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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3291747 No.3291747 [Reply] [Original]

>Care to explain the 1 year gap on your resume anon?

What if my employer was just a fucking cult and I told them to eat shit because I wasn't putting up with their ridiculous demands anymore? That's the truth but it's also a guaranteed trip to the trash.

>> No.3291792

personal issues, crippling depression (not the ironic kind), ect

this is how i get trashed by being honest

>> No.3291819

Self employment. How is this not obvious?

>> No.3291823

Obviously dont leave a one year gap in your resume anon. You're supposed to lie.

How do /biz/ bros make trading crypto seem more eloquent?

Even if you're a neet, if you're making money with crypto you're doing something right. You saw the potential of a new technology, learned how to trade and made successful investments for mad gains. In a way if you're into crypto at this point you're probably smarter or at least more ambitious(have more vision) than all of the normies. Theres value in that.

Im working on what to say when people ask me what i do for work. Been trading crypto and getting into ecommerce. Thinking of just saying "im an entrepreneur"

>> No.3291828


I realized my last position wasn't a good fit for me any longer and - despite having been there for x years and growing immensely - it was time for me to move forward. I spent the intermediate time developing skills X, Y, and Z while traveling and enjoying time with my family. I'm now refreshed and ready to provide value to CORP through my tireless work ethic and commitment to meaningful results.

>> No.3291849

Say you're an investor in upcoming digital assets, mention bitcoin and procced to fasticanate the women interviewee with your knowledge.

Women like men with a plan, you'll impress the girl. If it's a guy, don't come off as a prick, try to explain how you could even help him get started.

>> No.3291863

You're a currency trader.

>> No.3291869


>Im working on what to say when people ask me what i do for work

if you owe someone an explanation, you should have a real job.

>> No.3291888


You trade digital commodities. You're a software investor. Sometimes a day trader. An entrepreneur. An analyst. Fuck, it ain't that hard kiddo.

>> No.3291939



Lie lie lie lie lie lie.

Fake it until you make it is the backbone of capitalism.

>> No.3291961

But, it's not a lie if he tell the truth.

>> No.3291979

Why didn't you find a job after telling them to eat shit?

>> No.3292019

>using a job interview to shill shitcoins
the grind never ends

>> No.3292022

Tell them you made a lot of money and took a year off to have fun

>> No.3292026

I have literally no resume washed dishes worked a year in sales
I'm a felon for possession of xanax and weed only $200 worth personal supply but usa is dogshit
I have 700k in crypto and I'm afraid if I cash out ]the state's going to question me and steal it

>> No.3292054

I have an 8 year gap (2009-2017). I've never had a job and live with my parents. What do I do?

>> No.3292056


True story, I got laid off from my job and indicted by the feds for a major crime soon after, long story short had to find a job to appease the court while I was out free awaiting trial. I interviewed at a place, was nervous as hell they'd do a background check but nothing ever showed up and I got the job.

Anyway I told Uncle Sam to fuck off, refused their plea bargain and the judge ended up tossing the case out for constitutional violations. I still work for the same job 4 years later and they never knew I was under indictment when they hired me, kek.

>> No.3292066

9* year gap

>> No.3292090

Just say you did freelance work or started your own successful business

then you can make up whatever bullshit you want. bonus points if you register a business name and build your own website to fool employers into thinking you're legit

that's what i did, now have an 80k/yr job working for a healthcare company lul

>> No.3292384

kekd hard. If i end up with bags I'll try and dump them on everyone i can.

The key is making it sound fancy and being able to explain the follow up question in an eloquent way. Im autistic so it'll work with the average person but not at a job interview. Just started with both ecommerce and crypto so when im more successful it'll be easier because it wont feel like bullshit.

but im doing this so i dont need a real job.

>> No.3292422

I actually have a 4 year gap.
I turned neet after highschool, but now I'm looking to apply at a fast food or retail joint. I like this idea of just telling them I trade bitcoin or stockmarket, but I don't actually know anything about it (I clicked on this board by accident), will fastfood/retail ask any followup questions on my past employment?

>> No.3292466



I got sued by this crazy bitch once who claimed i owed her $4,000. I didn't, not even close.

When I got the subpoena I wasn't sure how to handle it, asked a few lawyers who were all "blah blah blah pay me money and we'll go to court with you".

Well I said fuck that and just never showed up to the hearing.

Judge tossed it.

>> No.3292492

tell them thats why you're applying for an entry level job

>> No.3292511

I had a several month legal battle with them over a non-compete agreement and I was radioactive in the meantime. By the time I got out from under it I was already getting asked this question and it just keeps getting worse.

>> No.3292519

Why the fuck wouldn't you just lie and fudge the years?

You are a stupid fuck.

>> No.3292525

Dont tell them any of that...its fast food. They dont want anyone with ambition or skill, they just want you to be there for a long time.

Just say you worked with your dad in construction or landscaping or whatever the fuck you wanna make up.

nice, but you got pretty lucky

>> No.3292529

>he doesn't lie on his resume
>he actually tries to play it straight in a corrupt system

Good luck with that.

>> No.3292551

I called you a stupid fuck and it's still true.

Please tell my why your pea brain couldn't come up with the lying solution?

>> No.3292558

lol that's exactly what I was gonna do before I stumbled upon this thread but then I'd have to provide a reference number, that's why I thought the self employment was a better idea
Do they ever call reference numbers?

>> No.3292559

They do background checks in my line of work.

>> No.3292600

That kind of stuff really doesn't come up. What are you a CIA operative?

>> No.3292610

Do you think your employer reports to some agency that you quit?

>> No.3292625

I worked at an investment bank doing research then a hedge fund that was literally worse than being unemployed for my happiness.

Dude anyone who cares about you telling the truth is going to call up the employers and ask them the dates you were on the payroll.

Are you guys serious about lying about this shit?

Making up a story is one thing, literally lying about employment dates is retarded.

>> No.3292794

Unless you are going for a board position they don't give a fuck m8.

>> No.3292804

The hedge fund literally called up the Bank and I almost had a heart attack because the Bank lost my records. I had to give them pay stubs from the first and last months.

>> No.3292834

LOL! No one calls your old employer! You can even say not to contact them.

>> No.3292847

You just aren't meant to hack it man.

>> No.3292854

You're a fucking idiot everyone checks employment dates if you're not shoveling shit for $15/hr.

>> No.3292856

1 year gap hahaha try 5 years just say you worked for yourself like a real man and sell your fucking strengths.

>> No.3292858

If you have to ask, you'll never know.

>> No.3292868

I had cancer.
Of the testicles.

>> No.3292883
File: 26 KB, 367x500, 847169841228430465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I trade decentralized digital assets

>> No.3292918

>I traveled around the world to find myself

>> No.3292958

I assure you not, buster brown. You are just a bitch!!

>> No.3293107

thats gay

>> No.3293142

le white girl getting cultured face

>> No.3293771
File: 38 KB, 706x720, 1420166318282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats worse, having X amount year gap on your resume or having one shitty job experience that has nothing to do with your major? I'm back in school after taking a long break. I've only worked at this one shitty Italian restaurant for the past few years.

Will only working here make me look bad?

>> No.3293793


>> No.3293873

fucking with crypto