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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3352811 No.3352811 [Reply] [Original]

>finally reach 21 BTC
>need a hair transplant: 6000€ minimum
>need double jaw surgery to correct my recesed jawline and maxilla: 20000€ minimum
>will need to pay taxes: god knows how much, probably something ridiculous in spain like 40%?
>I will need BTC to go high as fuck to be a retired NEET in 10 years or else im killing myself

Fuck this so called life.

>> No.3352819

>getting cucked by your genetics

>> No.3352828

>need a hair transplant
>need double jaw surgery

you can as well kill yourself

>> No.3352838

Normies are already here. You need 210 BTC to make it.

>> No.3352859


>celebs are selling their records on BTC, it's over, we are too late!

your mong ass in 2013

Im tired of summerfags not seeing how in the 2013 peak normies tweeted about btc too

These idiots dont care, what we need is the big whales that control 90% of fiat to get in, who gives a about the average joe.

Once the real whales are forced to use BTC to move their billions we'll see some serious shit.

>> No.3352866

>implying everyone in here doesn't have weak hairliness and shitty jawlines

>> No.3352896

yes but what happened after the 2013 peak?
it took 2 years for btc to recover from the dip in december of that year.
2 fucking years before it finally reached 2013 levels again.

>> No.3352910

No es el 21%?

Tenia entendido que se trata de ganancias patrimoniales.

>> No.3352939

What the fuck are you talking about?

Buy a razor, start shaving your head bald, go to the gym, problems fucking solved

A man shouldn't be pretty, that's fucking hillarious

>> No.3352962


holy shit life is going to hit you hard

>> No.3352977

2013 crash was due to MtGox. 2017/8 crash will be due to speculation leaving. Totally different.

>> No.3353037

Regulations will cause the crash this time.
And this BTC won't be able to recover.
Because same governments who are pushing for regulations will start another digital currency which will be centralized and all the normie money will pour into that instead of BTC.

>> No.3353074
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But why would normie money pour in?
If its centralized and controled by a government it will be as worthless as the dollar/euro

>> No.3353080

Just cut your pubes and glue them to yoir head, and always jut your jaw as far as it can go.
Yourre going about it wrong, Just buy alambo, bitches love lambos

>> No.3353141

>paying money to fix yourself because of social scars that still haven't healed
I am balding too. People get old shitty and die. Don't waste money on stupid insecurities like that

>> No.3353175

Well if I'm following his logic, it's exactly because people are pretty fucking stupid

>> No.3353187


The key thing is the deflationary effect of the max supply making the currency worth more over time, most people don't give a fuck about the rest/who controls it etc

>> No.3353203

You can't "control" bitcoin unless someone owns 51% of the mining rigs which is next to impossible. When will you people learn to read whitepapers before running your big mouth?

>> No.3353219

6k? I'm getting a hair transplant next month and I'm 21, costing me 2500 euro

>> No.3353245

Are you retarded?
Did you read my post?

>> No.3353256
File: 2.72 MB, 3264x2448, 20170905_213634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got a hair transplant but my hair is still falling out. See pic. I'm contemplating a second but I'd rather have crypto atm.

Just be aware most people have multiple transplants because you'll carry on going bald usually.

>> No.3353263

are you on finasteride?

>> No.3353312

Just go bald

>> No.3353336

>>need a hair transplant: 6000€ minimum
ayylmao, here that only costs 1500€

>> No.3353345

You should have started fin one year before your transplant; it helps prevent shock loss and maintains the rest of your hair.

>> No.3353355


>> No.3353380

ffs who gives a shit?

>> No.3353397

you don't NEED any of that, shave your head + stop being a mouth breather make an effort to keep your jaw forwards

>> No.3353419

Just move to japan lmao
>0% tax on crypto

>> No.3353454


Fuck up shit up senpai.

Nah I didn't take finasteride, that was my mistake.

>> No.3354473

dont do it, you will look like shit in 10 years and will regret it

>> No.3354522

el fue solo diciendo quel ya lo tiene el dinero

>> No.3354530

>tfw your jaw is too long and you can't account for it without looking like a retarded fish

>> No.3354562

>40% mandatory tax on your capital gains

That's theft.

>> No.3354564

How old are you?

I'm 34 and getting it done on my next holiday

>> No.3354707

might have to go with a beard then, natures way of hiding your deformities

>> No.3354736

Just shave it and rock the bald look, dont waste your shekels

>> No.3354776

You have a good headshape, just go bald. Youtube what joe rogan says about baldness. I would have been fucked if I got bald as I have the headshape of a reptilian.

>> No.3354788

... why? Just go bald and practice mewing?

>> No.3354833

>need a hair transplant: 6000€ minimum
shave your head instead
>need double jaw surgery to correct my recesed jawline and maxilla: 20000€ minimum
grow beard and maybe get even some tattoo

this will help you save significant amount of your money

>> No.3354836

why would you need that? just find a gold digger with good genetics to breed with, fixing yourself won't fix your genetics

>> No.3354859
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Thank God I went gray instead of bald.

>> No.3354897

I'm gonna go grey early - got like 10-15% of my hair already greying and I'm 27 years old. I dye it sometimes when I'm about to go out, but I'd like to not give a fuck.

At least I'm tall, and way better to go grey than to go bald

>> No.3354916

It's so sad. I have a jaw so misaligned it comes with TMJ pain and surgery would be too dangerous, but I landed my dream 10/10 virgin girlfriend just fine, as a kv neet. Meanwhile these autists in good health think they need korean levels of plastic surgery to even try.

>> No.3354954


Hi, in spain is just 20% of gains (menos que el IVA xD). Also for hair transplant you can go to turkey and it will be 600€ with the hotel

>> No.3354968

Who is normie here and who is not ? How can you tell.

>> No.3354985

Tattoo yourself fake hair in your head senpai
enjoy dem cryto

>> No.3355159

How much is leg lengthening without the risk of being a cripple when I am 55?

>tfw 5'10 in USA.

>> No.3355286

double jaw surgery can be had as cheaply as 5000 euro, it is certainly not 20k minimum. I personally had mine for 13k euro. Look to places such as germany and belgium.

> hair transplant

again, certainly not 6k minimum. More like 2-4k.

Want the bad news? You won't look much better after.

some autists have seeded the internet with this idea that double jaw surgery is this great face changer, but its fucking not. The procedure has been done for well over 30 years, theres a reason nobody was talking about this procedure just a few years ago, its because it DOESNT do what you think it does.

You will look 85% the same from the front after this incredibly invasive surgery, and you will be swollen noticeably for 3 months, and swollen subtly for about 8 months after that.

dont fucking get jaw surgery unless you have functional problems (teeth or airway), just fucking don't. Its very expensive, highly invasive, has a pretty high rate of potential complications and for all that, the visual impact on your face is so benign unless you have a really noticeable deformity like an overbite or underbite.

If you have a normal bite however and you've come across one of these lookism weirdos telling you that its some great procedure for looking better, just fucking forget it. It isn't, and those idiots have no idea what they're talking about.

>> No.3355294


You mean want.

>> No.3355305

>people unironically fall for the 21 btc meme

>> No.3355321

Govs WANT inflation anon. They where already talking about central bank in their proprietary coin.

They just don't get it. And neither do you. Credit cards and fiat already DO all those things. There is no need for a country backed coin.

>> No.3355338

everybody is going to hit you hard, pretty boy

>> No.3355339

Those prices are ridiculous. You could do both for under 10000€.

>> No.3355340

Accept defeat and shave your head. Women actually love the bold and dgaf look. I get a shit ton of attention and im bald. Now that anything with a shaved head is a supposed nazi it will make women even more interested in your just out of the mystery factor. Quit being a fucking bitch. Worrying about your hair? What are you a woman?

>> No.3355346

waste money on blow and hookers

>> No.3355370

How does losing the lottery of life feel like, Britbro?

>> No.3355385

>TFW you are Nordic version of guy on the right.

Just go bald bro. Be in decent shape, dress nice, and practice good hygiene and you are at minimum 6/10 for most ladies.

>> No.3355390

desu desu

>> No.3355426

Brits don't use Euros

>> No.3355450

Description sounded like a Brit, beta baldy, English chin etc...many such cases.

>> No.3355482


Ad after all that, you still won't be more respected or have women demanding your cock in their fuck-sockets.

Just hang on to your fuckin crapto and if you want to sell, buy gold and silver with it and then sell that to a dealer in person. Much better than taxes.

My hairline is slowly going full Gob Bluth and one day will be Vegeta's widow's peak status. I don't care. Get that fuckin money

>> No.3355507


The NSA created crypto.


Mark of the Beast inbound.

>> No.3355570
File: 48 KB, 602x441, 78347578345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hair transplant
lol what are you? a cuck? just grow it back like Elon "The Tech Chad" Musk

>> No.3355665

>balding fast and hard
>horrible acne
>22 yrs old
>bought 4000ETH at ICO

will I make it bros

>> No.3355678

Also forgot to mention
>micro penis

>> No.3355850

none of us would be here if we werent cuck by our genetics in some form

>> No.3355909

Just you

>> No.3355942

For the jawline, come to Brazil, dental tourism is a thing here, we have the best dentists and since our coin is shit, we have great prices

>> No.3355948


>210 lbs

>will I make it

You will either re-forge yourself, or die young a grossly obese. Visualizing your apex self, using your force of will to manifest that visualization in reality, is your only way. Even then you might fail and die.


>> No.3356030

>have my own condo in the heart of the city
>200 BTC net worth
>5'9" 155lbs

>> No.3356038




>> No.3356053

Hey man, just work on your diet. I suggest going vegan. Not for ethical reasons, though. It will force you to stop eating a lot of junk that causes weight gain (processed meats, cheese) and develop more of a plant based diet. Your body will thank you. Exercise is important but not nearly as important as your diet. A cleaner diet will also do wonders for your acne.

>> No.3356188

Hacienda somos todos.

>> No.3356191

I will be your girlfriend (male) if you send me some 1 ETH.

>> No.3356406
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>tfw negative canthal tilt
Technically I could afford the surgery now but I want to be rich first

>> No.3356569

Eggheads btfo