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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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330548 No.330548[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>329412

>> No.330550

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 103 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.330553

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))


Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=568529
Twitter: /PandacoinPND
Facebook: /Pandacoin.PND
Reddit: /r/PandacoinPND
IRC: #PandacoinPND on freenode.net
Weibo: http://weibo.com/pndcoin
Chinese QQ group: 255237866

Want to help Pandacoin (PND)?
Cryptsy voting: https://www.cryptsy.com/coinvotes
Send a mail for its inclusion on bter to: admin@mail.bter.com
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin


Normal pools can be found in the bitcointalk thread.


Charity: http://pnd4pnd.com


Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:


IRC: #PandacoinPND@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

Tipbot for 4chan:

>> No.330554

wew lad

>> No.330557

wew lad

>> No.330558

wew lad

>> No.330559

sent :^)

>> No.330561

>tfw bought PND at 160

Swear to Christ this is my luck.

Sorry for spreading my cancer luck to PND guys.

It's bound to go back up .....right?

>> No.330563

>tfw waited with my wew lad until you posted the PND stuff :^)

>> No.330564


thanks ;)

>> No.330566

>It's bound to go back up .....right?

in 9 days its guaranteed almost

>> No.330567

Thank you ;)

>> No.330568
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>> No.330574


are you still giving asiacoin holders PND?

cause they dont really need it do they?

>> No.330576

We've stopped advertising it.

>> No.330577
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wew lad

>> No.330579

>tfw tipped 140k last week
Feels really good, wish I got into the tip bot before.

>> No.330580


thanks for reminding me to transfer my ~ $2 worth of bitcoins from coinbase to my android wallet

though i do feel like coin base can be secure in terms of having it linked and backed up via my email

>> No.330582

Reminder that you can set ranges (100-5000) is it will automatically choose any amount in that range.

>> No.330583
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>> No.330586

What sort of value are we expected to hit in 9 days?

>> No.330587

10 billion market cap

>> No.330589

If only we could look into the future.

>> No.330591

more than what is today

>> No.330592
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jesus christ, how horrifying.

>> No.330596


>> No.330597

Good question.

>> No.330600

Someone is doing everything they can to make people sell PND

>> No.330605

>Fer_Torres getting BTFO

I see

>> No.330607

We need to buy amDOGE an octopus oracle stat. Did Paul have any offspring?

>> No.330622
File: 43 KB, 302x271, wewlad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad

>> No.330628

Can someone fill my buy order at 110 please?

>> No.330631

Come on amDoge 16 million is nothing for you :3

>> No.330632
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>> No.330633


>> No.330636


>> No.330638


9 days?

>> No.330639

pls ;_;

>> No.330641



>> No.330642


PND has been through alot worse and survived

>> No.330644



>> No.330645

One satoshi doesn't mean immediate failure. We've been to a few litoshi.

>> No.330646
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We've been sub 1 satoshi for 3 months.

>> No.330649


we are going to switch to being a PS coin and most of the POW miners are going to join the multipool,
increasing its value

>> No.330651

now fill my buy order

>> No.330652

oh look someone sold at 2 satoshi
better sell untill its still above 80 litoshi
oh look someone sold at 1 satoshi
better sell untill its still above 40 litoshi

>> No.330653

>we are going to switch to being a POS coin

>> No.330654




>> No.330656

thank you.
now if anyone is kind fill my 18 LTC buy order at 110 on mintpal.
please :)

>> No.330657


DOGE has negligible effect on PND and vice versa

>> No.330659

could you just sell and get out?

>> No.330661

The devs and the community are not that great, that's the most I can say about DOGE.
And I don't understand why DOGE dying would boost PND.

>> No.330662
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>> No.330665

with the introduction of the btc market any ltc price not a multiple of 40 is silly
i'll fill it at 120 :^)

>> No.330666



>> No.330667
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Not really.

>> No.330668

confirmed for the devil

>> No.330670

Can I ask why are you writing in all caps?

>> No.330671

The Beast speaketh.

>> No.330672

just sell your coins, go and you know, die in a fire :^)

>> No.330675

Sounds like some prophecy, also why dost thou typeth in caps?

>> No.330676

He has 666. He's probably already in a fire.

>> No.330677
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>> No.330679
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>> No.330680

fucking piff diddy

>> No.330682

New PND exchange icurrex.com/market/12

>> No.330683
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>piff diddy

>> No.330684
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>> No.330686


>> No.330690

my bad, meant puff duddy

>> No.330691


you need to use chrome

>> No.330692

That means it's probably not good.

>> No.330693

you could just wait at 110 you know...

>> No.330694

pauf dodo?

>> No.330695
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>puff duddy

>> No.330697
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What do?

>> No.330699

Don't use it.

>> No.330701


proceed anyway of course.

>> No.330702



>> No.330703

maybe false reports, new things arent welcome in crypto scene

>> No.330707

You are using a Mac, they don't get viruses so you're safe.

>> No.330709

You're right. Almost forgot about that.

>> No.330711

I believe that's a hackintosh

>> No.330713

"Hello all, we're having issues with our SSL cert provider. Servers are up but we can't go live until this is resolved. Will post updates."

>> No.330765


same problem Mintpal used to have... being protected by cloudfare can cause this.

mmmm yeah. I am Steve Jobs and I approve this message. MACs don't get viruses and their proprietary SSL implementation do not suffer any bug that may allow interception or compromise the integrity of the data. Please buy Apple if you haven't already.

>> No.330766

>I am Steve Jobs and I approve this message.


>> No.330771

We really should get on litebit.eu

>> No.330779


In early days it was about to accept paysafe cards... but no more. If that could be possible, a lot of people would use it. Other payment methods are not an option.

>> No.330780
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>Yes PND will go above 160 again

So we sure about this? Thinking about liquidating my 1.8 million DOGE coins that have slowly been devaluing and throwing it into PND.

Good idea yes/ no? Current PND is at 114 which appears to be a decent buy in price?

>> No.330786

if 1.8 mil Doge is all you have in Doge, then i dont want to advise you to sell more than 900K of your Doge for PND

>> No.330787

In the short term I'm not exactly sure what our whale is trying to accomplish but the future looks bright so to speak.
Never invest everything you have. This makes no sense.

>> No.330802


Depends how much your 1.8 M doge costed you. If you made profit, sell some. Just don't sell at loss,doge will see 130 again someday.

Nobody can tell if PND will see 160 again, it ranged alot from 6 - 12 before, 34 awhile, and 160 is already more than a 10x pump ( or surge...) that it what's common. Do the math with all the sell-buy orders occurred and you could infer the direction where we're headed

>> No.330804

>Nobody can tell if PND will see 160 again, it ranged alot from 6 - 12 before, 34 awhile, and 160 is already more than a 10x pump ( or surge...)

i think he meant 160 litoshi

which PND can easily get back to

>> No.330806

I really suck at trading.
Fucking hell.

>> No.330812

>tfw lost 5 million PND
Withdrew everything to my wallet and keep it there.

>> No.330813

I tried trading once
Lost 10 million PND ;_;

>> No.330814


yeah I meant litoshi too... and yeah PND can easily get back at 160, but as the btc market is open again, price can get sucked in 84 - 126 - 168 - ... range for a while

>> No.330815

I feel you brother.
Thanks amDoge.

>> No.330816

I think the whale is trying to buy half a billion @2 sat, then remove his sell orders through 15 and pump this shit to 30 - 40 sat.

Slowly sell to 100. Maximum profit.

>> No.330817

How were you able to loose so much?

>> No.330819

Man they opened up that btc market way too soon.

Shoulda waited till 500 litoshi

>> No.330821

I got emotional, I can't help it.

>> No.330823
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>> No.330824


Whales were already in b4, they don't buy stock, they microbuy. And if they stock up at 2 sat, they'll likely bring it up to 20 and sell around 16 - 18 sat. But don't think it's this case

>> No.330826
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>> No.330828

I can't see you address in the tipbot :(

>> No.330829

Refresh the page.

>> No.330830


Don't feel bad.

I bought a 200 litoshi and I'm fine with it. We have a long way to go.

>> No.330832

It could be good news, 1# is already compatible. with its interface.

>> No.330833

Thank you so much whoever just tipped me.
Will make PND OC until I die.

>> No.330836

Just try not to loose it again, ok?
Have some more.

>> No.330838

I know that feel, you think it's a good time to buy and then the price takes a dump to hell, you think it's the time to sell, next day it has a pump, maybe i should start doing the opposite of what i think i should do when it comes to trading.

>> No.330840
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>Just now noticing I haven't been using the tipbot

>> No.330843

Thanks man.

>> No.330848

What's happening in 9 days? Fairly new to PND here. Also just figured out how to use the tipbot.

How do I tip people?

>> No.330849
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>> No.330850


Ahh I can see it now, got the little PND icon next to the posts

>> No.330854

>What's happening in 9 days?
Switch from PoW (proof of work) to PoS (proof of stake) which eliminates direct mining.

>> No.330855


it doesn't actually work, unless you push the green or red button. By the time you push it, be sure the market will move in the opposite direction ;_;

Only thing that saves is cold rational reading of market data. And your worst enemy are faith & greed.

>> No.330856
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wew lad

>> No.330858
File: 60 KB, 1000x563, yukari happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks ;)

>> No.330859

I like how his ears vibrate

>> No.330860
File: 170 KB, 997x1501, PandaDUB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs checked!

>> No.330862


What's wrong with that finger though?

>> No.330865

Looks like it's bandaged.

>> No.330866

Kabosu probably bit him.

>> No.330867


Yes, our API is greatly compatible with Mintpals, and we are improving on it.

>> No.330872


that was a good choice, improve compatibility with already existing services and trade bots

>> No.330874

The request for chart data is blocked because of different domain.

>> No.330878


will be investigated



>> No.330883


error is because of certificate error, not different domain...
temp fix on chrome
> manually go to https : // chart .icurrex. com/ chart1_12. json? callback= chart
> click on proceed
> go back to the chart page and refresh

>> No.330885

IMO re-opening the BTC market has hurt PND more than it has helped. Everyone dumped and here we sit in decline.

>> No.330887
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How often is the interest calculated on PND balance once POS is implemented?
(if it is once a year, i think that is too long in the crypto world)

What are the security risks of having an 'open wallet' for POS to work?

>> No.330891

I think it's just like Blackcoin.
So 2.5 % /365

>> No.330892

Or am I wrong on this?

>> No.330898


Stay calm and wait for POS brother, BTC market opening was inevitable anyways.

>> No.330900

lmao @ Cinni

>> No.330905

remain vigilant, hold and buy only~

>> No.330923
File: 74 KB, 521x600, WhyPaintCats[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have dropped the silly convetion of having {COIN}/{EXCHANGE} for everey request and {MARKETID} for ohlc.

>> No.330930

will someone sell me 2m pnd for 10k doge? : /

>> No.330937

What the hell is going on on Mintpal?
100 BTC walls popping up in the BC, Cinni and DRK market.

>> No.330945

Wow, you must be a detective.
Those are exactly the currencies that are going to be pumped this week, or this is what I read on the italian forum on bct.

Better stay away.

>> No.330946


>> No.330947

I wish I could tip you with LELs.

>> No.330952

You are free to tip with PND's.

>> No.330961

>Wow, you must be a detective.

>> No.330962

First transaction made from the PoS wallet.

>> No.330963

[suspence intensifies]

>> No.330968
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>> No.330969


that finger is wrapped in baloney

>> No.330971
File: 1006 KB, 312x213, Reggie Paul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fast are PoS transactions, compared to PoW?

>> No.330972


I just bought 10k cinni.

Call me crazy.

>> No.330974

About the same.

>> No.330980

And? Did it work?

>> No.330981

Since it's in the blockchain it obviously worked

>> No.330983

Judging by the fact that it is sitting on the blockchain crawler, yes.

>> No.330984

Sweet, i posted this in another thread and got wonderfully ignored, let's try again:
The age the coin needs to have to be eligible to staking is 72 Hours
The Yearly Stake is 2.5%, meaning all the stakes add to 2.5% of what you have in total in an entire year.
We have 365 days a year.
365x24=8760 Hours
121(122?) Stakes a year
2.5% divided by 121=0.02...
So each individual stake is about 0.02% of what you have?

>> No.330985


>> No.330986

It's actually a bit less because 2.5 is meant to include compounding. Also this is only true if the wallet is kept running at least once a month to generate a PoS block since coinage is capped at 30 days.

>> No.330990

Someone said the coin age to PND was gonna be 72 hours i believe.

>> No.330992

Found it.


Proof of Stake (to be implemented)

Symbol: PND
Block time: 1 minute
Difficulty retarget: every block
Nominal stake interest: 2.5% annually
Min transaction fee: 0.1 PND (Fees are paid to stakeholders)
Confirmations: 3, maturity: 720
>Min stake age: 72 hours, no max age
P2P port: 22444, RPC port: 22445

>> No.330997

Would make sense, no?
I'm actually not sure how the max coin age comes into play but we will find out how it does on a large scale soon.

>> No.330998
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This is great news, thank you to you and your team

>> No.331021

Is the implementation an original creation?
Or will an exsisting one be uesed?

>> No.331023

We're taking what has been used with Blackcoin but with less inflation.

>> No.331024


>> No.331025
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>tfw just broke 2mil

>> No.331029


>> No.331031

Ok, but don't you mean more?
Blackcoin states the have 1%.

>> No.331035
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Forgive me. I'm not good with numbers.

>> No.331041

So when will PoW mining stop?

>> No.331042

When 32b coins are mined.

>> No.331044

Once this number http://pandachain.net/chain/PandaCoin/q/totalbc reaches 32b.

>> No.331045

Noice job joining the multi-millionaires club!

>> No.331056

When will the new client be released?

>> No.331057

When it's done.

>> No.331059
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>> No.331062

What do you goys think about this?


>> No.331067

Buy the 54 MH/s one and point it at the multipool for great justice.

>> No.331068

Makes me very happy. Now I can mine stuff without spending all night feeding cans of liquid air into my insanely overclocked laptop's intake vent, all for 150KH/s.

>> No.331072

Although, if a new PoW algorithm becomes more popular, like X11 or something, then your investment is kaput.

>> No.331075

>mine coinye instead

>> No.331079


Cheapest price I've seen for a 300 k/hs gridseed. Nice find!

>> No.331080


pissing off keanu we$t is priceless

>> No.331081

That coin got a huge amount of publicity just by incorporating a celebrity into its identity. We need to get the kung fu panda shilling PND.

>> No.331084

This article seems to suggest that future coins are going to be mainly PoS to avoid ASICization.
Will this affect the multipool, or will most coins have a PoW phase before going PoS like BC and PND?
If we can't make PND by mining others, we're all going to have to start thinking of goods and services to sell PND exclusively for.

>> No.331086

Can someone explain what reason there is to use the really big ones?
If you point the biggest at the multipool for the three weeks, then you get about $2000, but you have to pay almost $8000.
So why not just by at an exchange?

>> No.331087

We could switch to PoE.
I think it would be the first time someone does that.

>> No.331088

>to sell PND exclusively for.
*to sell for PND (or DOGE) exclusively

>> No.331089


>> No.331091

captcha:cyexic explains

>> No.331099

Sorry my post got deleted befor I could send.
I will write again.

>> No.331100
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>115 litoshi
The fuck is going on?

>> No.331101


"Proof of Everything"

The answer is 42.

>> No.331102

It is Proof of Excellence.
Basicly you host tournaments and the winner gets the blockreward.
For example you let AIs compete and the owner or sponsor gets the reward.
Advantage over PoS is that you use all the energy to do something productive.
And you improve AIs at the same time, because people will try to make better ones so that they win.
Hope that helps, I am no expert myselfe.

>> No.331103

Took you while to make something up.

>> No.331104

All these writing mistakes.
Oh the shame.

>> No.331107

Isn't that basically what Huntercoin is now?

>> No.331109

That actually gives me an idea: Automated Age of Empires games between a bunch of custom AI's, like those competitions they used to run. Put bets on the AI with Doge or whatever, if you win you get dosh. Pay a little fee to get your own custom AI entered for a game and get a chunk of the winnings.

>> No.331111

For the life of me i can't understand how would this work.

>> No.331114
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>> No.331115

Why did PND drop from literally 215 Litoshi to 110 in a single 24 hour span?

Just fucking Whales?

Do whales hate pandas?

>> No.331117

Weak hands.

>> No.331118


Panda eat fish.
Fish=whale food.
Panda make whale mad.
Whale smash panda.

>> No.331119

how do you spell doge?

>> No.331120


>> No.331121

Panda don't eat fish, they eat bamboo!

>> No.331122
File: 19 KB, 378x120, Screen Shot 2014-05-13 at 00.47.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sent ;)

>> No.331123

Meh, buy while it's cheap, PoS soon, prices will skyrocket, profits will be huge.
Got some sweet quads.

>> No.331125

received ;)

>> No.331126


Well it sounded good god damnit.

>> No.331127

Darkcoin has ring signatures. What are they and why doesn't PND have it?
>are we losing the feature war?

>> No.331129

i mean pronounce
how do you pronounce doge

>> No.331130

Okay I found the original article where I first read it.
Just search for it.
They claim that they had the idea, but apperently abbolished it because it still consumes large amounts of energy.
I think the idea is interesting, and maybe useable in the future.
Remember anything is possible in cryptos.

>> No.331131

Dohj. Soft j.

>> No.331132

"wew lad"

>> No.331135

What if there was PoE using BF Joust?

>> No.331136


>> No.331137

>PoS soon, prices will skyrocket
I remember hearing this before

>Halvening soon, Doge prices will skyrocket
>and by skyrocket I mean slowly go downhill

>> No.331138

Except we are not plebbit.

>> No.331139


>> No.331142

Except PoS actually gives a reason for it to rise, which is the fact that coins can no longer be mined at all.

>> No.331143

I don't know, you tell me.
Is this a game that can't be played by AIs?

>> No.331145

Well you basically code programs to duke it out on a battle field.

>> No.331146
File: 27 KB, 420x280, 2urbuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoE in 9 days!

>> No.331147


>> No.331149

let this man explain http: // www . youtube . com / watch?v = T9I-UA4IBOc

>> No.331150

The S is near the E, it was a mistake, i believe.

>> No.331152
File: 69 KB, 1440x900, dontfall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PoS in 9 days!
Hold on!

>> No.331155

Good to hear.

>> No.331156

Sort of, the last few posts talkinga bout PoE made me type PoE by mistake, then it was too late...

>> No.331159
File: 96 KB, 769x541, Screen Shot 2014-05-13 at 00.53.25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I can do my part then.

>> No.331164

What am i looking at my dearest amDOGE?

>> No.331166

The patch for the blackcoin wallet the multipool admin has been working on for quite some time now. My part is doing the rebranding and compiling the wallets and pushing it to the repos.

>> No.331167

So the PoS is a new block chain that sits beside the old PoW one?
Makes sense since it isn't implementing a hash.

>> No.331168
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>> No.331170

No it's the same but a new one will be redownloaded, modified so that PoS can work, and then the old data will be removed.

>> No.331172

I see.

>> No.331174
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>> No.331178

buy high hold forever

>> No.331182

This seems to be how things went for me buying Doge. I've just finished switching all my Doge to PND, bought high again.

>> No.331184

is ICURREX a replica of MintPal?

>> No.331187

It's like Swisskeks but with Mintpals API

>> No.331188

Happened to me with BC, Flutter, DGB, WC and PND

>> No.331207

So in 9 days I can no longer mine PND?

Will amDoge's dedicate pool be shut down or something?

>> No.331211

The pool will mine other coins and then instantly cash them for PND, thus propping the demand for PND up and increasing its value (in theory)

>> No.331212

That's why we have the multipool that will mine other coins to distribute coins and to pump value. It just fits very well.

>> No.331214

What if all future coins start going PoS? I guess they will still require a PoW phase for distribution?
Or do we just focus on what PoW coins are left?

>> No.331217

>What if all future coins start going PoS?
There will always be interest in PoW coins.
>I guess they will still require a PoW phase for distribution?
Yes but this isn't very good subject to a multipool in terms of time and being on cryptsy.
>Or do we just focus on what PoW coins are left?

>> No.331220
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For some reason my Rejects from the Multipool are like 1/5th my total hashes.

Also, I get disconnected from the Multipool after a couple hours and have to restart my miner. Really frustrating, especially waking up to a 5-8 hours of non-mining work.

But your dedicated mining server bamboo house I have zero problem. REjects are like 1/20th, and I am never disconnected.

What the fug?

My config:

cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u XX.XX -p password --thread-concurrency 24000 --lookup-gap 0 --gpu-engine 1100 --gpu-memclock 1550 --gpu-powertune 20 -w 256 -I 20 -g 1

>> No.331222


We create a second coin named TigerCoin™ (TGR) with another 96 day PoW phase but it distributes 64 bil coins and its tied to PND. Each TGR is 2-1 with PND. We do one more coin *name to be determined* (possibly HimalayanCoin (HMY)) that is 4-1 w/ TGR and 2-1 w/ PND and only 16 bil released in a PoW phase.

We essentially create our own economy with different currencies targeting all of SE Asia.

Possibly intertwine the blockchains to stake all 3 coins at different yearly %'s

>> No.331223

this is all over the course of a year.

details to be determined

>> No.331226

That could work.
It would be like having a $1 bill, $5 bill, etc...

>> No.331230

Where are you located?

>> No.331231

1# accepts only PND

>> No.331232

What the shiggy, i seriously hope you guys do not do this.

>> No.331233

pumping one, pumps the other. so crashing one crashes the other. it could create stronger economy.

>> No.331236

What coin does the Yakuza use to launder its money?

>> No.331237

kind of like btc and ltc. they work together

>> No.331238


>> No.331241


Don't think it's a good idea to waste people's hashrate into another coin.
If all PND miners joint the multipool, we'll have more LTC capital into the market cap, because PND will be bought up. Price will not need to be sustained by the new daily coin supply also, making the value of each PND greater.
I am maybe just daydreaming....

>> No.331243

Double dubs are truly the best.

>> No.331245

You dont have to format it like that

>> No.331246

Holy shit I wasn't even paying attention!
vid related

>> No.331249


>> No.331250

Those are tripple dubs

>> No.331254

Looks like i'm blind.

>> No.331256

Sent ;^)

>> No.331259

hey guys, how buy PND?

>> No.331261


>> No.331263

wew thx anons

>> No.331268

It says that the 340khs consumes 70W, then that the 1Mhs consumes 30W.
What gives?

>> No.331271


someone want to convince me why i should sell my BTC for PND?

>> No.331276
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If my calculations are correct, when PoS kicks in, and all the miners from PoW will join the multipool, it will buy at least 18 LTC in PND more than now. This will create a dragging effect, making more people mine, and more people buy.

>> No.331279

You know what's orange and in the sky?

Not Bitcoin.

Sorry I got nothin'. Can someone who actually knows what they're talking about explain PND to this kind anon?

>> No.331280

The Japanese government, so the Yen.

>> No.331284

Which will be the perfect time to sell. Other coins like mintcoin has multipools too though their prices are stagnating /decreasing nonetheless

>> No.331285

Is now time to buy?

>> No.331287

PND has a very active team of developers, is being actively marketed in China (it has a great icon for doing so), and is building it's way to be become a real currency (not just a comodity)

>> No.331289

Honestly I would trade BTC for just about anything else. BTC has been losing value pretty consistently for a while now and there is no real reason why it would go back up.

>> No.331294

It will go up and you are gonna have monies.
Fuck i am great at this, may as well get a shilling job.

>> No.331298


because LTC is very low, you are getting lots of ltc in exchange for your btc. Then you use those ltc to buy more panda. Eventually use btc if you get nice arbitrage opportunity.
Right now 1 satoshi = 42,82 litoshi, so at current sell price of 117, it's a better deal than 3 satoshi ( = ~ 128 litoshi )

Just buy PND, because of reasons

>> No.331309



>> No.331315

probably dollars...

that or zetacoin

>> No.331325

i'm doing something wrong because my numbers say i would get more Pnd for BTC then i would for LTC

i have 0.075 BTC and at 1 satoshi would get me 7.5m PND
converting my BTC to LTC would get me 3.15139423984 LTC. a LTC/PND is at 109 litoshi, that's only ~3m PND

right? or am i a complete fucking idiot?

>> No.331329

>at 1 satoshi
That's the problem.

>> No.331342


> at 1 satoshi
...but price is 3 satoshi so for 7.5 M PND you would spend 0.22533748 btc, 0.075 btc is roughly 2,5 M PND (exchange rate is slightly changed since last msg) or 3.15 LTC. If you go in ltc market, 3.15 ltc are something like 2.7 M PND.

if you trade now, trade in LTC because of reasons

>> No.331379
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>> No.331383

Goodnight, based God.

>> No.331390
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There are 613,140,648 Pandacoins (PND) left to mine before PoS implementation! Approximately 8 days left.

>> No.331407

Imma get my boy Tokugawa to see if he can sell them on the virtues of PND when he talks to them next.

>> No.331420
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>105 litoshi
What are these niggers even doing? Why would you dump a week before PoS?

>> No.331424

le pumperdumpers. To drive the price down, and collect from all the weak hands, possibly.

>> No.331426

I dumped about 25 percent of my holdings because I have no guarantee that a shitcoin going PoS will actually make a difference when DOGE, the most popular coin out there, has been stagnant for over a month despite a halvening and BC is basically in the shitter.

>> No.331427
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>> No.331431

This can all be said for every single crypto that's more professionally managed than comedygold. I'm pretty sure even Hobonickels can boast of their Chinese market penetration.

>> No.331435
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Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.331456


This is the shittiest shill I've read. It's so fucking blatant and pathetic. Please do better.

>> No.331468
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>> No.331476

what happened to the 8 btc support at 2 sat??

>> No.331588

How much money can we make off JesusCoin? Or ChristCoin?

BibleShekels? GodsGold? HebrewCircles? JehovasDoorknobs? MormonMoney?

amDOGE, pls.

>> No.331596

>gods gold

>> No.331597

amEGOD pls.

>> No.331606

I've mining/using faucets for the past few days at I'm at 10k PND. I haven't been able to mine today since it's so hot and my place has no AC, so I'm afraid I'll overheat my GPU while mining.

How much can I expect to make once PND hits PoS? I'll probably have a bit more than that once it hits but I still doubt it'll be much.

>> No.331611

use the tipbot :^)
or buy btc with fiat --> pnd

>> No.331613


Nothing. Post an address and I'll give you some.

>> No.331614

In the email field

>> No.331618

gib panda plox

>> No.331624
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is there a palestine coin yet? israelcoin isn't doing too badly. an exchange which only has those coins paired might be interesting.

also pls jehovasdoorknobs, satanssilver, buddhabux, holynickels and flyingspaghettishekels.

>> No.331629


sent 50k

>> No.331632



tipbot is an easier way for you to receive tips

>> No.331633
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thank you

>> No.331674

>is there a Palestine coin yet
They should have made this before Israelcoin, and then forked Israelcoin out of it, while bringing in a ton of new miners.

>> No.331676
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> <100 litoshi

>> No.331682

So many potential buyers licking their lips right now.

>> No.331700

Can't wait for my wire to kraken.

>> No.331703

The rocket is falling and falling

>> No.331705

The price of PND tripled in a week.

>> No.331716

i'm guessing the price is being manipulated to bring someone cheap pnd buys.

>> No.331717


>> No.331721

let me tell you what this means, you create coin that adds nothing, but you can trade it at fixed ratio with pnd
you might as well create more pnd reducing value per coin, because miners will use pnd only as a way to dump.
is this some sort of cancer idea that you propose to every coin that you dont like?
if you really want to create another coin i guess i cant stop you, but fix the ratio only if its doing good AND ONLY IF ITS DOING GOOD ON ITS OWN(increasing pnd value)

>> No.331794
