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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 316x160, walton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3361605 No.3361605 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.3361614

fuck you and this shitty coin

>> No.3361634

I'm so happy

>> No.3361648


>> No.3361653

>stay poor faggot.

>> No.3361657

This was a free 2x+ for anyone who bought on the dip. Should have been obvious considering the china news didn't even affect WTC.

>> No.3361661


>> No.3361678

this. /biz/fags get rekt

>> No.3361679

walton literally stole 5k$ from me. fuck wtc

>> No.3361684

B-but stills at 293.

>> No.3361687
File: 33 KB, 800x600, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaaaand back down

>> No.3361717
File: 82 KB, 1388x666, nW3Rvz6 - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Space ship fueled up and ready to go to the lamboland AND mclarenmoon

>> No.3361730
File: 76 KB, 620x854, pepepeepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb faggot. 400k by tonite. or my name isnt walton

>> No.3361784

Delicious jailbait

>> No.3361828
File: 7 KB, 194x260, walton bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea mate i fapped over 100 times to that.

>> No.3361952
File: 7 KB, 259x194, nwal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump, faggots

>> No.3361957
File: 112 KB, 1389x869, mxxBOU7 - Imgur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Walton Hype is going str8 to the moon
Get in or stay poor faggots

>> No.3361985

Waiting for 150 to buy.
This coin will dip again within the next few days.

>> No.3362013
File: 76 KB, 762x616, flags-walton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3362044
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>> No.3362099

Finally starting to recover

>> No.3362135
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>> No.3362205
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>> No.3362230 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3362275

I wonder if people realize that this coin can hit 5 dollars overnight. That's a 2.5x gain.

Omisego would have to hit 40 dollars for a similar return. That will take the rest of the year.

peon investors on this board I swear

>> No.3362291

looks primed as fuck, fomo bought back in fuck it

>> No.3362301

You done fucked up shill, this here's a blue board

>> No.3362341

Fuck you and your piece of shit cuntmaster. WAlton is the chink coin.


Low market cap. Chinese government investors. Its a no brainer faggots.

>> No.3363358

WALTON would be $6 right now if it weren't for CNBC fud article at 3:30AM a few days ago.

>> No.3363568
File: 8 KB, 156x546, pnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such obvious pump and dump they dont even try to hide it
bots do all the volume and drive up the price

>> No.3363648
File: 51 KB, 625x500, thenewwalton.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where is the proof? Any coin can attach a few names to itself (without proof) regardless of how exactly they are affiliated with the coin.
Got a link to article?

>> No.3363661

Are you implying that a bunch of small orders drive up volume? Are you ignorant? volume is measured in the amount of shares traded not the amount of orders.

>> No.3364351

it just crashed with no hopes of returning.

>> No.3364733

Bought in at 0.00025. Here's to hoping the chinks work their magic

>> No.3364928
File: 15 KB, 579x111, make me bloody rich senpai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plus they get added on Korean exchanges in October, bittrex followed them, great team and great transparency and project. I feel pity for thsoe that do not invest in WTC, for you that do, we could have a celebration on our yachts pretty soon

CHEERS Whaletons

>> No.3364982

O herro. Welcome our short term office. We are big future company, please invest.

>> No.3364994
File: 38 KB, 210x224, watrisik.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunnnnnnnooo about that one

>> No.3365008

WTC already pumped. Don't get caught paying for someone else's lambo.

Loop ring is in accumulation phase. Trading at or below ico price. Same for Opus. Need to be ahead of the game anon.

>> No.3365011

nowalt fag you will never be rich

>> No.3365057

I don't know who is manipulating this coind so hard but if he was in front of me I would slit his throat.

>> No.3365406

lmao crashing this shitcoin with no survivors.

>> No.3365446

literally going all the way to 0 as we speak kek

>> No.3365463

"be greedy when everyone else is fearful"

See you in a lambo soon no whalers, will be sure to laugh to your last decade toyota

>> No.3365467

or should I say no whaletons

>> No.3365471

>no whalers
no one but wales in this coin now

>> No.3365472

Well looks like I'm bagholding for a while

>> No.3366027
File: 83 KB, 570x700, o-NASA-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check binance twitter, we are going to the moon !!!!

>> No.3366050
File: 18 KB, 412x430, 675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CHinks are btfoed. Quick what to do now?

>> No.3366102

Overwhelming losses. Sad.

>> No.3366114

What does this mean for Walton?

>> No.3366124

Is good news my brother.

>> No.3366129

just be patient, whales are getting more coins it means that all the FUD was fake

>> No.3366134

Should I get more? I already have 1k.

>> No.3366149

buywalls are not moving
looks like whales are buying the dip

>> No.3366153

yeah? then why the fuck is it tanking even harder than before?

>> No.3366154

I fucking love the Walton marines! You make my day... I'll check back when your at 0.

>> No.3366164

But since all of China is now banned ..? Who was supporting this coin the most? Us or them or others?

>> No.3366166

yeah dude we are gonna pump up since neo got fucked.

>> No.3366172

check back once we are in lamboland poor OP

>> No.3366183

HAHAHAHA you fuckers are getting BTFO.
I'll be in another thread with my OMG

>> No.3366194

>tanking even harder
actually its holding surprisingly well

>> No.3366241

>holding surprisingly well
>down more than 100% with no hope of actually coming back for months

>> No.3366252

lol, it will be added on Korean exchanges in October, so yeah ... months ... lmao stay poor false FUD spreader

>> No.3366259

It's actually down more than 200%, sorry

>> No.3366268

Considering people FUDing the hell out of a coin that has a better western marketing than NEO and it being only traded on a small exchange, WTC is indeed holding up well.

Will buy in at 150 again for the inevitable massive gains in october.

>> No.3366280

you should learn maths

>> No.3366296

>better western marketing
If by that you mean better western shilling CORRECT.

This coin is dead and i'm honestly not sure how they pumped it to 600, their website is full of poorly translated chinese garble with a roadmap that doesn't make much sense.

How exactly will they use RFID with this ? RFID only benefits warehouses/retail not cryptocurrency!

pic related, my own original work of wart.

>> No.3366309

did you miss 6.5x gains and are now crying like a baby and will miss another 50x?

>> No.3366337

...my math is fine...

It's literally 200% less than the ATH...

>> No.3366346

If their plan works out. this coin will be in top ten. There is so little project in blockchain has real world application. because of china ICO ban fuss people dont understand the potential. i am sure they will hire someone who know perfect english and fix all those issues. Translation is not an issue as long as you produce something industry needs and can use. There is huge problem with copy products this tech aims to solve this and manage your logistics end to end with authenticity.

>> No.3366357

so you would say that bitcoin is shit then too because it fell from 5000 to 4000 its 1000$ lost per coin, which is huge! :O sell your bitcoins its crap... it is convenient how you can twist facts to prove a point that makes no sense to anyone normal rather then you, but if your choice is to stay poor. Have fun

>> No.3366360

i'm talking about current situation
it barely budged on the news

>> No.3366523

>comparing this to bitcoin

>> No.3366543

you are counting drops from ATH, so if you apply it to other coins you would get that every coin is dropping, just brilliant

>> No.3366546

Any fellow yo-yo and Waltonmarines?

Went all in on both these shitcoins with 7 BTC. I have 3 left.

>> No.3366554

I dont want to shill, but lets look at the facts. Please correct me in regard to how it was with ANS/NEO, as I might be wrong on some cases here (went out of NEO at ~$30 after holding since ANS).

The communication of WTC with the western audience involves activity on social media, translations and fast answers on pressing questions regarding the chinese ICO ban to their western audience.
We know they have a big team and the names of said team.
We know that they have a formidable number of devs.
They want to focus on a usage of the blockchain based on a technology (RFID) that is already wide spread in the world and grows day by day.

With ANS/NEO, the first couple of weeks we had to rely on translations from community members, a low to negligible interaction on social media, non confirmable informations and hopes.
We did know about Da Hongfei. Some of the team were known with their faces due to a conference - other than that, nobody knew them.
The tech they want to provide is mostly focussed on ICOs, hence the "ETH of china" - meme.

NEO went from <$1 to almost $50 in 2 months.
WTC is at ~$1 atm - if it would not go to at least $10 for the fact alone that they care and inform their investors, I would be suprised.

>> No.3366561

Yoyo is fucked and getting shut down by china. hopefully you can get something of a refund.

Walton still has a slim chance.

>> No.3366569

News from binance


>> No.3366575

Is yo-yo really getting shut down? Fuck. Should I hold it just dump for whatever I can get?

>> No.3366580

I honestly don't know, it depends on how the team handles the refunds.

>> No.3366593

Fuck it, just dumped at 300. 1.5 Bitcoin is now .25. kill me.

>> No.3366607

Walton heading to the moon?

>> No.3366615

might be short pump and dump now, but after all the FUD is cleared for sure!

>> No.3366657

iktf but not suicidal, after all. 25 is a good start

>> No.3366666

how do you mess up this badly? what did you buy at?

>> No.3366718

I bought at 1.5k. It looked like it was being accumulated and was going to rocket past 2k before this bullshit regulation shut it down. Oh well.

>> No.3366742

Where can I store my YOYO and BTM? My EtherWallet?

>> No.3366784

lmao it just tried so hard to break 27k sat. But at the end of the day, it's still a shitcoin x'D o\\

>> No.3366797

is anyone else just daytrading these comfy 20%+ daily swings for easy gains

>> No.3366826

Whales accumulating my man. Someone dumped 50k coina to kill the momentum. This thing will be back to 50k by the end of the week.

>> No.3366832

How can you daytrade it if literally all it does is go down?

>> No.3366889

lol crashing even further now

>> No.3366915

watch it spike up to 30k at least once within the next 12 hours

>> No.3367029

lol, it's gonna <25k for a looooong time.

>> No.3367113

Look at the chart and study the patterns...
The chinks dump it every night while ameritards are sleeping. So sell before you go to bed and set an alert or a really low buy order overnight. Rinse and repeat

>> No.3367194

So what china has what like 18% on binance?
Binance says theyre going to ip hammer china.
China dumps moar than usual
Walton recovers at new american iron hands hodl floor, chart gains healthy
Wtc at $10 by middle of october

This seem logical to anyone else?

>> No.3367229

I guess the only reason they're dumping is because they'll be banned in 2 hours

>> No.3367243

they can use VPN

>> No.3367249
File: 24 KB, 500x333, 1502664873572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw people sold their omg for this

>> No.3367259

then get their Organs harvested

>> No.3367331


>> No.3367402

that is only for chinks and less coins will be in the circulation so for us on binance its great news

>> No.3367411



>> No.3367449

tfw I have 4K WTC and I've just been fudding to accumulate. This video actually gives me hope.

>> No.3367510

lul so are you going to buy more what price you looking to get in at

>> No.3367520

I bought 4k at $1, and will probably get 3k more

>> No.3367544


>> No.3367555

How fucked am I guys? It's NEO all over again. I just wanna go into a cave and hide for a year.

>> No.3367709

30 minutes until China lockout. We expecting mega-moon when the exchange comes back up?

>> No.3367728
File: 8 KB, 289x175, Walton Net T-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are all fucked it's Skynet

>> No.3367762


prob a slight dip at first.

>> No.3367763

pro-tip guys: never hold these chink coins for more than a few hours unless you're at the very bottom of the market

>> No.3368113
File: 128 KB, 600x900, 21231772_274910993025536_6758446906690706248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, great news for WTC

>> No.3368434

>sold at 214

How fucked am I when this comes back online?

>> No.3368700

at a profit? if you sold something at a profit then fuck it

but id expect a pretty big pump at some point soon, maybe when it gets back online or some point this coming week

>> No.3368776

Cool just bought 100k