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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3293243 No.3293243 [Reply] [Original]

You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Just sitting around, doing nothing, watching your balances grow. There are people out there literally working themselves to death - TO DEATH! - for a fraction of what you passively make with your "crypto" while masturbating to anime.

You disgust me.

>> No.3293258

>he will wagecuck forever and die poor

>> No.3293263 [DELETED] 
File: 618 KB, 3403x1717, musk-smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent seek or be rent sought nigga it's 2017

>> No.3293295
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love it

>> No.3293310

kys nocoiner

>> No.3293325

We should have listened to Keynes

>> No.3293334

How about you tell them about crypto instead of scolding us?

>> No.3293340

Do you get mad at supermodels who get paid for being pretty?

Or get mad at trust fund kids who are rich simply for being born?

Or people who win the lottery simply because they have a gambling addiction?

>> No.3293348

So what? If i hadnt been making crypto money would their life somehow improve?

>> No.3293366

Buy a laptop and a book and learn u fucking pussy nobody is stopping you

>> No.3293502

What book? I learn everything online but I enjoy learning from books

>> No.3294739

On pace to make $19k today.

Not bad.

>> No.3295046

You don't even make that much, only if you're already rich as fuck at which point you don't need any more money. Crypto is a meme

>> No.3295072

I guess I'm smarter than them then.

If they want to kill themselves working, it's their choice, isn't it?
Well, I made a smarter one.

>> No.3295106

>all these people taking this shitty bait
remember when 4chan was self aware and wasn't filled with retards who thought everything was serious?

>> No.3295114

If you dont take memes seriously you have no business in crypto.

>> No.3295123
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maybe they should

git gud

>> No.3295138
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I know it's bait, you're the stupid one for not knowing we know it's a shitty bait.

What am I supposed to do while the graphs are updating anyway? Might as well shitpost.

>> No.3295143

kill yourself retard I've probably made more than you on crypto. buying into memes is probably the worst thing you could possibly do

>> No.3295225

>implying that makes it better for them when it really makes it better for us

>> No.3295316

Yes. It's not fucking fair...

>> No.3295370
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you on the left

>> No.3295392
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>live in a third world shithole
>earning top dollars on my job
>still make more with crypto shittrading

I'm going hungry atm because I keep putting all my shit into this, this is my ticket out of here, either I make or I kill myself, win win either way.

>> No.3295502

>implying Im not busting my ass to make more money to funnel into cryptos

>> No.3295535

Fuck off. I wage cuck one of the most deaming jobs around - retard wrangling. Everyday I have to deal with literal autistic spaz outs and have to change the shit filled nappies of full grown adults. All my meagre savings go into crypto and I'm finally, FINALLY at a point where I might be able to make as much off crypto "passively" (furiously researching ICOs and avoiding shitcoins) to replace my shit job.

>> No.3296104

Rich Dad, Poor Dad. The Millionaire Next Door, Deep Work, A Walk Down Wallstreet, ...

>> No.3296126

lifes unfair boohoo

>> No.3296190

in order to become a kike one must do as a kike
if anon doesn't, someone else will
pareto principle, darwinism yadda yadda

t. has to wageslave nearly until Q3 to break free of tax oppression each year

>> No.3296772

There's no honor in wagecucking. It's voluntary indentured servitude. These people have the same chance I have to escape it, and they refuse to even try. Let's face it, most people can't think outside the box. They will work themselves to death simply because it's what everyone else is doing. They'll put $200 into lottery tickets before they put it into something that will actually make them money.

>> No.3296839
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>tfw making money while fapping to 3d lol hentai

>> No.3296850
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>> No.3297327

>win win either way
Top kek, I feel you f@m. Third worlder here.

>> No.3297365

I'm more right than left
is this a good thing?

>> No.3297426

Third worlder here as well.
We're going are going to make, bros

>> No.3297438

>tfw 100% lamboland chad

>> No.3297599


It ain't my wave,but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna ride it and get what the fuck I can out of it. Besides, I got the initial investments by working. Add to that, I take losses as well as gains.

I used to hate people who lived on welfare even though they were fit for work and jobs were available. Why aren't they contributing and producing? After a few years, I realized I had it backwards the entire time: as long as you *can* get taxpayer money, it's a moral imperative to do so, provided that the funds are used for the betterment of your friends and loved ones and the strengthening of bonds and the in-group. If you can find work on the side and make more tax-free income on top of that, even better. Unfortunately many recipients don't do this, they waste the money.

I'm in the U.S, so I speak in the context of an American: this is not a Nation. There is no national unity. There is no patriotism. Millions of American men have died screaming, with their guts hanging out and their pants full of shit, believing they were preserving freedom and crushing tyranny. The People """memorialize them""" and celebrate these freedoms, which they have allowed to slip through their fingers for decade after decade, and they do so by shoving their fat pig snouts into troughs of booze, grease, and sugar, then staring at colorful explosions in the night sky and maybe fucking a stranger in a bathroom stall.

This isn't a nation, it's a slowly sinking ship fit for plunder. Get as much as you can, while you can. All that matters is you and yours. Everyone else can get fucked.

>> No.3297650


Hang on bros, when the U.S falls, the 3rd world will get more business. Israel is already shifting their business and political dealings more toward Russia and China. They're like monkeys swinging from branch to branch, they don't let go of one before getting decent hold of another. The Jews have almost bled us dry, all you have to do is wait and reap some benefits when they turn to you. Then you crush them once and for all.

>> No.3297742


Die you fucking communist !

>> No.3297989

>This isn't a nation, it's a slowly sinking ship fit for plunder. Get as much as you can, while you can. All that matters is you and yours. Everyone else can get fucked.

Sadly, you are correct. Is it wrong to take all the supplies you can carry as the ship sinks? Maybe, but if it's a matter of survival, does it matter? This whole system is coming down. There's nothing that can save it. Anyone who isn't adequately equipped when it sinks is going to perish.

>> No.3298411

exactly this. stupid people get butthurt and want to drag others down to their level so they can feel better. which is why you see posts like this, form stupid people like OP.

smart people want others to join them, which is why you saw everyone telling you to get into crypto, OP, but you didnt listen....

>> No.3299263
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Checked bruh. Thats the damn truth. A landmass filled with easy atomized marks for kikes and anyone with a tight ingroup willing to take advantage.

This place is the farthest thing from a nation.

>> No.3299874

how come when I made my first profit it gave me a boner

>> No.3299933

some of us do both

>> No.3300579

you are too stupid to be successful like me- keep working your hands to the bone because you are inferior.

>> No.3300649

This guy knows.

>> No.3300710
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>> No.3300719

Your message made me hard.

>> No.3300759

I work 8 hours a day and sleep 4 hours a day. The entire time I am awake I am watching the markets to make money.

You know who disgusts me? You and dumb people who are advocating for. You should be ashamed for sticking up for trash that should be ashamed of being so ignorant.

Kill your self, trash.

>> No.3301200
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> all you have to do is wait


>> No.3301229

No. Seriously take better care of your money

>> No.3301254

Yes, but then I throw my head back with lols because I worked at it, juggled good and bad info and found my way to 4chan. The brilliant will inherit the earth, not some shit who gets a life handed to them.

>> No.3302054
File: 617 KB, 1224x1077, 5758103c8d87552727f6594d4b775a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent books. Remind you that if you spent a buck on these books, you got Jew'd.

>> No.3302102
File: 13 KB, 400x283, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, you need brass balls to make money in crypto