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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3301711 No.3301711 [Reply] [Original]

Here is an update on the horror show known as "Wagerr", the decentralized betting platform.

Wagerr team wanted to be cute and offer a Mayweather MacGregor off-chain (centralized) promo...took in millions of wagerr in bets, didn't want to do a payout manually. So instead of payouts being 24 hours like we were told, it took them 4 days to write a script that ended up paying out OVER 4 MILLION EXTRA WAGERR COINS TO CERTAIN WINNERS

One guy bet 10k on Mayweather and got a 1,000,000 wagerr payout

Subsequently, because this shitcoin is on Waves, all the extra payout tokens have diluted the market and knocked 40% off of the pre-fight wagerr price.

>dev team in total disarray
>total shitstorm on the slack chat
>dev team members frequently argue with community members on slack instead of giving out proper updates
>we were told that one dev was affected by the hurricane, but it turns out it was his parents house
>total lack of PR/communication with the community, team has a "blame the victim status"
>other ICO's are 3x to 10x, wagerr can still be purchased for below ICO prices

Why did I invest in this scam shitcoin biz?

>> No.3301888


>> No.3302414

lmao OP
I tried to warn anons here for MONTHS and opened threads constantly

FWIW i sold this shitcoin at 12 cents
you have to be out of your mind if youre still holding this

>> No.3302435


too bad Im banned on slack
would love to see the shitstorm on there hahaha
but last time I went there all these fucktards were in full denial

>m-m-muh testnet
>i-i-its gonna moon any minute now

>> No.3302456

Lol. Sell all of your Wagerr for Ethbet in 10 days and enjoy a project with functioning betting on the blockchain, none of this shit with no transparency

>> No.3302473

desu this project was a fuckup from day 1
if you didnt see this coming from a mile away you deserve your bags

>devs couldnt even get ICO right... gave out too many/little tokens on ICO and had to manually adjust the payouts
>cant get their coin listed on a proper exchange and hide behind "muh NDA" for months when pressed for updates
>ZERO progress even though they claimed they worked on the software for 2 years already
>now this mayweather/mcgregor fiasco where... again... they couldnt even get MANUAL payouts right

haha fuck these people
fuck their gook dev
and fuck all their cultish bagholders who still believe this coin will make them rich

>> No.3302522

unregulated and decentralized sports betting is a horrible idea from the start.

>> No.3302553

Lmao at retards dont use the only useful one called stox

>> No.3302609


yeah stox has a working alpha ONE MONTH after the ICO
wagerr claims they worked on their software for two years... yet they got fuck all to show
you really gotta check out their reddit and slack
these are the most retarded bagholders Ive ever seen
they still believe that theyll get a working testnet next month and theyll all be rich
its kinda scary desu to see who stupid these people are
they literally gave 10 million dollars to a bunch of bozos with zero experience, who produced zero results and still defend them

>> No.3302894

Crypto is retarded

>> No.3303218

the hivemind in the slack is unbelievable, they attack anyone who criticizes the team....these people are like brainwashed cult members

I am getting out as soon as the price comes back up a little so I at least break even...my guess is "mainnet" will eventually release but probably not for another year. maybe someday the ICO investors will get a return but there are much better opportunities out there.

I'm a fucking idiot for giving them my btc at ICO and thank god i can still get my money out

>> No.3303271


wagerr has the dumbest and most delusional bagholders Ive ever seen in any coin
I dont know how the wagerr team did it
this coin could go to a negative market cap and they would still defend the devs

its probably some psychology play where the victims dont want to admit to themselves they got scammed
so they just completely shut out any facts and reality
really makes me think I should run my own ICO

>> No.3303359


it's literally stockholm syndrome

>> No.3304080

i want to bump this to the top for visibility

>> No.3304111

I have 20,000 of these dirty cock suckers sitting on WAVES. Fuuuu.

>> No.3304219

>maybe someday the ICO investors will get a return but there are much better opportunities out there.
Do you want to learn how to not be poor?

>> No.3305057


teach me senpai

>> No.3305797

Is now a good time to buy? Testnet is out soon yeah?

>> No.3306821

supposedly testnet is out at the end of September, but I highly doubt this will happen, or if it does, will be another train wreck