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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3343929 No.3343929 [Reply] [Original]

If this turns out to be true.. HOLY FUCK NEO IS ROCKETING OFF THIS WORLD

>> No.3343934
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>> No.3343942

Just traded my whole portfolio into NEO. When everything is in the red, it's a level playing field to position yourself the best for when the inevitable rebound comes.

I'm excited.

>> No.3343949

I know all in is a bad move in investing.. but I feel lucky with this one... I went all in as well.

>> No.3343954

A street shitter posting a reply from an antshares fanboy Twitter account.
I'm sure it will be fair and evenhanded.

>> No.3343963
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>> No.3343968

lol neo bag holder are getting too desperate

>> No.3343986

>antshares faggot shill
>"not sure"

cool saged retard

>> No.3343988
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Seems legit

>> No.3343996

I may well miss a legendary moon mission, but experience and common sense tells me not to trust chinks at the best of times, let alone now.

>> No.3344001

if its not true then why is NEO rising....

>> No.3344009

u miss the pump, buy or stay poor fags

>> No.3344023

I want to believe, but where is the source?

>> No.3344025



>> No.3344108
File: 223 KB, 1199x363, dahn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks fairly legit to me.

>> No.3344136

>random shitcoin
>negotiating with the government
yea right

>> No.3344176

I'm extremely suspicious of any authoritarian actions, moreso from a single-party dictatorship

>> No.3344219

Mfw this was all a big fucking scam to scare the price way down for accumulation before the rocket to the fucking moon

>> No.3344248

I'm all in.

>> No.3344300

I believe the Chinese govt will strike a deal and everything will yo back to normal.
Do you think the Chinks will let the USA or any other country have more influence in a gigantic sector like this?? Fuck no. Wait it out, if you're holding, don't sell. If you've been wanting to get in, might be a good time now. Forget about neo for at least a few weeks. We'll see what happens.

>> No.3344313


>> No.3344322


>> No.3344337

What should I buy to show off my fabulous wealth once the moon mission recommences? A rolex and a Lambo are gimmes

>> No.3344359

Neo will blast off

>> No.3344455

>implying I wouldn't trust ahmedbahrain5 with my entire retirement fund

>> No.3344467

I can't imagine what this will look like... If this happens I'm going to buy a lambo and drive it into a wall.

>> No.3344494


Stop posting this bitch

>> No.3344499

You people are dilutional. It's over

>> No.3344505

its literally some random faggot twitter account trying to save his bags
you guys are fucking retarded holy shit

>> No.3344508

go back to your shitting street, pajeet

>> No.3344527

Neo ain't over
It just isn't a non chink thing anymore and therefore overvalued as fuck

>> No.3344608

This, bagholders would believe anything that gives them hope.

>> No.3344628
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get ready

>> No.3344646

Why can't he give the announcement now?

>> No.3344648


Chinese govt already heavily restricts sale of their stocks, real estate etc. Theyll have extremely heavy handed regulation for crypto too

>> No.3344652

Because hasn't been given his one phonecall

>> No.3344654

which NEO is well suited for

>> No.3344662

I am also worried about this.

I pray it's because he's busy signing contracts with the Chinese government.

>> No.3344686

i really hope so

>> No.3344695

the fact that he has to wait is a good sign. that means it's not just gonna be some bullshit words that mean nothing.

>> No.3344702

because its 4:30am in China

>> No.3344722

Ever heard of monero ?

>> No.3344729

or he doesn't want you to all sell off and crashing his value before he can pull out

>> No.3344736

yes, hurf durf, chinks are scammers. cool post bro

>> No.3344749

he's asking his PR how best to say "you aint getting yo money back nikkas" and book it

>> No.3344771

>tfw eth has a million shittokens all created as vapourware ico scams
>tfw neo will be regulated and only have high quality dapps with experienced developers and any potential scammers will fuck off back to eth
Feels good

>> No.3344810

you have to be 18 to post

>> No.3344831

this. exactly why I invested in NEO and not ETH. I don't want a platform filled with scams.

>> No.3344848

>i dont want profit, i want actual uses!
this will be the death of you

>> No.3344851

Enjoy your double digit coin price.

>> No.3344857
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>> No.3344864

lol. I think you'll both see soon that a platform without scams is going to be more respected and have a higher value.

>> No.3344875

I think you're a delusional fruitcake.

>> No.3344884

more Respect, maybe
higher value, absolutely not

>> No.3344885

nobody cares what you think :)

>> No.3344886

oh boy...

>> No.3344894

because big money will want to be on the scammy platform, and not the well respected one that shuts out scammers.

>> No.3344914

yes. yes they would.

>> No.3344923

ANTSheads are as pitiful as DGB bagholders.
You chink eth is dead, deal with it.
It'll hover around current levels and that's it.

>> No.3344929

well one thing that's for sure is China isn't going to tolerate scams :). So ETH will not have China's marketshare. That will be all NEO's.

>> No.3344940

arent they connected to binance on a more than our coin is on ur exchange lol way?
binance put out a similar thing saying they will speak soon, im tempted to buy a few BNB because fuck it

>> No.3345862

>china isn't going to tolerate scams

t. Delusional weeb

>> No.3345896
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>literally trusting chinese people to pump your lolcoins


>> No.3345965
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Looks like a Chink Harvey Potter >>3343934
lol @ desperate NEO bag holders

>> No.3345976
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