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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3276313 No.3276313 [Reply] [Original]

This has to stop. /biz/ has become nothing but threads of people shilling their random scam coins. Mods need to step in to put an end to this shit.
There should be a Bitcoin general and an Alt coin general.

>> No.3276333
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IOC isn't a shill its best coin on the market unlimited GAINS

>> No.3276339

I think there should be a crypto sub board or something, i agree. but fuck people will just start shilling stocks instead so whats the different really?

cryptos the future faggot

>> No.3276345


Even the previous cancer of "make me rich" threads is buried under the crypto shilling avalanche.

Think about that. Not even cancer can survive on this board right now.

>> No.3276367
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anyone that followed /biz/s guide to riches for the month August pretty much made 20x

>> No.3276392

One general for each coin

>> No.3276521

das rite

>> No.3276650

i like it

>> No.3276676

fuck you faggot, coins are business and finance.

>> No.3276705

Generals are shit. Stick to your stockcuck general and NEVER show your face out of it again cuckboi.

>> No.3276711

These nocoiners are getting really salty, as we approach 5k. All the butthurt has made this summer nearly as fun as this past winter. Stock jockeys BTFO

>> No.3276796

>Hey /biz/ you guys are all about making money. What's the easiest way to make a lot of money?

>> No.3276825

Oh boo hoo, some retarded nocoiners don't like it when their betters get rich. What's next, gonna cry about how entrepreneurship threads are long gone and how you really, really wanted to learn how to start a brick and mortar business?

Grow the fuck up and look around you. You aren't investing in coins because you're a wagecuck in denial, and no amount of stock investments or independent businesses you try to pass off as "ways to make it" is going to change that you're a fucking failure as a human being. We are the future, and you are going to die alone in poverty because you refuse to change with the world. We gave you your chance, but all you want to do is bitch and moan about how /biz/ didn't play into your delusions, so you're not welcome here anymore.

And when you're panhandling on the side of the road, maybe I'll roll down the window of my lambo and toss a couple quarters your way.

>> No.3276859

honestly most of these threads aren't scams.

>> No.3276861

>Buying and selling digital currencies that have a value and faith behind them (much like...fiat??).
Yup sounds like finance.

>> No.3276873

It's honestly a lot better than it was a few months ago. At least pump and dump discord shill groups aren't posted anymore.

>> No.3276941

I agree either stick to generals, bitcoin, alt and maybe ICO or straight up make a new board. This place was built for crypto but I did find non-crypto biz when crypto was at its lull really comfy and very informative. Ultimately though its down to us as posters to bump/post in the threads that we feel should represent the board. We vote with out posts.

>> No.3277046

any coin that isn't bitcoin is a scam coin

>> No.3277070

Dude, this is the crypto board.

>> No.3277119

>crypto spam floods /g/
>admins make containment board for it
>crypto spam floods containment board
>admins make second containment board for it
>crypto spam foods secondary containment board

>> No.3277138

Bitcoin has been all time highing all summer but it's being drowned out by summerfags and scammers shilling scamcoins. There's Bitcoin and there's scamcoins

The board is a mess, I just ignore the altcoin threads

>> No.3277184
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biz '15

>> No.3277193

If you want structure, go to reddit. All you retards need to learn to adapt to the freedom of 4chan.

You are trying to change the fundamentals 4chan was built on...it's not gonna happen.

>> No.3277368

Do you have one for September?

>> No.3277393

Looks like you can't handle dodge city boy this here be cryoto county better keep it pushing son

>> No.3277408
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wtf noarker you obv dont want your dick sucked by packs of large titted whores on mars.

>> No.3277419

>investments that give you 20% return in 1 year
>investments that give you 20% return in 24 hours and a 1000% in 1 year

It's easy to understand why /biz/ cares more about shitcoins than the stock exchange, If only you would take the time to look into it maybe you could ascend, Enjoy it while it lasts regulations or attempts to regulate are a certainty and will probably ruin the crypto market, for the time being, GET IN OR GTFO FROM /BIZ/

>> No.3277456
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Searching for 'bitcoin' sorting from oldest you can see that most of the earliest bitcoin threads where being delete. Why where the mods deleting most of the coin threads if this place was specifically made to be for coin containment?

>> No.3277543

thats how it should be. This coin stuff is great but the is so much more than just crypto. I'd love to see some entrepreneur threads.

>> No.3277570

Get off our crypto board faggot

>> No.3277640

bitcoin is the biggest scam of them all.

>> No.3277653

Please explain.

>> No.3277675

How about you make a general for whatever you're interested in anon-kun instead of shitposting about it?

>> No.3277695

He fell for "The flippening" meme.

>> No.3277747
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we need a decentralized token based containment board...

>> No.3277748
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They used to have generals for dogecoin. Here's the first "General DOGE Thread" after the transition over from /g/ to /biz/. But the mods deleted the thread.

>> No.3278003

Take the shittest of all the shitcoins, and find the one among them that gets shilled the hardex, say TenX--

TenX no matter how shit it is, is still TenX.

Bitcoin isn't Bitcoin, because it doesn't do the only thing the made Bitcoin valuable: decentralized tx's, and because it isn't viable as a currency (tx fees and times are skyhigh).

The devs made tx's expensive and slow, on purpose, to make you pay to use private sidechains on Lightning, bc it's too expnsive and slow per-tx if you don't. They actually plan to make the bock size LOWER from 1MB. You think ten dollar tx's are a lot, then wait until they costs hundreds. The only feasible way will be on the Lightning Network, where you pay a subscription fee. T

Once there, your paying third party to maintain a private ledger of your account (=what banks do)(=the opposite of bitcon's model, decentralized tx's on open ledger with no third party)

Furthermore, transactions to down the LN nodes to contacts of your contacts, will literally by peer-to-peer-to-peer-to-perr-to..., where evey person on the channel has to have the balance, loan it to the next one up the chain and borrow from the previous one down.

Here's the jews' rebuttal you decide who's lying: https://medium.com/@murchandamus/i-have-just-read-jonald-fyookballs-article-https-medium-com-jonaldfyookball-mathematical-fd112d13737a

Blockstream/BTC core are taking money from bankers to sabotage, centralize and privatize BTC:

The only rebuttal they have for this is calling me a retard, shill or Chink/Pajeet.

On top of this, BTC's bull run from 1800 was paid for largely by Tether notes traded on margin:

>> No.3278121

fuck off to reddit then you cunt

most of biz is unironically very high quality.

>> No.3278165
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sell me this pen

>> No.3278220


/biz/ is dead.

>> No.3278303

>He fell for "The flippening" meme.
Won't happen overnight but when it does, it will be swift and there will be no buyers... better have some vaseline corefag

>> No.3278337

If DGB tanks you insert it into your rectum and /biz/ sends you money.

>> No.3278354
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Exactly, I agree whole heartedly.

Maybe, people are allowed to make a general for each coin, and thats it. Any other threads are considered off topic and they get banned

The rest of biz will be stocks/investing/general business discussion/business as a practice/ finance help/ etc

>> No.3278486

i think bitcoin negativity is being slid hard

the board is moving so fast right now, so may threads with 1 or 2 replies, so many "x coin to the moon" duplicate threads

Wtf are the mods doing if they're not taking bribes from the cabal.

>> No.3278508

long live /biz/

>> No.3278656
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>> No.3278698


sorry you felt left out bro

>> No.3278752
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>> No.3278763
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>> No.3278772

agreed, and I love crypto more than anything.

>> No.3278803
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>> No.3278804

God I really thought you guys were gone.. guess I was wrong. Don't you ever shut up with your gibbering? Nope. Oh well.

I think we can all agree that truly /biz/ has suffered no worse cancer than BCH shills.

>> No.3278817

>only 8x growth in a year
>why are people talking about more explosive things
Sorry grandpa, I'll try to slow down.

>> No.3278836

>that's how it should be
>I made $10k/year doing this
>I collected welfare
>of course we're all poor degenerates
>how it should be

>> No.3278838

I mean if you want 50 threads about dropshipping and SEO

>> No.3278885

Like I said, you have no rebuttal.

Your coin is a centralized decentralized coin taken over by jew crime barons.

>> No.3278942

I miss those days. The chan was so... innocent.