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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 224 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_20170906_140353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3369266 No.3369266 [Reply] [Original]

We're not fuckin selling and we're not fuckin evacuating. Who's with me?

>> No.3369284

239 reporting, iron hands don't run away with their tail between their legs

>> No.3369285

Get rekt faggot, this is God's punishment for your shitty state helping to elect Trump. Birds will soon be eating your water bloated corpse.

I weep for Puerto Rico.

>> No.3369311

I hope you lose internet for 5 days and can't trade and get fucking rekt

Florida sucks

>> No.3369321


>> No.3369322

hillary won bro what are you talking about? U in a different timeline?

>> No.3369365
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what happens when your house gets flooded and you lose your private keys

>> No.3369382
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Nope stand face to face to FUD, significant losses, and the strongest Atlantic hurricane in recorded history, and we hit back!

>> No.3369386

>not engraving your private keys on yourself

>> No.3369393

>cant trade from a cellphone

wanna know how I know you are from a 3rd world country?

>> No.3369436
File: 40 KB, 593x500, hurricaneinfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid hurricane, i could have gone sailing this weekend.

>> No.3369473

>not getting your private keys laser tattooed on the inside of your thigh
clearly not ready

>> No.3369487

Florida is a cesspool full of scum and almighty god has decided he's finally had enough of it.

Good riddance to all of you degenerates.

>> No.3369500

Hit up the pharmacies and take everything that is good. Should be $10K per store minimum.

>> No.3369512

Wtf man, there are /biz/bro lives at stake you fucking sociopath

>> No.3369524

hurricanes are also the perfect time to shoot looters and not get caught....just sayin' faggot

>> No.3369565

>cell service will be uninterrupted during a Cat 4-5 hurricane

lol ok bro

>> No.3370143

Parents are trying to airvac me to Ohio.. Id rather the golf course flag pole across the way impale me than spend another minute in that state! I'm not leaving!

>> No.3370679

White people should die. Puerto ricans are the master race!
/biz/ should have flags. Not only to spot Puerto Rican posting but to also reveal pajeet shilling.

>> No.3370713
File: 44 KB, 640x479, 12_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're gonna see op on a roof holding a sign with his bitbean address later.

>> No.3370723

my uncle lives in east florida, he has parkinson's, I hope he gets through it alright

>> No.3370778



He will fly all over the place like a fucking plastic bag

>> No.3370780


>> No.3370823

>he fell for the hodl meme

>> No.3371263

Liquidated everything except some stuff that is over valued by insurance and went north. Be back in a week to buy the dip

>> No.3371281

Amen, may Irma be God's cleansing broom.

>> No.3371300

Set up a video camera. I'll pay one bitcoin for the tape if he gets airborne.

>> No.3371322

Can't believe people willingly live in Florida.

>> No.3371342

liberal scum

>> No.3371382

Horrible """persons"""

>> No.3371446
File: 9 KB, 261x223, 1489017203557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Florida is a cesspool full of scum
Maybe so, but we are a good chunk of the U.S. Housing Market. So you might not want to be so careless with your ranting.

>> No.3371460
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Go back to /pol/ no one cares about your shitty feelings

>> No.3371507
File: 156 KB, 720x960, pz6UFnKE59s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay strong guys, be safe- fuck everyone talking shit about our States, fuck our domestic terrorists who wish us harm and all the shittalking they spread online.

>CA resident

>> No.3371524

How do you stake biz bros where do I buy that coin

>> No.3371665

Its been veering more east, I live in Orlando, was going to party with niggers in Atlanta, but might just stay. Job is closed on Monday, so might just go to Atlanta anyway and get me a big booty hoe.

>> No.3371666

>good chunk of housing market
>most houses under 500k
Lmao delusional old people

>> No.3371702
File: 413 KB, 648x454, 1498836999171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My house is old and can't even withstand the winds of a category 3 storm... I've no gas to evacuate with and there's nowhere near me to go. I'm actually going to die to this hurricane. It's a weird feeling knowing that I'll die in 3-4 days. I'm only 18 /biz/.... why does it have to be like this :(

>> No.3371761

Bro... go to a shelter.
That's why they are there.

>> No.3371790

Just because a majority of houses aren't quoted for half-a-mil doesn't mean the market is worthless.
That's the reason for why so many out-of-state people are coming in droves to buy, buy, buy.
Buy cheap, sell high, baby.

>> No.3372046

go out on your own terms, buddy, untie the horse and use the rope and hang yourself. show that storm who is the boss

>> No.3372093
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looking forward to webms of the destruction showing up in rekt threads

>> No.3372115

Clearly they are the master race when it can take up to 6 months to get their electricity to work again after a storm.

>> No.3372234

Floridanon here. I totally agree. Thankfully Irma seems set to hit the bluest, most Jewish part of the state. I'll use my gains to fund a reconquista in the aftermath.

>> No.3372267

Gas stations are all empty. Publix and walmart are out of all water, canned goods, and toilet paper.

>> No.3372825

you still can, you'll die though

>> No.3372881

Hurricanes aint shit if you live in an actual house,
anyone living in a trailer park is fucked though.

>> No.3372890
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>> No.3373007

>I've no gas
Noneo btfo'd

>> No.3373024

IT will miss FL to the east. Front moving through now will push it out of harms way. Dont worry anon. Keep calm and buy some ETH and watch the moon mission commence.

>> No.3373129

Aren't Palm Beach and Indian River some of the richest areas in America?

>> No.3373178

>Puerto ricans
>Master race

yeah, how's that working out for you so far bud?

>> No.3373190

goddamit florida
I got a flight and hotel booked in ealry october
dont bitch out on me with that weak ass hurricane shit
you better get your shit together soon or Ill lose a bunch of non-refundable money

>> No.3373230

>What is encryption
>What are remote backups

>> No.3373497

get your ass to a shelter....there's no shame in it

>> No.3373611

this, desu

>> No.3373622
File: 148 KB, 768x526, merlin-to-scoop-126886886-236458-master768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a category 5 Hurricane with up to 250 - 300KM an hour winds. If pic related would not concern you heading straight towards you no clue what would.

This shit is the largest hurricane ever recorded.

>> No.3373634

That photoshop shit would actually be believable if they didn't simultaneously insist on pushing the round Earth conspiracy.

>> No.3373647
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>> No.3373680
File: 66 KB, 460x259, 170905000104-hurricane-irma-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this is bait, which I will take it as so. But just in case, this video provides it does not work out mathematically no matter how you try to frame it. It just does not work. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgY8zNZ35uw

Either way, here is "flat" picture for your needs

>> No.3373715

why would i believe a globe earther and his "video" lol

>> No.3373786

Now you are just baiting. Don't really see the point of making yourself be a retard in front everybody else on /biz/.

>> No.3373834

That is one awesome looking storm. It's perfect. Monstrous.

>> No.3373848


>> No.3373864

305 reporting in
i am really /fucked/ lol

>> No.3373867

this shit is so fake lmao they forgot to add the sky. nice black sky retards. no stars either

>> No.3373875

Seriously, listen to your local authorities on this.

>> No.3373887


>> No.3373969
