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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3364018 No.3364018 [Reply] [Original]

The dippening v2

Sell everything, buy the dip, get more coins.

Especially neo, omg and qtum

>> No.3364025

oh gee more FUD

yunbi is irrelevant literally who uses it

(not to say anyone who is trading NEO isn't a retard)

>> No.3364027

Fucking annoying

>> No.3364032

yunbi is like exchange #20 or some shit, such a low trade volume this is just more FUD

nice try though, gonna get some more NEO on sale today WOOOO

>> No.3364045


Nah, that NEO from 20 fear fear up to 24 is some of the easiest and quickest +20% I ever traded

>> No.3364049

You know it's not dumb enough that the Chinese would think they need a Chinese ether or even that the Russians now think they need Russian versions of coins when these coins are international. God forbid the second rate countries from coming up with something original. But for the Chinese to go on and make two ether knock-offs It's just sad. I'm not sure what's worse the stupid Slants or the stupid fucks invest in them.

>> No.3364056

chink coin holders btfo

>> No.3364075

It's already down to 240 lmaooooooooooooo

>> No.3364106

Oh god my SNT

>> No.3364125
File: 349 KB, 646x532, 68949841650681.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3364127

Omg is Thai nit Chinese.

>> No.3364153

No one gives a shit about Yunbi

>> No.3364157

But the Chinks will stop buying it, Yunb isn't doing this for fun it's to comply with govt or get shut down.

This means the other chnese exchanges will do it too.

>> No.3364167

Shhhhh! ;)

>> No.3364168

Yunbi is the first to announce this

All chink exchanges will comply with their govt thats why they call it "totalitarian"

>> No.3364293

All Chinese exchanges will announce delisting OMG and others within 24h

>> No.3364339

>i... it's only Yunbi!

Other exchanges will follow. Volume will drop drastically on all these shitcoins.

>> No.3364364

Most of omg volume is from bitfinex isnt it?

>> No.3364377

>implying every other chinese exchange wont have to do the exact same thing or get death vanned.

>> No.3364386

> 34 me gusta
