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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 7 KB, 200x200, moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3336841 No.3336841 [Reply] [Original]

get in quick

>> No.3336859

Nah, I'm shorting. Easy gains.

>> No.3336883
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B-b-but the other thread told me to Press S.

>> No.3336914
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Folks, ahhh, I'd like to apologize for the delay in service. There was, ahhh... some sort of burning dumpster fire in the middle of the taxi lane. Lots of screaming, something about ants jumping from buildings, but uuhhhh nothing to worry about. We'll be resuming our shuttle service to Armstrong Station in T-minus one hour. Have a great day, and thank you for choosing OMGair.

>> No.3337002


>> No.3337013

h o d l

>> No.3337021

> OP: buy my bag

>> No.3337050


>> No.3337138

just put 3 btc on at $9.00

what could go worng?

>> No.3337168

While there may have been a sexy little spread going on - we're pretty calm now, buy in gents we're headed to 20.

>> No.3337197


I like the theory that alot of the shitcoin money that was spread around might come home to roost with omg

>> No.3337209

cheapest you will get omg at

>> No.3337216

nothing, enjoy being rich

>> No.3337225


We saw a lot of money after NEO crashed..

Bout to see their whole market cap flow in~ :D Where else would it go? ARK, Walt? BAHAHAHA

>> No.3337232
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Get into da ARK before its too late, non-believers

>> No.3337331



>> No.3337346
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fuck you guys I bought more.

>> No.3337412
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>Went all in on the dip
>MFW I bought at 0.00170649
>MFW I realize I finally made a good call
>MFW now considered a small whale

Will I make it /biz/? Also what was the price at 0.00170649 I'm too retarded to calculate it.

>> No.3337457


>> No.3337481

how high are we gonna fly cap?

>> No.3337522


It's labor day mates, no major trading going on until Japan wakes up at 7PM. Time to accumulate gents.

>> No.3337604
File: 23 KB, 1270x206, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-still HODLing

>> No.3337613

>decide to impulse purchase more at $9.50
>instantly slumps down to $8.50
where is the end of mr bones' wild ride

>> No.3337631


>> No.3337633

Americans are waking up and panicking, and it looks like some whales are duking it out. Doubt it will go lower than 800, virtually guaranteed to stay above 700.

>> No.3337645

180, 170. Fuck I'm tired.

>> No.3337658
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whats that in USD?

>> No.3337662

Think about it like this. The reason OMG went down is unrelated to it all. It's just mass panic with crypto in general.

It's obvious that it'll bounce back so it's pretty much the dip that everyone has been waiting for.

>> No.3337666
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Prepare for liftoff?

>> No.3337688


you just do

$4334.03 (btc price) * 0.00170649

its like $7.40 or so

you would need to know the exact price of btc when you bought for exact price though

>> No.3337696

And that's your mistake

>> No.3337724

Check out this, it'll calm your soul fellow OMGods.


>> No.3337738

Could someone give me quick feedback in what way OMG will be affected by the Chink ban?

>> No.3337751

it wont

>> No.3337755

It wont.

It has nothing to do with China at all

>> No.3337757

only chinks selling omg because of ico fud

>> No.3337761

Not affected whatsoever, people are panic selling and smart goys are accumulating.

>> No.3337764

That recovery from 187k sats to 200k. Wow

>> No.3337781

Not sure why OMG fell with NEO at the China news. It has fuck all to do with China. They are based in Thailand.

>> No.3337804
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>He tracks his shitcoins in USD.

>> No.3337809

gove it to me simple /biz/... should i fucking buy ARK or OmiseGo right now?

>> No.3337823

is OP still alive?

>> No.3337824

Everything fell because Bitcoin fell. Only a select few didn't move. OMG recovered pretty quickly, but we're going through a 2nd wave now that America is waking up.

>> No.3337849

Most altcoins in exchanges are tied to BTC including OMG.
So any crash in btc will result the same for altcoins

>> No.3337876

Sad I'm already all in and didn't accumulate more during this insane dip

>> No.3337887

same but I feel better when I think about all the people who bought at ATH or who let the FUD get ahold of them. Iron hands anon, iron hands

>> No.3337916

here we go again.. looks like we might hold out against a further btc crash though

>> No.3337930
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>> No.3337964
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im one of the ATH guys, that FUD got me good
i tough im smarter now.
now the liquidation is creeping in

>> No.3337966

Just bought 1 btc more.

Honestly get in on this soon. By the end of the day, it's going to be solidly over 200k.

>> No.3337973


>> No.3337980

i tough i was smarter*

>> No.3338019

the fuck are you idiots buying in now?

theyre about to airdrop 5% of their worthless token to every ethereum holder, and most of them are going to sell that shit. at least wait until then.

not to mention the coin itself only gives you "dividends", so when this growth period ends (as it might already have) nobody's going to keep holding it long term, because theres no long term growth potential based on raw usage.

>> No.3338050
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>> No.3338059

>No long-term growth potential based on raw usage.

Have you even read about the coin? It's use will be a token that facilitates exchanges between any type of digital asset.

>> No.3338063

so close bro, best of luck

>> No.3338113

I'm so fucking happy right now. Never thought we would go under 10 let alone this. Buying so much omisego like it's black friday

>> No.3338156

What's the difference? At least the usd is relatively stable comparing to btc

>> No.3338181

next few 5 min candles will decide your fate. good luck

good call on the airdrop, I think a lot of people forgot to factor that in, myself included. I still see a lot of long term potential though.

>> No.3338187

yeah, and 10s of other coins make the same claim, i've heard it all before.

an intermediary token doesn't need value when its bought and immediately sold. it just adds inefficiencies into the system that allow a non-token based competitor to offer better rates.

>> No.3338220

What do you see the price for OMG in the next few years? I believe in the team since they pushed a lot of effort into their project.

>> No.3338237

because the whole point of holding all of these other alts is that they outperform bitcoin in the short or long term. if they're not outperforming bitcoin, you shouldnt be holding them.

people get comfy counting their $/¥/€ gains and completely miss that their alt is trending towards zero against bitcoin long term. litecoin is a perfect example. don't get fooled.

>> No.3338275

You are either so retarded it's unbelieveable and obviously don't know shit about omise or you're just a typical fud troll. Stay poor though

>> No.3338284

h-help what do I do

>> No.3338297

honestly, i have no idea. their idea isn't new or remarkable, but all they need are good partnerships and deals and they could easily see some traction. they're definitely not your average shitcoin ico.

im not sure i really want to buy into their tokens now though. it seems like way too much mania. ill probably hold onto the 500 or so OMG i get from the airdrop though. if it keeps up this downward trajectory i might pick some up in 5-10 days.

>> No.3338298

holy shit you must be sweating lmao

>> No.3338308

I'm still buying all the way down, fuck it. This is my last fucking chance and I'm taking it!

>> No.3338320

>500 OMG

You realize that they stated because of how many ETH holders there are, it's going to be like .3 OMG for every 1 ETH.

>> No.3338348

why is it that the moonkids on /biz/ love to assume everyone who disagrees with them is poor? im not the one desperately chasing token gains here.

0.3? i thought it was 0.07? did they completely exclude exchange addresses?

>> No.3338368
File: 23 KB, 600x600, 36c67cf603670d027a5a2ed3b04f81a6--emoji-faces-smiley-faces.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's almost as if he was talking out of his ass the whole time

>> No.3338380

How can someone be this fucking stupid

>> No.3338386

back at 190k. I think we'll be alright boys.

>> No.3338409

Moonkid kek. Omise will have tons of transactions flowing through it with each one adding to the valuation of omg especially after omise merges everything to one.

A year from now posts like these will be laughable

>> No.3338438

A year from now? They already are.

>> No.3338452

>from the whitepaper
"Owning OMG tokens buys the right to validate this blockchain, within its consensus rules. Transaction fees on the network including (but not limited to) payment, interchange, trading, and clearinghouse use, are given to non-faulty validators who enforce bonded con-tract states. The token will have value derived from the fees derived from this network, with the obligation/cost of providing validation to its users. This token must have value, to prevent low-cost attacks and is necessary to enforce this network."

You just talk shit without knowing anything about the project

It blows my mind that someone as retarded as you has enough eth to get 500 omg from the airdrop

>> No.3338462

It's holding steadily, this retarded FUD from the China news will be over.

>> No.3338492

He doesn't he just has no idea wtf he's on aboot. He probably thought 500 was reasonable.

>> No.3338493

Yeah seems like just whales capitalizing hard, wish I saw this coming would of had so much omg

>> No.3338516

The China fud is already over. Omise is on reddit saying it's no problem and they are compliant.

Fud btfo in hours

>> No.3338523

thats great. but i like to base my holdings in reality not wishful thinking.

not retarted, just not so easily taken in by hype and speculation. you learn to be more objective when you're not constantly trying to search for big wins.

and what it says is exactly what i said. it gets fees from the network, the coin must have value because of staking, like ethereum. but it has a lot more to prove because it doesnt get a free ride from real world utility like ethereum is right now.

my point is, i'm not interested in getting a measily 3-5% a year from fees and staking. sure i'll stake coins i already own, but people buying OMG arent buying it for the staking and tx fee potential, theyre buying it hoping the coin itself is going to jump another 50%+.

>> No.3338528
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Pic relevant

>> No.3338554

500 is my conservative estimate assuming 0.07 per ether. if 0.07 is wrong i would love to be corrected with a source. like the guy above who quoted from the whitepaper.

>> No.3338556

>they're buying it hoping the coin itself is going to jump up another 50%+

So literally every coin? Those people will always exist in any market. You buy something for the future use and potential it has.

>> No.3338558
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Oh fuck I remember your thread! Terrible timing lad. Hopefully you rebound.

>> No.3338561



share the link - it's Alibaba.

>> No.3338569
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I love this company

>> No.3338573

So you have over 7,000 ETH?

>> No.3338581

True, but I disagree to a certain extent. Holding LTC has been great for stability and corporations like Overstock are beginning to accept it.

I am looking to increase my BTC by about 10% this dip though. I'd really like to hit that 30 BTC. Been stuck in the 20 BTC range for awhile.

>> No.3338590

thank you comrade, hands of steel will pay off

>> No.3338594

said fuck it and put my last BTC in OMG at the dip, i have ~330 now

am i gonna make it?

>> No.3338606

Stop with this FUD.

>> No.3338630

closer to 5 figures, but somewhere around there at the block snapshot a couple of months ago.

i hear the "litecoin is stable" mantra everywhere and i dont get where it came from, because its completely false. look at the charts, its hugely volatile. its only period of relative stability was when nobody outside of china was trading it, and when three quarters of the currency is owned by miners or sitting on exchanges i dont have high hopes for its utility as a payment coin now bitcoin has segwit.

>> No.3338655

You realize that anyone claiming to be a whale/having over 1 mil in crypto is automatically disregarded unless they actually post some proof or a screenshot of your wallet, right?

Otherwise get out you larping faggot, everyone knows that you said 500 OMG because you know shit about the coin and thought 500 sounded like a good, even number.

>> No.3338660

alibaba has it's own technology with facepay, it's not connected with omise

>> No.3338686

implying fags just don't do inspect element anyways to larp. Anyone with that money wouldn't be on /biz/ at all. just disregard them and move on

>> No.3338692

well no shit. im just saying coins that pay out dividends or fees have to be treated differently. once omisego isnt the next hot alt the speculators are going to move on, and there needs to be something solid underneath to maintain the price when that happens. if you believe the token must scale exponentially with the value transacted on the network, and you believe the network will reach exponential growth at some point in the near future, then its a good speculative investment, but if the value of the token can be decoupled from the growrh of the network itself, it's less lucrative, especially in the case where value transacted on the network is not reliant on the token itself, unlike in ethereum, where value on the ethereum network right now is predominately xfed via the eth token itself.

>> No.3338729

thats cute, i dont give a shit about what you think, my points dont change whether you believe me or not.

and just remember, ethereum was < $10 less than 2 years ago.


>> No.3338761

Anyone as keen to brag as you were about your big 500omg payout would have no aversion to showing their account balance if it was legit. larp somewhere else faggot

>> No.3338785

and nobody with millions in crypto would be stupid enough to sign a message from their multiple accounts linking them all together just to show up some autistic kid on 4chan.

not everyone jumped on the crypto bandwagon in the past 6 months. its been here for years. now stop derailing this fucking thread with your jealousy. i still want some proof for that 0.3 value per ETH.

>> No.3338801
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>> No.3338865

its only down 20%, that only knocks it back about 2 weeks, like almost everything else that dropped.

the only thing youve got to worry about is if this sets off a long period of consolidation or even a temp. bear market in bitcoin/ethereum, which wouldnt be good for any of the tertiary alts in the short-mid term as they almost always drop faster.

>> No.3339028

for anyone else looking to possibly trade the volatility at the time of the airdrop 0xc40ab22a212cb693cee116b749816573ba33e781 is what you should be watching.

>> No.3339086
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Feeling comfy still gonna have 100k by Sept 11th. All this fud is making me lel

>> No.3339108

Who's that qt?

>> No.3339155
File: 104 KB, 1915x697, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it ?
OMG needs to go to 34$ to be able to close my position at 0

>> No.3339168

how the fuck did you manage to raise your base price to 27 usd?

>> No.3339171

man you were super close there for a while. gl

>> No.3339214

Veteran anon thanks for some interesting points. I know it's a cliched thing to ask others but where do you think smart money will go for q42017 to 2018?

Also what are good resources for staying on top of crypto news?

>> No.3339227


i had a buy on margin on ATH

when the price will come close to the liquidation price, i would make a short sell still on margin. this would raise the base price and lower the liquidation price.

this way i was able to steer clear of the liquidation price

still im fucked now with this position opened. i might close it at a loss if the price goes to 15$ or something. and work from there.

i had 6k friday when i made the BUY trade at ATH on margin, now 1.4k if i sell

>> No.3339251
File: 1.45 MB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20170817-185627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The gf,
If you arnt all in on OMG or BAT, you don't even wanna make it.
13$ by the 6th
15$ by the 10th
18$ by the 11th

>> No.3339266

what's with the ugly chick?

>> No.3339287
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Tried to go long at $8, almost got liquidated, lost half of my OMGs.
Alright, lesson learned: never margin trade. Can I get my money back now ?

>> No.3339288

cute , congrats yes i agree this is a good time to buy OMG all in .

Too bad my margin trading BUY at ATH fucked up my account

>> No.3339299

Are you expecting apple hype for the 12th and gonna sell on the 11th? I'm all in as well but thinking gonna hodl all through sept

>> No.3339308
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>small whale

kek, I have 300 and consider myself one of the smallest of tadpoles. we are not whales, sir; we are but mere krill

>> No.3339313

the smart money is de-risking at this moment.

look at all the chinese ICOs that popped up over the past 3 months. my assumption is that most capital is going to consolidate onto a small number of coins over the next 6-12 months as the ICO bubble pops and we start to see failures in the ICO space pushing most valuations down. the biggest wins going into 2018 are going to be from coins that have no lofty long term goals, and will actually see real usage in the next 3-6 months, even if its just nerdy developer usage. theyre going to need to have something to show for themselves once the ICO fear begins.

but this is all conjecture and means nothing because at the end of the day the huge majority of dollar value of any coin comes from bitcoin, and who the fuck knows whats going to happen with segwit 2x.

>> No.3339317

sorry man , im still fucked up by margin trading , but not learned my lesson, if i manage to scape this bad move i will continue to margin trade. my lesson learned is that i should not buy at ATH and that i should not make any trades if im not certain where things will go. also trading before the weekend is not a good ideea. another lesson to make orders with stop's

>> No.3339319
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dude. don't go all in. well I guess you know that know. I'm in a similar position to you, except I did the opposite when prices fell. Baseprice used to be around $12.10

>> No.3339320

How many omg for her?

>> No.3339355

you did the oposite meaning ?
can you please explain what you did in steps ? from the initial buy to now

>> No.3339364

apple has no partnership with omisego. the fact that they had to scrap their touch sensor for their new phone and had to develop secondary authentication for payments has no bearing on any other company that also happens to use the same common form of authentication. dont get caught with your pants down for that one.

>> No.3339403

Yes, depending on the news and the magnitude of it I'll sell on the 11th if it's just facepay.

>> No.3339412

I bought close to the top. When Things went sour beyond what I was comfortable realising, I added to my position in small increments whenever I thought a local bottom was reached.
Thereby I lowered the base price which means increased chance of less loss when I realise during the next bounce.
Though, truth be told right now I am uncomfortable raising my liq. price. So I guess I'm in hope mode for a $3-rally

>> No.3339422
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Is there a OMG discord out there?

>> No.3339427


also what I'm doing is stupid: you should never ever add to a losing position.

>> No.3339457
File: 100 KB, 750x1049, IMG_0164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is skyrocketing back up and I had to keep raising my bid just to get anything.

Congrats to those who got it under $8.

>> No.3339463

I just finished watching 1984, your pic is very related

>> No.3339464

Are you retarded? It's just my mouse hovering over a bid, not my bid.

>> No.3339488

Topkek, be more gentle though bro.

>> No.3339511

your in safe zone with liquidation price at 5
also your base price of 10$ is good.

i could not buy more, that meant it would raise my liquidation price, and i needed to run away from that one.

my margin trade was almost 50% of my margin balance, even tho i had a rule to only use 30% of it to stay safe..

>> No.3339526

Am I the only one who actually read the apple guidelines? Do you really think Jun is risking the whole project by getting sued by apple, which is also the biggest fucking company in the world???Nobody wants to fuck with APPLE and if you cannot connect the dots you are just plain stupid, i don't know if it is a partnership but there is for sure some kind of cooperation between OMG and Apple

>> No.3339528

It'll be back don't worry

>> No.3339547

Yeah I am hoping there is some good news soon that gives us a better idea of the big news coming

>> No.3339559
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THIS.... Can someone help?

>> No.3339563

>my margin trade was almost 50% of my margin balance

yeah, fomo is a bitch, man.

>> No.3339573

I have all of my crypto funds in EUR in Coinbase, can someone explain to me the steps I need to take to buy OMG.
Buying BTC on coinbase, BTC to Bittrex and then buying OMG with BTC would work no? Is that an expensive way of doing it?

>> No.3339594
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OMG discord group anyone?

>> No.3339628

What guidelines? I'm assuming your referencing apple could sue for misleading tweets? I do too think its something with Apple but didn't consider that

>> No.3339685 [DELETED] 

The guidelines according the correct use of the apple logo, look for example at this:

"5. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Apple, Macintosh, iMac, or any other Apple trademark, including Apple-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Apple’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service."

So tell me how this is nt obvious to you whats going on, he actually gives you this hint and of course he can't tell anybody yet because the release of the iphone 8 is not done yet but come on he can't be this stupid otherwise he will get sued for sure after that because those rumours are spread everywhere

>> No.3339716

Look into the apple logo guidelines, you will be pleasantly surprised trust me

>> No.3339765

and if there was any partnership (which there isn't) nobody would know about it, because apple does not fuck around when companies leak information about deals that have yet to be announced. this is of course ignoring the most important fact that omise has no tech that apple actually needs or hasnt already created themselves.

>> No.3339810

So tell me, if you have a company that could have just the slightest connection with apple even if it's far fetched do you really think it's okay to put their logo next to yours? I don't care if you believe or not but no matter what this is one of the most promising project in the whole cryptoworld with or without apple

>> No.3339836

Good thinking, read the social media part and a few others. But don't all those guidelines only apply if one is an apple certified dealer/partner? I am very tired and probably misunderstanding, you could be on to something

>> No.3339846

Not the same guy as above but I just checked and there's not a single thing that reminds me of OMG. Can you please clarify ?

>> No.3339875
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pliz show apple guidelines thingy

>> No.3339884

Set up a Bittrex account, send your BTC to your BTC address on Bittrex, purchase OMG with BTC.

Can you just explain what you're talking about like an actual adult instead of being a cryptic faggot?

>> No.3339895 [DELETED] 

Three very simple rules that you idiots disregard which will lose you money:

Rule #1: "There is no such thing as free lunch"

Rule #2: "What comes up, must come down"

Rule #3: "Bubbles are a thing"

You think you will simply get rich with no work because of "muh new paradigm!!"

Lol idiots, enjoy your bags imbeciles

>> No.3339897

Nevermind I found the right thing. Damn you are totally on to something you could 100% argue they used apple to advertise.
For anyone else
Scroll down to 1.

>> No.3339906

He just did. >>3339685

>> No.3339907

fuck off with your copy pasta already you fuckin pajeet, we aint selling, kys

>> No.3339910

"5. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Apple, Macintosh, iMac, or any other Apple trademark, including Apple-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Apple’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service."

So whaaaaaaaaaaat?

>> No.3339921

because there was a picture of an omise sticker on an apple laptop there MUST be a deal between the two companies. That's what he's saying.

>> No.3339933

o look this faggot nocoiner that pops up at every dip.

stay poor m8

>> No.3339942

It means do you think Jun is a fucking retard for using the Apple logo, or is he smart and dropped an inside tip for you spastics?

>> No.3339945

From a little more down
"The reference to Apple does not create a sense of endorsement, sponsorship, or false association with Apple or Apple products or services"
From the 2. Compatible section talking about developers referencing it.

Holy shit man great find here

>> No.3339962

There are two possibilities like you said:

Number one: He is a fucking idiot and will get sued for sure or at least there will be consequences

Number 2:
He is giving you the last chance to enter this fucking rocket ship ;)

>> No.3339964

i wouldnt expect Jun to be that stupid risking the name of Omise and Omisego with such a stupid move just for the sake of pumping a coin and eventually getting sued for millions.

thats just my personal opinion, i want to buy more omg today but there are so many other coins on discount its hard to choose

>> No.3339979

Thanks for sharing this I've been pretty convinced its apple but this seals it for me. Jun and the whole team is smart and they would lose that lawsuit in a heartbeat

>> No.3339984

nobody "used" an apple logo. apple includes those stickers in their devices. there are no terms an conditions or guidelines for placing your apple sticker on another piece of property you own. you're insane.

>> No.3340000

brb putting an OMG sticker on a Microsoft Surface Book and uploading the picture to cause a multimillion dollar change in the crypto market

>> No.3340002

Number three: a sticker does not imply a fucking association and the only fucking idiot here is you.

>> No.3340005

No problem mate, nobody knows what the news will really deliver but i am willing to take this risk and i am confident it will pay off

>> No.3340011
File: 85 KB, 600x799, 0Ujj0tG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all you fucks arguing for or against the apple shit are retarded. The value will be high regardless of apple bullshit.

relevant copypasta

>already an existing payment gateway company
>Met with central bank of thailand to discuss integration
>Already being used/test runned in the ministry of fiance in thailand.
>Facepay will be used in ~240 mcd's locations across thailand.
>More news and expansion coming.
>Jun has already stated that Omise facepay and omisego will merge into 1 entity.
>Plasma will allow billions of transactions a second.
>Building their own blockchain with the help of money skeleton after they are done piggy backing eth/plasma to get started.
>Every transaction that goes through omise, facepay, omisego will benefit the price of omisego due to proof of stake.
>Palm beach research who predicted $360 for eth 18 months before hand predicts $700 for omise in the "near future"

>> No.3340019

Do what you like with your money, but i am still open for discussion

>> No.3340021

I hope you're not this stupid and merely trolling.

But then again I'm pretty sure you're a pajeet or a nigger. In which case feel free to continue being retarded. You'll eventually sell OMG at $25 because of some FUD

>> No.3340025
File: 510 KB, 1014x764, feel moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't short my stack to gain more OMG
>too late for that now but still holding bravely

>> No.3340041

only retards actually believe the apple thing lol the serious investors have more realistic expectation :))

>> No.3340042

How can one be so deluded. Chinese money was propping up the whole crypto market. Now that it's gone everything will be impacted.

>> No.3340047
File: 37 KB, 604x604, 1503233302547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything is dropping, I'm "losing" shit ton of cash, but I still feel comfy as fuck HODLing OmiseGO. That is all

>> No.3340056

I wont be able to check crypto for a month, I'm currently split between NEO, OMG and CVC. Should I sell the NEO and CVC at a loss and go all in?

>> No.3340062

btw airdrop delayed till later in the week https://www.omise.co/omisego-airdrop-update-3

>> No.3340064

Cheapest it's ever going to be soon. Up to you though

>> No.3340065

Have you ever learned about copyright laws? They are super strict. As I recall it is pretty easy to sue over so much stuff, I don't think this would fall under fair use at all

>> No.3340066

Was the Apple logo picture from juns Twitter or omise official? If it's the former it can contain as many Apple logos as it likes and mean fuck all.

>> No.3340084 [DELETED] 

Three very simple rules that you idiots disregard which will lose you money:

Rule #1: "There is no such thing as free lunch"

Rule #2: "What comes up, must come down"

Rule #3: "Bubbles are a thing"

You think you will simply get rich with no work because of "muh new paradigm!!"

Lol idiots, enjoy your bags imbeciles

>> No.3340086
File: 114 KB, 1920x734, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it ?

>> No.3340090

>Have you ever learned about copyright laws?
I know you won't believe this, but I am literally a fucking lawyer.

And no, placing a sticker on a skateboard and taking a picture of it, without any actual or even implied claim of any association whatsoever, does not run afoul of copyright laws.

You fucking retarded pajeet.

>> No.3340095
File: 28 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys already, nobody reads this shit or cares.
stay poor nocoiner.

>> No.3340097

t. poorfag who is trying to cause dips to scoop up more OMG by fudding

>> No.3340104

Than you must be the most retarded lawyer in the whole planet

>> No.3340107

the chinese have been the laggards for this entire bull run, its mostly been the new markets like south korea. china's relevance has been steadily dropping for the past year+ now.

>> No.3340120
File: 120 KB, 1920x1080, 1502803702026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple bought Siri in 2010.
Apple bought Novaris in 2013 to improve Siri.
Apple bought Primesense in 2013 for 3D models.

Point is, big companies like apple can make the product themselves yes, but most of the time it is most cost efficient to buy or collaborate with an existing company.

Apple pay did not have the success that it was supposed to have, yet. But Apple is still developing the product. Just in 2017 we have:
-On May 18, 2017 Apple Pay expanded in Ireland to include bank Allied Irish Bank.
-On May 17, 2017 Apple Pay launched in Italy
-On March 29, 2017 Apple Pay launched in Taiwan with 7 banks.

I'm not saying there will be a fusion OMISE X APPLE and apple pay users WILL have to buy OMG to use apple pay or some stupid shit like that. I'm saying its highly probable that Apple is trying to get people to use Apple Pay, they are invested in attracting asian users ( see taiwan above), so why not agreeing to be on OMG's platform ?

>> No.3340126

Show me the law they broke, assuming no partnership exists.

>> No.3340132

Please shill it to me without sounding like a bagholder or a religious fanatic.

>> No.3340152

Just piss off for real, i don't now if you are just an ugly troll or just retarded, i don't care if you share my opinion or not so do what you like with your money

>> No.3340156

true, but what exactly is the tech you believe they're going to buy? if it's tech, they always buy tech outright and dissolve the original company. you really think OMG the token is going to stick around if apple decides to buy omise and take their tech? delusional.

>> No.3340164

Thank you for conceding, moron.

>> No.3340171

also china compliant by design so none of that drama matters.

and you can watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swelwCAXLds
Some more interesting/good info.

i'm here for the gains not to cockride

>> No.3340179

I'm about to sell 1/3rd of my OMG to buy Syscoin. Someone stop me?

>> No.3340184

>arguing into the abyss
>i won

>> No.3340204
File: 428 KB, 3072x2046, 1504469591091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think they are going to buy OMG, omise and omisego are probably not even looking to sell. What I'm saying is, I don't see why Apple wouldnt hop on the OMG payment platform. If people want to exchange lets say their Air miles on the platform and buy the new cool App on the Appstore, that could only benefit Apple.

>> No.3340210
File: 58 KB, 600x824, 437px-Clarinet_boy_seen_things.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we down again?, whales acumalating?, fuck sake should have sold at $12 and bought the dip, shit better rise quick

>> No.3340214

dont do that

>> No.3340232

and if apple's trying to break into the asian market they have the capital and clout to partner with a much more relevent company in the space. a company the size of omise is really only an acquisition opportunity, nothing more. and i dont think omise will buy them traction at the scale they would be willing to pay for.

apple pay is a value add to their devices, but its nowhere near as sticky as imessage is to keeping users in their platform, and they havent even hinted to any interest in partnering or acquiring their way into the asian messaging world.

>> No.3340233
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>> No.3340267

Cheers man, will be holding for a while either way but apple seems more likely than not, and if not still a great coin for all the other reasons. You gotta be a pretty shitty lawyer to see no possibility of one arguing this in court, especially after Jun didn't straight up say no to it

>> No.3340271

possible, but highly unlkely. apple is highly selective when it comes to payment methods and lag behind by at least 5-10 years on locale specific payment acceptance. theres no reason to believe they'll be ahead of the curve on crypto whatsoever. theyve shown nothing but apprehension to the space and nothing suggests to me that's changing.

>> No.3340306

easy in highlight ..
i bought ALL IN on MARGIN at 12$

>> No.3340309

The potential of OMG is gigantic and anybody who tells you otherwise is just a jelous brick with no money, i just wanted to share my opinion and even without apple this is going to be huge

>> No.3340398
File: 2.59 MB, 2000x1328, 1503353284206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you see in that case its not really apple accepting a new payment method, you would not be able to buy an App with your OMG just like you would not be able to buy a BigMac with your OMG, however you could trade your OMG for dollars in the Apple store right ? There is a lot of unbanked people in south east asia, you have to admit that the process of buying an App on the appstore is a nightmare if you do not own a credit card.

>> No.3340414

All right, so when are these scheduled announcements we've all been promised?

>> No.3340439

I've been against the Apple association since beginning. But it is indeed fucked up if a smart CEO like Jun brings his skateboard upside down to every press shoot, knowingly of the stickers there. OmiseGO team's attempt of distancing themselves from the rumours wasn't exactly 100%

>> No.3340493

>trade your OMG for dollars in the Apple store
same thing, not happening.

they have gift cards and cell payment methods for those without credit cards. and the latter took a long time to get added.

>> No.3340522
File: 61 KB, 640x960, 67b4b4042fa8ca34756c0b84bbe1d39f--funny-stuff-lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3340538

OMG token isnt a currency - but PoS though?

>> No.3340707

>tfw bought at 240k

Should I just fucking kill myself

>> No.3340923

no just come back in 12-18 months enjoy the %5000 gains

>> No.3340935


>> No.3340942
File: 9 KB, 1600x107, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have bought at 34$ !
i will never brake even

>> No.3340975

this desu

im actually considering selling some stuff at a loss to take bigger advantage of this dip, but i wont

>> No.3340985

I did exactly the same thing, no worries, watch movies, don't check blockfolio. But then maybe OMG is going to tank hard :^) who knows

>> No.3340994

Why is BIZ always shilling crapcoins? Way overvalued crap.

>> No.3341044


>> No.3341062
File: 141 KB, 1920x884, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is :(
with margin trading