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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3342566 No.3342566 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, if they are going to regulate centralised exchanges and icos, we need two things :-

Decentralised exchanges for peer to peer trades

Asset gateways - converting fiat to crypto (easy enough already)

The following coins will be decentralised exchange coins

Open Anx

Possibly binance

What else should I be scooping up in the dip?

>> No.3342611

localbitcoins is pretty decentralized
Theter (USDT) seems like a good short term solution for on-net/poloniex like exchanges, not crackdown-proof
what do you really want?

scooped the dip @ 4100

>> No.3342612

Etherdelta, liqui, many others all on eth

Then soon 0x and kyber

Eth already won crypto

>> No.3342636

how anonymoose is etherium going to be in the future

are they seriously going to try to compete with monero or is that just rumor bs i heard somewhere

>> No.3342637

what do you mean (((it))) won crypto?

>> No.3342643
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oh, they printed another 25m yesterday. I bet they are going to print 30m today.

>> No.3342673

Don't forget waves. Ignore fud about niggercoins and try using the dex yourself for once. It's not perfect but it's a working exchange with no withdrawal limits and no need to make a username or account, its just built into the wallet.

>> No.3342674
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>> No.3342727

>Decentralised exchanges for peer to peer trades
no worries it will be soon with lighting network all shitcoins will start to be created off bitcoin once again. you should find coins that run bitcoin platform and go balls deep. been doing this for 2 mouths now and getting hella coins right now. im up on usda but down on bitcoin but up 3 times the alt coins

>> No.3342733

there will be free-to-use sidechains on the bitcoin protocol
fuck off with your initial scam offering (ISO)

>> No.3342753


>> No.3342760
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Loopring > All

>> No.3342761

this is why we need to adapt with the current environment we're in and move to projects that support decentralization (blocknet, 0x, kyber, etc)

>> No.3342763

nigga u must be retarded
read the whitepaper newfag

>> No.3342782

Zk snarks in metropolis update.

Monero is finished and monero is proven not to be anonymous its just a honeypot for pedophiles

>> No.3343032

Someone explain this Tether meme. What the hell is wrong with printing more Tether, how else would you get it to constantly match one dollar? Don't give me some cryptic smug answer either.

>> No.3343054

Waves are the only good dex, and soon the 1.0 update is coming. It's simple, fast and safe.

>> No.3343218


Not wanting to be a smug, but you are kinda stupid or you shouldnt be here. Take a break and use your brain.

Why is it a problem you say? Because they simply print coins with an arbitrary price and sell it to you because you believe it will always be in parity with USD. So much for not trusting the government that prints dollars...But printed coins that are supposedly equal to printed dollars are okay, right?

Anyway, the thinking is that bitfinex would have an equal number of of actual dollars backing tether. But while they said that they will show real audits when they have been audited they havent actually shown anything for 2 years now. Banks specifically froze their accounts and arent letting them use the banking system. Why? Because they are a fraud. Of course fraudsters will tell you about the bad banks/states that is in war with them...

tldr: You are trusting a company, that for profit, is supposedly holding >300m$ . The is no way that they hold so much cash. And when they go kaboom, and they will, you will be left holding something with 0 value. It wont even has the value of a penny. I mean, i cant believe people fall for this shit...

protip: what bitfinex is doing right now, is creating papers so that they acquire a citiznship in panama or something and get away after they implode. With your money.

>> No.3343311

Why would tether have to be backed by anything though? The dollar isn't backed by anything. Why would a financial instrument that exists only to have parity with the dollar need to be back by anything?

>> No.3343334

>Lets do it just like they did
>it will be different I promise

>> No.3343349

because the initial idea behind it is: move cash-money into blockchain, move cash-money out of blockchain
there is literally no reason to create litecoin #10924 with a different PR spinoff

>> No.3343370

>Zk snarks in metropolis update.
engrish motherfucker

>> No.3343431

>move cash-money into blockchain, move cash-money out of blockchain
Well... I don't really care about that I'm just using it as a rock to hold on to as the tide's going out.

>> No.3343451

Isn't OmiseGo basically a decentralized exchange?

The people that dumped their OMG are really stupid... (unless they day traded)

>> No.3343804

Using anonymous transactions just makes you seem more suspicious. In addition you are trusting the keys of ZK-Snaks implementation not to leak... Good luck with that buddy.

The paper which called Monero traceable was also talking about some improbable situation of somebody owning like 90% of all the mining nodes. Yea right.

Monero is the one true privacy king with PHD people in math and cryptography behind it. But you just keep drinking the koolaid pal.

Monero LITERALLY will become more and more valuable over time as long as nobody can prove they broke the encryption.

There is even a 200XMR reward to break the encryption so have at it.

>> No.3344052

Fuck waves. They took my ngrs

>> No.3344104
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>no 0x

>> No.3344205

I keep seeing this without anything but an obsolete paper to back it up (if that)

XMR 4eva

>> No.3344681

They can remove coins and ban them from decentralized exchanges. How is that not proof it's a sham?

>> No.3344837

Well I'm glad I didn't panic sell my blocknet.