k. fuck my life.

>> No.338475

I might be the worst crypto trader of all time.

>> No.338480
File: 334 KB, 1205x721, 1400360057669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fairly sure most of us are new to trading and have learned the hard way, you're actually very far from being alone

>> No.338484

Get ready for the Cinni pump if you want to make money.

>> No.338487

At least I hope for that.
My chance to make up for all that money I lost.

>> No.338488

please create your own thread if you want to pump cunny.

>> No.338489

I've got 2500 just waiting.

>> No.338490

I plan on getting my profits into PND you fucking cunt

>> No.338492
File: 43 KB, 398x357, img2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will people wake the fuck up and realize proof of stake is unfair? Same goes for proof of burn. And stop samefagging you fuckstick shill, there are IDs on this board.

>> No.338493

Come the fuck at me you fucking internet warrior.
I'll fucking hook you in the gabber, m8.

>> No.338494

Why do you think you are entitled to free money just because you have a nice GPU?

>> No.338495

finally got some doge, want to trade half for pnd, do i need to trade for btc or ltc first or can i go straight to mintpal?

>> No.338496

Not possible, I'm the worst trader.
I keep buying high and selling low and I'm not learning anything from it.

>> No.338497

i wasn't really talking about cryptos. and i was gonna ask for the link to the thread on /s/.

>> No.338498

Far as I know, proof of work doesn't make the rich richer like proof of stake

>> No.338500

amDoge still here or already sleeping?

>> No.338501

>I keep buying high and selling low and I'm not learning anything from it.

Eventually you will. You'll develop a knack for it and begin to intuit the waves of pumps and dumps. It took me like 5 months to figure out how not to be shitty and beta at trading.

>> No.338502

I'm sleeping.

>> No.338503

What are you dreaming about, amEGOD?

>> No.338504

That the rich get richer is just basic economics. It's what gives the rich the motivation to not dump all their currency and collapse the market.

If you want to be one of the rich, just invest your actual money in a PoS crypto when it's still undervalued. Two thousand bucks will make you "rich" in most current cryptos.

>> No.338506


That's what I'm saying. These people don't realize we need to raise btc from other coin in order to support pnd. I it werent for cinni i wouldnt even be able to buy pnd.

I appreciate the sharing good info

>> No.338508

How will the interest for PND work when PoS is implemented?
Will it be 2,5%/365 ?

>> No.338509



>> No.338512

confirmed cinni punp at 23:00 GMT, that is 50 minutes from now. Get ready |:-^)

>> No.338513
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For what it's worth, here's one of the drafts my friend made for pnd4pnd

>> No.338514

Good to hear.
>tfw only 50 million PND

>> No.338515
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i forgot that everyone could afford 50mh gpu farm and now buy 1gh scrypt asics. no? oh, shut up.

>> No.338517







>> No.338518
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>> No.338519


please 4chan stop ruining my childhood.

>> No.338520
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>Fontas will never organize BTC-e pumps again
>you can only play crapshoot with pumps that last 10 total seconds

At least you need to be proactive about reinvesting. With PoS, everyone can just sit on their fucking hands.

>> No.338522

That's not really how it's going to work. 2.5% annually from, let's say, 10 million, is only 250k per year. That's basically nothing m8

>> No.338523

>amDoge has at least 500 million PND
>would get 34k PND every day

>> No.338526

we will be productive on multipool

>> No.338528

He would still have had those 500 mil if pnd remained pow. also amdoge wat le fuck why arent you distributing pnd to people?

>> No.338529

Do you come from mars or something?

>> No.338533

Wasn't mean to be an attack against amDoge, he deserves to get this much.

>> No.338534


And have not seen one genuinely greed post from him.

>> No.338535
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yfw more than half of all tips come from amdoge

>> No.338537

Is the multipool really late for anyone else?
I didn't receive anything for the last 4 rounds.
It has never been that late.

>> No.338539


>> No.338538

I have given out 202666096 coins so far for promotions and normal tips. What have you done for PND so far anon?

>> No.338541
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>> No.338542

Would you be so kind and fill my 15 LTC buy order? :3

>> No.338543

Thank you for pointing me to the twitter account.
I will follow it now so that I don't have to ask stupid questions again.

>> No.338545

whats with that exact number?
i given out around 4M

>> No.338547

>202 million given away
so that's why there's always someone to shit all over the price

>> No.338549

I don't have nearly as much on mintpal anon.

It's also seen on http://multi.pandapool.info/#support..

This is all distributed over months and various faucets, not to all to one or two individuals.

>> No.338550

>not to all to
*not all to

>> No.338551
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Tossed in some color.

>> No.338556


How long until Nascar? don't give me the time in american tz, give me the number of hours left.

>> No.338559

Should I clear that 97 liteoshi sell order on mintpal

>> No.338560

1hr and 11 minutes,

>> No.338563
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How to keep cat from getting caught in my Gridseed fans?

>> No.338564

Pretty sure they will dump soon enough.

>> No.338565

Sent ;)

>> No.338566



>> No.338567

There's a pile of orders after it

>> No.338569

Why would they dump?

>> No.338571

put in bath. cats hate baths.

>> No.338572

No idea who. Miners probably. They have been dumping for several months now so it's safe to assume that they will do the same in the next few hours.

>> No.338574

I wasn't planning on it.

>> No.338576

Someone send me the PND rich list

>> No.338585

In On Dialogue, Bohm describes several methods that help to create opportunities for positive change in society. He advocates that when engaging in free dialogue, two or more people with equal status observe the following principles: to listen to each other with detachment, to suspend opinion and judgment, to allow the free flow of thought and feeling in a sort of dance between the parties engaged, and to accept and appreciate differing beliefs or understanding. When followed, these principles yield a new sense of meeting and understanding and allow for surprising agreement and unity to emerge from widely disparate positions. We find this to be in line with the teachings of Sufi mysticism and Jungian psychoanalysis.

>> No.338589

Is there a PND rich list?

>> No.338592

They are idiots. I've been known to mine and dump in the past, even hiring miners when the price is right and turning the money around in a few hours.

I've been mining pnd since minute 0, although not exclusively (also mining doge mainly). When doge had more halvenings and the price has gone stagnant, I started looking for a new main coin. I already knew about pnd and had bat files set up so just let it ride on that while I was searching. Then came back here for the first time in a few weeks, and saw shit like the multipool and POS being implemented and thought well I don't need to look further at all.

Since all that, I haven't dumped any pnd, and I've even hired miners for it. Why dump now? I did get a bit antsy seeing it go from 180 litoshi back down, but knowing how the multipool works means eventually all those dumpers will be eaten. Why would you dump now? It really isn't worth it.

amDOGE is the most on the ball coin dev I have ever seen, and I have complete faith in where this coin is going.

I'm also one of the miners on the original network still. I know there has been talk of whether hashrate on the multipool will increase or not when POS hits - I of course will be switching to the multipool because it will be the only way to mine pnd, and I do want to still mine it.

>> No.338594

>amDOGE is the most on the ball coin dev I have ever seen, and I have complete faith in where this coin is going.

>> No.338602
File: 47 KB, 1102x209, Screen Shot 2014-05-18 at 00.17.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why dump now?
Because they don't care.

>> No.338603
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The hour has passed.
Nothing happened.

>> No.338607

Libertycoin just got added.
The guy who got Blackcoin from 10k to 90k and left them is now promoting it.
Might buy a bit.

>> No.338619

To mintpal*

>> No.338622


gotta get on that pnd market asap after pos release, that's what gave doge such lasting ability

>> No.338630

Interesting thread.

What satoshi price is the PND coin?

>> No.338632

At the moment you would get it for 3 sathosi each.

>> No.338640

Hey amdoge, approximately at what time periods multipool is buying?

>> No.338641 [DELETED] 

CINNI going to be pumped HARD in the next 12 hours, hope you got some cheap

>> No.338648

Every four hours, thought it's not exactly to the second since Cryptsy is constantly giving issues. PND is being mined directly most of the time because it's quite profitable.

>> No.338658 [DELETED] 

hope your right! just bought 20k


>> No.338660
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>> No.338662

This is just a joke right? You guys know what IDs are

>> No.338665


>> No.338677


so uncanny

>> No.338682

Is there a option for wallets to show your coins like
50.000.000 instead of 50000000

>> No.338685 [DELETED] 
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>> No.338690


>> No.338691

me too, it's risky but imho it will go up a lot. more than the last pump, can't wait, gonna buy some more when my btc gets to mintpal

>> No.338692 [DELETED] 

Are you familiar with the concept of the "deepweb"? If not -

The "clearweb" is the internet that you know. Just pop up an ordinary browser and you can access any site on it or search for them.

The "deepweb" is the 'hidden' internet that can only be accesses by special network layers like Tor and I2P. If you punch in a deepweb address into your URL bar, you won't get anything.

What this has to do with Bytecoin vs. Monero is that Bytecoin was launched in the deepweb in July 2012 (supposedly). It surfaced on the clearweb in 2014, becoming accessible to the other 99%+ of internet users. In the intervening time, 80% of all Bytecoin that will ever exist was mined. There are indications (fromm difficulty data in the blockchain) that the number of computers mining it during that long period was very small (below 100).

You're either okay with it or not (it's not a true "premine" in the way that word is usually used). Monero is intended to be a clearweb-launched alternative to Bytecoin.

>> No.338695


>> No.338696

Please create your own thread if you have to advertise monero.


>> No.338697 [DELETED] 


One of the things we've noticed is that there is a great deal of obfuscated code in the Bytecoin source, to the point where the miner is intentionally crippled from a speed perspective. The RPC API is unfinished and broken in places (inconceivable for a coin that has supposedly been around and in use and active development for 2 years) and the documentation is blatantly incorrect in parts. Bytecoin devs have no desire to change this status quo.

It seems to me, and to others, the Bytecoin is not 2 years old. It is much newer, has a faked blockchain to back the story up, and is thus just a massive premine under the veil of being a coin released fairly "on the dark web 2 years ago".

At its simplest, then: Monero is a fair release of that coin, with bugs and intentional crippling being actively removed and fixed:)

>> No.338698

Are you fucking with me or is there no way to do this?

>> No.338700

I need to readd it again. The feature got ripped out since we're now based on a completely different version of a far away branch of bitcoin, not dogecoin anymore.

>> No.338701 [DELETED] 
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you can always compile your wallet with this modification

>> No.338703

>I need to readd
We both should go to bed I think.

>> No.338706


>> No.338707

I have no idea how to do this.

>> No.338711

I thought you were tired.

>> No.338712 [DELETED] 


>> No.338716
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>> No.338729 [DELETED] 
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i told you to get CINNI while it's cheap, right now the pump is going, we are at +180% and climbing

still room to get in !

>> No.338730

Cut the shit pls

>> No.338731

what, are you the king here?

>> No.338732
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>> No.338737

I'm about to dump my CINNI like I dumped my MONA because you're being a huge faggot.

>> No.338746



the final race isnt gonna be for a while

if you are american its on fox sports 1 if not USE THE STREAM

>> No.338749


>> No.338752
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Donkey Shane :)

>> No.338756

lol@ blackcoin


>> No.338759


>> No.338760


>> No.338762

When the fuck does he race dammit?

>> No.338765

Are you still around?

>> No.338768

he probably wont be in the top 20

last time he started in 36th and moved up to 20th with a position in 15th before the final yellow flag was waved within the last 10 laps

>> No.338776

Is the race tonight or is this something else?

>> No.338777



>> No.338778

Just the qualification. I'm not sure when the race itself starts.

>> No.338780

official thread is here with a link to the stream


>> No.338783

the actual race starts in 24 minutes

>> No.338786


>> No.338788

We all become rich when josh wins.

Doge will be worth a million dollars

>> No.338800


Selling is wise, you don't make profit until you sell.
Now it's too late.
(Or not, if you consider next target to be under 80)

>> No.338802

The point is that choking the market is not wise at all when there's development going on.

>> No.338803

josh wise went from 36th to 20th last time

he starts in 19th this race, so long as he doesnt crash and doesnt do any bullshit he can place in the top 10

>> No.338806


too bad is that market is driven by money, not development :(
PND has the most active developers out there. But unless we have another adrenaline injection like we had for hype of PoS, we're hardly see 100s.
Someone has to cashout at some point. This is not choking, this is natural growing.... the only choke is the BTC pair. If we were ltc pair only, it would be much bettar

>> No.338810


the dogecar qualifying hot lap

>> No.338814

Every coin with any value at all has "development" going on. Why should Pandacoin, out of all the PoS coins, be the one that succeeds? There's a lot of PR bullshit around PND, but not much heat. If China had any overwhelming interest in PND at all, it wouldnt be at 90 litoshis right now,

I'm not saying I'm going to dump my 50 million PND, but there's absolutely nothing special or compelling about PND. I hope it succeeds, but really, if it was going to then 4 days before PoS you'd see whales either driving the price down or drivng it up. There's nothing going on, while the other PoS coins have plenty of activity if not value.

>> No.338824

>There's nothing going on
Because the market is being choked by dumpers. More dumping won't help their cause.

>> No.338826

One word. Multipool.
It will conquer all dumpers eventually.

>> No.338831

in 20 years how many people will still possess any of these coins?

>> No.338839

>a lot of people spending a lot of time at their computer

>> No.338840

>Because the market is being choked by dumpers
I don't think that's the problem. Problem is lack of interest.... we need more shilling and more interest from big money investors. Thus the need of unique features and dedicated services.
PND shall rule the market, but not at current state. We need more desu.

>> No.338842

We could start by always having the bct thread up on the front page. I have been trying to encourage doing this for some time now but it seems like 4chan is a bit out of air lately.

>> No.338846

I'm going to register and help keep it bumped.

>> No.338847


Thank you.

>> No.338914

wise is in last :c