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File: 30 KB, 580x587, digital-currencies-bitcoin-litecoin-monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3332570 No.3332570 [Reply] [Original]

These four coins are the only ones that matter. A lot of shills and brainlets will try to tell you otherwise, but don't fall for their flavor-of-the-month shitcoins (yes i'm looking at you NEO and OMG cultists).

These 4 are the time-tested behemoths. If they fail then crypto fails.

BTC: Store of value, the OG. Widely adopted in commerce already and most normies will have at least heard of it. BCH cvckolds can beat it.

ETH: Revolutionized the blockchain ecosystem with its smart contracts and dApp platforms. Major corporate backing and money skeley will lead his maximalists to lamboland.

LTC: Been around forever, but still very fast and reliable. Will be the day-to-day micro-transaction coin. Also very stable for storing value.

XMR: Honestly one of the most developed coins in the game as far as tech goes. True privacy coin (ignore any Zcash/Verge/PIVX retards). Good hedge against Bitcoin, could actually be #2 in market cap someday as the dark markets will always be there.

We sometimes forgot in our moon chasing the only coins that actually matter in the long-term. If in fact we are in a bubble, these will be the survivors.

>> No.3332616

Agreed. I have all my money in eth, 134 cad currently priced at 98 cad. I am gonna go slow.

>> No.3332621

inb4 "forgot [shitcoin] OP ;)"

ETH is going to take over imo

>> No.3332625

add WTC to this and i agree

>> No.3332633

remember when ETH was just another shitcoin?
You're far too confident in the oldies and none of the newbies
stop shilling

>> No.3332636

LTC is the real shitcoin. Only thing that gives it worth is Charlie Lee's stupid memes

>> No.3332650

>implying pivx, verge, zcash, and other privacy arent gonna surge anyways being even more obscure and off the radar. especially blackbytes

they already are surging in fact

>> No.3332660

Eth was considered a shit coin less than a year ago. You faggots don't know shit.

>> No.3332664

If these are the 4 stable coins they are probably the worst investments unless you believe in crypto. I don't believe in crypto, I just want to get rich quick. If I want safe stable growth I'll invest in a safe fund, not buttcoin

Crypto is high-risk. Why invest in those four? Find some interesting alt-coin and invest a small amount in that and hope it blows up.

Only legit thing I see for actually use is Bitcoin but I'd never invest in it, I'd just buy some to actually use it (ie buy shit with it)

>> No.3332695

ETH was never just another shitcoin. As soon as Frontier came out it was clear that it was the next generation of blockchain.
Blackcoin, Namecoin, Peercoin. These were the shitcoins.

>> No.3332714

You aren't going to make it.

>> No.3332733

You forgot Bitcoin Cash. you know, the real Bitcoin?

>> No.3332740


yea shut the fuck up. none of this shit is predictable faggot. Hell Bitcoin was seen as ponzi scheme early on. still is by some. I really can't stand you preachers on the mountain top imbeciles.

>> No.3332752

Help, anons.

I am now a believer in the future of total doom of fiat currency. Alas, I never invested in bitcoin because of no money. Thinks changed and I received 30k USD. I can spend all. Knowing that I think things gonna change soon in a hyperbolic way, should I invest in altcoin? Why?

I am unsure if bitcoin will canabalize the altcoin soon. I want to be rich, but I am a hitchhiking traveler vagabond and don't really care if I have to live panhandling, I do like to panhandling.

>> No.3332767

Majority of crypto is a speculative bubble, if you 'make it', its just luck. what % of the four coins in OPs post do you think are used for legit transactions vs buying as an investment?

>> No.3332812

you have a point, but do you use Gold for transactions?

>> No.3332831

>time-tested behemoth
pfffffftahahhhahahahahhahahhahahahahahaaaaha holy fuck he's serious HAAAAHAHHAHHAHA

>> No.3332832

you forgot BitBean

>> No.3332844

Okay now THAT'S a behemoth coin. Where my /beaners/ at?

>> No.3332886

No but gold is a precious metal. Not only is it historically a tangible currency, it has material wealth in jewellery and electronics, etc. Crypto is designed with a utilitarian purpose in mind but the majority of its ownership doesn't reflect that. People hoard it because they want to cash out.

I think investing in the crypto op listed as an investment vehicle is a bad idea because crypto is very volatile If you want to use those coins to buy stuff, go ahead I support that use.

If you want to play with volatile investments, why not buy a smaller amount of randocoins?

>> No.3332923

I just don't see the value in Litecoin. Never fucking have. It seems great in the short term, which is what I sometimes use it for, and I've traded it, but as a long term hold it doesn't seem to have any real reason to grow.

I say that because as Bitcoin gets "better", Litecoin just looks worse in comparison. And I see Bitcoin becoming a lot "better" in every way in the future.

>> No.3332933


go to bed, Peter

>> No.3333026

Until Bitcoin gets its house in order re:speed of transactions and cost of transactions there will always be a place for either LTC or ETH as an entry/exit point to and from fiat just because of convenience alone.

>> No.3333274

OP is a retard who probably is also a normie

The real coins to buy for 50x+ gains in a year are




Xmr is fine, neo is solid but those 3 will take you to the moon.

>> No.3333300

This guy gets it also add OMG to that list

>> No.3333566

I mean he's got a point aside from the fact that the coins listed are stable and relatively safe bets

>> No.3333593



>> No.3333613

>True privacy coin (ignore any Zcash/Verge/PIVX retards).
>implying zcash zk-snarks aren't better
>implying vitalik isn't adding zk-snarks to ethereum because they're better

>> No.3333634

These are ones that will still exist in 10 years. Nearly everything else talked about on /biz/ won't. And with 10 more years of a proven track record and 10 more years of gaining users, they'll most likely go up. Way up.

>> No.3333715

Monero is the only one with decent fundamentals. Eth is premined and inflationary. BTC can't be used for basic transactions and is traceable. Litecoin is nothing special.

>> No.3333774

Eth is practically an ICO factory, it's not going to have trouble keeping people's attention.

Bitcoin has proven developers that can make well-tested changes and are about to leapfrog other cryptocurrencies in scalability without sacrificing decentralization when the lightning network takes off.

Litecoin isn't anything special, but it was the first popular me-too altcoin that's stayed similar enough to Bitcoin but changed just enough about the PoW to get a different miner ecosystem such that people see it as a safe hedge against certain types of risks to Bitcoin. I think it's weaker than anything else in OP though.

>> No.3333872
File: 316 KB, 570x530, 1458949798456-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agree with you on most of that.
But why you prefer LTC to BCH?

on bitcoin cash, it will be easier and cheaper to be an hub, with many connections; so this will help decentralization.

I think that if you make it easier to get tx, then there will be more businesses, and so more nodes. By increasing the fees on bitcoin, there will be less nodes and it will reduce the number of businness that use bitcoin

Altcoins can be cheaper, but they have smaller network of users. BCH is the exception on this because it can possibly have the same network of users of bitcoin but with cheaper fees.

>> No.3333882


Lightning networks will make transactions untraceable.

>> No.3333938

Can you provide a source for this claim?

>> No.3333967
File: 128 KB, 1920x1080, in this moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


other alphacoiners, what are some serious concerns with these 4 coins? Hoping to have some real discussion on this thread instead hopefully free of neo shills and dgb tards

With Monero for example, I don't like how annoying setting up a wallet is. It needs to be more user friendly and secure. I'd rather they obscure the private key like Coinbase does (talking about mymonero.com) and instead use a password + 2FA. Its more user friendly, esp when you consider plebs will just copy paste their private key onto a txt document and get hacked and lose their money

And bitcoin's tx fees and times are annoying me too. How can I invest in btc when its got such shitty fees? Will something EVER be done about this?

>if you dont own any of these 4 coins, kys btw

>> No.3333977

wow a biztard who doesnt fud ltc exclusively. what a rarity

>> No.3333984

Here's a description: https://bitcoinmagazine.com/articles/how-the-lightning-network-layers-privacy-on-top-of-bitcoin-1482183775/

The anonymity seems possibly better than Dash's coinjoin transactions, but I think it still leaks a bit more info than Monero or Zcash do. I'm not sure I see it completely replacing those currencies for darknet use.

>> No.3333986

Actually, Monero is the only coin that matters. The whole point of why Bitcoin was adopted in the first place was that people thought it was anonymous and private.

>> No.3334000

memes are the most valuable online currency there is. i would gladly put everything into ltc if i knew that it was the internets number one approved meme coin

>> No.3334018

but I think the anonymity from it is enough that it dampens any pushes for monero/zcash maximalism because btc ln is "good enough" anonymity for most uses. Especially when you combine it with lightning network's instant confirmations.

>> No.3334093

>With Monero for example, I don't like how annoying setting up a wallet is.
You start it up, write down a backup code, let it sync, and have an address that can receive shit. If you're using mymonero.com it's like as simple as possible, jesus christ.
>I'd rather they obscure the private key like Coinbase does (talking about mymonero.com) and instead use a password + 2FA.
If you're not trolling then you have a lot of learning to do.
It's not that Coinbase obscures the private key from you, it's that they don't give you it at all. Because they're holding the currency. It's theirs, and they let you tell them what to do with some of their currency. If they have trouble, their users will get goxxed. Don't think it can't happen and that things are different now. Back then, MtGox was the pillar we thought it couldn't happen to.

Local wallet software can't depend on 2FA. You can't encrypt by 2FA. 2FA only works for the situation that someone else has your private key (and can gox you).

>And bitcoin's tx fees and times are annoying me too. How can I invest in btc when its got such shitty fees? Will something EVER be done about this?
lightning network. More users doing segwit transactions.

>> No.3334094

As long as there is a rich list for Bitcoin, then it's not anonymous or private.

>> No.3334357

Why does everyone keep shilling 0x? The charts just keep going down.

>> No.3334435


Been in this game since 2013

I own 7 coins, which includes all 4 of these

Bitcoin cash is a good hedge

Add ripple and iota and you have yourself a good portfolio

>> No.3334440

Did you make it to Lamboland?

>> No.3334495
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wouldn't waste that kind of capital on a car, especially since I'm married

Lambo is worthless if you're not single IMO

But I have done well. I still work abnormal job (make roughly 110k) but use the majority of my income to save and buy more coins and AI / robotic stocks

>> No.3334523

What makes Ark so different?

>> No.3334604

right on OP.

There are no coins for your core portfolio holdings than these. (for me, Bitcoin is BCC)

>> No.3334611



Remove the above garbage.
Replace with:

Bitcoin Cash

>> No.3334655

>Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

Only brainlets would limit their options.

>> No.3334846

LTC is a shitcoin.

>> No.3334854

Poorfag, just bought $400 more btc.
Because this is the bottom of the dip right?