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File: 89 KB, 696x449, What-is-OmiseGo-OMG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3328851 No.3328851 [Reply] [Original]

>One Thai baht is $0.03
>One OMG coin is $10~
>minimum daily wage in Thailand is $9
>Big Mac in Thailand costs $3

Remind me why we think this coin is going to go to $20, $100, $700, etc.

>> No.3328906
File: 22 KB, 500x300, Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, we're essentially investing in the currency of a third world country here where guys dress up like women and literally suck the dicks of tourists for money.

Is this really a wise idea?

We all think Vitalik's involvement means it's a great investment, but isn't he really doing this as more of a philanthropic project? Are we stupid assholes?

>> No.3328946


THB goes up

>> No.3328965

>durr I see graph going down

>> No.3328968

Are you retarded?

The OMG token is for running the network. No one is going to be buying big macs with OMG

Prime example of a clueless fudder

>> No.3328979


26th largest GDP in the world...

>> No.3329004

So wtf are they buying big macs with then

>> No.3329012

you know that is good right?

>> No.3329090



Airline miles
Subway vouchers
WoW gold

>> No.3329121

I have $2000 invested in this and am seriously considering backing out when it gets back to $12.

Tell us more.

>> No.3329164


Just cash out I cba to type an essay

>> No.3329199
File: 68 KB, 538x754, Hitler computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>investing in the currency of a third world country here where guys dress up like women and literally suck the dicks of tourists for money.

You understand this is actually an unprecedented level of legitimacy and potential for greatness for an alt-coin, right?

>> No.3329228

It won't quite work like that, but potentially. The other party would need to agree to be a part of a payment gateway I assume.

There is a lot of hype because of Vitalik and Joseph Poon, but more than that people that did real research can see the possibilites if they pull it off right.


Is it a gamble? Yes but you are never going to make a buck in a very short period of time if you don't assume risk.

>> No.3329293

Who gives a fuck. This whole crypto thing is bullshit. Just make lots of money, cash out and fuck hookers. Why you asking so many questions?

>> No.3329322

Adding to this what the OP described is nothing like what they are trying to do (read: he is a faggot).

>> No.3329332

tenth most used currency in the world, and you forgot to take the market cap into consideration.

see you on the moon

>> No.3329348

Did someone other than an Omise employee confirm the McDonalds partnership?

>> No.3329379

You're probably joking, but why are people so obsessed with the value of one coin? Like that's the only way they can spend it, one by one. Don't you realize you can use a fraction of a coin?

>> No.3329478
File: 48 KB, 728x567, mercy_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SE Asia has the most promising growth potential of any region on the planet. A quarter of a billion people that aren't totally cucked, high average intelligence, and a high interest in capitalism due to seeing all of the failed communist regimes around them in the last 50 years? Sign me the fuck up, senpai.

Also you don't know how to read charts. Literally jump off a bridge.

>> No.3329524

You are a quarter of a billion short. Try half a billion.

>> No.3329923

>the graph goes down so it must be bad
you do realize that the THB gains value relative to USD, right?