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3327774 No.3327774 [Reply] [Original]

What is the male to female ratio for crypto investors? Has anyone ever met a female who owns more than a token amount of bitcoin? Ever know a girl who was into alt currencies?

>> No.3327790

They are too busy buying designer purses and shoes to care about imaginary internet money silly boy.

>> No.3327835
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Can we keep the fucking sjw diversity quota's out of our crypto safe space.

Let it destroy google, I never liked google anyway.

>> No.3327852


>> No.3327859

Why does it matter? The market doesn't give a shit if you got a dick or a pussy. All it cares for is cash and balls.

>> No.3327896

Like any new technology its 90 to 1. Women only show up after they see a bunch of men in a place and they only do it to gain attention. They will show up, ruin everything then men will move on to the next new thing. But crypto may be different. Women never did take well to the stockexchanges. Prerhaps women wont shit all over crypto?

>> No.3327940

Woman here. Yeah, it is hard. My boyfriend is always minimizing my gains, and saying im losing time with crypto.. even though i made more than his entire salary for a year. So the problem is if a guy does it.. he is like edgy.. if a woman makes it, it is seen like an addiction, gambling or somehow negative.

>> No.3327959


not very impressive

the idea is this proves that men and women are vastly different.

>> No.3327966

My daughter has 100 BTC I got her a few years ago. Locked away until she's 18 though so 15 more years of hodl

>> No.3327972
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, flcl-fooly-cooly-artwork-cigarettes-anime-girls-1920x1080-11617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dump him

>> No.3327986

kill him.

>> No.3328028


sounds like a nu-male. tell him skinny pants aren't cool anymore

>> No.3328043

indeed.. he is trying to be hipster and environmentally friendly...

>> No.3328583

Cry me a fucking river Wonder Woman. The media hates White men and it gets more obvious by the day.

>> No.3328629

have you tried not being a soul sucking harlot who fucks all his friends

>> No.3328653

the bancor jew?

>> No.3328659

Femanon here. I own 10 altcoins and quite a bit of bitcoin.

>> No.3328660

>Woman here.
You know the rule. Tits or gtfo.

>> No.3328718

Sounds like he's envious of you. He doesn't doesn't want you to make it big because it'll hurt his ego.

>> No.3328742

If the media hates white men then why is the media full of white men?

>> No.3328751

You are so ignorant to the ways of the world I don't know how you feed yourself.


>> No.3328753

>(((white men)))

>> No.3328756

they're all self-loathing SJW faggots thats why

>> No.3328773

Crypto tips YouTube channel

>> No.3328786
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That's not quite why.

>> No.3328932


jews /= whites

but damnit they try to camouflage themselves

>> No.3328967


go back to /b/

he got fired for that article.

>> No.3328973

skinny pants are still very cool
just because your trump pals are wearing nothing but beige dress pants and white polos it doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.3329015


>> No.3329023

The average woman is very stupid. My gf has a degree in economy and I tried to redpill her on crypto, but there is no point. According to her is "weird, not interesting and complicated" and every time that I talk about crypto she gets mad.
The only thing that really interest her is the new make up brand, clothing and gossips.

According to her "she doesn't like money" from the point of view of stocks, inflation, conversion rates, macroeconomics, interest etc. The only thing that she wants is a credit card that had no concerns attached (fees, interest etc).

She studied economics because "she wants to help poor people".

God woman are stupid

>> No.3329033

She must be really fucking hot

>> No.3329038

fill us in on the war on christmas next please?

>> No.3329046

>Woman here

Stopped reading right there

>> No.3329049

Fuck you, rules are rules.

>> No.3329080

>my dumb choice in girlfriend is representative of 50% of the population
I think by that logic, men are stupid for specifically seeking out the dumb girls

>> No.3329101

I went out with this chick last night and we ended up talking about anime

>> No.3329170

I would fuck two of then.

>> No.3329217

You want the ones wearing ties eh?

>> No.3329267

We are a match made in heaven, too bad we will never meet. Our partners should date each other.. cannot stand anymore their level of stupidity. My boyfriend still wants to go to India/Tibet to find himself just trying to get some personality.

>> No.3329285
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daum i am on the opposite end my girl is close minded and thinking of dumping her shes dragging me down always spending money on things we do not need good think we do not live with each other but its time to move on, need to focus on getting more Bit Coin

>> No.3329345

It is hard, anon. Me too, it is hard for me to leave my bf. Someone who loves you, should trust you.

>> No.3329382

just slash his throat when he comes back from work. he doesn't deserve a cryptocutie.

>> No.3329408
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yea its hard for me too, but i am getting frustrated she does not see the bigger picture, all signs are pointing at a recession here in the US i ask myself is this the right partner in the long run

>> No.3329421

More than half those people look exactly the same as yoir average white, unless you compare them to full Nordics you can't even tell a difference. I don't get you conspiracy people, you say Jews control the media to vote in Democrats yet places like NYT uncovered the Hillary controversies and CNN gave a shitload of air time to Trump.

>> No.3329437

Tits or gtfo

>> No.3329451

bits or gtfo

>> No.3329525

lol wtf find himself wake up we have a storm coming who ever is not holding at least 1BTC in the coming years will be a wage cuck

>> No.3329572

Anon, thanks for the support. I agree...

>> No.3329696

>girl making more money than her boyfriend
Unacceptable, break up with him.

>> No.3329700

i like my partner to be open minded and working towards the same goals as me, any time babe, if you where my girl with every boost of our personal economy we would celebrate big time ;) even make you give me a nice BJ while opening a bottle of fine champagne or sake

>> No.3329755
File: 82 KB, 420x292, 7-horse-mouth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dear fucking god

>> No.3329756

>What is the male to female ratio for crypto investors?
Female software engineer here. The last I checked 2% of the crypto market was female. The only explanation I have is that most females just aren't interested in it because it was primarily an investment opportunity, and women generally are less likely to take risks (in my experience). The shift towards a more even ratio will start to happen next year when non-currency blockchain applications start to take off, such as Patientory, Factom, Paragon etc.

>Has anyone ever met a female who owns more than a token amount of bitcoin? Ever know a girl who was into alt currencies?
My husband and I are both balls-deep in crypto investments and I'm currently trying to get all the way in on ARK. I am incredibly excited about this tech. I work for a large gov't contractor and have a blockchain lab in the works with upper management.

It's an unfortunate state. Females in general will find themselves behind the times yet again due to reluctance to enter technical fields and financial markets and it's really too bad for all of us. Females will make up 50% of the population for a long time to come and finding a way to spark interest would help all of us but I think crypto will find it difficult to get women invested over the next few years.

>> No.3329820

I'm actually curious why crypto seems to be so male dominated. SJWs always claim STEM fields are male-dominated because women are systematically (or at least socially) discouraged from getting into math and science, that it's a boys club, etc etc. But the markets know no gender. And unlike the stock markets, almost all discussion about crypto happens online, anonymously, via message boards or chat groups. I think most people doing this have experienced talking to people in their life about it and getting shutdown because "it's a bubble" or whatever -- maybe it's worse for women, but I can't imagine that makes a big difference. So why is everyone here a dude?

>> No.3329838

>all those feet in flats/heel asking to be worshiped

>> No.3329853

How the fuck do you convince your uppers to start putting resources into blockchain tech internally? It's been such a battle at my place of work because no one understands the implications.

>> No.3329867

GTFO. "conspiracy people", come on

>> No.3329892

Women lack future time orientation and have trouble comprehending that something could be worth more money in the future than it is now.

>> No.3329901

Seems like you missed a dose of the red pill. Have one:


>> No.3329903

which altcoin do you own 10 of?

>> No.3329927

Did you write your elevator pitch? I was fortunate to "know people who know people" and I basically told my "people": "we need a blockchain lab, like, yesterday". He was also already working on IoT applications and was open to the idea, which helps. I summarized the purpose of a lab in two bullet points:

- Learn how to synchronize under adversarial conditions
- Reconstruct the state of the network on independent nodes, no trust required

They really liked the security/scalability angles. If you presented a useful application and had enough knowledge about the tech to explain why blockchain is the future and they still didn't listen, seriously, fuck those guys. Anyone not on the boat will be left behind.

>> No.3330019


Where can I find women like you? I don't assume in the club, or am I mistaken?

Most girls around me are dull and have no actual interest in tech, so maybe I'm searching in the wrong place.

>> No.3330050

lol skinny has been out for years in fashion circles
you're either a laggard normie or an unfortunately stupid autist, most of us here are at least smarter than average but you really got the short end huh?

>> No.3330091

I guess it's hard for me because I work in a consultancy biz with only side-teams for product development, but I did try to elevator-pitch working with hyperledger and (soon) cocos as a way to present clients with custom blockchain solutions (primarily for ecommerce). There've been no bites, I think partly because of the uncertainty and partly because whenever I say "blockchain" eyes glaze over and no one cares anymore because they just think I'm talking about bitcoin.

Fuck I need a new job. I envy you.

>> No.3330143

Sorry anon, I'm trans, I don't count.

>> No.3330145

I'm actually glad to here your coworkers not give a shit. It just means we're still at a stage where we are early adopters.

>> No.3330189

I have no idea, I would like to find another girl with the same interests to be friend with. I convinced my best friends, and even gave them .10 btc to start.. at least they are holding.

I would like to change bf, but 1. I don't want to date another guy not redpilled/blackpilled.
2. To have that level of conversation, without being seen as crazy takes several dates.
3. The guy must start revealing his deep thoughts, and then I will share mine.
4. It won't happen, unless the guy is slightly naive or newbie, so he would reveal everything so fast to get my attention.
5. If he is that naive, I am not sure I will find that sexy.
But that's me...
So I guess go on linkedin, and search the cryptodevelopers that are girls.

>> No.3330250

I really don't know, and, trust me, I have been looking... I was on the computer constantly as a kid, but did a lot of normal-girl shit like write fanfiction and post on forums. I had plenty of female friends on and offline, but when I finally decided to become a CS major in college I basically never got to spend time with other girls ever again, unless they were girlfriends/wives of friends... There weren't very many females in my classes, most of them were just interested in video games or web design and saw me as direct competition for scholarships and beta-male dick. Even the ones I work with in the technical field are not interested in cryptocurrency/blockchain technology. The females I graduated with were intelligent and technical, but they are primarily interested in either current events or video games. My social circle (husband, friends and co-workers) is now officially 100% male, excluding me.

girl (male)

Do you wanna start a blockchain lab with me and my friends, anon?

H-hey, anon... do you want to be my cryptobabe gf?

>> No.3330375

Jews are as representative of whites as millionaires are representative of population as a whole.

>> No.3330380

>Do you wanna start a blockchain lab with me and my friends, anon?
sorry, too shy. 4chan has been most of my socializing since '05.

>> No.3330398

You don't get it because you don't have the mental capacity for middle school math. Unfortunately most of the world shares your deficiency. For the few of us who don't, the overrepresentation of jewish people is statistically unexplainable by any indicator other than collusion and corruption.

>> No.3330465

Yeah lets be friends... I made a thread the other day to find girls, and everyone was like tits or gtfo.. so I had no success.