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3343004 No.3343004 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone actually lose their life savings? Post proof/explanation and I'll send 0.5 BTC

>> No.3343042

itt: larping, the thread

>> No.3343104

0.5btc is worth 50 cents by the time I post this

>> No.3343104,1 [INTERNAL] 

Hi mate if you can help me i will give you more times.
maybe you dont will belive me but today i get off from my work. no money and crypto is everythink what I have :D and house for rent I can show you what you need like a proof. But I know very good how turn up 0.5BtC :]

>> No.3343455

I personally know several, but not me. I'd also recommend you _not_ give those people money.

>> No.3343455,1 [INTERNAL] 

I dont want it free I 'll give you back everythink am just havent got money to spend for the crypto and buy some nice projects. After 6 years I lose work and my fuc,ing exgirl token everythink what she can and gone one week ago...

>> No.3343491

No, because I'm not a retard playing with money I can't afford to lose.

>> No.3343503

this. that would be like giving an 8-ball to a recovering addict

>> No.3343523

yeah, i lost them but in another way, last week my house burnt down with my offline wallet worth of 20 btcs, it was my last chance to financial independence

>tfw you consider suicide a good option for the first time in your life

>> No.3343553

Guys I'm at my wits end. Went from 15k to 1k in the span of 3 months. I just keep losing money. I suck at trading. Every time I buy anything the market moves against me immediately. As soon as I buy the coin it drops by 5%. I don't know why this keeps happening to me.

It's not like I'm a complete retard. I have a university degree, so I'm not insanely stupid. I spent MONTHS studying TA now. I know all of the patterns, indicators, everything. But I just keep losing money.

I went from 3k>15k>1k. Made the most money when I just bought random coins from 4chan. Then I thought I can do it better with TA. But I'm losing all my money. My GF is going to kill me for losing our money.

I also have the problem of not knowing what indicators to use. I just keep flip flopping between them. ANY help from a profitable trader would be really appreciated. This really sucks.

I'm losing my health, hair, can't sleep worrying about losing all my money.

If anybody is willing to help me you can also email me : helpmetradecryptoplease1@gmail.com

>> No.3343586
File: 7 KB, 700x600, bitcoin_reeeeeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please sent money to bitcoin code: 3245256b5h45b363h4k7364h7b

<--- proof

>> No.3343610

>Have 20btc
>Don't back it up in at least 2 different places

>> No.3343629

yeah, i know, i didn't realize how important that was, most likely because i purchased them back when it was around 100$

i guess stupidness pays off, pay attention /biz/bros, don't end like me

>> No.3343633

sounds like you have the impossible ability to perfectly call the market exactly wrong

so every time all your bullshit TA tells you to buy, you should sell. and vice versa.

infinite money printing machine

>> No.3343658

I am a fucking retard and tried to daytrade, but my hands are not iron enough

i lost 60 OMG, only had 400.

I dont even want 0.5 btc, 0.1 and im more than happy because it would correct my retardation


>> No.3343670


Not true. I actually tried that. When I did the opposite of my calls the market STILL moved against me

>> No.3343673

>this pasta again

>> No.3343692

I have half of what you have and I started with a $0.80 investment two weeks ago...jesus christ man

>> No.3343711
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Bought NEO at 860k sats :)

>> No.3343713

Woke up this morning to a NEO loss that could have paid off all of my student debt, had I sold last night

I want to die

>> No.3343723

Bought CFI at 12k. Sold at 3500 and bought SNT at 13750 sat. Sold at 1040 and bought Storj at 21500.

I'm crying now.


>> No.3343742

Almost, but only because my life savings is a few thousand.


>> No.3343783
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I am a poor fag, I live in Brazil and went to study in the US at one of the best engineering universities there before the crisis on my country. Dolar almost doubled the price, crazy inflation, insane interest rates, we lost everything paying for that stupid college. I came back after one year, leaving projects and potential internships behind and now i work at humiliating gigs sometimes to make some money. A friend of mine that lives in other city and has a good life gave me 1k to invest in stocks and stuff, this is all i have. I lost some money, but then i learned to win some too.
I recently got that money and invested in crypto, i had around 350 dollars, now only 180. I feel bad, life seems hopeless and now im more and more used to the idea that maybe that engineering degree i worked so hard to enter will have to wait a bit while i help my parents. I will have to get a shitty degree on my shitty city and just get used to it.

Playing with crypto and getting some profit was the way i had to not rely on my parents having +20 years and forcefully living with them, as the unemployment here is crazy and i can't even get a job as a cashier.

Feels bad man.

My wallet: 17LR2BGHduBLSdpki8hQQxqVpDyiKgQFjV

>> No.3343802

Lol try surviving suicide just to find out that you were actually smarter/more attractive than most people

>> No.3343810

You know you should have edged with forex futures, right?

>> No.3343843

very generous whale here
sharpie in pooper and i will send everybody who lost money during this "crash" some btc.

>> No.3343941
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I know there are lots of people who are dying because they are losing by the thousands, but I think it feels as bad when you have almost nothing and then loses that nothing. I am not even crying, just deluded and defeated in life.

It starts with the hype, hopes, dreams, and then slowly life takes you every bit of it. I am so desperate I would literally suck your dick right now for 0.5 bitcoin, that's how defeated I am.

I saved money for so long, I started saving and working at 15, fought with so many people and studied so hard, for what? For stupid that I didn't even vote to destroy your economy, and take away everything we had. Taxation is the new crypto, nowadays I contemplate just to make a law school degree at a shitty place and pass in a state judge contest (it's like a test you make to become a judge if you pass you enter and have a job forever basically), and spend my life being a shitty judge at my 30s earning like 200k dollars a year + bribes.

>> No.3343947
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I'm sure OP will deliver

>> No.3343984

The drop in june/july was twice as bad as this were you cunts not around?>>3343042

>> No.3343993

I don't know much about forex, the bank I had didn't allow me to operate on dollar contracts. I know many people made lots of money back in 2015, but I was studying at that time. I started to study the markets in mid-2016 after I returned to my country.

>> No.3344050

>tfw live in a third world country
>tfw you earn about 300$ a month
>tfw you've made have 50$ worth of BTC with supload and hope it will go ballistic with some shitcoins

>> No.3344051
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>> No.3344075

Why u buy shitcoins?

>> No.3344105
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I went balls deep in NMR at .05 and still have not sold. My entire life's savings basically gone in an afternoon.
That's what I get for being a goddamned retard I guess.

>> No.3344115

This. I have experience from cases much worse than this. My balls arent my only organs made of steel. Portfolio down only 7% because i was prepared for this. Laughing to noobs and their "crash"

>> No.3344127
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Does it count if it's not in crypto?

Tried again and again. Got no job anymore but living rent free. Earned $540 last month doing online gigs. No warm food.
Going to put $200 in crypto NEO and ETH.
Doubled $100 last month to $200+ trading oil, natural gas, gold with 100x leverage
Need to double every single month to make my savings back.
Gym membership got cancelled, I don't know why, there was money in my account but the payment didn't go through, I'm gonna be a filthy hobo soon.
I can post my bank account too if you want to. I think it's literally zero after transferring to Coinbase.

>> No.3344132
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Well, I'm working... I live without spending on anything not necessary. I made almost 4000 since I started trading in 2016 at the stock market, used most of that money to help my parents with the mortgage installments. 100 or 200 dollars + in my income actually helps a lot. I know I won't become a millionaire, but you know, when you're losing money by the month, as our house even though underpriced and in a good neighborhood never sells, anything helps.

>> No.3344134


i don't want the pity,

but i was in a margin call long in preparation for the September 12 consultation

needless to say i got liquidated today in the crash.

lost about 5K (i'm a neet, so it's basically 3/4 of what i own).

surprisingly, i'm not suicidal or anything. i'm actually laughing as i post this.

>> No.3344137

Last time I sharpied in pooper I got banned and received no btc :(

>> No.3344143
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I'm from Venezuela (can confirm that, not LARPing), suffering the consequences of other generation's decisions. I sold many things, and used the money to afford my mom's medicine (fortunately, she is OK now). I still had $200 (which is a lot here, thanks socialism), and like an idiot I bought BTC at ATH, and split it to ETH. Now I don't know what I'll do if I loose this money, I just want to get out of this communist shithole.

Anyways, do what you want. 1FhUwRMjaDxHEV1m2vCTqccYgvstJehicU

>> No.3344145

not dollars, BRL.

>> No.3344171

lol you sold at that loss? You sir are retarded

>> No.3344188

Buy someone you know irl something nice with those 0,5 BTC . I'm sure there's some one in your life you love and you dont show them enough apreciation.

>> No.3344202
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I am some months from becoming homeless actually, the bank will take the house, my parents will divorce, my mom probably will have cancer again soon. My American gf cheated me with an Israeli soldier on her "birthright" trip.

I have no idea how things can get worse. Probably they can, I'm getting used to it.

>> No.3344204

Oh, explanation: actually got things going for me pretty well, just didn't get hired after graduating because I don't have an effing work permit for the US and nobody wants to sponsor a work visa for a guy without experience. Even had a scholarship in 2013.
Would appreciate 0.00005 BTC to here

tips on actually bootstrapping and getting out of poverty are welcome. No, I can't sell my phone/laptop because they are almost broken (completely beaten up phone, laptop rattles when using it)

I'm also one of those idiots who listens to motivational Youtube compilations. Hope my "internet businesses" (read: articles on Hubpages...) gonna make me a million. Wish me luck!

>> No.3344217

>OP asks for proof
>Bunch of retards post "I'm sad and brok gief money pls :((((("
Do you tards know what proof is?

>> No.3344223
File: 109 KB, 1600x1139, Michel_Temer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, fellow Latin American fucked by socialism, how's going?

>> No.3344225

my room mate is from venezuela, he speeks 5 languages, sings opera, and does bike parkour.
One of the nicest guys i ever met too
Don't know what the fuck your problem is.

>> No.3344237


how? teach me senpai

>> No.3344251

fuck you

>> No.3344321
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>> No.3344331

Lesson for anyone, if you have a physical wallet worth more than $30,000 rent a small safety deposit box from your bank and store it there.

>> No.3344375

Wow, I'm sure he learned all those skills living in socialist Venezuela! Right?
No, he didn't. And I'm sure af you and he ain't living in Venezuela. (Though your roommate sounds like a great guy, he made it out of this slaughterhouse)

>> No.3344445

Pretty bad since the political opposition and the government are practically the same bunch of corrupt and greedy idiots.

>> No.3344446


>> No.3344472

From what I read that is hardly believable. Surely they are two different bunches of corrupt and greedy idiots

>> No.3344552

Both in Venezuela and in Brazil people that got to flee are pretty nice. When I was in college I met this Venezuelan brat whose father was a big figure in the government, he was "cool" but it made me sick just looking at him. Brazil at least got a less dumb greedy corrupt guy now so things are "getting better", but at my state they have to divide the retirement and salary of my parents on 3x or 5x. Sometimes they don't even pay. It is impossible to pay bills on day and if you want your salary on time you have to ask a loan from the government. Paying to get your salary.

Kids of many socialist congressmen here live in Miami and Disneyland like brats, buying overpriced hot dogs and GAP clothes with our taxpayer's money. They go to US colleges and get wasted, take bad grades, and then go back and work at big companies because of "contacts". It is like living in royalty, you have not only money but the power to do whatever you want and get away with it because of your power.

>> No.3344614

Find a volatile shitcoin (or token in my case) that has a lot of fluctuation throughout the day. Study the patterns and watch it's peaks and lows, then average that out and put a buy order in high enough to be at the top or the buys but low enough to be under that average. Once you get the coins (tokens) put it up for sell at almost the high, but not high enough it will go stale and you end up sitting on it. Don't be greedy, percentage gains are better than losing money. Break even if it looks like it's about to bottom, that's better than losing as well. Don't be afraid to just sit on BtC if the coin turns shitty, just wait until the fluctuating pattern comes back. Once you start doing this you can buy more and more alts until you are making over .005 BtC every time you flip. Since I posted the post you quoted I've made about $75 doing this and I'm now up higher than I was before the dippening Friday night.

This isn't guaranteed and you can still lose money doing this. A tip from me, if you are flipping alts don't sit on them overnight. Yea, it could go up and you can wake up to gains, but one time I woke up and the token I was flipping went from .0004 to .00019 and I panic sold and lost half of my BtC. It came back later on, but still...it's risky to hold overnight.

Take this with a grain of salt, I've only been trading for two weeks...I could be completely wrong about all of this but I'm still making monopoly money trading a bunch of 1s and 0s.

>> No.3344664
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>life savings
I spent more on booze last month

>> No.3344668

What are your expenses for a month? Not to get your hopes up, not donating, but just curious. Can you pay all bills and food for 400USD a month?

>> No.3344676
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I'm a professional small stakes poker player I invested most of my poker roll roughly 4k and have lost all but 900ish. I also lost 1500 I won playing poker on ignition. Please help. 1AYhmsTBygWYFdfFExcNivsPRCQAvRFUzt

>> No.3344684

Fortunately, i know how to cook pretty well and got a job with a chef in my city. He asks like 300-500usd by person + commission to make private banquets for the rich people of my city.

I've never been in the house of anyone that didn't had ties with politicians. It is nauseating. Those fags appear on campaign like "we need to get back our social rights, the greedy capitalists are taking your money and gonna kill black people!" "stop privatization! they are robbing the wealth of the people and putting on the hands of greedy private owners!!!". And back at home, they do those parties where they serve ridiculously expensive shit with lots of whiskeys, champagne, and gold-leaf desserts.

I know that our governor is a down low big fag and do orgies at his house and shit. I fucking hate this country.

>> No.3344694
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>> No.3344707


>> No.3344708
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>> No.3344735

So you're a degenerate then

>> No.3344740

>, not donating, but just curious. Can you pay all bills and food for 400U

Being honest, if much i spend (with me) 30 dollars a month. Thankfully food here is cheap and i only buy at local markets. With 50 reais i can buy vegetables for a month at my home (like, almost 20 dollars). My dad don't demands me to help with the bills, as he knows im trying to get a job and have to study for the passing exams this year (for college). But he almost aways needs like 100-200 per month "borrowed" to help out and i give to him.

While i still have this house and actually being very "stingy" i would thank god if i had like 100 or 200 dollars a month to be honest.

>> No.3344765
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Hurrr durrr give me moneyz

>> No.3344826

the minimum wage here is 290 dollars. My dad (was) considered the top 1% before all that crisis and earns around 80k year... But half of this goes to the government bc "muh taxes" so we have an annual income of like 40k. Things get hard because now that we are still paying that debt his income goes almost entirely to the bank.

>> No.3344869

Over here it's a pretty big salary, you could have some cash to spare on whatever pleasures you have too.

>> No.3344870

While I agree I am a degen I truly am a good poker player and I am telling the truth. I made this money playing poker and I also have actually provided photographic evidence and can provide more. I also have my own dog walking business in Chicago (I'm the only employee). I'm just very bad at this

>> No.3344907
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Believe me or not, it's up to you.

>> No.3344931

Thanks, sounds hard mate. Does it get better? How are people in their 30's doing over there?

Which country?

>> No.3344954

Socialism was a mistake, my brazilian friend.

>> No.3344996

Bro, I'm just poor as fuck in FIAT and in cryptos too:


Lost 500.000 DOGE when Cryptsy closed, Not much but my chance to get my first BTC in the exhanges. I was retarded to keep them on Cryptsy and not in my wallet, I know...

I accept few satoshi or even Dogecoin if I find the old address that also show the lose proof.

>> No.3345124

sent ;)

>> No.3345145

OP I lost everythng in the flood plz help.


>> No.3345194

life savings? who has life savings? I sure don't i put $1300 on my credit bill. FML


>> No.3345198

im crying and i dont know what to do
i come from a poor country (norway) and i put all my savings on BitBean after someone made a thread here... i had nice coins with other coins like bitcoin and ethirium... i am so stupid... but why so much evil in this world? i am poor, i need this money. my mom is unemployed, i once told her how much money i was making with crypto... i dont know anymore. i hope there is a god and he does something with those people... not fair.

>> No.3345272

I will be painful, especially because people are still pessimistic and the elections seem horrible. The ex-president Lula may come back again.

People in their 30's looks hopeless, many who worked in the private sector are unemployed. Rio has tripled the number of homeless people, there are homeless people with useful college degrees around.

That's what happened:
>government bureaucracy suffocates business
>uses tax money to fund bureaucracy
>people start seeing working in the private sector as a burden
>more and more people enter in civil service exams, as money is flowing through high commodity prices during Lula's years and the state pays well + have loads of benefits
>lots of people working on public sectors, many of the big companies still run by the state
>commodities retract
>government has no money
>Dilma forces herself to austerity measures
>makes things even worse for business owners
>loads of people already on mid career on the public sector
>government stops paying people
>people try to get private sector jobs
>private sector don't hire as labor laws and the age of the people makes everything worse
>lots of people become unemployer or have to do shitty jobs

The only class that keeps benefits are the politicians, the courts, the banks, and the super rich. Everyone else is trying to get a buck or two to pass the month.

>> No.3345301

Btw anyone who wants to help that broke Brazilian:
please i am desperate, as i said this i all i had :(

>> No.3345330
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That's an ETH address right? Just sent 5 ETH your way bro

>> No.3345358


Thats BTC not eth address.

>> No.3345377


This is etherium , any help would be great.

>> No.3345382
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family member and the main breadwinner diagnosed with tumor, has to stop saving and prolly liquidate crypto, work another job to support the family in need and to help funding the medical costs


Also I'm from eastern Europe, so relatively poor and our healthcare sucks so either go to expensive private one, or no treatment for you

>> No.3345396

If you have a recovery phrase, let yourself get hypnotised and be asked by the doctor what that phrase was. Iirc, people can remember things they saw just once when affected by hypnosis.

>> No.3345399

OP here. If someone sticks a sharpie up their asshole, and writes a sob story, I will pay.

>> No.3345445

I would do it but probably would get banned.

>> No.3345459

I can draw something nice for you OP.

>> No.3345465

Damn, i didn't realise the situation was so bad in Brazil, we rarely get any news from south america over here (Belgium) Keep strong bro. We'll all make it

>> No.3345467

So what? It's just 4chan. Reset your modem.

>> No.3345473

>implying you'll pay

>> No.3345492
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(1/3) OK OP, i will tell you the story of my life and how it might end very soon due to my last fuck up loosing everything today in the dip.
i am french,
born in a nice but low income family with a loving mother and a loving father.
i barely known my father as when i was a child he was working 7 days a week to feed our family, my mom once a ballerina was giving dance lessons to help with the rent.
one day, i remember very well, it was my 8th birthday, my father thought of buying me the new super NINTENDO that came out at that time and it was actually super super expensive and my dad had to work overtime to afford it for my christmas.
I never seen this super nintendo in my life. Literaly my dad (an ex army guy) has been jumped on by four niggers who beat him to near-death and stole my console.

I spent my bday at the hospital with my dad in a coma of three month. he was never the same after and couldnt even work.

My mom lessons could not pay the rent and i had to resort to stealing small stuff at school (pencils, erasers, glue) and sell them to other kids to make some money to buy my lunches.

my fuckery started from those small thefts, soon enough i was near 18, quasi no degree, already known from the police and quite rebllious, i decided to go travel the world withtout much money but a strong body and eager to learn stuff.

I went to eastern europe cauz people told me girls were hot and things cheap. I started to steal again and got caught by serbians guys that belonged to the serbian mafia. to punish me they removed all the nails of my hands, i looked like a fucking frog for months until it grew back and it was more pain than i could tolerate.

i went east and ended up in thailand, there I found some guys that took care of me. at first they looked nice so i stayed a few days, i had my first drinks there (at 19 year old...) and got my first hangover.

I woke up in underwears tied to a bed and with one kidney missing. the nice thai guys just stole my kidney.

>> No.3345503

In the time it took you guys to beg I've made over $250 trading....just saying...

>> No.3345511

Biz help I'm literally too retarded to sell at the high. I made some really really good calls in the past, however I always miss the top, then I am afraid to sell at the retrace because I usually worry that I am missing out on another moon ;(

>> No.3345519
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Thanks anon!

>> No.3345625
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i ended up at the hospital and the police barely helped me. i had an infection and almost died from it and was bedridden for weeks.

After that i tried to do nicer stuff and somehow ended up getting a job at an internet café in thailand.

This is where i really learned english but also found out about computers for the first time and what was internet.

As was my fate this was not only a simple internet cafe but a very well known scammer place where people where trying to scam people from richer countries by fishing emails, wiring moneys and stealing passwords of the tourists that were using the computers.

The chief, (probably linked to the thai mafia and omisego at the same time) of this cafe was an early investor of bitcoin like i mean REALLY REALLY early, and told me there were bucks to be made there.

we got friends, i sucked his dick once (they do that in thailand between friends) and he gave me 1BTC for that.

at that time it was not worth much but i did not know what it was and, probably the first gift a person outside my family ever gave me. I holded into this bitcoin for long and forgot about it.

I came back to france much later after a low life in thailand doing small jobs and found a small place in a suburb of paris called st denis.

Years spent by without too much problems but i realized that little by little i was becoming the only white person of my neighboorhood and that all the women were wearing a veil, guys started to look at me like i was a foreigner, i was working in a restaurant doing dishes for chineses people (a privilege white man youll say) and coming back to my small room and sleep. that was my life.
Until one day. (and ill post proof if u dont believe it) where i heard shootings just above my place. It was the place were some muslim terorrists were doing some weapon trade and the cops just entered and shot on everyone.

It was a shock for me and I decided that i should make a lot of money to get out of this neighborhood

>> No.3345639

Can you make $250 with $200 usd?

>> No.3345737
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so few days later i was in a cafe and the tv was playing some kind of business channel and the guy was talking about btc and how much it was worth and were it will go.

suddenly i remembered that i had an email with my bitcoin in it from back of the days....

u get the rest right?

I started investing this bitcoin without knowing much and lost half of it before making a lucky call and making my investment go by *50!!!

i never had money in my life. it was a first time for me. but i learned latter that i needed a bank account for this money and that the government will take 50% of it.

U can imagine my thinking knowing my life and how france didnt do shit to help me and let me live in a muslim shithole for years. so i tried to talk about this to some people and a guy from congo proposed to help me.

He had a cousin back home that was doing some kind of money laundering scheme and that he would take care of everything . i wasnt that stupid so i refused knowing they will steal my money.

That was the right call.
what i did not know then was that this guy asked around for where i lived and came with his "NICE" cousin into my place and they beat me until i tell them how to access my coins....

it was a few weeks ago anon. i was sad, lost, couldnt even go to the cops for virtual money...

i did the worst thing someone in that situation would do.

i borrowed to a loan shark and invested everything into OMG as many guys were shilling this coin and some other shitcoins.

I borrowed 50k$ and exited today when this money became 20k something.

The shark is coming on next friday to get his first half of the loan + interest and he will probably kill me.
if u give me 0.5 i might invest in some nice things and make money back anon

>> No.3346017

I bought YOYO and WTC again, at least I am back at 200. If I ever get to see it going to 300 again I would be thankful for the heavens. Hope it works... I would be thankful if someone could recommend something for me to hodl for a while

I am probably sounding like a faggot by now, but if someone would like to help me, things are getting pretty rough this month at my house. Even 0.05 Bitcoin could help me invest in something nice so I could help my parents.

Bitcoin wallet:
Ethereum wallet:

>> No.3346126

bro what even
not sure if real/10

>> No.3346177

>50k became 20k today
Unless you were on margin this isn't possible. Even if you bought at 12 you'd still have 35-40k

>> No.3346188

pfft i wipe my ass with $90k

>> No.3346233
File: 35 KB, 396x388, mfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no life savings but i legit lost 0.5 btc on saturday
>bought trezor
>arrives on saturday
>comes with short shitty cable
>while setting up it disconnected before i could finish writing down 24 word passphrase
>wipe device and start again
>happens a second time
>got phone usb cable
>for some reason one of the older accounts showed up so i had two
>sent it to the older one
>saw incoming transaction 30 seconds later
>no problem, unplugged and went to see parents
>connect it up today and have 0 BTC balance, the older account i sent it to has dissapeared
>somehow the device forgot or deleted it
>still have 0.2 BTC but feel like crawling in a hole and dieing

anything would cheer me up

>> No.3346246
File: 89 KB, 625x626, memes i regret nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


cool story bro, so rather than use that money to find a decent place to live away from mongrel camel fuckers you decided to follow /biz/ advice and dump money into an alt-coin right before geopolitics dumps crypto all over and instead of doubling down you SOLD ON THE DIP LMAO

you should have just become a boipussy prostitute in thailand and tucked it all into BTC

also, fake and gay go away plz

>> No.3346304
File: 480 KB, 1280x772, cryingeverynight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From ~ £67,500 to ~ £13,950

Not just mine, but half of my boyfriends' and all of my grandmothers life savings.

£30,000 from boyfriend, £10,000 of mine (which was all I had) and just over £27,000 of grandmothers'.

It all began with Kraken - made losses on every trade I thought was smart. Having said that, most of them WERE, but because of their laggy platform, I ended up not being able to cancel orders when I needed to, and buy back at the right time etc. I have been fucked by Kraken so much since starting, I switched to Bittrex about a week ago.

The losses weren't fuelled by greed. I was just trying to make back what I had lost each time. The first significant losses were because of Kraken going down, too. So thanks Kraken. When I got to Bittrex I was stung by the large number of pump and dumps. Some would work out favourable... but I made a net loss, still.

Feast your eyes on my failure.

Huge gratitude to anyone who can donate anything:


>> No.3346313

Yes, blame the cable.

>> No.3346330
File: 2.15 MB, 1297x5111, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were only 1 coin away from being part of the financial elite in 5-10 years.

Better hurry up and start stacking back up again.

>> No.3346338

Guys please help, I tried to play my hand at cryptocurrency only to fuck up every time. I was misled by threads to invest in a coin only for them to completely plummet. While it may not be life savings tier of shit, the amount I put in could be similar to that, since I don't have a job that rakes in enough to make up my losses. Any help would be appreciated, thanks anons.


>> No.3346387

>£30,000 from boyfriend, £10,000 of mine (which was all I had) and just over £27,000 of grandmothers'.
Holy shit you faggot ruined it all

>> No.3346565
File: 174 KB, 646x900, chris-farley-as-matt-foley-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homeless and living in a van by the river. Not a joke. Please help.

>> No.3346570

show pics of it with timestamp and ill send you .5btc

>> No.3346605

Charity makes people weak. Pity is a mental disease for humanity. When you dull peoples pain you show them that their bad actions are not important. You fuck with their reward centers in their brain. You only insure they will be weaker because now you have rewarded them for grovelling.

You get what you earn in this world, one way or another. And if you "get" a free .5 btc for you sob story really the damage done to your character and brain is greater than that.

You should all be ashamed. Now go fucking hustle and make your money back poorfags.

>> No.3346704
File: 471 KB, 941x530, 2017-09-04 17.20.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just shot this pic, not sure how to timestamp on my phone.

>> No.3346710


>> No.3346802

Mira amigo, teneis que dejar de culparnos de robaros la plata, la colonización pasó hace mucho, todo lo que le pase a Latinoamérica es culpa de Latinoamérica

>> No.3346942

And who the fuck mentioned spaintards? (Implying you're talking about the conquistadores)
I blame the literal retards who voted for Chávez and Maduro.

>> No.3346972

>being rich enough to have life savings to lose

>> No.3347016

There's no river in that pic, liar.

>> No.3347029
File: 117 KB, 680x788, 1504316340597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

De verdad.

>> No.3347069
File: 527 KB, 941x530, 2017-09-04 17.56.18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the river. I'm not lying.

>> No.3347191

¿De verdad qué?

>> No.3347300

im not blaming the cable, im blaming trezors shitty software that decides at will if it remembers or forgets accounts.

>> No.3347339

>Professional poker player
>$4k bankroll
Choose one

Just because poker was your only income does not make you a professional poker player. It makes you an unemployed person with a hobby.

t. I enjoy poker too

>> No.3347345


I came to biz to learn from rich people but then..

>> No.3347392

>Todo lo que pase en Latinoamérica... Es culpa de...?

Realmente lo siento por tí, si estás aquí como todos los demás es por querer algo mejor para tí y los tuyos, sinceramente huye cuando puedas, a pié si es necesario

>> No.3347411
File: 36 KB, 1047x362, Clipboard03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW this isn't shooped.

If you want to help a guy out:
BTC: 1H3byn8uySsrEqWmX2EvZBCM4KYvd6xJ7z
ETH: 0xab907b05Eaf8fBFdc2CeA6e2e2Fd57ddBE08F71f

>> No.3347419

The petrobras fuckup turned my father's 500K usd into 10K usd

No biggy, he couldn't take the money before retirement and it will probably bounce twice that in the coming years.

>> No.3347459

What? You've 'lost' $40 you will easily get that back and more in a couple weeks or so if you buy them good dips. Why are you panicking.

>> No.3347506

Overnight? Wtf why does nobody here have a scrap of patience.

>> No.3347546
File: 35 KB, 960x634, 1494900976510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will trade 100$ in visa (it has to be something digital like a steam game)
for 30$ in bitcoin
all the exchanges in my country are blocked
will provide proofs

>> No.3347632

So far I think I'm going back to Petro because even they look more promising than this chink shitcoin market. Actually many changes happened and now the company is going back on track, the only problem is that from all Brazilian stocks this one panics every single time someone says something about corruption. I would rather choose Usiminas or Vale (Vale trades on the US), more solid, better administration and away from the corruption paranoia.

>> No.3347680

What is an VPN?

>> No.3347774

the card company flagged the exchange itself
their policy is that you can't trade with their card

>> No.3347825

Nigger, do it to PayPal and is a deal.

>> No.3347833


Well, I'm brazilian so I might be a little biased, but you're right. As of right now, what wrecks Brazil is the corruption paranoia, but things are actually looking up. My father is pretty chill, he knows that if Petro is privatized (what might happen), we'll be millionaires. Or he'll just get his money back in the coming years. He's retiring next year.

There's one case of losing all wealth that actually stings, due to corruption, it happened to my mother. My mother used to have a saving that her grandfather deposited some cash from the day of her birth until his death, then my mother's father started putting money on it until his death. Long story short, she had about 100K usd saved on this account on modern day dollar, then president Collor happened. He confiscated the entire nation saving cash, she lost it all, and the government obviously is breaking the lawsuit cuz they don't happen to haven a billion dollars worth to pay for every saving at that time.

But, things are actually okay down here. You see, even with everything bad related to Brazil, it still is an actual country down here in South America as big as the US, with a stable economy, the shit that happened in Venezuela wouldn't happen here nor hurt us as bad as then because we don't put all our eggs into one basket. Things wouldn't go as lower as the 8% drop in the economy and a rating downgrade, and we will recover in less than a decade. The only other country as stable as we is probably Chile.

And now that the commies are getting washed out, I dare say that we might be on the right tracks on many other things. Social democracy and nationalistic, populist socialists with their protections have no place in our current political climate anymore. Brazilian economy will either spin or spin. Great news if you're a corporate of Wal Mart and Amazon to be honest.

>> No.3347846

davidethereum@gmail.com Write me f@m.

>> No.3347860
File: 139 KB, 394x360, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3347889

You know paypal transactions can be reversed after the fact, right? Be careful.

>> No.3347903
File: 130 KB, 1080x1349, 1476727097334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a low income family, pissed away all my money at school, now work minimum wage barely making enough to survive and make payments.

I've been watching cryptos for a while now and seeing everything in the red I can't not throw money in now. I'm gonna go to the bank tomorrow to try to take out a loan so I have money to invest. Pray for me guys cause I could very well be digging my own grave.

>> No.3347911

>an vpn

>> No.3347968

>a lot
Some people really have it rough it seems.

>> No.3347975
File: 116 KB, 591x620, IMG_4342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sort yourself out nigger

You have no business leveraging yourself into a currency you know nothing about

Sort yourself out and come back in 6 weeks

>> No.3347978

im not gonna waste hours on convincing people to give me 30$. that's retarded
i just want a little bit so i can start trading from a wallet, and im willing to pay 70% commission on it

>> No.3347987

It can ALWAYS be reversed? Even if a day or two has passed? Well, I can ask for ID photos and a written letter and email, to present to Paypal in case he tries to fuck me up

>> No.3348031

You look like an honest guy, write me to the email. I can't stand scammers, though. Honesty is important and valuable, anon.

>> No.3348056

What can I say, viva la revolución I guess.

>> No.3348062

i have to wait for shitpal to authorize my visa. this is why i suggested digital goods
anyway nevermind, thanks for reaching out. ill find another way

>> No.3348131

I already read the bloody gulag archipelago and cleaned my room. I've been following cryptos for a while now, just never had the balls to buy in until now.

>> No.3348149


>> No.3348237

Got in back in 2011. I am laughing hard at you faggots thinking you can make money now.

Oh, i dont give a damn about 0.5 BTC

>> No.3348239

to go any?! *scratches*

>> No.3348437
File: 47 KB, 593x492, 1504416033964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update, losing the $150 mark. I'm not even selling again. I'm already fucked... Not going to beg for 0.5 bitcoins anymore, fuck that. How pathetic you need to be to cry over 200 dollars? This has been a great reality check for me though. It is just sad leaving college honors in the United States to become a janitor wage cuck without a diploma in a shitty 3rd world shithole.

>> No.3348497


prove it fag

>> No.3348623
File: 15 KB, 499x346, charlie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought 10 BTC at about $100/ to buy something online
>dont end up buying item online, leave bitcoins in mtgox and forget all about bitcoin for a while
>hear about bitcoin price jump, try to sign in to mtgox


>> No.3348714
File: 922 KB, 1920x2560, IMG_20170905_122525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im game


for you, anon.


>> No.3348725

>live in CIS
>average wage around 400$
>buy 2 full mining rigs costing 5000$
>had to ask money from parents, friends
>was met with "internet money? that's a scam you're retard. world doesn't work like that"
>be 25, NEET
>got money from selling recently deceased's grandfather's house
>still wasn't enough so kinda literally begged my father
>was mining alts
>down from 1300$ to 650$ in profit
>promised to give money back to my father in 7 days
>not going to keep the promise
>don't really feel anything atm but denial
anyway i know it's a troll thread and noone gives a shit but if someone actually does here's my bittrex btc 1B7xsLo1k93BSD8PaiGAYzYqnec8egYh2J

>> No.3348740

Had to sell my proof to make rent. Sry. Plz gibs: 3KeXVhVT4gt831pFFz4eJTx6At9h3ngsi4

>> No.3348762

sounds like good material for a netflix miniseries

>title: 'The Parisian'

>> No.3348849

no wonder chaturbate has a TON of girls from south america, specifically Columbia, Brazil, and Venezuela.

Don't ask me how I know.

>> No.3348914


Never had any life savings in the first place...
You could start by giving me some life savings lol


>> No.3348927

I didn't technically "lose" my life savings, it's just now my life savings is in SIGT, purchased Aug 7th.

I have almost 600k siggies. Great to be a fucking Sigtmarines.


>> No.3348990

best Pepe. hard lol

>> No.3349028
File: 464 KB, 2830x2000, pepe1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love to watch people beg like rats

>> No.3349048

I don remember

>> No.3349173

sent ;)

>> No.3349206
File: 106 KB, 662x644, 1504322125439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost it all

>> No.3349336
File: 347 KB, 631x479, 1500418564700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone acknowledge my story i'm lonely
Making money though! got a $100 freelance gig for September
yay me

>> No.3349424


>> No.3349505

i wish.

>> No.3349691

grats on your investment in a new business lmao. Time to sell all this hardware

>> No.3350291


Done sob story am neet plz help



>> No.3350416

lost everything but it wasn't much because i was born into poverty, going to bring my parents into an early retirement, thanks based anon 1LT6VmPrtXiyc9aSdPXauZx8f6XUfbMmtB

>> No.3350672

>turned 8 when super nintendo came out in France (1992)
>left home country when you were 18 (ca. 2002)
>went to Eastern Europe, got btfo
>wound up in Thailand where the owner was an early investor in Bitcoin (released ca. 2009)
Either you were in Eastern Europe for like 7 years or this story is bullshit.

>> No.3350683

*your boss, not the owner.

>> No.3350747

i sent my btc to me eth wallet and lost all 45k.

>> No.3350843
File: 241 KB, 732x633, 1504156986316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant you just like put your money on bittrex and like use your email to login?

>> No.3351663
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, 1504174279004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in south africa , I wanna fucking kill myself , busy trading so I can get the fuck out of here before I get genocided up the ass , 1Mw16Uo3VqHsChdbuRRB8uWeRQd3CrxcC7

>> No.3352616

If this is real, why do you keep making the same mistakes?

Also did the chief pay you like a penny at that time in btc to suck his dick?

>> No.3352689
File: 68 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-09-05-13-23-46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had 100 dollars and decided to invest it in Omisego... ended up with 1500 dollars and faith toward the future. I wanted to make at least 5000 and then start a real business, getting rich was my dream like yours guys.

I'm an high school dropout son of a single mother, my dream was to start a company and I even started talking to an accountant and even paid him 200 dollars. I feel defeated now

If you want to donate this is my btc address: 1L65r86qxCf9UVun8bseTxZQxYTM2athN6

I'm only interested in getting out of poverty

>> No.3352712

>trusting anyone with money in France

You dun goofed hard, tho I understand you wanted to launder the money as I also live in this shithole soontobemuslim country and I know the french govt are the big gestion scammer on earth

>> No.3352892
File: 162 KB, 1092x1004, hello darkness my old friend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls help out the Eastern European 3rd worlder, I can pay off my debts and live like a regular human being for 4 months on 0.5 BTC. I just want out of this poverty nightmare.


>> No.3352943

which shithole? I have now moved to the worlds richest country and are comfy AF. If you happen to be from my country of origin i might give you some BTC

>> No.3352966
File: 2.20 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit went down for me last feb, invested 10k into margin, got stopped out over and over until have no money left.. girlfriend leave me, kid smashes into work truck, work truck catches on fire. Insurance drags feet due to possible crime, business I operate has to close doors as I can't get to work let alone all tools were lost in fire.
No income, get kicked out of rental unit and now living in dark piss ridden basement..

Willing to show that I use your donation to help me catch up on some bills..


>> No.3352983

pls help me


>> No.3352989

The turd of a country named Slovenia

>> No.3353006
File: 453 KB, 1224x1632, IMG_20170905_150709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope to someday achive what you have. I am from Russia, this is the view from my window atm. Pls help, m8. I was never political, if incase I am from wrong Eastern European shithole.

t. >>3352892

>> No.3353025

What could I say. I'm poor and live in a poor country. I never had the luxury of having "lifesavings", but I tried to invest 1yr savings so I could afford strabismus surgery but major depression caused by strabismus killed my early gains. I started with 0.2btc and today I only have 0.025BTC
0.5BTC today would be enough to afford surgery.


>> No.3353045

Man i am a student and this bitch i fell in love with left me for a guy with a bmw and now i am trading facking hard but i instantly regretted it after this market crash i have some money in ltc and ripple and i hope they go up quick pleas help a brother out to reach his goal i dont want your btc just learn me how u do it here is my whatssap +32483003330 im from belguim btw

>> No.3353191

This thread is fucking pathetic lulz

>> No.3353235

Worst fake sob story I ever read.

Guys just fucking report all the posts with btc addresses in them.

>> No.3353251
File: 275 KB, 1500x998, 1504581915754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls, some kind soul just send me even 0.05 Btc and I will be able to pay my bank debts and rent for the next 2 months while getting a job. The economy is so shit in here.

>> No.3353272

That's like $40, if you can't make that yourself, you shouldn't even be on this site.

>> No.3353302
File: 46 KB, 500x500, bsi_runes96.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3353323


No, 0.05 btc is $230. Which is monthly average wage in my shithole town. You shouldn't even be on this site. You should be in pre-school, learning to count.

>> No.3353335
File: 160 KB, 1292x1079, gg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

27, live at home with no money. Convinced GF to spend her savings of £4k on crypto's... lost nearly 1k in a week, cries every morning, now she hates me even more... everything should be fine.... women have anxieties though, she's a keeper, hope things go well soon (Y)


>> No.3353356

Also enjoy the ban. Begging is against the rules.

>> No.3353446
File: 212 KB, 1800x1578, 1486963888863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I never covered it up, autist. Tell me why are you so butt-blasted about some e-begging thread, typing in all caps and crying like a lunatic? Just hide it, aspiring janitor. Or maybe you're a bitter poorfag yourself? You kys first.

>> No.3353466

You're right you should keep posting so we can laugh at you poorfags who can't even wipe their own asses LOLOLOLOLOL
Third world retard.

>> No.3353467

My mom abandonned me when i was 13, live with my father then, he kicked me out when i was 20, live with my tranny gf (male) in her mom basement, i shoplift and sell everything to shit like cash converters, i sold my computer to buy 100 grams of MDMA and got scammed on Alphabay


>> No.3353521
File: 192 KB, 512x512, 54875497479.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What a bunch of random butt-blasted drivel. I think you're typing too fast and breathing too hard from all the butthurt, kid. I bet you're the biggest autistic retard in your pre-school and come here to vent your butthurt from all the bullying xD

>> No.3353781

None of that made any sense and you're never going to make it. That makes us feel good.