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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 38 KB, 500x750, b00f13eeef2df21094cd952d9b81215e--romantic-photos-freckles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3312608 No.3312608 [Reply] [Original]

>bro you don't need money to get girls!
>just find a girl who loves you for who are

>> No.3312617

Get the fuck out. We care about money here.

>> No.3312701

99% of /biz/raelis are alt-right pepelords, and firnly believe that
>women belong in the kitchen

No sane women would date someone who wants to own their partner. Hookers are the only option for /biz/.

>> No.3312716

If I looked like him, I'd unironically pimp myself out and put the money into crypto.

>> No.3312732

/biz/tard is the correct term you tard. Oh and women want to be owned... despite what they say. Never listen to a woman.

>> No.3312733

>No sane women would date someone who wants to own their partner.

so muslim women are insane?

never seen such a big cope on here desu

>> No.3312739

tfw have unionically been offered money to fuck because i have bbc

people are insane

>> No.3312741

Tits or gtfo

>> No.3312750
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>> No.3312755

Who I am doesn't matter until I'm rich from crypto.

>> No.3312984 [DELETED] 

Women wants to belong to an alpha male, that's why thy okay with sharing the attetions of Chad.

>> No.3312994

>satoshi's vision

>> No.3312997

Women want to belong to an alpha male, that's why they are okay with sharing the attention of Chad with other women.

>> No.3313002

>not wanting to be a multimillionaire's bitch

you might want to wake up.

>> No.3313010

said the ugly, morbidly obese "lesbian."

>> No.3313012

You must be new. Welcome.

>> No.3313018

you're god damn right, faggot.

>> No.3313019

good lucks
big dick
fat wallet

pick two, and with women- you win

>> No.3313091
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1504187666037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be broke highschool dropout NEET with $200 worth of crypto to my name
>acquire internet gf from /r9k/ with my european accent and edgy humor
>6 months later portfolio is worth $1k
>internet gf sends me $500
>buy plane ticket for $1300 and move in with her
>currently NEET in her parent's big ass mansion while she's taking 1 unit at uni and goes to class like twice a week
>mfw some of you faggots own more than 10 btc but still no gf

>> No.3313101

This but unironically

>> No.3313111

this guy's one of the top male models. genes are an even bigger lottery than money

>> No.3313121

Lol if you think having a gf is worth more than 10 btc that's cute.

Honestly though whatever makes you happy anon, all the best.

>> No.3313158

Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.3313312

women in general actually don't care more about money than men do, but they do care a lot more about personality
(non-lottery-winner-) rich men are often also alpha af (and vice versa), hence why many of them magnetize a lot of women

>> No.3313398

>this tier of cope

>> No.3313411

wow what a crazy alternate reality you live in
No woman sane or insane wants to be with someone who has control over their wallet and finances to the point where she can't come in and take over

>> No.3313429

>acquire internet gf from /r9k/ with my european accent and edgy humor

is it possible to learn this power?

>> No.3313446

is she hot tho? pics?

>> No.3313492

>gf from r9k

yeah have fun fucking a manic depressive troll

>falling for the redpill meme

>> No.3313583

>t. beta

>> No.3313621
File: 145 KB, 1200x1132, IMG_0234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey I've seen rich robots cry about no friends and no gf and how they would trade their wealth for a gf but they don't want gold diggers. It might have been larpers, but I bet there are at least some sad and lonely richfags who wish digibytes could buy a gf.
Couldn't find a paper so here's this for timestamp
Idk mane, I thought I would die a virgin, but for some reason she thinks I'm funny and cool. Don't be desperate or apologetic I guess.
I have some pics at home, but idk if /biz/ mods will appreciate me posting them
>yeah have fun fucking a manic depressive troll
Yeah she's crazy, but I am as well and it all works out

>> No.3313657
File: 70 KB, 530x663, 1503442866256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love don't exist goy.

>> No.3313676

Enjoy it while it lasts buddy, cause it never does

>> No.3313688
File: 149 KB, 1456x975, 1501924889887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you i want to be happy

>> No.3313786

> idk if /biz/ mods will appreciate me posting them
clear pic of her face is enuff

>> No.3314086

here's an album you goys pls no bully

>> No.3314146

Nice work if you got that for free or even gained from it

>> No.3314202

I'm proud of you anon, you sound happy

>> No.3314205

>muh sexism

Back to ledit for you

>> No.3314283

Congrats, you found a verg average looking gf.

Although I will admit, if you're making money from the relationshit, you're doing better than of 99% of other guys in relationshits.

>> No.3314506

well I had to spend all of my shitcoins on the plane ticket when btc was 2800ish, but I think it's worth it.
I am. Also we're all going to make it
Face > everything else as far as looks go, and she has really nice thighs. Also I can unironically just bee myself with her which is more important than all the other shit

>> No.3314596

that body is a 7.5 anon
the girl can be anywhere from 1.5 to 10 tho, depending on face

>> No.3314621

>women belong in the kitchen
Fuck that they can't cook for shit. I'd rather they'd stay chained to the bed post

>> No.3314646
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>> No.3314783

I dont want a girl, i want money

>> No.3314796

Jesus. The lengths people will go to to avoid paying their TV license.

>> No.3314830


Money is huge for a woman seeking a partner because they look for protection and provision.

However, many women DO come off as though they don't care about mkbey. It's pretty easy when you're not the one responsible for the finances in the household. That's why men care so much about money; they are responsible for making it and keeping it. Without it, most women lose interest in a man.

>Women care more about personalities
You really have a special kind of autism

>> No.3314857
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£147 a year m8, it all adds up

>> No.3314867

i'm a male model

live from my looks, nobody want's to suck dick for money like you man

if you have the looks, you get the girls

i just need cash for my lambo

>> No.3314894


She looks grim bro but good job sport

>> No.3314911

>waste 1300$
>is proud of it
Normie moneydrain imbicile detected.

>> No.3314913

The things that are true always trigger people the most. Listening to anything about women from 4chan is like taking financial advice from a homeless person. I just filter all their buzzwords and it's gone.

>> No.3314971

Idk. This is the sort of incel meme I keep hearing. Obviously women don't want some tacobell wage cuck. They do want someone smart and successful. But it's not clear to me most women would actually prefer, say, someone handed Daddy's business making a mil a year over a lawyer at a top firm pulling $250k.

You have to filter out the power confound from this as well- it's probably independently impressive for someone to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company- to be making regular television appearances and being quoted in the WSJ/NYT weekly is attractive independent of the money being made.

Outside of a very small subset of women I don't think money is linearly attractive. Get beyond a threshold (which, admittedly is a lot compared to normies) and I don't think it matters all that much.

>> No.3314977
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what? yeah there are gold diggers, but the avg woman isn't a gold digger

this wouldn't happen with that guy

>> No.3315073

gfs r dumb.

i like money.

>> No.3315117

It is obvious women only want the top 20 percent of men whether it is looks, money, status, or any combination. If women weren't interested in money, then things like alimony to secure their future well being would not exist. The problem we have today is there is an abundance of men due to lack of major wars and medical advances. We are essentially becoming polygamous societies where marriages are separated by time. Only the top 20 percent can have any relationship happiness, so the remaining of men should seek other types of happiness such as financial happiness.

>> No.3315122

Yes, I do agree anon.

But realize that the "incel meme" is a generalization. There will always be deviations. And to what degree, that depends on many factors. But the basic premise in what men and women value in one another still generally holds true and has for centuries.

I also find it to be the opposite - the incels are usually the ones who've never dated a woman and are first to white knight at the idea that women value money and status

>> No.3315170

>tfw girlfriend goes to the kitchen on her own and brings me bread and sausage as i read this post

>> No.3315244

I honestly couldn't even rate her. You know how you can't really decide how old someone you've known for a really long time looks because they just look like themselves to you? I think it's like that. But I think she's really cute and I love her.
She just lost a one hour dota game as I took that pic lol

>> No.3315278

>Letting a woman cook
They can't even cook. You must have low standards

>> No.3315325

Find a bitch who is poor as you and work your way up together

>> No.3315338

I wouldn't count bread and sausage as cooking.

>> No.3315400

>I sell my body for money
>no one would want to sell their body for money


>> No.3315424

>I honestly couldn't even rate her. You know how you can't really decide how old someone you've known for a really long time looks because they just look like themselves to you?

well, someone i love? no, they're always the most B E A U T I F U L (or i don't love them anymore)

honestly, from the sound of it, you're not really in love with her. sounds a bit like you're self-justifying and trying to gain reassurance from the fact that a lot /biz/tards will envy you cuz they'll never nail a GF

but if you could ACTUALLY choose, you'd rather have 300K in crypto than your current gf :^)

>> No.3315486

Nah man, I just didn't want to be all corny and shit. I'm happy as fuck with her and only have eyes for her. And no I wouldn't take the 300k worth of bags. There's still a shitton of money to be made in crypto, but I couldn't find another girl like her in a lifetime

>> No.3315568
File: 407 KB, 570x489, 1431431559461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The female opinion

>> No.3315582

what do you do btw? (beside her)

>> No.3315780

This is what incels tell themselves to avoid actually taking responsibility for their own pleasure and happiness. This is why the alt-right(nazis) and IS(islamic terrorists) exists. They are all young males whom, for various reasons(shit looks, no money, social anxiety) cannot get laid. They find someone to blame, because it never occur to them that they themselves do not appear as potential sexual partners for females.

>> No.3315829

Breh, she wouldnt be with unless you had some quality other females also would notice. Just like other males will have qualites she will notice. Just a friendly reminder. Take it the way you will.

>> No.3315911

Not an argument, darling.


>muh alt right neo nazis
Back to ledit, sweetie. You're in the wrong place.

>> No.3315984

>this bullshit reasoning
The average woman is no better than the average man. Regardless of the flaws you describe in those men, there are plenty of women who are just as flawed. The problem is that those average women are not settling for a guy on their level. They're either pining for a top male/sharing one, or they're just remaining voluntarily celibate or focusing their efforts and attention on useless bullshit (useless degree, shitty job, pointless travel, etc) like females typically do.

>> No.3316366

>The problem is that those average women are not settling for a guy on their level.
Spilling basics to future heartbroken men.

>> No.3316690

Hahaha. No u

>> No.3316711

grills are overrated.

>> No.3316712

Look up hypergamy.

>> No.3316768

>The problem is that those average women are not settling for a guy on their level
You could easily swap the genders in this statement and it would be just as meaningless

>> No.3316785

Confirmed roastie, why are you still here?

>> No.3316797



spotted the rookie. No woman is sane.

And really, we have ourselves to blame for that. Placating them cause we wanna ejaculate inside them.

>> No.3316820

You think females go on /biz/? Females don't care about resource management, because they are born with instincts for selecting males that are good at it. As such, a lot of females prefer wealthy and/or powerful males.

>> No.3316828


Really shitty bait. You know for a fact that's bullshit.

>> No.3317041

I know for a fact that you're an incel and you will stay an incel until you accept the basic rules of sexual selection.

>> No.3317074

>projecting this hard

Faggot go make money and get the bitches. Most women will put up with a little social retardation if you bankroll them well

>> No.3317082

And when you reach your ripe 30s you're going to realise that you absolutely need a man that can financially support you and your future kids.

>> No.3317134

Wow, I actually lol'd. U R my homie

>> No.3317157

>literally agrees with me

Thanks, but I personally don't need to money to get my dick wet. My point was that women usually trade up or they sometimes trade sideways. You will rarely see a woman with a man who is less socioeconomically successful than her.

>> No.3317191

>taking advice from a homeless person

So /biz/ in a nutshell? At least the homeless person will tell you how to avoid becoming homeless, but following adive from /biz/ will turn you into one.