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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 74 KB, 400x400, soon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3285794 No.3285794 [Reply] [Original]

$12 just broke through boys. Why does this coin feel so comfy going all in HODL?

>> No.3285818

cause it's the next eth. 10bil market cap by year end

>> No.3285819

>lose trying to daytrade
>OMGods forgive me
Thank you OMGods

>> No.3285824

in since 80k sats and yet i'm still scared for a huge correction. hopefully this one shows NEO how to really break through $50

>> No.3285831

because it's legit.
Even the techcrunch twitter(9.5mil followers) tweets an article about them.
Their distrupt conference will be legendary

>> No.3285833

OMG has literally never corrected

>> No.3285835

Ikr im comfy as fuck all in on this one

>> No.3285847

HODLing milestone
>09/12 Apple Keynote

>> No.3285850

This. I think this partly explains all the comfy feels. The stability is unprecedented in crypto for me

>> No.3285856
File: 159 KB, 1361x592, Go time baby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone post the clock pic please

>> No.3285891

sitting comfy with 1000 OMG

>> No.3285896
File: 138 KB, 355x195, omg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fuck, i know. i was saying that makes me nervous. NEO shot up to $50 before correction (ignoring the first huge pump to $13 in a day).

doubt it ever goes below $3 again though, so i'm fuckin comfy.

>> No.3285907

it's due for one

>> No.3285919

Have you even seen the buy orders?

>> No.3285930

really? is $12 expensive for a coin backed by a company that is already processing payments? i think $12, $11, $10 and a few days ago $8 is cheap

>> No.3285936


don't be a regret faggot.

>> No.3285950
File: 87 KB, 540x540, 1502721296438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$12.13 and it keeps coming

>> No.3285990

its not just about it being $12....take into account the supply and market cap. Although this will def be a top 5 coin so yes its still gonna moon

>> No.3286065
File: 161 KB, 1920x1080, omg .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy orders lookin good

>> No.3286088

Every reasonable person knows OMG is a really fucking promising long term hodl coin. Don't daytade, you'll get burned.

>> No.3286107

>try to daytrade
>lose half my stack
i figured that one at quick

>> No.3286108
File: 79 KB, 498x456, IMG_0479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3286120

i am so fucking stupid haha i had 1500 omg sold at the peak 1k and today when i was in the fitness studio shit went up :D

#FOMO is life

>> No.3286167

There seems to be a moon mission scheduled every evening. Comfy af hodling this.


>> No.3286240

fomo is the true feeling of crypto , especially when it continues to moon :d

>> No.3286245

literally buying any crypto is FOMO

>> No.3286258


>> No.3286412

Head and shoulders senpai. If this doesn't break yesterday's ATH, prepare to sell off and wait for stabilization.

>> No.3286430

>tfw bought more at 231, 235

comfy to max

>> No.3286431

Doubt it. There hasn't been a gap-up at all, really. It's gone up bit by bit, very calmly. Not a lot of room for back-tracing.

>> No.3286489

inb4 it pulls a NEO and tumble down

>> No.3286514

>i know nothing about investing or crypto

>> No.3286523


Holding this and surprised by the stability. Should I keep holding SAFEX?

>> No.3286530

what. it has to pull a neo UP before it pulls a neo down

>> No.3286533

I dumped that shitcoin lost too much on it probably won't move for another month

>> No.3286543
File: 474 KB, 188x174, 1504107055792.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold 50 OMG for more NEO

>pic is /s

>> No.3286949

were leaving without you

>> No.3286958

>watch a movie
>check blockfolio afterwards
>comfy 10% gains
can't wait for the next 490%

>> No.3287000
File: 43 KB, 1422x190, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

K, now what? What do I does?

>> No.3287017

trips, you just have to wait now anon-kun

>> No.3287023

checked. hold.

>> No.3287033


>> No.3287046

damn is that your entire portfolio?

>> No.3287048

Dropping like a brick


>> No.3287075

2BTC + 450CAT on top of this.

>> No.3287105
File: 77 KB, 962x500, 713d3d3a93f73afb287f6c17a2acb5b9f529260669a8ea1208f78c71557ee979_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok good, at least you diversify somewhat


>ur id is picrelated

>> No.3287122

idk what that means-- what are those people?

>> No.3287136
File: 20 KB, 400x300, a_sweet_death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw poor and could only get 20.8 omg

Hold me anons....

>> No.3287137

Someone stop me.

>> No.3287153

i only have two coins - 80% OMG, 20% ARK.

wondering if i should pull out of ARK to go all in OMG. what do you think?

>> No.3287184

stay how you are. be patient. this is a good strategy

>> No.3287191

sold ARK for OMG, may sell OMG profits to rebuy ARK

>> No.3287223

Just went all in

2698 OMG

>> No.3287227

>selling a single OMG

i couldn't do it knowing the potential

>> No.3287231

And it's going right back up. What the fuck

>> No.3287255

someone is trying to push the price up, but theres a barrier at 255k

>> No.3287281

because it actually has a company backing it and the devs cant just run away with your funds anytime they want?

>> No.3287300

Well I'm just going to stop checking the sell orders every 5 seconds

>> No.3287307

sold my trading stack at 255k

>> No.3287321

is it at 255 now? not logged in

>> No.3287323

254k here
when are you getting back in

>> No.3287326

CAT is a hold that truly takes iron hands

>> No.3287332

Can someone explain OMG in the context of NEO?

Why won't OMG pull a NEO -- and will NEO recover?

Is NEO's problem that it tried to brand itself the Chinese ETH before the Chinese even decided how they wanted to regulate cryptocurrencies?

And since ETH and OMG are larger visions than NEO they won't have the problem of a single regulator reevaluating it's position on ICOs?

>> No.3287359

yeah that hammer was obvious. should be a good buy back around .0024

>> No.3287361

If you put a majority of your eggs in a basket, it feels heavier. But to me, there's a certain % of my bankroll that I'm happy to leave floating in high potential projects that could payoff huge. My BTC will continue to grow just fine.

>> No.3287377

i have an order at 240200

>> No.3287452
File: 140 KB, 256x256, angryskel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neo tried to be asian eth without the money skeleton's approval.

You don't make the money skeleton mad. You won't like him when he's mad.

>> No.3287463

How you see the hammer my friend?

>> No.3287471

Should I sell my ETH for OMG?

>> No.3287486


>> No.3287489


NEO did not brand itself as Chinese ETH. It's just a name that stuck from some random person.

>> No.3287510

seems risky

>> No.3287520

I'm all in OMG. BALLS DEEEP BABY. I AINT EVEN SCARED. I need that house deposit

>> No.3287526

probably, thats why i have a holding stack (majority) and a trading stack

>> No.3287543

buy the miniature dip to join the rocket, today we will hit 15dollar boyz

>> No.3287556

Change the F to an R. It's not fear, it's the realization that you don't have to be poor. I'm not afraid that I'm missing out, I fucking know I am, and I need more. More!

>> No.3287589

>only 1,520 OMG
>want to sell every asset I have to buy more
>my listings aren't selling on eBay

>> No.3287604

Is it too late to buy tho

>> No.3287608

Sounds like it's time for a fire sale. The longer you wait the less OMG you'll be able to buy.

>> No.3287618


>> No.3287626


>> No.3287648
File: 147 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170831-193937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought most of this at 1.10

Will I make it?

>> No.3287656

went it went 2 like 2 sats for like 5 mins because of that accidental sell i was sweating even with it being only 1/8 of what i got

>> No.3287667
File: 278 KB, 672x505, a85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this nigga hit the lotto. Mad respect for not trading it away.

>> No.3287674
File: 58 KB, 750x645, whaaaaaaaaaaat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...i think you'll be okay.
please share an OMG with me you lucky bastard.


>> No.3287691

Obviously... I hate people like you, only fishing for compliments. Dude, you're gonna be filthy rich.

>> No.3287694

lol youre already close to lamboland m8

>> No.3287725


No, need at least 100k to make it.

>> No.3287726

maybe in a week you will hit 1M, you already made it, congratulations.

>> No.3287727

You got Barney Stinson rich. Anytime someone asks how you got your money or what do you do, reply "ha please." and shake your head.

>> No.3287744

Someone sell me on this coin. Seems like it's already mooned, what exactly makes this a good long term investment? What makes it unique?

>> No.3287746

Is this OmiseGoing to $20 and beyond?

>> No.3287761

Damn nigga

You are definitely going to make it.

>> No.3287767

There are literally guides everywhere if you use google. Youre not going to make it

>> No.3287768

end of year $30 100%

>> No.3287788


Am in same boat

>> No.3287795

Don't be bitter you salty butthole. We still have at last another 1.5 years of this to go. There's going to be another OMG next month. You'll go from rags to bitches when you stop chasing coins and buy and hold them early on.

>> No.3287813

Ah the classic evasion answer. Just another shit token then.

>> No.3287816
File: 22 KB, 537x214, aug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Old picture so it's outdated and I have more OMG/other sht now, but we're gonna make it together bro.

>> No.3287865

Got a few thousand $$ to spend. Is it too late to get on the OMG train?

>> No.3287876


jesus christ
tfw when I sit on my humble bags of 444 OMG
feels bad man

>> No.3287884

wew lad - keep it up and good luck

>> No.3287885

Are you retard?

>> No.3287886


I remember you from threads weeks ago. I don't understand how people missed this one.

Cheers to you bro

>> No.3287889

i have 13 OMG i want to buy more but it needs to dip first

>> No.3287895

how long are you hodling?

>> No.3287897

It's not going to dip below $11 anymore.

>> No.3287962


:) I made a few OMG threads telling people to buy before it was too late, hopefully many of you listened.


For a long, long time -- looking forward to PoS and I may be able to live off of the staking rewards (depending how much % stakers get).

>> No.3287968
File: 20 KB, 445x549, 1503593101222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it still worth getting on the gravy train?

>> No.3287975

Guys, I missed this OMG thing. What's the next OMG? Help! I wanna get rich like you!

>> No.3287999

Nope. This is going to moon to 100$ and it's not worth getting in now.

>> No.3288004

I have about 20 eth coming in on saturday. only have 400OMG bag, and made about 1.5k usd. still wondering whether i should go all in in OMG or do some ICOs

>> No.3288008


It will dip back down to around $10. Buy then. Right now it is riding the hype of Ronald McDonald. It will level back out.

>> No.3288014

Ask yourself, "do I think this will go any higher down the road?" if the answer is yes (and it is for many people) then buy

>> No.3288020

Sounds like the dream m8. What was it specifically with OMG that made you go all in?

>> No.3288041

Dude, I once tried selling OMG and buying lower but then it went up like 25%... I'm afraid of losing the few coins I have.

>> No.3288093


Vitalik's tweet about only advising OMG+Kyber is what got me interested, then I did research on the team, and was impressed about what they've accomplished. Omise buying out Paysbuy (top 3 Thailand payment processor) is what sold me; the number of people that OMG can appeal to is huge.

Of course, don't forget to diversify your portfolios everyone. Kind of sad that I didn't all in OMG but at the same time it's good to have diversity in case something else blows up.

>> No.3288118


congratulations anon
I hope you share the next mooncoin with us too!

>> No.3288208


Kyber is a moon coin, not sure it will see OMG gains but I can see at least a 5x after it hits exchanges.

>> No.3288368

I live omg coin too, but you're wrong. It went from 9 to 11 and then back to 9 again within a few days. I belive in it long term, but let's not lie to ourselves

>> No.3288409


Did this and sold a third back for more ark. No regrets

>> No.3288423

People get emotional with their gains. Gotta stay cold and focused.

>> No.3288436
File: 40 KB, 599x412, 1428700929732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to pray to the Omisegods every night for maximum gains

>> No.3288502

As if fundamental of this coin is not good enough we also have

> Cliff High web bot shilling this coin

google it. Bunch of youtube faggots talking about it.

>> No.3289078

Why do you want to buy property? Isn't it a bubble?

>> No.3289114
File: 160 KB, 1476x839, omisego_targets2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you like my small cuck sized (73omg) TA strategy... Just made it I was bored...

What you think will it happen? :D

>> No.3289207
File: 150 KB, 575x523, 1501705914401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple rumor is going to cause one of the biggest dumps in crypto history.

>> No.3289226

do you think it will still go down that low?

>> No.3289235

What makes you think that lol?

>> No.3289253
File: 920 KB, 1808x1204, 1503910890359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is not a trading coin, it's classier than that.

Respect it's gainz you fucking hedon.

>> No.3289255

Definitely expect a correction, it's in a classic head and shoulders pattern. I sold off at 249K, thinking new support line is between 215-230K

>> No.3289257

I have no idea. Im not even so good with TA and stuff... But this what I know, is that cryptos act really weird way. pretty much they can do whatever in a matter of days...

>> No.3289274


I had a vision. Secondary to that, OMG still a good buy after the dump. Solid shitcoin.

>> No.3289280


>> No.3289284

I hope so. I will pump so much fucking money into this if it drops

>> No.3289301


>itt: people sold and want to get in again

>> No.3289336

desu this coin should be 10 bil market cap minimum

>> No.3289376


>> No.3289632
File: 243 KB, 1600x1063, 194+roasted+rosemary+potatoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I bought in at 170

hodling OMG is comfy as fuck, september is gonna be amazing

>> No.3289796
File: 510 KB, 1014x764, feel moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>176 OMG

will I make it if I hold?

>> No.3289836

You make it into 5 digits at least

>> No.3289873

not to LamboLand, but you'll have enough capital to start investing like a big boy.

>> No.3289910
File: 21 KB, 400x400, feel no no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm really upset that i'll miss out on such a huge opportunity with my present "capital".

hopefully by the time i will be able to invest like a big boy the government will not tax it 50% or something.

>> No.3289941
File: 135 KB, 640x1136, IMG_2105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else got first class seats on the rocket?

>> No.3289959

Ahah Nice

>> No.3289969


nice man

what else are your holdings?

>> No.3289985


Don't worry play your cards right and get on a couple of early trains and you'll be laughing in 6 months. 2018 is gonna be huge.

>> No.3290003


Most of my portfolio is OMG, ETH, NEO and TNT. Got high hopes for IXT too.

>> No.3290053

220 omg here :/ sad
its literally all i have

>> No.3290087

dude 55 here and I feel great. Made 30% gains just these last few days by hodling OMG

>> No.3290092

Same guy on laptop now. Don't worry, you'll make it. I started a year ago with a negative net worth, now I'm sitting on 500k. Just buy and hold good coins with lots of announcements and developments in the future. Don't try to time the market, just buy and hold. You can use 10 - 30% of your portfolio chasing shitcoins, but don't forget to hold the good ones no matter what. The whole market is growing and you'll have to be retarded not to make lots of money in 6 - 12 months.

>> No.3290267

NEO and ANT? What am I missing here

>> No.3290315

NEO still has potential and I'm gonna need some for Red Pulse. ANT has a good team and can grow a lot in the future. Probably wouldn't recommend NEO now but I got in early.

>> No.3290342

I fear that red pulse will be lacking, followed by NEO crash due to regulation

>> No.3290343

ANT is Aragon btw if that's what you mean

>> No.3290391

Could be, but I think they'll get their money anyway. Chinks will probably start buying it up when it hits the exchanges, so at the very least I think it will increase x 2. As for NEO I actually think the regulation might help if you hodl through the crash. I doubt The Chinese government is going to kill their own blockchain. They are not idiots and can see that blockchain tech has a lot of potential and would want to have their own version of it. I think that there will be stricter regulation, but it won't kill NEO and cause another bull run.

>> No.3290642

I have 450 OMG, 2.8 Ethereum, debating If I should just trade the rest of my Ethereum for OMG.

>> No.3290707
File: 33 KB, 800x600, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $600, should I dump it all in OMG?

>> No.3290778

I'd wait for ethereum to break ATH over the weekend tbqh. probably 85% chance that's gonna happen

>> No.3290835

Youre a fucking retard m8.

>> No.3290856

OMG price predictions by end of September?

>> No.3290883

don t put all your eggs in the same basket you fucking cuck .

>> No.3290966

enough to buy your mom a nice dinner

>> No.3290987

This is a fucking golden lined basket bruh

>> No.3291894

The texture on that firearm is really well done .