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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 184 KB, 1371x1504, market_02_09_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3313200 No.3313200 [Reply] [Original]

If you are not shorting the crypto market right now you are literally a fucking imbecile idiot with no guts and no brain.

Pic related.

>> No.3313215

>virgin crypto trader graph

Have you seen the Chad graph bro?

>> No.3313217

People keep posting that chart every time it dips, why would you be trustworthy?

>> No.3313220

>"Its a bubble.'
>"its a bubble."
>"uhh....maybe it...uhh..."

>> No.3313221


dips like this have happened before you know? just look at the freakin bitcoin graph. How would you know that this is any different?

yes we havent had a dip in a long time but you cant be sure that it's a trend

>> No.3313230

Because the chart actually fits the graph idiot

>> No.3313235

>Every time copers post that fuckin meme chart
>Not a single correct prediction ever made

When will they learn?

>> No.3313238
File: 116 KB, 768x1024, 1504350338382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then prove that you are shorting

oh I forgot you don't have any money to play with ...

>> No.3313241

A crash to 2k is pretty much guaranteed.

>> No.3313246

Yeah since you've gone and drawn lines on it, come back in a month and tell us if you were right.

>> No.3313267

at least one smart person here

>> No.3313285
File: 175 KB, 500x301, 1495540648748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A fellow nocoiner here

>> No.3313290

Sure pal, just let me make a few grand off my Bat.

>> No.3313310

Show us your short position or gtfo

>> No.3313314

I hold DGB though.

>> No.3313319

"whew this guys an idiot can't he see bitcoin is already recovered and back to $4700"

I see what you mean anon. I'll be exiting soon.

>> No.3313325

It was a bubble at 900,just because the bubble hasn't popped yet doesn't mean its not a bubble.Look at the dotcom bubble.Everyone knew it was too high to be sustainable,yet nobody cared.

>> No.3313338

What's the point of FUDing bitcoin when there's nothing to be gained?Are they retards

>> No.3313349

I'd say we're still I the media attention phase, actually.

Holla at me when bitcoin hits $17k In January.

>> No.3313350

BTC cant have huge dips anymore because there are too many opportunists who know and want it to dip so they can buy up cheap. Their buying would drive the price back up. Its pretty great if you think about it. The only thing thats fucking the market is selfishness of wanting to buy and sell at "key points". which is fine by mean.

>> No.3313374

Exactly, the idiots here will get burned so hard soon and I will be laughing all the way to the bank.

>> No.3313385

No one knows where the top will be, can be here, can be at 10k.
Fact is we WILL go back to at least 1200 $, maybe even below 1000 before starting the next bubble

>> No.3313390

OP was not only fudding but drew a pretty picture, saying literally a fucking imbecile if we dont short. I'm just giving him a chance to prove that he, by his own definition isn't a literal fucking imbecile. Or gtfo.

>> No.3313393

That is kind of retarded thinking that got dot-com "investors" massacred in 1999

>> No.3313417

Define "Bubble"

>> No.3313425

Screenshot your short

>> No.3313436

Nice trolling bro, nobody cares.

You probably shorted Tesla back at 150 too because of "muh financials".

I would give you an explanation on why shorting a market that's up 2000% in the year with no signs of slowing is retarded but it's not worth the $20 in tendies money you're going to lose.

>> No.3313452

nice coping mechanism

Enjoy your exit bags

>> No.3313463

Man,we need to stop meming about chicken tenders,I love them so much,especially the ones from Church's chicken/Texas chicken
Doritos seems more like a basement dweller food

>> No.3313470


actually, the chart fit the graph MUCH better when bitcoin last peaked round the 2700 or something price

it was pretty much a perfect fit


then came 5k


>> No.3313479

same chart posted here a hundred times, during every dip, for years

>> No.3313485

Bitcoin has no correlation to the dot com bubble ,if you understood bitcoin you would know you can't compare it with anything

>> No.3313496

well i mean it sorta does

yes yes yes the fundamentals and the entire concept is different

but the money flow, the hype, the emotion isn't

it's gonna crash, but not yet, and not as hard as people think

we've still got a good 3-4 years before the BIG crash happens

>> No.3313501

>mad no-coiner spotted
lmao so fucking mad hahahaha

>> No.3313531

nice I just bought 100k

>> No.3313542

Since when is 130 billion a bubble when the technology is going to change the entire infrastructure of the internet? We're literally just getting started.

>> No.3313566
File: 1009 KB, 1500x796, 1500337338494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will always be a bubble for lowcoiners and nocoiners looking to buy cheap.

>> No.3313582

compare the market cap of crypto to that of dot com

>muh bubble is yuuge

>> No.3313594

we are only at media atenttion.

the real hype is far away, it is when litrally now one things that it will dip anyway whatever happens.

if you look across some boards everyone ride the swings. i

>> No.3313611

The Dotcom bubble was a bubble in tech stocks. Stocks are a cash flow asset. Intrinsic value can be defined absolutely in a number of different terms, all related to the net present value of future cash flows (dividends). The same would go for the real estate bubble in 2006. Real Property is a cash flow asset (rents/imputed rents), and its intrinsic value is related to the net present value of future cashflows. Bitcoin is not a a cashflow asset. It is an alternative payment network to fiat currency. The value of a network is not the net present value of future cash flows, but rather is defined by Metcalfe's Law, or n(n − 1)/2. In other words, the more people who use bitcoin, the more valuable it becomes. Bitcoin price rises as more people buy bitcoin, and the more people there are who have bought bitcoin, the more people own bitcoin, and the more people can potentially use bitcoin. Therefore, as the price of bitcoin increases, its intrinsic value is actually increasing as well. This is not to say that the USD value of bitcoin will not fall, but rather that it is not in a bubble (where a bubble is defined as the market value exceeding its intrinsic value) and therefore is an apples to oranges comparison with the dotcom bubble or the housing bubble.

>> No.3313613


>> No.3313634
File: 37 KB, 1103x629, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck!! bull trap already happen

>> No.3313641
File: 805 KB, 1400x433, 1504122445860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313661

If you're trying a technical analysis on the unregulated crypto market right now you are literally a fucking imbecile idiot with no guts and no brain.

>> No.3313667

LOL literally crashing as we speak, I warned you idiots

>> No.3313670

media attention is the top stupid fuck

>> No.3313673

jokes on you, i can sustain another 100% crash before i'm in a loss

>> No.3313695

>100% crash
You were not very good in math, no?

>> No.3313720

The only thing i need to know is buy the dip and hold. I can't be bothered with the downward math

>> No.3313734

The whole fiat economy is a giant fucking bubble. If

>> No.3313751

>Up 10% from a week ago

$5k triggered a sell off. Everyone knew it would happen. It's healthy as coins get distributed more evenly. The climb will resume any minute now.

>> No.3313754

lol "crash"

>> No.3313760

If if if if if if if

>> No.3313766

lol everythings still up for the week and people are whining about a crash. This shit is too easy

>> No.3313767

Ugh. This is why 90% of /biz/ are morons.
If BTC crashes to 2k you can bet that me and other couple whales would immediately buy the shit out of it and the price would pump to 6k in a few hours.

>> No.3313792


>> No.3313795
File: 77 KB, 397x318, 1479166754278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this "crash" for the 105th time now


>> No.3313805

keep selling nerds i havent bought yet

>> No.3313807

The top is when bitcoin becomes a world currency you helmet

>> No.3313821
File: 31 KB, 600x400, padpanda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If BTC crashes to 2k you can bet the price would pump to 6k in a few hours

Reread it without the useless words and realize that "when it crashes the whales will pump it to the moon" is quite a dumb phrase to tell.

>> No.3313825

>letting his paper profits burn


>> No.3313826

everybody can troll, just post a screenshot of your short, so we can laugh at you later

>> No.3313837
File: 168 KB, 1909x953, It's crashing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313846
File: 66 KB, 480x511, 1499730906762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3313852

I'm here since 2013, if i panic sold every dip i wouldn't be here in the first place

>> No.3313854

>yes, every other bubble in history has popped, but this one won't

>> No.3313864

>bought at 3964
>crash happens just after
I know it'll go back up, but FUCK i missed a fucking easy 5% FUUUUUUUCK

It was my first two real-time collapse, hopefully next time i'll see the signs. The second one i totally saw it, but i didn't believe it would happen so soon after the first.
I need to factor in amerifats waking up and panicking after the rest of the world already panicked.

>> No.3313866


>> No.3313869

>easy 5%
minus fees

>> No.3313891


Name 1 bubble that popped and hasnt recovered

>inb4 tulips

>> No.3313892

>$170 billion total market cap
>most people on the face of the earth literally cant even buy or use crypto's
>'muh bubble'

the road to +$2 trillion market cap is gonna be fun

>> No.3313904

We are just hitting take off, institutional investors aren't even in yet

>> No.3313928

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.3313931

North Sea Bubble

Less than a second,already got one

>> No.3313941

This is delusional,mainstream media is salivating over crypto

>> No.3313947


Instutitional investors are in the game already, lol, what a tard you are. They bought sub 1000, who do you think winklewoss twins are?

Fucking lamer laggard sheep. Kill yourself, seriously, you are DUMB AS FUCK!

Institutional investor won't be buying crypto shits from Joe Schmo speculators at 10'000$, dont'be fucking dumb. They have bought all they want and have cashed out, because they are not hodler fools

>> No.3313953

>idiot buying at ATH a magic internet coin with no real life use for thousands of dollars

KYS laggard norm fag

YOu have brain of a peanut

>> No.3313961

Just before one of the biggest months for crypto in 2017?


>> No.3313968
File: 52 KB, 1103x629, 1504362587870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone screencap Op post and post it in a simmilar thread when next dip happens and someone makes a thread like this

>> No.3313992

>shorting crypto
>not USD
nice try, goldberg

>> No.3313997

Really... I admit I was sweating when I woke up to 3600$ Bitcoin some days ago (down form 4400$), but until now this is just a normal correction, which you often see after steep increases.
Op is probably new or larping or both.

>> No.3314001

the chart fits every graph, on every timescale. this chart was true when bitcoin was pennies, when it was $100, when it was $1000, when it was $3000...you are posting a trend prediction so I am guessing you can see the trend I am drawing for you here right?

>> No.3314006

Which one are you referring to? There's a lot of sweet shit coming up

>> No.3314025

What are you so fucking mad over that you keep shoving your shit opinions in other people's faces? Might wanna leave before you bust a nut, dude.

>> No.3314032

160 billion now!!!!

>> No.3314038

I bought more, let's go

>> No.3314066


bursting in freefall

stupid norms will eat their heart sout

lol fallling knif ecatcher fag idiot

you will be the laughing stock of the town

>> No.3314088
File: 55 KB, 1157x820, Capture23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit fukk!!!

>> No.3314096

it's dem kikeman sachsberg
they'll hang one day (even though that day ain't today)

>> No.3314100

Price is up 90$ already, idiot

>> No.3314105
File: 76 KB, 1111x510, 1498543280207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no biggie, "dead cat bounce" incoming
after that it's "return to normal"

>> No.3314120

gonna sell high buy low

>> No.3314134


"b-b-b-b-but it will r-r-r-ecover r-r-r-right, guys"



>> No.3314153

why would it crash now morons.

>> No.3314157

if I had loads of spare fiat I'd make a market buy so large they'd all get liquidated to kingdom come just for kicks

>> No.3314158


>> No.3314171

Kek, i honestly been having this discussion for the last 4 years

>> No.3314177

You are very correct, three digits are very possible. Nobody should be paying thousands for some internet bubble meme gamer currency

>> No.3314191

>Bitcoin has no correlation to the dot com bubble ,if you understood bitcoin you would know you can't compare it with anything

"This time its different" - aka antoher proof we have a bubble popping. Norms are so delusional its laughable

>> No.3314197

>Since when is 130 billion a bubble when the technology is going to change the entire infrastructure of the internet? We're literally just getting started.

It ain't gonna change shit. Bitcoin is useless unless you are a pedo

>> No.3314210

Or you want to buy an altcoin

>> No.3314222

>doesn't sell obvious bubbles to rebuy back laterin

Literal double idiot

>> No.3314229

it will burst mildly like mid June

>> No.3314233

Why are you so butthurt? Are you poor?

>> No.3314232

>real estate

>dot-com bubble (no, cherry picking one successful company that went back to norm in 20 years doesn't count)

>beanie babies

>South Sea bubble


>> No.3314238


>> No.3314242

Its too late to short at 11:30am est september 2nd.

>> No.3314266
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 34fbfe7b8586bd8509fa45ee157a32c6d29ba4b3_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to make the most sense, bitcoin confirmed not a bubble. Although I'm a brainlet so what do I know.

>> No.3314275

>quite a dumb phrase to tell

>> No.3314290

You're a fucking retard if you couldn't tell it would dip at 5k. People like nice round numbers.

>> No.3314317

This, we all knew it would crahs that is why i told ppl to short, idiots didn't listen and now are killing themselves

lol @ brainlets

>> No.3314355

how do u short

>> No.3314369

Shorting bitcoin has been the worst decision you could make for the last weeks, except for today. If you shorted every day you'd be broke. You're lucky it happened today. And that your thread got you's because it actually happened.

Shorting bitcoin has always been a shitty bet

>> No.3314388

You're an even bigger moron for saying you're going to pump a 42 billion market cap to 126 billion.

>> No.3314417
File: 28 KB, 320x213, oX7shdASQtUw5ONkCBrVamIydFbTP34ZQI0rqM-Kxhc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not today, nocoiner

>> No.3314422

I don't think bitcoin will crash because every time it dips, someone jumps in and says omg, btfd! Then it goes up again.

A major drop is going to take a major event to trigger it. And stomp out confidence in the meantime. Meaning you probably don't want to be in bitcoin. And guess what nigger, that ain't happening. As much as I'd like it to.

>> No.3314437

>How would you know that this is any different?

Probably the fact that goldman sachs was planning to sell their bitcoin around the 5k mark

>> No.3314460
File: 13 KB, 500x342, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, the bubble popping is very good. The next Apples and Amazons will be dirt cheap. Right now it's uncertain which coins will reign supreme, much like how during the dot-com bubble it was hard to tell the Pets.com from the Amazon.com

>> No.3314852


>> No.3314889

Just sold 100k

>> No.3314927

>I'm saying it has no intrinsic value
Stellar argument, buy bitcoin bros.

>> No.3314954

Put your money where your posts are. Why don't you post images of your short positions? Oh that's right, because you have no idea what you're posting about. You mention that btc has no real world use, meanwhile Japan recognizes it as a currency, the fed reserve chair in Boston held a conference about blockchain technology, and DARPA has awarded contracts to study smart contracts and block chain technology. This is closer to the automotive or oil industry than any other misguided comparison that you have posted here before

>> No.3314959

>has no intrinsic value

Odd, I didn't see that quote in the post you quoted. You must be confused.

>> No.3314980

Literally the same fucking graph that people were peddling about during the june crash.


>> No.3314995

DESU it's really not, just invest in platforms w/ rockstar teams. There also really aren't that many of that criteria to pick from.

>> No.3315017

lol if i posted my shorts you would dox me as well as claim they were photoshooped, what ist hepoint

>> No.3315022

Margin trading is a good way to lose everything.

>> No.3315048

>bitcoin falls
>another coin takes it's place
>more profits

>> No.3315132

>doesn't post gif time lapse using a phone and placard
>thinks he's important enough to dox

>> No.3315175

>what is blockchain

>> No.3315301

>listens to Peter Schiff once
>becomes an expert on bubbles

>> No.3315322


how do you short? 2-week rookie here.

>> No.3315854

How's it going, OP?

>> No.3315976
File: 9 KB, 205x303, 135134134134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao. Hope you'll get liquidated, newfag

>> No.3316147

Crypto isn't a bubble though. It needs ot have wide spread adoption and be unattainable for the masses.

>> No.3316548
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>> No.3316702

masses don't want this shit nerd

>> No.3316750

If you haven't taken out your original investment and been sitting on free money ever since then you are the real retard. I don't care if BTC loses 90% of it's value in 10 seconds.

>> No.3316836

If you're right I'll give you $200.

>> No.3317016

A feast for the senses.

>> No.3317030

And the dead whore bounce. I changed cat to whore because I love thinking about killing whores.

>> No.3317069


>> No.3317954

It does not. You are trying to make it fit. The chart shows the initial bump as maybe 1/8 of the top.

Yet with BTC it its around half.

You know it does not match yet you keep trying to fit it in for unknown reasons.

>> No.3317976

Buy nonshit coins in times like these and you will make it.

>> No.3318060

You obviously have a stake in all of this somehow or you wouldn't be posting 25 times on this thread

>> No.3318126
File: 59 KB, 1011x795, average intelligence vs hodl 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make virgin cycle vs chad fad meme about a month ago
>come back to /biz/
>people are reposting it

feels good man, you guys are the best

>> No.3318374
File: 30 KB, 500x500, 1454520176049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks he can apply technical analysis to crypto
enjoy being liquidated once you guess wrong