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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3380901 No.3380901 [Reply] [Original]

I sold my OMG and went all in. Who's with me?

>> No.3380911

Nigga have you seen the stream?

>> No.3380927

No, what happend ?

>> No.3380937

Literally no one.

>> No.3380938


They showcased their supercomputer

>> No.3380960

They cut the live stream cus the audio was fucked up. Everyone in the audience was checking 4chan and cringing while listening to the speakers. Massive failure.

>> No.3380967

Their “big conference and announcement“ was basically a few geeks sitting in a kindergarten and stuttering to each other for like 10 minutes.
No one knows what the news are though because the smartest IT peopleik the world COULDN'T GET THE AUDIO TO WORK.
Look at the price in the last hour since then anon...

>> No.3380975

fake news faggot

>> No.3381008

no, it’s NO NEWS

>> No.3381422


>12 minute delay
>20 minutes polish beatbox
>stream restart with some slav in black jeans

gg gnt

>> No.3381439

Lost 5 OMG because of these incompetent fucks, hold me /biz/

>> No.3381563
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>> No.3381590

I've been hodling since I bought the first pump in May, at $0.45.

I'm locked in now.

>> No.3381648

selling my bags because of this loool


>> No.3381684


Holy fucking lel

>> No.3381692

jesus fuck i love the internet

>> No.3381723

Stuttering potheads

>> No.3381810
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>> No.3381842

>selling OMG
kek @ ur life

>> No.3381883


>> No.3381892


>> No.3381908
File: 47 KB, 593x492, 1502400899393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

top KEK hahahahha

>> No.3382350



sold golem and bought the omg dip

>> No.3382430
File: 36 KB, 477x453, BTC 4 Me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are so fucked

>> No.3382781

My condolences.

>> No.3382842
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They just wont learn

>> No.3382951

>buying GNT instead of ANT

>> No.3382999

Sold everything. Im done.

>> No.3383049

Things to consider:

- They were not native english ( swiss and polish )
- The presentation was bad af true dat. But good programmers aren't really known to be good presentators. They should have gotten someone to explain it for them
- it was badly prepared
- in a few days this will all be forgotten. It's still a cheap coin.
- People will be buying this coin just because it's cheap and if you browse around, there's a project behind it and not too bad of an idea
- even if they don't manage to set up a solid decentralized super computer they raised enough $$$ to put up a some heavy ass servers / datacenter to provide a service.
- People will buy this cause the project behind it is easy to explain

>> No.3383060
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oh god, my sides