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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 745x481, omisego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3325739 No.3325739 [Reply] [Original]

>sold my car = $17k
>sold all the useless electronics in my house = $1.5k
>pulled out all my savings = $24k
>borrowed from a friend (who I promised I would repay with interest in 6 months) = $11.5k

I have gone all in and bought 5,510 OMG with the 54 grand.

Everything about this coin is amazing, from top to bottom.

I am crazy or a genius for doing this?

>> No.3325753

>I am crazy or a genius for doing this?

No, you're a pathological liar, and not a very good one at that.

>> No.3325755

AND you bought the dip. You are crazy but so is every genius. Good job anon.

>> No.3325763

>The FUD is real.
NEO bags getting heavy senpai

>> No.3325776

what makes you think this is the bottom

>> No.3325783

Screencap OP. Post proof

>> No.3325784

so that means you think this is crazy and irresponsible since you don't even believe it.

I am not lying, just want to get feedback and wondering whether anyone else has decided to go all in on one coin.

>> No.3325799


then post a screenshot faggot

>> No.3325806

What makes you think it isnt? A dip is a dip and he bought it instead of selling.

>> No.3325814

don't even mention NEO or Antshares makes me want to puke, I wanted to do something similar with NEO when it was under 10 bucks but chickened out and didn't pull the trigger, makes me fucking sick.

I am glad I won't make the same mistake with OMG.

>> No.3325816

Post proof or gtfo

>> No.3325833

Going all in on ans at $7 dollars was the best decision ive ever made. Dont put all your eggs in one basket. This is not a basket this is a rocket.

>> No.3325876


>> No.3325877

dip is relative if it keeps dropping its not the dip

>> No.3325908


Post screenshot faggot

>> No.3325913
File: 152 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170903-161248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With you OP

I'm either destined for destitution or lamboland no in between

>> No.3325940
File: 29 KB, 1255x253, 9zJti0f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will you retards go away

>> No.3325942
File: 23 KB, 1270x206, ayy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right there with you, except I'm not stupid and still have over 5k savings in fiat

>> No.3325952

Wow over 20k, guess it puts my purchase into prespective.

Thats what I am thinking this thing is binary, it is either going to zero or over 100.

>> No.3326020

wow a squiggly line

>> No.3326025

I am not completely insane I do have around 1k cash, but apart from that pretty much all in

>> No.3326039

I've actually been thinking about moving my XMR and BTC into OMG (17.5 BTC).

>> No.3326067

mfw I've been shorting and longing OMG ...first day doing this and I've gone from 14.1k to 17.3k .....why did i do this sooner ;D

>> No.3326080

im also all in on OMG... 39 whole OMGS here haha
its peanuts but i got in at 196k so i am reasonable comfy

i didnt like this dip tho and regret not selling after the pump because it is only normal to pullback a bit

>> No.3326095

Lad you could literally buy three houses in the north west and live of the rent comfortably for around 2 grand a month for the rest of your life. Why bother risking it?

>> No.3326096

Just do this over and over. The coin has a predictable price pattern. I bought 200 shares initially and now have almost 500.

>> No.3326099

>$600 in vs $54k in
>right there with you

>> No.3326118

still is 10% of what I own in fiat, which is still risky in my opinion but yeah it obviously was a joke

>> No.3326129

What are you guys talking about? Selling at the top, buying at the bottom everytime because it is predictable?

>> No.3326137
File: 22 KB, 269x269, 67C0E8E3-4C05-46F8-84AE-5110C74A99E2-28330-00001AF1B75041EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw you went all in at 80k sats and will likely remain comfy forever

>> No.3326144
File: 42 KB, 492x500, qQQ94Q6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3326147

Hey I'll pay you for your time if you mentor me a little

>> No.3326155

Nice, aye ...notice the double top, its mimicing the downward trend....if btc breaks then OMG is going down more so ....however it could bounce (we're now at the price where the rally from 9.4usd to >12usd started)

>> No.3326175
File: 90 KB, 1498x932, IMG_4099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't pay anyone. just lurk on tradingview

>> No.3326177

lucky SOB wish I knew about it and researched sooner, anyway in a month my 224k sats entry point will be looking like peanuts.

>> No.3326182


Try your luck

>> No.3326186


Because this is an opportunity of a life time and we haven't even started yet. 2018 will be huge.

>> No.3326191

>Calls coins shares
Please don't do this

>> No.3326209

Fuck off. You're just hoping for better dividends. How does it feel that the devs don't care about marketing? Other gambling coins are going to take over because of this.

>> No.3326219

>calls tokens coins

lol you're wrong too isn't it funny

>> No.3326240
File: 96 KB, 798x1000, IMG_1249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yea. Love seeing shit like this. This is how you trade boys. Look and learn how to do it.

>> No.3326241
File: 90 KB, 1850x524, omgcircles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I've been trading for about a year now and never noticed a repeating pattern like OMGs. Here's some free autism I made before this recent pump

>> No.3326275
File: 97 KB, 726x325, accumilating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of people are missing the bigger picture with omise/omisego as a whole. This shit is going to fucking moon so hard. Palm beach research said $700 in the near future for a reason. With all the info in front of you $700 doesn't even sound crazy anymore just reasonable.

Trying to hit 1000 asap

>> No.3326300

My theory on why, is that this coin is totally ran by bots probably placed by Omise themselves to manage the price. Their whole profit model relies on people staking OMG in the long term to provide the network for their payment processing nodes. That's why they will be giving incentives when it goes live with their customers. To keep people engaged with the coin and give their customers confidence, they have to show the coin maintaining value which is why we've never really seen a dump of this coin's value. It pretty much maintains 10-20% baseline gains after each pump. Learn the bots, learn the price. By either today or tomorrow expect a pump to around 240K and then see it fall back to 225.

>> No.3326365

Could we use that information to profit?
Is it easier to predict when OMG is going up or down than to time other coins?
Do you have any strategy from now on?

>> No.3326385


>> No.3326414

Dude how do you short OMG? What exchange do you use??

>> No.3326472

Do you have the balls to ride the upcoming waves? The best thing you can do now is never check it's price for the next year or so.

>> No.3326485
File: 133 KB, 577x304, 1496117165526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

img related

>> No.3326522
File: 124 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170901-133646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the bubble pops I can't wait to see the suicides on the news. I love being a nocoiner

>> No.3326523

This is my challenge now, I pulled the trigger and went all in, now the hardest part is holding. I wish there was a way to lock myself out from my wallet for a specific period of time like 6 months, because I literally have everything I am worth in this thing, the price fluctuations is going to drive me nuts.

>> No.3326538

> palm beach research group

Does anyone have a leaked report or picture of their short term portfolio? You need to be a paid member or buy it apparently from their site.

Fucking kikes.

>> No.3326541

>+2.22% since July 03

>> No.3326546

That's just retarded though. This is all unexplored territory and has no reason to react the same as traditional markets although it could but no one knows currently it's all speculation.

Let's say it does bubble/pop who the hell cares if you aren't weak handed? Might as well sit on it for 2-4 years and wait for the next ride. Lot of impatient people here though.

>> No.3326548


>> No.3326555

the pdf has been floating around for a while lad. it's legit i've read it. it's just a little newsletter about upcoming projects. they did call ethereum because they believe in platform investment rather than token investment, and omg plans to be a platform

>> No.3326558

omisego has good FUNDAMENTALS and good MARKETING which is why i'm all in.

>> No.3326563

here m8 https://pbg-assets.s3.amazonaws.com/editorial/pbo/201708/20170817-pbo-monthly.pdf

>> No.3326574
File: 28 KB, 398x241, girls_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking kek

>> No.3326604
File: 66 KB, 600x800, cozy baba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


+1 ty

>> No.3326620

because hoard as much OMG as you possibly fucking can

<3 baba

>> No.3326648

I have 100 Stratis coins I got at 85 cents. Worth selling and buying OMG? Good time to get in right now?

>> No.3326676

All in here as well boys. Went all in at 100k. 15k omg here. Very excited and a nervous to see what Sept brings

>> No.3326678


>> No.3326679

also relevant info copypasta here

>already an existing payment gateway company
>Met with central bank of thailand to discuss integration
>Already being used/test ran in the ministry of fiance in thailand.
>Facepay will be used in ~240 mcd's locations across thailand.
>More news and expansion coming.
>Jun has already stated that Omise facepay and omisego will merge into 1 entity.
>Plasma will allow billions of transactions a second.
>Building their own blockchain with the help of money skeleton after they are done piggy backing eth/plasma to get started.
>Every transaction that goes through omise, facepay, omisego will benefit the price of omisego due to proof of stake.
>Palm beach research who predicted $360 for eth 18 months before hand predicts $700 for omise in the "near future"

>> No.3326794

You guys thinking 7th is next news date? Sort of seems like they could the 4th as well along with the airdrop

>> No.3326840

They have a conference on the 7th w/ Golem

>> No.3327077

Yeah I know, thinking maybe there is something before that possibly to go with airdrop

>> No.3327245

can someone red pill me on why this coin is any different from ethereum?

I just read the whitepaper and couldnt find any real difference from any other crypto. So why should I or would anyone else buy it?

>> No.3327386

This pls.

>> No.3327451
File: 115 KB, 688x931, 2017-09-03 19_49_18-OMG! Why we are backing OmiseGo – BitCoinNewsDesk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some reasons. My personal reasons are: Vitalik Buterin works on the project and will be the first PoS crypto on ethereum due to plasma. Also; McDonalds Thailand is confirmed.


>> No.3327469

Another point of view:


>> No.3327479

>McDonalds Thailand is confirmed.
By what? That pic with the CEO?

>> No.3327483

this is bait

>> No.3327500



>> No.3327512
File: 19 KB, 1080x226, Nicegains.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Git gud

>> No.3327538

That tweet just shows Jun with the McD Thailand CEO, doesn't prove anything at all.

And that link doesnt mention McDonalds.

>> No.3327545

>Mcdonalds Thailand
you guys are retarded

>> No.3327565

this has got to be a larp

no one is this dumb

>> No.3327579

>how do you know the partnership is real
>because they confirmed it
>You think the partnership is real because of a photo???
>no, it's real because they confirmed it check their Twitter or website
Idk how some people are so dumb

>> No.3327580

I'm just going to let BCH pump...then I think ETH will break out....and then i'll post a thread on what the news is (im 90% sure)

>> No.3327581

So regardless of what "The News" is, OMG is gonna get dumped to hell as soon or right before it's announced right? Should I sell at top and try to wait to rebuy at bottom, or is it too risky?

>> No.3327584
File: 428 KB, 623x806, 2017-09-03 20_00_11-JUNΞ on Twitter_ _Today we formally confirmed our relationship. It was very good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a special kind of retard aren't you? The CEO literally states that he confirms the strategic relationship in the tweet you replied to. That proves everything.


McDondalds are doubling their restaurants in Thailand over the next couple of years.

>> No.3327600

>>no, it's real because they confirmed it check their Twitter or website
I also have a partnership with McDonalds Thailand.

Check this post for proof.

>The CEO literally states that he confirms the strategic relationship in the tweet you replied to.
Pic unrelated?
Post link pls.

>> No.3327603

jesus how dense can you be

>> No.3327607

wtf i'm bearish now

>> No.3327645

Please explain how a pic with two CEOs proves a partnership between these CEOs.

>> No.3327661

"today we formally confirmed our relationship"

are you a fucking mongoloid?

how can you use a keyboard

>> No.3327671

Go look at KFC china adding smile pay
Now McDonalds will add Facepay

get rich off poor thai people that can only afford mcdonalds

>> No.3327679

much autism in here

>> No.3327686

mcdonalds more expensive there than street stands.

>> No.3327692

How risky is it to invest in OMG? I have 18 ETH that I am considering moving to OMG. This is spare money that I'm okay losing as I've taken my profit already, but if I could make some more money that'd be good. Just want some opinions.

>> No.3327694

Reading that gives me a boner

>> No.3327710

Just stay out or just buy one omg. It sounds like you don't have what it takes to really be here.

>> No.3327721

>today we formally confirmed our relationship
Multi-million dollar companies don't just tell lies publicly. Go suck on a can of helium, it might do you some good.

>> No.3327732

Its mind blowing how many people there eat McDonald's when they have so much better cheap food there

>> No.3327736

Haha what's your problem autismo? I've been holding 100 of these since they were six dollars.

>> No.3327741

Then shut the fuck up and hodl, bitch.

>> No.3327762
File: 49 KB, 311x649, johnomg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3327770

We both know it's going to dump hard around the time the big news is announced. Not at least considering capitalizing on that makes you the bitch.

>> No.3327785

Then why the fuck ask for, faggot? Just dump if you already know. Dumb cunt.

>> No.3327794

there's probably less than 25 mcdonalds in thailand. it's restaurant style.

>> No.3327803

>We both know it's going to dump hard around the time the big news is announced
That doesn't make sense.
The big news will be a huge excitement and drive the price up.
That's kind of obvious, I can't see why you think otherwise.

>> No.3327808

There's 240 and they will be doubling the number in 2 years.

>> No.3327820

it sounds like you've never even set foot in asia.

>> No.3327824

whales usually get insider information and crash the value before a big announcement to pick up cheap coins
happened with OMG last week before the moon

>> No.3327845

>there's probably less than 25 mcdonalds in thailand
Why don't you research instead of coming out with numbers out of thin air?
There are 240 McDonald's in Thailand.

>> No.3327850

It happens every time. "Buy the rumor, sell the news" is not just a meme. Usually whales will dump most of their bags around the day of the news when excitement is the highest, then afterwards, if the news was actually good, they'll rebuy at floor prices.

>> No.3327857


>> No.3327876

So you think OMG price will drop right after the announcement and then moon a few hours later?
I think you (people on /biz/ actually) overestimate the power and influence of whales.
Also, why would whales get inside information? Just because they hold lots of coins? How would that work? They email Omise saying they own lots of OMG and then Omise gives them insider info? That's not how it works.

>> No.3327887


You don't what the fuck is going to happen because you don't know what is going to be announced. If it's big it won't have been priced in you'll sell and remain poor.
But yeah, keep guzzling down those trader memes as though they're gospel the way you do cum.

>> No.3327898

Do you guys have a graph of OMG that shows this behavior?
When the last news hit (which day was it?) did the price immediately drop? And mooned only hours later?

I'd be interesting in checking this out, but I'm not sure...

>> No.3327936

>I am crazy or a genius for doing this?
Definitely crazy, but I hope it works out for you, OP.

>> No.3327961

>I am crazy or a genius for doing this?
>he went all in
neither, you are a full on retard

>> No.3328003


08/09/17, price was around 102K sats when the plasma/vitalik news were dropped

>> No.3328055

should i back ETH or OMG? thoughts?

>> No.3328206

Just bought 150 @ 10

>> No.3328238

i Hold 1300 OMG at present Maxxed out my Credit cards doing so but dont care. I can pay a couple of thousand interest to be rich. Ill be buying 900 more OMG this month if all goes well please keep dumping this coin, Ill hold your bags happily Ive been working out and am literally made of titanium so Im not selling for anything unless money skele man dies.

>> No.3328272

lol. the pink wojacks are gonna be crazy when this coin dips right after the conference, or when the news turns out to be a fucking wallet or something

>> No.3328313

Pink wojacks are for jealousy, not anger. Get it right, fudboy

>> No.3328322

why not both?

>> No.3328381
File: 65 KB, 1104x515, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I graphed Aug. 08 -- Aug. 12.
it was pretty stable moving sideways. The Aug. 09 announcement of plasma and vitalik came and a few hours later (by Aug. 10) price started to rise until a peak on Aug. 11.

Went from $3.15 to $6.75 in these few days, all you had to do was to hold.

And there's been to big dip around Aug. 09 as you said.
Selling there wouldn't be too smart.

So... I will just hold through September. Trying to time the market would just make me lose the mooning.

>> No.3328386

I want to buy 80 OMG, is now a good time to get in? I fucked up not buying it at 7 bucks.

>> No.3328396


Good point. Is OMG going to be worth it though, if I only have a little bit available?

If I invest $100 and it doubles, that'd be cool I guess. I got in to ETH when it was $15 and it rocketed. Does OMG have that potential?

>> No.3328451
File: 201 KB, 1280x800, 1504125424926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Palm Beach Report pdf says it'll go to $700 soon enough, I'd say it's valuable enough to hold for 5 years or so

>> No.3328478
File: 34 KB, 461x463, Unbenannt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but please read the entire paragraph.

>> No.3328493


Banks do this all the time to make options expire worthless. The sell on good news or earnings, crash the stock, let the options they've sold expire worthless, and then allow the stock to rise again.

>> No.3328546



>> No.3328554

lol. world wide usage. this is what OMG fags think will happen

>> No.3328564

It will happen.

>> No.3328572

>McDondalds are doubling their restaurants in Thailand over the next couple of years.

by the time they finish, the popularity of american fast food in asia will already have hit its peak and will have no choice but to go out of business like in the west. mcdonalds is like a leech sucking off the life soul of its communities as long as it can and when people wise up they start over again somewhere new.

basing your investment decisions off these types off of food service is dumber than retail

>> No.3328574

A billion dollars is a lot for a whitepaper. I'll buy after the crash when the news turns out to be underwhelming.

>> No.3328581


McDonald's is delicious HOLD YOUR TONGUE

>> No.3328673

In my opinion it's a pretty good time.
Even if it drops a little in the next few days, it's guaranteed to be worth a lot more by the end of the month.
Buy and hold for 30 days (or more) and you're golden.

>> No.3328680

Why guaranteed?

>> No.3328714

Omise promised big news for September.
Whatever it is, it's going to have a huge impact.
Last news (plasma and Vitalik involvement) made the price double. See the graph on >>3328381
Are we going to see it double again? I don't know. But it will finish September higher then it started, that's for sure.

>> No.3328789

this $700 meme needs to stop. the pdf just says $70 lol.

>> No.3328797


>> No.3328829

I've never wanted to see a coin crash harder than omg. Just for the pink wojaks. It would be great. Hope omg is nothing but vaporware

>> No.3328835

Where can i buy this?

>> No.3328843

Yobit exchange

>> No.3328845


Why? Because you're a noOMGfag?

Seriously, compare OMG to literally anything else and you know this is a good bet.

>> No.3328871


You can still fuck with this faggot shit in the interim for some decent gains, but yes, when it's over it's gonna be hilarious. This shit is literally gambling and anyone can play Rothschild Simulator 1815 with it.

>> No.3328936


And where's the guarantee that this will pick off in the near future, or at all? All i see on the exchange is buying orders with people obviously wanting to cash out sooner or later, but i can't see that much people selling it.

>> No.3328942

Where are you posting from?

>> No.3328957

so this is the big month boyos. if this one goes to $50 buckaroos i'm in bmw m4 land

>> No.3329031

lemme guess, 50% ARK and 50% NEO

>> No.3329091

From my PC. Where exactly do you get the hint that this will go up to say, 2$? And in how much time

This smells like the typical case of a failcoin. You know, the one with a lot of hype at the start but with ultimately never going anywhere

>> No.3329098

Says one of them.
The one who actually has anything to gain from making it up.

What are you not getting?

I could set up a token/coin, go snap a pic with some CEO at some event, and then claim we made a partnership just to pump my token/coin.

>> No.3329107

He says he 'won't go that far' after that. $713 IS the conservative estimate. Do you people only look at the numbers or what?

>> No.3329118

you think jews would allow this to happen to banks?

>> No.3329128

This coin is all about hero worship. Vitalik official advisor means moon guaranteed. Yay.

>> No.3329405

so what you're telling me is that in 5 years i can go to thailand and get a lambo worth of burgers?

>> No.3329442

You sound like a third-worlder.

>> No.3329459

I think it's saying they won't go as far as to say it will have a $500b valuation when it achieves worldwide use. But the $100b conservative valuation is still when it has worldwide use, not "next month" like some people seem to think...

>> No.3329695

they can't control this, just like thay couldnt control paypal or bitcoin

>> No.3329726

OMG is the only company that already has a working product that is used. What are you on?

>> No.3329736

Lol 5k savings , your like two month's away from homeless.

>> No.3329802

>can't live on less than 2500 a month

learn some fucking restraint burgerboy

>> No.3329864


No it doesn't you idiot. Omise does not currently use blockchain for its payment system, that's the plan 2-3yrs down the line.

Everyone thinks this coin is invincible, shits gonna crash.

>> No.3329948

Sure, I'm thinking long-term. Plan on buying this on hodling until I can't feel my arms anymore.
I think $30-$50 is a reasonable estimate for winter.

>> No.3330127

That would be the worst decision in human history

>> No.3330274
File: 55 KB, 480x480, jt-thailand-2015-4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy on the right is Hester Chew, the fucking CEO of McDonald's Thailand. Literally took 3 seconds to look up. CEOs of companies don't just lie about partnerships on social media. Enjoy sophomore year college you never-had-a-real-job dimwit

>> No.3330292

titanium coated diamond hands reporting in

>> No.3330317

You know the drop in price past few days. That was me and others taking our profits. Why did we do this? Because of fucking morons like you, buying into all-time-high by selling your car and investing all your savings.

This isn't fucking healthy. For your personal finance, but more importantly to me, for the coin. This coin is supposed to be worth 8$ by now. Instead it shot up to unsustainable 13.25$ because the normies and degenerates finally woke up to the potential of the coin.

I expect this coin to tank. The first wave is over and it was fucking crazy. 1 billion marketcap in 1 month...

we had something nice going with this coin, but now it is too mainstream and volatile. All because of people like you who can't into personal finance.

I do not hope you lose it all, but you deserve to.

>> No.3330356

Little guppies mad that he's not a whale anymore

>> No.3330362

>saying a normal price correction after a pump was him and other """whales""" taking their profits
Nice larp faggot. Lurk moar with your 0.5BTC

>> No.3330384

Why do you think it'll tank? You think this FUD post will let normies or newcomers to sell?

>> No.3330424

>You know the drop in price past few days. That was me and others taking our profits.

>> No.3330530

because now there is scared money in this coin. money looking to double up in a week. money that can not be afforded to lose.

because now this coin is overhyped. the price already includes McDonalds and Apple. when Omise releases facepay (a gimmick only a small percentage of people will use once or twice) that works with the iPhone, or a simple desktop wallet, people will be disappointed like hell and the news will be sold hard.

because this is the natural way of a coin's evolution. it can't just keep going up to 30$-100$-700$. like ethereum, coins move in waves. omisego is right now at the top of the wave. and there are a lot of bubbles and scum there.

about fudding. i still have 14k OMG. it is not in my interest for this coin to crash down to pre-hype levels, while waiting for more news and actual adoption in 12-16 months. but i call it how i see it: this coin has a fever right now, its price is neurotic, and its holders are highly delusional and irrational. not healthy.

>> No.3330561

And did you know the Palm Beach Confidential issue was leaked on purpose? Did you really think the Apple cocktease news was started by itself, and not concocted in a whale group?

You know what happens after a pump? The people who bought in around 1$ start cashing out.

But by all means, ride this wave all the way to your palm beach.

>> No.3330562

> the coin will crash for sure!
> I'm not fudding, I have 14000 OMG!
So you are holding 150 thousand dollars in a coin you think is going to crash soon?
Just fuck off already.

>> No.3330570

you might make it, you might not, but a genius you are definitely not

>> No.3330573

if you guess the amount of bitcoin i hold with a 10 bitcoin range, ill send you 0.5BTC.

>> No.3330588


>> No.3330603

Fuck off, LARPer.

>> No.3330655


>> No.3330664


>> No.3330679

Stop larping kid
The coin should have naturally been above $10 a fortnight ago but the whales (not you chump change) were holding it at $8 hard
It would still be over $12 if btc didn't shit the bed

You have zero idea how this crypto shit works
stop pretending

>> No.3330695


>> No.3330724

Nice just sold 100k

>> No.3330734

And this is how I know yoire full of shit

NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT APPLE except for broke ass overly hyped literally fucking who's on 4chan and reddit
I haven't seen mention of apple anywhere by anyone serious, no one in my discords or ircs take any notice of the completely unsubstantiated and baseless rumors spread by poorfag anons

Stop it cunt, yore a joke

>> No.3330743

Lol if whales were taking profits it would stay under $10, not repeat the same consolidation pattern as it did before last pump. 2/10 larp

>> No.3330797

Sticking with my original bet of 0.5 fag

>> No.3330812


Those OMG Bags getting heavy new friend? Does it bother you that you bought at ATH like a chump? Do you not like that someone else has your money, and you're going to have to watch an overpumped coin bleed out for the next 6 months?

>> No.3330856

You're trying to hard faggot

>> No.3330877

Keep talking shit, it just further proves yoire a clueless larping faggot

No bags sonny
I was in on the ico
Now kys:^)

>> No.3330909


>> No.3331059 [DELETED] 

Am i the only one who looked into the apple guidlines!!!!! Here you idiots:

"5. Endorsement or Sponsorship: You may not use Apple, Macintosh, iMac, or any other Apple trademark, including Apple-owned graphic symbols/logos, or icons, in a manner that would imply Apple’s affiliation with or endorsement, sponsorship, or support of a third party product or service."

Do you reallythink that someone who represents on twitter his company is stupid enough too risk his whole reputation by posting "only" a sticker next to the logo of his own fucking Company???? He is obliged at least to clear things up because they know for sure about the rumours with their company and apple. And do you really think that his adsivorsy team that consists of the smartest people in the crypto world wouldn't let him him know that apple can literally sue the living shit out of him?? Apple is the biggest company in the world nobody wants to fuck with apple and if you too stupid too connect the dots you deserve to be fucking poor

>> No.3331075



>> No.3331179

Going 50/50 on OMG and WTC. Should I put more into OMG?

>> No.3331328

What do you see in wtc?

>> No.3331503

Has one of the better teams I have seen. Also read the whitepaper. I think this could net gains anywhere from 10X to 100X within a year or two. Do your own research though

>> No.3331552

What a fucking moron u are to not see the long term potential of OMG. Stay poor fag.

>> No.3331636

2 planes

>> No.3331874

that's what came to my anon mind straight up.

>> No.3331900

The "conservative estimate" in the .pdf was assuming that OMG captures only 0.05% of the global market share of the payments indsutry or something. Based on that, the author concluded that ~$70 was a conservative estimate.

Later, when trying to figure out the real potential - not being conservative - the author arrived at the ~$700 figure. He didn't say the $700 number was conservative (t's clearly not conservative to the author, since he already gave ~$70 as his conservative number), just that he thought $700 was a more realistic outcome if OMG actually catches on and starts getting used widely.

If the $700 figure is correlated with market share (and that's what formed the basis of his $70 estimate), then you'd expect OMG to be $700 if OMG was really successful and claimed 5% of the "payments industry" or whatever it's called (I can't remember).

There's nothing in the document that says "$700 in the near future". Even getting 0.5% of the world's payments to run through OMG - get a value of $70 by the conservative estimate - seems like something that would a team of experienced people multiple years. 5% is probably like a decade of work, if it ever happens at all.

And I say this as someone who recently put $42k into OMG before reading the whitepaper or the palm beach confidential doc, just going by people here saying "$700 in the near future!"

Now I have to figure out if I'm actually gonna hold this OMG, because 5% market share seems like something that could require almost a decade of holding. The next crypto crash will have happened by then and maybe I'll be able to buy OMG for $3 instead of the $11.60 I just paid...

>> No.3331915

>He says he 'won't go that far' after that. $713 IS the conservative estimate.

That's not what that means. He didn't come up with the other estimates. Those aren't his. So $713 isn't his conservative estimate.

He gave two estimates: ~$70 and $713. He explicitly referred to the $70 one as based on a "conservative" assumption and the context made the $713 estimate appear to be based on things going as planned for OMG.

>> No.3331946

>I think it's saying they won't go as far as to say it will have a $500b valuation when it achieves worldwide use.

Sure, but achieving "worldwide use" is not a conservative assumption.

At best, you could say that $713 was a conservative estimate of what happens in the successful / optimistic scenario. There's no guarantee that OMG achieves worldwide use at a level that pushes it up to $713 instead of just $70 - especially not in the near future.

>> No.3331965


>> No.3332085

I don't get why people take that pdf so seriously. Is calling your half-baked analysis "confidential" enough to get people to listen to it nowadays?
He gives $4 trillion as global total payments volume, but visa alone did $6 trillion last year. He assumes old-world stock market P/E ratios have any relevance to crypto, and basically repeatedly makes the mistake of treating crypto like a stock, which it emphatically isn't. He assumes a 1% fee on all transactions, when every crypto in the world charges a flat transaction fee, since that's the only model that makes sense. Now I'm not saying OMG is a shitcoin, and I'm not saying it's a rocket. Because if I take a position, you'll just disagree with me and ignore what I'm saying. This guy has no idea how to value a crypto.

>> No.3332093

No, I just know how to read.

The author of the palm beach pdf said this:

"It’s estimated that close to $4 trillion is moved via
global digital payment networks per year.
Let’s be ultra-conservative. If OMG can capture even
0.5% of that payment market, it will process $20
billion per year in payments.
If we assume a 1% transaction fee, that’s $200 million
per year in “tolls.”
There’s a total of 140 million OMG tokens. So, that’s a
potential of $1.42 per year per token in fee income.
As of now, there’s no formally recognized method to
value these types of blockchain companies because
they’re so new.
However, the equivalent in the stock world is called
the price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio. The P/E ratio
shows how much investors are willing to pay for $1 of
current earnings.
A traditional payment network like Visa has a 39 P/E.
A non-traditional payment network like PayPal has a
P/E of 49.
If we apply the P/E ratio to Omise, it would suggest a
token value between $55–$69.58. "

If OMG gets 0.5% (this number, 0.5%, is the "conservative" number) of the above-mentioned payment market, then OMG may be worth $55-69.58.

A bet on OMG reaching $713 is a bet on OMG doing much better than 0.5%. This isn't some special moon-mission token. This is a bet on the success of a private company. The only questions are:

1. What level of success do you think they will reach?
2. How long will it take them to reach that level of success?

1: 0.5%? 2%? 5%? 30%?
2: Once you've picked your number, decide on this: do you think they will capture that percentage of their market within one week? Within one month? Within one year? Five years? Maybe ten years?

If you think they'll only capture 0.5% and that it'll take them ten years to do so, then this coin could easily be worth $70 in ten years.

If you think they will capture 5% and that it'll take them two years to do so, then this coin could easily be worth $700 in two years.

>> No.3332106

>every crypto in the world charges a flat transaction fee, since that's the only model that makes sense.
Can you talk a bit more about this?

>> No.3332117

>He gives $4 trillion as global total payments volume, but visa alone did $6 trillion last year. He assumes old-world stock market P/E ratios have any relevance to crypto, and basically repeatedly makes the mistake of treating crypto like a stock, which it emphatically isn't. He assumes a 1% fee on all transactions, when every crypto in the world charges a flat transaction fee, since that's the only model that makes sense. Now I'm not saying OMG is a shitcoin, and I'm not saying it's a rocket. Because if I take a position, you'll just disagree with me and ignore what I'm saying. This guy has no idea how to value a crypto.

No, I agree with you. I wished I had thought about this more before putting more than 50% of my stack into OMG at ATH. :)

>> No.3332197

reality bubba. they have a mcds token in thailand. 1.42 income as a hypothetical math pipe dream makes it worth about 1$ as a limited supply currency it has a hypothetical value of 400$ todays rates MAX if it beats all the other coins competing for its spot. its a c tier shitcoin better than d or f tier. Alist is BTC BCH ETH LTC ... B list is Zcash Monero etc dash maybe neo. omg is down the list.

>> No.3332209

So, uh, guys, now what do I do, given I bought half my OMG at $11.60? :)

To be fair, I bought 25% at $8.60 and 25% at $10.40...

1000 @ $8.60 = $8,600
1000 @ $10.40 = $10,400
2000 @ $11.60 = $23,200

Total in: $42,200

If I sell it all now: $40,960

So a loss of $1,240. I guess that's not the most expensive lesson I could have learned here?

>> No.3332253

definitely worth a watch if you want to properly understand what OMG is doing. Skip it in to like 12 minutes when he goes through the layers. Wish I could put more than 200 bucks into OMG lol

>> No.3332272

In crypto, since it's the same amount of data and the same amount of security whatever the transaction value, you pay the same fee to move £1 as you do to move £1 million. It doesn't matter to the miner how much money you're moving, only how much block space it takes. They could try charging 1% or even more, but they'd just get undercut by the free market. Traditional payment processors (visa/mastercard/unionpay) charge a percentage because they have to deal with chargebacks and fraud and underwriting and settlement, but crypto doesn't have to deal with any of that, it's just bytes in a block. Oh and because visa/mastercard is basically a duopoly outside of china, so they can charge what they like and shops will pay because otherwise they're turning away half their customers.

>> No.3332299

very likely to pump before the news before the event with golem this week and then again before the 12th i'd say

>> No.3332308

Do you feel the pressure yet op ;)

>> No.3332338

hold OP I bought NEO and sold at 10$ so don't be a weak handed faggot like me and you will be rich

>> No.3332345

>event with golem this week


This one?

>> No.3332352

That makes sense, thanks for taking your time to explain it. A block is a block, doesn't matter if it has 0.1 BTC or 10000 BTC written on it, right?
It'll take the same amount of work for the miner and so the fee will be the same.

>> No.3332356


can you please do yourself a favour and learn the meaning of the word pathological

>> No.3332359


>A billion dollars is a lot for a whitepaper.

2.6 billion dollars is a lot for a premined shitcoin with no real use or reason to even exist at this point

4 billion dollars is a lot for a fucking bitcoin clone

If any team can deliver, it's OmiseGo.


OMG is the first important real world use case of a crypto that is being implemented by a big and existing fintech company, having the best advisors in the crypto space helping them along the way.

If OMG doesn't succeed, then maybe crypto is just a useless speculative meme. I believe 100% it will succeed though.

So tired of the fucking FUD on this shit board. Go fucking play with some pump and dump shit coin so maybe you can turn your $10 to $100 just a little bit faster faggot

>> No.3332376

you should be buying, not selling. poorfag

>> No.3332394


>> No.3332399


>> No.3332404

Retarded if true

>> No.3332436

OMG has done surprisingly well through this dip, it's barely dropped against ETH at all. Shows solid support, and the possibility of shooting up if the september news is good.
The september news will likely not be good. Good news isn't teased and hyped months in advance, it's just announced once they've got their insider trades done. It's definitely not going to be an apple partnership like some koolaid drinkers on this board would have you believe. It'll probably be something mundane, like a first working prototype. Which so far, we've seen nothing of. No wallet, no network, nothing but an ethereum token. They got to a billion dollars token market cap based on a white paper and a medium sized existing payments network.
To be fair, it's a white paper co-written by Vitalik Buterin (Ethereum Money Skeleton) and Joseph Poon (Lightning Network Original Paper Author, Funny Name), describing potentially the most massively scalable approach to blockchains ever created.
To be fairer, it's not much other than a series of claims about a system that is only very high-level outlined, not described in any detail or specified at all. Plus there's some grammatical issues and missing diagrams that show it clearly wasn't ready to be published.
Essentially, yes
The whole crypto space is entirely speculative; if everyone bought until their favorite coin was on top like some frothy popularity contest, everything would be explosively propelled to higher and higher valuations on nothing more than euphoria ... oh
Just because there are bigger bubbles doesn't justify blowing up your own.
OMG could easily fail. So could any crypto. Maybe something huge comes along in a month with true scaling and blows everything else out of the water. Nothing is a sure thing, but I do think crypto in some form or another will subsume most of the global financial industry. It just might not be anything I'm holding.

>> No.3332501

this. any monkey can own a house in their lifetime. BTC, ETH, LTC, XMR, DASH, OMG and XRP have already made me fucking rich. They will continue to make me mega rich over the next ten years. 20 years to immortality.

>> No.3332512

What I mean is, OMG is trying to solve a very important problem that is one actual real use case for crypto.

Now if this doesn't work then maybe there is no need for crypto (other than btc) in the way we all hope.

>> No.3332672

Lots of ways they could fail, even if the concept is good. Regulatory changes, security breaches, buggy code, embezzlement, overtaken by competiton, vitalik gets hit by a bus, further analysis reveals fundemental flaws; there are plenty of ways that crypto, plasma, and even south-east-asian payment networks / decentralised markets could succeed but leave OMG worthless.

>> No.3332738

Appreciate the detailed reply that is not just baseless FUD. I agree that there are many things that could go wrong, but you can say the same about any crypto

Investing in this space is all about taking calculated risks, and right now OMG is the token that considering all facts, has the highest potential and chance of becoming big.

>> No.3332809

I guarantee OP is contemplating doing this and hasn't already. Anyways, a definitive answer: FUCKING DOOO ITT!!!!!!!!

>> No.3332868

Absolutely, it's all about risk/reward. We just differ in what we guess those two numbers to be. I'm glad it's still possible to disagree without invoking the classic shill/FUD dichotomy.
I'll probably buy some when they have a working plasma implementation, assuming it's not gone 10x by then.

>> No.3332984

Yea exactly, the OMG platform would not be comparable to a publicly traded company so his 'valuation' of using Visa and Paypal's P/E ratios is very presumptuous. If anything its more comparable to a bond as apparently the proof of stake return is % based (not sure about this), and would have a much higher P/E than something like Visa. If the OMG platform became a major player in the payments market with strong year on year growth as more people flock to it, it would be less 'risky' than a stock, justifying a fucking high P/E ratio.

For perspective you could think about a 1-year US gov bond with a yield of 1.25% having a P/E of 100/1.25 = 80 (I know this is a simplification of bond analysis but this is 4chan). I'm not saying the payment volume would be as risk free as a US gov bond, but would not be incomparable especially if the platform becomes widely used. This would obviously give a much higher valuation than the 39-49 P/E ratio PB used ($113 vs $69). When I get time I might do more research into fluctuations in gross spending during economic downturns, because in reality thats the main risk if the platform succeeds.

I DO think the platform has a lot of potential and could actually go to the moon, but stop waving around the $700 valuation as gospel. Palm Beach got it from a $100b valuation which was pulled out of their ass by comparing Omise to Microsoft (2 very different platforms). Not sure what theyre talking about regarding the 'estimated' $4 trillion in digital payments either, I just found a Nielson report that gives 20 tril now and forecasts 54 tril by 2025.

I'm currently working on a DCF valuation of OMG, its been pretty interesting so far. Will post in whatever OMG thread is up at the time.

>> No.3333044

Any monkey can get on an exchange

>> No.3333122

>DCF valuation


>> No.3333254

discounted cash flows, look it up on google. Most common way financial assets are valued.

>> No.3333452

Ahh, I see. Thank you!

>> No.3333671

Cryptos are far from stocks, but they're much further from bonds. Bonds are for a fixed amount of dollars, the only risk is the risk of non-payment. Crypto and stocks fluctuate wildly based on market moods. Stocks encompass the entire state of the company, assets minus liabilities, along with (usually the biggest component) expectations of future growth. Cryptos are based entirely on speculation on their future position in a barely visible decentralised future.
There are two (non-speculation) ways that a cryptocurrency can be expected to have value.
1)The bitcoin model. People use it to move money around, and to do that they have to keep a balance. If the price drops, they'll buy more/get paid more to maintain spending power liquidity. Valuation here is based on money velocity; if people spend fast, a lower price supports the same amount of value in motion. Lots of times people underestimate money velocity here, since crypto makes spending money fast and easy, and keeping it risky (cryptos are volatile).
2)Proof of stake. Not the interest, but the transaction fees. As people move money, some is paid to those who are staking, so owning a large stake generates income. The income derived from new coins being produced (the % income) is in theory neutral, since it will cause inflation that devalues your stake by as much as it increases. Only the transaction fees are an external injection of value, because you're providing a service (validating value transfers). If the price is low, people buy up coins and collect transaction fees, which are fixed against the background of changing amounts of staking. Here's where you want to know what interest rate people accept on their very risky investment, since that determines the market cap, as a ratio to total transaction fees. You have two compounded risks here, risk that <coin> value will fall, and risk that transactions fall and you collect less in <coin>-denominated transaction fees. There is no bond-style risk of

>> No.3333685

default. Given the risks, I'd expect high rates at equilibrium, unless someone comes out with a stablecoin proof-of-stake token, which would reduce the coin value risk.
Of course, using those to value any crypto today will give you absurd numbers, since almost all of the price of any crypto is speculation that in the future, either or both of these mechanisms will cause incredibly high prices. Bitcoin is entirely the first, since transaction fees go to miners, and OMG will be almost entirely the second, since wrapped ETH and many other tokens will be used inside the plasma chains; OMG is just a staking token that will almost never be used for payments. Proof of stake chains like peercoin are a combination of both.
This turned into a much longer rant than I expected when I began, so I'll just finish up by getting to the point that cryptocurrencies are not companies or stocks or bonds and they can't be valued in the same way; they are their own thing with their own unique mechanisms driving value, and any attempt to value them needs to understand exactly where the value comes from.

>> No.3333712

I'm 19years old and have $3,000 to my name. I'm interested in cryptos, and want to invest because lately I've just been using my rx480 for mining. Give me the information I need and I'll be a happy individual.

>> No.3333721

>hold my hand

>> No.3333768

God tier rant anon. Saving to remember this knowledge and hopefully put it to use.

>> No.3334235

I bought at 260k

How can I kill myself quickly

>> No.3334273

I got my OMG tokens at ,71 cents at 1,41$ so i dont give a shit even if it goes to 7$


thats what happens when youre not a moron who follows the herd and do your own research.

>> No.3334279
File: 225 KB, 1239x795, how kill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3334340

got about $6000 in cash ive been sitting on for some time, is this the way to do it or do i just wait for the next inevitable mooning coin in like a week?

>> No.3334341


Yep I know you can't value them the same way a stock or bond as they're their own thing, I think you got the wrong idea from my post.

Main unknown is the discount rate because you obviously don't really have a cost of capital, but it should be really fucking high at least in the early years to reflect the risk. I've seen early stage tech startupts with discount rates of 80+ %.

I'm not trying to model the average crypto, I'm trying to model OMG because you can get an estimate for 'cash flows' from the PoS. Obviously like stocks "the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent", so even if I compute a 'fair value' doesnt mean the market agrees.

>> No.3334407

So I want to get into cryptos.

I am good with maths and technical concepts, so I understand the basics and technical/mathematical characteristics of the coins (PhD in physics, but I lack financial experience though).

I want to be able to buy different kinds of coins and trade them.

I am.not familiar with the practical aspect and the 'best practices'.

Is there a coin exchange with lots of coins? Is it possible to have a single wallet for all your coins?

>> No.3334447
File: 411 KB, 1678x876, hold-the-line.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only wish i sold at 25k and bought the dip, no worries though, atleast +7.5% tommorow then we have the news to look forward to, comfy coin lads

>> No.3334475

Good job OP. It's dangerous af what you did but my gut tells me you will win. Just know when to profit take for safety.

For now....HODL 4 MOON

>> No.3334501

t. redneck who's never cooked a meal in his life

>> No.3334511

theres a few exchanges, bittrex is popular here. If you're only trading the biggest coins you probs will only need one exchange account, but if you're looking for value outside of that you'll probs have to open accounts at other exchanges.

As you may know many coins use Etherium tech (ETH20 coins), and so you can store them in Etherium wallets like MyEtherWallet (OMG is one of those coins).

Your background would probably be more suited to investing/more long term holding if you've got an edge knowledge wise, you might be able to tell a new project is good by reading the technical white papers. The trading side is definitely another ballgame, and I guess you should just know that being good at maths doesn't make you good at trading. It comes into it but its a different skillset. Literally found out last night that my engineer neighbour lost his 500k savings trying to trade.

GL anon

>> No.3334525

lmao math has nothing to do with crypto just buy high and sell low

>> No.3334569

Crypto is math. Trading crypto is part math, but other stuff too.

>> No.3334581

When did Hester Chew, CEO of McDonald's Thailand, ever confirm the partnership?

This is a very genuine question.

>> No.3334600

how you feeling op? great investment so far

>> No.3334610

Nope, that's why the tweet says it was formally confirmed

>> No.3334630

Jun's tweet says that.
I'm asking when the McD Thailand CEO ever confirmed it.

I could take a pic with some CEO and claim we "formally confirmed" a partnership too.
It would pump my coin, but it wouldn't be true.

>> No.3334684

When I said nope, I meant no the CEO never confirmed anything. They also never said its a partnership but a relationship

>> No.3334691

>Thai burgers
>Future of crypto

>> No.3334697

I actually laughed out loud.
Thanks man.

>> No.3334725

>that's why the tweet says it was formally confirmed
I don't understand this part.
Surely he meant to say "INformally confirmed", since the term "relationship" is vague as fuck, and the other party (McD) never even mentions OMG.

>> No.3334737

OP makes one post about something which is likely to be false
>Pathological liar
Ok then...

>> No.3334803

Holy shit you are dumb. Why do people insist on blindly commenting their opinions here without even researching first?
Your views are about as accurate as a 5th graders history report.

>> No.3334835

Yeah but what can you do with it? It's great to have all the monopoly money but can I buy tangible real world items like an Aston?

>> No.3334895
File: 107 KB, 1919x656, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have bought on margin at an all time HIGH.
if it will drop to 8$ i will get fucked

>> No.3334905

Holy shit, that's exactly where you were supposed to short. /biz/ really blows my mind sometimes, it's like you do the exact opposite of what is common sense

>> No.3334914

its easy to say now.. looking back

>> No.3334925

it grew up 500%. you'd think a correction was inbound.

>> No.3334940
File: 24 KB, 276x268, 1381269030906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whale dump

They're forcing stop losses and liquidation so they can buy in super cheap.

>> No.3334954


>> No.3334969

kek no, it was easy to say back then too. Why the fuck are you margin trading with such a complete lack of common sense?

>> No.3334975

This is a coordinated whale attack that has hit everything of worth.

>> No.3335041

It wasn't the first and it sure as shit won't be the last.

>> No.3335064

Is this a good way of determining a coins real value? If Whales fuck with it to accumulate that means they see long term value right?

>> No.3335137

You're safe, dude.
Stop losses are a whale's best friend.

>> No.3335145

told u faggots in this very thread but all you did was call me a guppy. sold 50% more at 23. enjoy your bags cunts. no worry, ill buy them from you around 15.

>> No.3335154

>Implying Jews won't crash the housing market

>> No.3335205
File: 4 KB, 225x224, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335220

Sorry for your loss OP. I'll buy your bags off you soon...

>> No.3335237
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>> No.3335238
File: 79 KB, 653x590, 6113790 .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's already lost the loan on day one

>> No.3335255
File: 65 KB, 1557x461, Image1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, wrong image, that one was from nearly a hour ago lol

>> No.3335311


>> No.3335327

TFW OP's life is ending right before our eyes.

>> No.3335347

BUY NOW OR DEAD CAT BOUNCE?!@?!?@!?@!?!??!?!?!?!!11

>> No.3335363

I am laughing hysterically tonight is so great for poor faggots like me with nothing to lose

>> No.3335367

Ohhh boy

>> No.3335384

None of those anons expected btc to plummet. If btc price had stayed steady that would have indeed been the bottom (or close to it) of the omg dip

>> No.3335396

I sold at .001825

fucking kill me

>> No.3335407

180-190k seems to be good support, let's see.

>> No.3335424

Did you predict a crash of btc and everything to go down with it? No. You just carried on with a bunch of bullshit about "its overhyped because of rumors spread by retards on 4chan that no one cares about".. Trying to blame an expected crash on the "filty normies and degenerates buying into it" and not into the overall market cap of crypto plummeting.

Literally cancer. Fuck off to reddit.

>> No.3335538

BTC dropped 5% from when those comments were posted and has shit all to do with OMG plummet.

>> No.3335553

show me coin plummet other than NEO and OMG that shows similar patterns.

>> No.3335594

omg was still at 11.60 when btc started dropping you dumb fuck

check the charts again faggot, the crash patterns over the last 24 hours are pretty much identical for everything. including btc and eth

>> No.3335614

China banned ICOs, everything is crashing right now.

>> No.3335615

Hey dude look on the bright side, you'll probably still have enough money for a noose

>> No.3335619

show me an alt-coin other than NEO and OMG that shows similar dump or ill dump down OMG even more

>> No.3335620


6 hours too early, so close

>> No.3335630

Op do not panic, I repeat do not panic!

>> No.3335644

>the crash patterns over the last 24 hours are pretty much identical for everything.
That's because you're zoomed in you tard.
BTC is dipping a slight percentage, while shit like NEO and OMG crashed by 50% just now.

>> No.3335665

i told you people. fuck you are stupid. the real dip is to sub 5. feelz when u bought ATH topkek

>> No.3335667
File: 76 KB, 1841x451, a literal cliff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>, the crash patterns over the last 24 hours are pretty much identical for everything

>> No.3335694


It took the chinese governement baning ico's for that to happen you fuckstain, don't act like you predicted anything

>> No.3335705

look at btc and eth charts
identical pattern over the last 24 hours to omg

>still tryign to larp as a whale when its obvious youre a clueless fuck
tell me more about how unsubstantiated rumors on 4chan are priced into a billion dollar market. lmao

>That's because you're zoomed in you tard
nope. identical crash patterns

>but muh percentages
irrelevant. omg was at $7 this time last week, btc wasnt at $2500 :^)

>> No.3335731

>identical crash patterns
My god you're dumb.

>> No.3335745
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>trading btc pair on bittrex
such a whale :^)

>> No.3335752

Just woke up to the news, can't believe just delaying my purchase by a few hours would have made us a difference.

From my understanding NEO is a dead coin now, but OMG is just going down cause of the overall FUD.

I am kinda numb right now, anyway I promised myself I wouldn't touch these OMG coins for 6 months, infact I am trying to get some more cash and continue buying as the price goes down.

>> No.3335766

see >>3335745
now kys

>> No.3335819

OMG is based on ETH you dip.

Also, that OMG crash represents about 50% of its total value, while the ETH drip represents a fraction of that.

Like I said, it's because you're zoomed in.

>> No.3335856

Good shit, you got this. Hodl.

>> No.3335858

>panic sell
>it immediately goes green
fuck you guys

>> No.3335885

How are you doing OP? Seriously.

>> No.3335893

me too man me too...will we see sub 18 sats again

>> No.3335905

>still fixated on percentages
eth was at 335 on the 28th, omg was at 8.1 on the 28th,
eth looking to go sub 300 now, omg just sitting where it was on the 28th

omg crash is not because of "hyped up apple rumors and filthy normie degenerates" or a single larping anon and his imaginary whale friends "dumping"
its an across the board crash, shit is settling back to where it was...

>> No.3335907


>> No.3335915
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>> No.3335926

>China bans ICOs
>idiots wonder why their chinkcoin ICO bags are suddenly 50% off

>> No.3335941

>OMG crashes 50%
>BTC crashes 5%

Stop posting.
Cope with your OMG losses on your own.

>> No.3335942

yes. in under 40 minutes actually.

>> No.3335955

>its not the same pattern!
but it is
>bbbut muh percentages!
everything is going back to where it was almost a fortnight ago
deal with it shit stain

>> No.3335967

page ur whale friends to activate it I want to go to bed with the same amount of coins i woke up with today

>> No.3336047

See >>3335926

It's normal for other crypto to suffer a bit as well, but you're retarded for trying to compare OMG to BTC.

Point in case: OMG crashed way harder BTC, but is also recovering better right now than BTC.
For now.

>> No.3336154

we may delay pulling buy walls for some extra butthurt. within 3 hours though.

>> No.3336797
File: 561 KB, 600x600, 1504267782878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'll send you a postcard from the moon kiddo