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3345138 No.3345138 [Reply] [Original]

>people will still put money into this ponzi scheme after today

>> No.3345223


Explain how this is a ponzi scheme

>> No.3345237

Almost everything in life is a ponzi scheme

>> No.3345254

the stock market is a ponzi scheme too and ppl keep putting money in it after it has crashed several times, so your point is?

>> No.3345271

It's like the abused wife who keeps going back to the husband who abuses her. Cryptofags are cucks.

>> No.3345273

>goes up i make money
>goes down, i'm still up

oh no blockchain is a ponzi

>> No.3345274

>i don't know what a ponzi scheme is: the thread

>> No.3345290

but there is no promise of guaranteed returns nor are there any dividends or liabilities to pay old investors.

even without new investors the value may fall but the service that bitcoins provide still work.

a ponzi scheme fails when there are no new investors left to pay off what is owed to old investors. there is nobody to 'pay off' in bitcoin and there isn't any money being owed. it's not a ponzi scheme.

>> No.3345309

HOW THE FUCK IS THIS A FUCKING PONZI?? Are you talking about long term like 10 years???

Buy a fucking coin, wait for it to pump, fucking sell it for BTC, sell that shit for fiat - here is you 100$ you earned.


>> No.3345320

>Babbies first crash

Lmao you've seen nothing yet

>> No.3345321

>no promise of guaranteed returns
>articles splattered all over the internet saying that it will go up to some astronomical number within a certain time

>> No.3345324
File: 165 KB, 571x720, 1476820153929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanna buy some bitbeans?

>> No.3345337

Is OP talking about social security?

>> No.3345362


Fucking kek these people got here last week.

>> No.3345364

those are articles written by randoms who are entitled to their opinions. nobody even owns bitcoin, it can't promise you anything because it doesn't fucking say anything. there is no contractual obligation to invest any amount of money nor is there any promise of returns. a ponzi scheme is the requirement that someone invest X amount of dollars and guaranteed a return on invest. this return on investment is the money new investors put into the scheme, that is the definition of a ponzi scheme.

dude, you can't be this fucking retarded.

>> No.3345371

is this post about social security?

>> No.3345581

as if you learnt what is ponzi scheme on wikipedia

>> No.3345782
File: 28 KB, 957x751, cfba9mG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Bitfinex pumps BTC with unbacked Tether which they created out of thin air. It works as long normies attracted by gains bring in new fiat.