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File: 141 KB, 1000x667, WOJACK_QUAIL_3902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3311952 No.3311952 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you all realize that the moment you cash in, your "profits" are going to be raped by taxes.

>> No.3311963

Have you seen the portfolio threads? Everyone here is going to cash out $500.

>> No.3311967

bro everytime you trade you realize ur gainz. anyone who doesnt get that will be getting raped

>> No.3311975

>paying taxes
What are you, a fucking socialist?

>> No.3311992

I, for one, am happy to share money from nowhere with my government so they can buy weapons for Israel.

>> No.3312049

>implying i'm staying in this shithole if i make big bucks

would rather stay in somalia than in this pretend-everything-is-good land.

>> No.3312053

>trade and make money
>pay taxes on profit

>do nothing with money
>don't pay taxes because you haven't made any profit

i'd rather make money and then lose some to tax

>> No.3312158

>paying taxes

Do you literally want to stay poor?

>> No.3312165

>what is crypto credit cards

> what is jurisdiction changes

> what are offshore accounts

Are you dumb or just pretending

>> No.3312182


Jokes on you. I'm NEVER going to cash out.

>> No.3312186

>i'd rather make money and then lose some to tax
Good goy.

>> No.3312201

if i pay 99% in tax i still come out ahead than if i did nothing

>> No.3312207

what? you mean 20%-30% capital gains or whatever it is? i'm find with that

>> No.3312213

As soon as I make it big I'm leaving this shithole country with all my crypto

Fuck America

>> No.3312214

>cashing out in a cucked country


>> No.3312230

yeah fuck making millions sitting on your ass if your going to get taxed. I'd rater work 40 hours a week for 45 years making 35k a year

>> No.3312250

I hope OP realizes that every trade between any coins is a taxable event

but those threads are insufferavle, because there are always 20 year olds who never paid taxes before, and then, even worse, the reactionary fake anarchiocapitalist

>> No.3312281

Soon there is going to be a scramble for normies to sell FIAT for bitcoin ,there will be a point in the future when people wont want to "cash out" Bitcoin is going to become the dominant world currency you just havent got the foresight to see it yet.

>> No.3312285


i would be really grateful if one posts a comprehensive solution instead of just shitposting. anyone?

>> No.3312305

Solution is to pay your taxes

>> No.3312330

By the time yall cash out everybody will accept your imaginary tokens anyway.

>> No.3312332

>I hope OP realizes that every trade between any coins is a taxable event

But that's wrong.

>> No.3312336

Leaving the US doesn't mean the US won't come after you for taxes.

Also, you can't forsake or abandon your US citizenship. The US doesn't recognize that.

>> No.3312337


yes but how in detail?
do you track every trade?

>> No.3312341

yes thats what you're supposed to do

>> No.3312373


sounds like a pain in the ass

>> No.3312413

>not staying in for the long term

>> No.3312415

How much is the usual taxe rate per trade/profit?

>> No.3312428

>Also, you can't forsake or abandon your US citizenship. The US doesn't recognize that.

the fuck sought of draconian shit is that lmao

>> No.3312469

I'm new and a Britfag. Am I correct in thinking this means they can't tax us for making money on bitcoin:


From what I can tell it only means tax is applied when you buy things with bitcoin as you would in any other transaction

>> No.3312521
File: 32 KB, 655x650, 0013 - clDaMk2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not seeking tax advising from friends grandmother who owns a tax advice company and is a multimillionaire
It's like you want to stay poor.

>> No.3312526

yeah but it's just part of it, like knowing how much you have to pay etc

there's a reason why accounting can be a whole degree, proper accounting with knowledge of all the tax laws can be pretty time consuming

depends on your country, but it'll probably just end up basd on the profit you make rather than on each trade

it's something you should look into yourself for your own country, in australia te capital gains tax laws are a bit weird

if you buy an asset, which is what we're doing, and sell it within 365 of purchase price it's taxed at 50% of profit, after 1 year it's a lot less

search "cryptocurrency tax (your nation)" or "(country) capital gains tax" to get a better idea of what you might have to pay

>> No.3312537

Just start a company and wash it

>> No.3312577


i guess i just have to cash out in japan then. no taxes kek

>> No.3312602

Are you fucking serious cunt?
50% tax if you sell within a year? What a fucking gee up

Don't tread on me

>> No.3312612

>be dutch
>couple % capital gains tax at most

>> No.3312625


chances are whatever country you're in will still consider any money you make theres for tax purposes, once again in australia any income you earn overseas while working can be qualified as "international income" or something like that and you'll be expected by the government to pay it

if you don't well then i hope you don't plan on going back to that country

the problem is that it's impossible to have an original idea anymore, everything has been done and everyone has thought of everything so first world countries are usually pretty on it with tax evasion

yeah it's shit, i don't understand why they would do it, it just discourages investment

>> No.3312626


>> No.3312630

Between that, the fuel excise and the durrie tax, this country is becoming an EU-esque immigrant-filled socialist shithole faster than I'd like to admit even under our 'liberal' durry taxing overlords. Wtf.

>> No.3312635

local monero

bullshit im renouncing my citizenship as soon as im rich enough to move to japan

>> No.3312644

Depends where you live. In America, crypto is treated like a security, so every trade is considered a taxable event by the IRS.

>> No.3312650

You can renounce your citizenship. Takes a year and $3k I think, but they like to lose the fee so you have to pay twice. They probably use the year to audit you and find out if you owe them any money, which you would have to pay before they process you.

>> No.3312665
File: 34 KB, 433x480, 1504054572480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not American
>Have multiple passports

Should I cash out slowly and pay capital gains tax ? Maybe wait a year and pay 15%?

New Zealand has no CGT , same with many countries. Maybe I'll cash out in Cyprus or places like caymen islands with low tax....so many choices.

You Americucks are in trouble....

>> No.3312676

>it just discourages investment
This entire shit is set up to keep poor people poor. If any regular jackoff could just get rich then nobody would work and everything would fall apart faster. Also, there would be more competition for assets, like lambos. The lambo price would skyrocket, and we can't have that.

>> No.3312683

I'm not american, and I don't think that's how it works here, but how in the hell are you suppose to keep track of all of that? What happens if you weren't keeping records of every trade?

>> No.3312699

It depends if your name is Hillary Clinton or not.

>> No.3312736

it's been really socialist for a very long time, alcohol here has multiple taxes on it not including GST, housing prices are jacked up a lot by taxes (not including the full force of chinese money that only hason wants to stop) and wages have been stagnating for years since women joined the work force

also i remember hearing a statistic that less than half working ageaustralians contribute income tax which is just incredible
labour loves giving money to the bludgers and liberals are too scared to take it away

it's just a mess, and the fact the big banks pay less % corp. tax compared to my parents who both pay around 35% makes me furious when you see the few people that make this society better get fucked over every new government

>lambo price skyrockets
>i sell my lambocoin and make even more money

>> No.3312777

Yea you are incredibly wrong and uninformed. This is in no way accurate. You can renounce your citizenship and live in Singapore if you want to, to avoid a taxable business transaction. One of the founders of Facebook did exactly this after fb went public.

>> No.3312800

this ahahahahahaha we dont pay anything for the most and like 1.2% on the rest

>> No.3312821

>make $20k from $1k investment in months
>oh shit I have to pay $6k in taxes!
>only get free $13,000 for free

No coiners surely told me.

>> No.3312830

i love paying taxes so i wouldn't buy gold from singapore and get it sent to me without reporting


>> No.3312932

Middle class welfare is huge is it not? Our (((classical liberal))) ruling government wanted to pay subsidies for childcare for families earning up to 380k per year hahahaha. Typifies our country

wages have been flat in the 15 years since my parents bought the house were in now but the houses value has gone up 400%. It's madness.

Our economy is stagnant as fuck but we just keep on building and developing and driving artificial growth through massive immigration that undermines the culture and feel of this nation. It's disgusting and needs to stop.
$15 billion in welfare to non citizens last financial year.

And if I go to the servo, fill up my car and buy durries I'm getting hit with 2 taxes on fuel and 2 taxes on the durries, and if I stop at the bottleo on the way home I'll be adding another 3. It's disgusting. The government is like a malignant cancer that is fueled by taxpayer funds and will not stop growing with its death coming by way of running its host (us) barren of resources

Then every fucking idiot on morning TV drills into the populace that it's somehow the governments fault that they can't afford xx + the cost of living and the government are the only ones who can correct it.

IMO it's a massive over reliance on government and a deferral of responsibility to them that entitles them to action on behalf of making life better which is almost always entirely ineffective, hence how we ended up here


>> No.3312952
File: 32 KB, 354x347, 65648724326799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no taxes on crypto gains in my country

>> No.3312973

>if i pay 99% in tax i still come out ahead than if i did nothing
Good goy.

>> No.3312978

if i find out i have hiv before it becomes aids i win

>> No.3312979

I traded ETH all last year and didn't report shit.

>> No.3312985

>the government are the only ones who can correct it.
well they are, they can just remove all the absurd taxes and fuck off to just basic ones like small amount of welfare for people who genuinely need it, medicare and other social services and fuck off

shit like rent assistance for the scum iceheads who have never worked a day in their life is just a joke
the government seriously needs to put a ban on chinese investment because of the exact reasons you said, wages are the same because of a larger work force from more women and immigrants but houses just keep going up and up because of the chinese investment

the unions own the labour party so they will never do it and the coalition is too scared to slow down investment because of the jobs that will get lost

the position we're in probably impossible to get out of honestly, any government that would fix it wouldn't get a single vote unless they lied completely about what they had to do and even if they go in it would take a lot more than 4 years to fix our problems

we're fucked until we have a huge crisis that destroys our entire system and it's the same problem all over the west

>> No.3312999

Just move to japan or vietnam lmao

>> No.3313007

>"cashing in"
>going back to fiat
>during the age of credit/debit cards
oh what fools ye be

>> No.3313013

goodest goy, i would say

>> No.3313033
File: 370 KB, 700x700, 1498905652050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have to pay capital gains tax of 18% if you've gained more than £11.3k.

How you'd calculate that for HODLing, I don't know.

>> No.3313034

thanks. i payed 98.75% tax and i am happy most of it went to opressed niggers and coal burners as i am a white male and deserve it

>> No.3313037


>> No.3313038

goy of the year award, right here

>> No.3313072

I used a couple different exchanges for trading maybe 3-4 grand worth of USD. But my 100k profit is all from ETH on Coinbase/gdax.

Can I just print out my coinbase tax info and give the accountant that or do I need to find the transactions for these shitcoins as well?

>> No.3313122
File: 202 KB, 582x458, IMG_0396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just volunteer to pay 99% tax since youre such a cuckboy

and let jamal fuck your gf/mother or both

>> No.3313155

It's actualy 99.9%. Can't forget to tip the taxman or you will surely be audited.

>> No.3313168


Reading more, it seems it's not a capital gain unless you convert back to fiat.

It seems you can avoid taxes forever by just never converting more than the annual exempt amount.

>> No.3313213
File: 173 KB, 2688x2688, 1487528852246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do losses work with crypto in the states? You make a profit you get taxes around 20% ish but lets say you invested 6 grand and lost half of it. How much will you get back declaring it as a loss?

>> No.3313228


I think you'd only get tax relief.

>> No.3313403

Not if you make $412k+ and hold for at least one year, then you only pay 15% tax

>> No.3313413

i pay 13%, good enough.

>> No.3313455
File: 74 KB, 357x230, tenX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think pic related was a coincidence.

>use TenX to buy shit
>don't pay taxes
nice and simple

>> No.3313459


Crypto is not treated like a security, it's treated like an asset as of the 2014 Guidance on Virtual Currencies issued by the IRS. The SEC is looking into ICOs being securities.

>> No.3313477

>i pay
Good goy.

>> No.3313507

Yeah, except everyone is legally obligated to pay taxes in fiat and he is also obligated to take fiat for repayment of debts. So, no, there will always be a demand for fiat unless you wanna put a bomb in your lambo and blow up the IRS.

>> No.3313520

>be german
>hodl for more than a year
>don't pay taxes

Can it be this easy?

>> No.3313541

Is PAY not available in the US?

>> No.3313552

How do taxes work in the UK for crypto? How do they know that the money in your bank is coming from crypto?

>> No.3313560


There are only two things the average biztard needs to know:

1) Exchanges all track your trades for you, and let you download a spreadsheet of all your trades.

2) Anyone can hire someone else to do your taxes for you. It's not that expensive. They are pros, they can relatively easily whip up some script or Excel spreadsheet macros to calculate your taxes for you. For an experienced professional, figuring out your taxes would be not even an hour of work.

So all you have to do is find someone to do your taxes for you who has experience with crypto. Then you email them your trading and financial records. And it'll cost you probably less than $100. That's it. Stop circlejerking about it.

>> No.3313564


It's your responsibility to declare it.

>> No.3313607

>paying taxes
poorfag detected. lol the severely understaffed IRS for what it's responsible for enforcing is going to get you boy. Pay up.

>> No.3313646


Also... cheating taxes is easy, especially with crypto. IRS has only at most a couple thousand agents looking into this shit, and hundreds of millions tax returns.

There are lots of old cheapskates who never pay income tax for their entire life and get away with it because they never raised any red flags (like buying lambos and shit).

>> No.3313719


I live in Poland so I will pay 0%.

>start business
>withdraw profit
>write off profit as expenses of business
>tax is 0%
>close business

>> No.3313782

Top kek.

>> No.3313810

Yeah nah. Where I'm from btc counts as a currency. We don't pay taxes on currency exchange unless it's more than 50k, and even there it's not a big tax.

>> No.3313842

>My 100k profit is all from ETH
If you haven't traded that and are still holding you don't need to pay taxes on it. If you hold it for over a year you can pay longterm capital gains tax instead of short term which would be far better for you.

>> No.3313911

The IRS literally released an official doc stating crypto is treated as property you fucking faggot. If crypto was a security the SEC would be all over this shit YOU IDIOT.

>> No.3313939

Yeah go move to Somalia and see how much you hate the US then.