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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 62 KB, 454x549, 1500509798644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3292463 No.3292463 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys actually believe these good times will last forever? Crash is coming

>> No.3292486

no you're not getting cheap BTC sorry bro

>> No.3292497

BTC will never drop below 3500 from now on

>> No.3292506

money man mike here to say its impossible to lose money when all you bought was one btc for $15 five years ago. very glad i didnt spend that on another bag of h and overdose, that was my other option

>> No.3292512

There will have to be a reason for the crash. Such as exchange hacked or fork uncertainty.

>> No.3292515

are you going to tell us when it is coming, clown?

>> No.3292549

I cant say when but its coming and its going to be steep
Btc having all these scaling issues is not gonna help it. Come october november is when we will see some shit go down

>> No.3293419
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Remember the people who said this in 2011? 2012? 2013? 2014? 2015? 2016? Now 2017? It's stronger than ever, and it will only get stronger from here on out as we're the "innovators" letting the next herd, the "early adopters", come in and further amass the volume. IF, if, we settle at a certain price, I'd guess it would be around the 9K~12K range.

>> No.3294114
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>> No.3294485
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The Chad Fad is real

>> No.3294498

It's a bubble but we are at the start of the launch. Mass adoption is just beginning. People with huge bankrolls are starting to pour in with the waves of normies.

>> No.3294553

We are at $172.664.086.091. Not a lot of money involved yet. Mass adoption into random regulation into exchanges getting hacked will pop this, but for now we are good to go

>> No.3294554

Give us a crash. I want to buy more

>> No.3294592

Only legitimate crash cryptocurrency had was back in 2013 set off by MT Gox, not because it was due for a correction.

We would have seen five digit Bitcoin by now if fucking autists didn't rely on a Magic The Gathering Trading Platform to fucking trade Bitcoin.

>> No.3294600

You were not in the market in 2013, no?

>> No.3294647

>IF, if, we settle at a certain price, I'd guess it would be around the 9K~12K range.

You're thinking way too small for a currency/store of value with a max quantity of 21 million coins

>> No.3294678


Fuck off, gramps

>> No.3294685
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>> No.3294687
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Here's the bitcoin logarithmic scale.

Yes there's a definite rise, but not even close to the bubble you seem to be afraid of.

Remember that anyone with a computer can obtain bitcoin/crypto, but only a tiny fraction of people have it.

>> No.3294699

So dump everything of you're so sure.
The only thing going down in value is the fucking dollar

>> No.3294725

>Remember that anyone with a computer can obtain bitcoin/crypto, but only a tiny fraction of people have it.

Remember that only a tiny fraction of those who can want to, because of its rally over the past 6 months and it is allways a bad idea to buy near ATHs. Show this graph a financial advisor and he still would be insane to give BTC a substantial share of a portfolio.

There are good reasons to be cautious and good reasons to be optimistic.

>> No.3294743

This can't be real. Mt gox was magic the gathering?

>> No.3294760

Yes, MTGox stood for Magic the Gathering Online Exchange

>> No.3294785

Yeah in a few years

>> No.3294795
File: 40 KB, 300x373, 1496860289069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

relax bro longterm were good im 25 now with if i can retire at 35 then thats sweet the next 5 years are gonna make us all filthy rich

My porfolio

Ive spread $1700 over some solid coins great ideas and i have $300 in BTC and i do believe its a ticket to lambo land

hedge your bets boys, next year could be a bear market but the year after that....

there is only one way we're going.. TO THE FOOOKIN MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON

>> No.3294819

>Remember that only a tiny fraction of those who can want to
I misread you.

Anyone "can" buy into bitcoin/crypto, just like anyone "can" be fit and healthy.

Sure, there are people who know exactly how and where to buy in but don't want to, but the people who would want to, but can't because they're not savvy/aware enough are VASTLY more numerous.

>> No.3294823


Agreed. It will happen - when it stops being so volatile.
But we are at least a couple of years away from this.

>> No.3294832

>But we are at least a couple of years away from this.
Lucky us.
This is where the money is made.

>> No.3294839
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>i can retire at 35
>Ive spread $1700 over some solid coins great ideas and i have $300 in BTC

>> No.3294852

The other day I saw a thread about someone taking out loans to buy more cryptos...
Thats not a good sign.

>> No.3294876


I'm giving you permission to get excited buddy, were not even at $1T market cap yet

>> No.3294882

When I first read that I thought you said you had placed invested $1700 in each of several coins but now I see you're whole portfolio is only $2000 and you're spread thin across a bunch of shitcoins and think you're going to get rich.

Hint buddy: If you're lucky, BTC gains will cover your losses in teh shitcoins that goto zero, but only just.

>> No.3294929

no its $100 over 17 coins im trying to treat it like a FTSE 100 index fund spread money everywhere, hedge my bets I haven't picked any shit coins, the coins i have picked do serve a purpose or have a history. its gotta be better than 5% a year

>> No.3294938

$100 in each 17 coins*

>> No.3295039

>not savvy/aware enough

We have major discussions in large companies how to deal with cryptos and how to use the technology. The awareness is there, normies >know< BTC and ETH. We have articles in big newspapers over this issue in every language thinkable.

But it is nearly impossible to relay several factors to possible investors, regardless if they want to invest $100 per month or $1,000,000 per day.

a) Volatility
People go crazy when their portfolio go -20% in a couple of days or weeks.
In crypto, this is everyday business within hours or even minutes. The hands you need in cryptos need to be trained, the mind needs to be soothed.

b) Technology
Blockchain tech is not easily explained. It is abstract. The fact that BTC is not the "fiat alternative" it was advertised 8 years ago but is now basically an abstract "gold of cryptos" does not make this easier (if BTC would be an altcoin released today, it would be worthless). If you stray away from BTC to altcoins, the intrinsic value is even harder to explain and need at least a basic understanding what the tech is able to achieve.

c) no Regulation
Some dont want to deal in cryptos, because of the two factors stated above. Others (especially institutional investors) cannot, because it is not regulated and they are forbidden to offer unregulated investments.

We will see a steady growth of BTC in the next years, but it will only go bonkers again if it starts to be regulated. Which is hard to achieve.

If you can retire on 35k, I am not sure if I would like to live where you live.
Also: extrapolate historical data nto the future is where the hurt comes in.

>> No.3295051

And I'll buy the dip.

As I have since 2013.

>> No.3295070

it wouldnt be too bad for a years returns tho pal for fuck all im in for the long game

>> No.3295081
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just made my first artwork

>> No.3295096

1 BTC is going to a fucking million dollars

>> No.3295111
File: 222 KB, 1304x892, BITMAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USD_thinking retard detected

>> No.3295283

>it wouldnt be too bad for a years returns tho pal for fuck all im in for the long game
No denying in that.
The "retire at 35 with 2k investment" is still bullshit.

>> No.3295635

Good times won't hold forever and eventually there will be some sort of correction yes, but deep down I know that they are slight delays.

However I still feel a sense of dread when I think about bear markets. How do I overcome this?

>> No.3295670

Lol don't mind losing 200 bucks, since that's my starting capital anyways.